MD71: Justin Cooper vs. Everest

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
This match has been brought to you by WZCW Magazine.

Justin Cooper earned the right this week to face any person on the roster in a one-on-one contest. The former Mayhem champion decided to choose another former Mayhem champion and sure-firer WZCW Hall of Famer in Everest to compete against. After Cooper's recent behavior with taking out several WZCW roster members, Everest has to wonder what purpose does Cooper have in choosing him as his opponent this week.

Deadline is Wednesday, April 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
Justin Cooper sits on a fine leather couch one Sunday afternoon. The room he sits in is a little empty, mainly missing a television, but things like that do not worry the High Society. Cooper’s eyes are focused on something he holds in his hands; we are unable to see it at the moment. Silently Cooper is memorized by his possession, what it is must be of a great value.

The door of the house opens and in walks Iris who is carrying some groceries. With his two bags Iris stumbles into the kitchen area which is opposite the lounge room where Cooper sits. Both men are in eyes view of the other but Cooper has yet to say a word. Before Iris begins putting the food away he turns to Justin.

“Well hello to you to Justin.”

Cooper doesn’t respond at all which irritates Iris.

“Don’t worry either; I’ll put these things away. Geez, sometimes I wonder if I’m the only person here.”

After giving up on having any conversation Iris is surprised to hear Cooper’s voice.

“Do you know what this is Iris?”

Iris turns around and is stunned to see what sits in the arms of Cooper.

“Wait… that’s…”

With a huge smirk on his face Cooper reveals what appears to be the WZCW Heavyweight Championship.

“The golden goose has laid me my own personal egg.”

“How, when, what the?”

“I sense some confusion Iris, maybe you need to take a nap and then return so we can have a conversation.”

Iris shakes his head but still looks a little confused at what he is seeing.

“How did you get that?”

“I paid for it of course.”

Now Iris is even more confused than he was before he asked that question.

“You mean to tell me that Steve Kurtesy sold you the WZCW Heavyweight Championship?”

Cooper chuckles a little at that remark.

“No my good friend. This isn’t the real championship but a replica title which you can buy from WZCW’s website. I purchased this yesterday with some problems because our society has a secret address and I had to have it shipped to a local mall but I got the job done.”

“Why in the world do you need a replica belt?”

“Would I do anything without a reason Iris?”

“Of course not.”

Cooper gets off the couch, still holding the replica title, and walks over to the bench where Iris has just finished packing the goods away. Cooper then places the title on the bench and points to the name plate.

“Tell me what this says.”

“World Heavyweight Champion… Everest”

Once again Cooper chuckles.

“Do you remember the days of Everest? Do you remember the time when old glory himself reigned over WZCW as the great World Champion? Think back to when Everest was the pinnacle of perfection, can you remember Iris?”

“Not really.”

“Preciously because it was so long ago. The last time Everest was at the top was during the dreamtime. It’s been years since anyone has taken Everest seriously and this belt is a reminder of that. I had this made because I want to make him remember the good old times. At time when competition was thin, the roster was lacking and I wasn’t in the company. The only time Everest was on top was when the people on the bottom were unable to fight. Now Everest struggles to win a match because the younger generation is simply better than him.”

“Didn’t he win last week?”

“Well old glory does get a win every few weeks but the point remains the same. Everest is a shell of his old self and now he is realising that his time is numbered. The clock is ticking because Everest, while still young of age, is old when it comes to will and heart. Everest hasn’t been to the top of the mountain since Kingdom Come 2, we’re just weeks away from Kingdom Come 4, that’s two years since he has held any title in the company. Not a single person on the roster has gone that long without winning something. Not one person has had the dry spell like Everest. He is a broken man Iris, a man that cannot be fixed, a champion that no longer has the respect of the fans. These people see Everest for what he really is, they can see that Everest is like a sick puppy. He’s had some classic moments but it is time for him to be put down. I plan on doing that, I plan on taking him down come Meltdown.”

“How can you be so confident about this match Justin? Everest is a former World Champion for a reason.”

