MD50: Jordan Lights vs. Steven Holmes

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Tag Team Champion Steven Holmes is in action this week again former champion Jordan Lights. Both men have had some good showings last week, now these two will face off to display how tag team specialists are represented on the 50th edition of Meltdown.

Deadline is Tuesday 14th December 23:59 EST
The scene opens in a dark room. It looks like an interrogation room you’d see on television, down to the dangling light illuminating only a table and two chairs. Sat on one side is a bald, heavily muscled gentleman wearing a tight white shirt, on the other is ‘The Elite’ Steven Holmes; he is on the hunt for a new bodyguard. Holmes is dressed in a suit and has his tag team championship nestling on his lap. His hands are clasped together and he has an intense look on his face as we listen in mid conversation.

Muscle Man: So like I said, I think you should hire me. I can not only protect you but also come up with a really cool work-out programme. You could stand to add some muscle bulk.

Holmes looks at the man with a disturbed look on his face as he analyses the obviously unnaturally large muscles and bulging veins. Holmes feels a cold shiver up his spine, as if imagining how he would look with his head on that body. He quickly regains his composure before standing up.

Holmes: Yes well, I think we’re done here. I’ll let you know.

The muscled up man stands up and offers to shake Holmes’ hand who hesitates before cautiously shaking it. The man then slides a file from his side of the table to Holmes’.

Muscle Man: Don’t forget to read it.

Holmes picks it up.

Holmes: Of course not.

The man exits and shuts the door. Almost as soon as he hears the door click, he tosses the file in the out of shot trash can. Holmes readjusts himself, fixing his tie and hair.

Holmes: (Calling) NEXT!

There is a pause before the door slowly begins to open and a figure dressed in black slowly enters. Due to the poor light, Holmes can’t quite make him out.

Holmes: Welcome.

Holmes extends his hand to give a welcoming handshake. There is a brief pause before the man steps into the light, Holmes is surprised by the gentleman’s appearance. He is significantly different looking to most of the cast of characters who have entered before, either being roided up hot heads or professional bodyguards. This man is dressed all in black with only his dark brown trench coat being slightly different. He has a moustache and is wearing a bolero hat, also black. He appears to be chewing also. His age is also significantly different. His hair is jet black, with a hint of grey, suggesting his mid 40’s. Most startling however are his cold, remorseless eyes which stare directly at Holmes’ own eyes. Holmes begins to sweat slightly before a smirk breaks across this man’s face and he accepts the handshake. Holmes breaks it off and turns around quickly to wipe his brow of sweat before turning back to greet his latest interviewee.

Holmes: Please sit down.

The man looks at the seat before sitting, leaning back in his chair, crossing his legs. There is a pause for a moment as Holmes waits expecting this latest interviewee to burst into speech about why he should be chosen. Instead, there is silence. Holmes’ expression changes to one of confusion. Noticing this, the gentleman’s grin rows wider as his eyes get narrower. He licks his lips before leaning forward.

Gentleman: I suppose you’re wondering why I’m not firing out point after point on why you should pick me?

Holmes: The thought had crossed my mind.

Gentleman: Well, here’s why I’m not; because I know that you need me.

Holmes is taken aback for a few moments before bursting into laughter.

Holmes: That’s very funny; you have a good sense of humour.

The gentleman’s grin has disappeared. Holmes abruptly stops laughing when he notices this.

Holmes: You’re serious, aren’t you?

Gentleman: Very serious. You wouldn’t happen to have a bin would you?

Holmes: Why yes.

Holmes holds it up for the gentleman to see. The gentleman then spits into the bin. His spit is thick and black. Holmes is disgusted and drops the bin, luckily it lands the right way up.

Holmes: What was that?

Gentleman: Chewing tobacco. A disgusting habit yes, but better than actually smoking.

Holmes regains his composure.

Holmes: Very well, shall we return to the matter at hand.

Gentleman: Yes, sorry. I see a lot of muscled up idiots come here today. Fitness obsessed fools who think that by bulking up that they’ll look intimidating, and impress ladies & employers. The fact is they’re wrong.

What intimidates, and what impresses is the eyes. You looked deep into my eyes and I saw you were scared. You’d never admit that, but I know you were. I could see the sweat on your brow. That’s why I’m known as La Oscuridad Observó a Diablo; The Dark Eyed Devil.

Holmes is impressed but his outward appearance does not reflect this.

Gentleman: I also know that you need personal guidance. You look to your partner for this, but he thinks you’re mad for following your heart, and these fools queuing out the door will do nothing but add to your problems. I on the other hand am a man of the world, someone who’s been around for many years.

For years, I’ve travelled this great land, I’ve come across good fortune and bad fortune, and I’ve always wanted to acquire more knowledge. However, there’s little more for me to learn, and I can only learn now from teaching others, and you Mr. Holmes shall be my first student.

Holmes leans forward.

Holmes: No man is my teacher, I am my own man. I am someone who knows everything there is to about one’s self.

Gentleman: And yet you seek guidance?

Holmes is silent and embarrassed.

Gentleman: It’s so apparent from the look on your face that you are in uncharted territory. I’m aware of the incident between yourself & Big Dave. You were easily manipulated. That shall change as soon as you hire me.

Holmes rubs his chin and weighs the offer up.

Holmes: What about the safety of myself and my love?

Gentleman: I guarantee you safety. You see, people look into my eyes, they experience fear, and they withdraw any hope. That is something that will happen often with me as your bodyguard. I may seem like just a mere vagabond, but I have so much to offer you and you have much to gain. On top of that, I’ll guard you with my life.

Holmes hesitates.

Gentleman: Don’t hesitate. It’s that same hesitation that cost you your match at Ascension. You had Everest right where you wanted him, and yet you failed to capitalise on the situation and you lost. Sure there was a ‘distraction’ in Brothers in Arms, but that’s merely an excuse for you to use. You know, deep down that your loss was your fault and yours alone. This is something that will happen to you time & time again, starting with Meltdown.

Holmes: No it won’t. At Meltdown, I will avenge my previous losses by defeating Jordan Lights. I will beat him both in the ring and mentally and I will use him to send a message to both Brothers in Arms & The Motor City Psychos. I’ve been in that ring with Lights before, and I defeated him.

Gentleman: Yes, but the roles were reversed then. Lights was distracted while you had a single focus. That has changed and along with it your focus has splintered. You lack the focus you once had. With my guidance, you will repeat your previous success against Jordan Lights and you will defeat him.

Holmes ponders the offer.

Gentleman: You know, deep down, that it’s true. Accept it and allow me to guide you.

Holmes: Very well, it’s a done deal.

He extends his hand and the men shake hands.

Holmes: By the way, what is your name?

The gentleman laughs.

Gentleman: I never did tell you. It’s Ojos Sandaza.
The scene is the locker room of WZCW veteran Jordan Lights. Jordan has just won his match to qualify for the