“He was World Champion at a time when the company was weak and didn’t have the roster it is filled with at the moment. Why do you think he doesn’t win anymore? It’s because the roster is better and we have exposed his flaws.”


“It wasn’t that he was great but the roster or competition, if you can even call it that, was so terrible. I know you’re not the biggest wrestling fan Iris but even you must know who the all mighty Hatchiyama Manzo was?”

“I’ve got no idea who that is Justin. I only follow it when you’re on and I’ve never heard of him from the announcers or on the website.”

“That is wonderful, Iris, because this Hatchiyama Manzo was the guy that Everest beat to win the World Championship back in 2009. Nobody remembers this guy Iris, not a single person knows his name. Could you imagine a wrestling fan not knowing who Showtime, Kurtesy, Titus or Ty was? It would be unthinkable because they are at the top with the World Championship. If Everest is so mighty then why was he facing guys like Hatchiyama Manzo that have faded into the abyss and have never been spoken about since?”

Cooper picks up the replica title off the bench and places two fingers on its plate.

“One thing you must remember Iris is that Everest has held this title twice. Something only Titus, Joseph Rios and Everest can make claim to. It’s a nice achievement for old glory but I fail to see how this is a magical moment like the world would have you believe. Everest’s second reign as champion was as lacklustre as the first. He constantly bored the fans, the wrestlers and even himself. Then at the biggest event in the history of the business, Kingdom Come 2, Everest vs Titus for the World Champion, old glory choked. He failed to defeat an actor, he failed to achieve a dream, and he failed at life that night. Everest proved that he cannot handle high pressure situation and this week he enters another. When Everest faces me all the fans, the workers, and officials will be watching to see if Everest still has something left.”

“What do you mean exactly?”

“You have to earn your spot here and it’s clear to anyone with a high school education that Everest is coasting by his name. If not for his “legacy” then that man would be wrestling on Aftershock with the rookies. It makes me sick that he is given everything when he gives nothing to the company. Not a single person in the audience cares about old glory. He’s done and he needs to step away from my company. He needs to step away and go on a vacation and help that someone remembers what he used to be. It’s time that Everest was hit with a reality check, his time of being a legend and getting free meals is over, it is my time and I will not step back.”

“You gonna’ take that belt to the ring with you Justin?”

“This? Nah, Everest doesn’t deserve anymore press than he already gets. Me giving him this would just get the media talking and get that fool in the news again. Just like normal he does nothing but still gets called a legend. It truly makes me sick Iris.”

With the belt on his shoulder Cooper looks over to the front door of the house.

“Come with me for a minute Iris.”

“Where to?”

“Just follow me.”

Trusting in his leader Iris follows Cooper out the door and down a long hallway. They reach a pair of steel door who have been locked shut. From within his pocket Justin pulls out a large key which slips into the locks on the two steel doors. A loud click is heard and then Justin pushes the two doors out releaving that compound known as the High Society. People are rushing around like normal until they see that Cooper standing in the area. Suddenly everyone stops and then drop down to their knees in a sign of respect.

“You see this Iris, this is mine and I control them.”

“I know sir”

Cooper turns to Iris with an evil smirk across his face and the replica title on his shoulder. He runs his finger along the name Everest before throwing it on the ground.

“This is my society and I just let them live in it.”

The final image is of the replica title, to be more exact it is the name plate that says Everest, as we fade to black.
The screen sits blank except for a WZCW logo rotating in the middle. Finally the screen fades out and an unfocused object slowly comes into view, it doesn’t take long to realize that the object we are looking at is the WZCW World Championship, and it sets distinguished in a glass case, back lit and secured tight. For several seconds the camera is just focused on the title, until it finally zooms in tight on the nameplate which can clearly be read now. The engraving is elegant and legible and it says EVEREST.

Seconds later a voice can be heard in the background, it’s easily identified as that of Everest himself.

EVEREST: Well, well, it seems our boy Justin Cooper has gone and decided that we wants to challenge yours truly to a duel.

Yeah Cooper I heard what you had to say, I’m not quite as old and deaf as some might have you believe. Anyway Justin, I heard you when you told your story about spending your hard earned paycheck on a nice shiny gold belt.

By the way, I was honored that you would get your beautiful replica championship with my name engraved on the nameplate, you see that’s yet another nice cool commission check coming my way. Anyway, back to the point, you see that’s why I’ve brought this beauty here with me.

Everest sits down beside that championship belt, he slowly lifts the glass case off and takes the belt out and lays it out in front of himself on the table.

EVEREST: Justin, you went on and on about that championship. You said how long ago it was when I won it, and you brought up the pure lack of relevance that I’ve had on this company. I’m not here to argue any of those points, facts are facts and well quite honestly I can’t dispute facts. But you see facts can go both ways. The fact is as while you can go out and buy your little replica title and talk and talk, you CAN’T produce a REAL, Honest to Goodness WZCW Heavyweight Title, let alone 2 of them. I can.

Justin you can lay claim to a WZCW Mayhem title reign, truly a legendary feat. You know how I know that? Because I’ve done it. I’ve been there Justin, I’ve been to the top of the mountain, and right now I’m swimming in the depths of the lowest point. This title that sets here on this table is a symbol of what I’ve accomplished. A symbol of what I CAN accomplish.

You talk about me coasting on my “legacy” Justin, well the FACT is that I created that LEGACY! Without my Legacy there would be no Justin Cooper.

You talked about my title runs, you demeaned Manzo and called me a choke artist for losing to Titus. Sadly all are fair opinions, some that are shared by many actually. Although for the record everyone at that Golden Corral in St. Paul will never forget Manzo.

See Justin, you want to talk about how I’m washed up, how I’m “coasting” or “taking up a spot.” but without my past you’d have no future. You’d have no opponent on Meltdown 71 and you damn sure wouldn’t have had a Mayhem title reign. You want to say that people like Manzo, Joseph Rios, Disasterpiece and myself are relics and are never spoke of but you go out of your way to earn a chance to take on ANYONE on the roster in a one on one match. ANYONE! So what do you do? You choose me!

Then you go out of your way to educate your lady Iris on my history, the poor woman is bored to tears by your fabrication but you continue. Why? Why go to all that trouble of earning that stipulation and then pick someone who in your own words you called “Old Glory?”

My guess Justin, is that you are trying to accomplish something that some many others have tried: You are hoping to be the man who finally ends my career. You want to end my run. Look, better men have tried and I’m still standing. On Meltdown, Justin you are going to try your absolute best to succeed where they failed. Hell you might even win the match, I’ve seen what you’ve done to other superstars, but at the end of the night I’ll still be standing, either with my hand raised in victory or standing in your face begging for more.

Maybe I’ll just have to dig deep into that “Legacy” and pull out a little of my Mayhem background for this one, or maybe I’ll dig back to one of the numerous Submission matches and watch as you tap out to the Mountain Climber. And then there is always option number 3, you know the one Justin, cause if you are really following my career you’ve seen it hundreds of times. That’s right it’s the one where I go toe to toe with my opponent, take everything he can dish out, give it all back and then out of nowhere, BOOM, Rockslide, 3 count, Championship raised high over my head as the so-called “bored” fans scream and chant my name.

I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens at Meltdown Cooper. Thankfully for you Justin, when you’re laying flat on your back, eyes starting to finally refocus, you will have a primo seat to the whole thing.

That’s what the “Legacy” is going to do to you.

With that Everest slowly begins to get up from his seat, and as he turns to walk away he stops for a minute, turns back to the table and picks up the championship. He hoists it up on his shoulder and looks back to the camera.

EVEREST: Justin, maybe I’ll bring this beauty along with me to Meltdown, that way you can see what a real one looks like, you know one you EARN, not one you buy.

With that Everest exit’s the screen and we hear a door close off screen as we fade to black, but instead of the WZCW logo appearing, the word “LEGACY” slowly emerges on the screen in Everests’ signature color scheme.
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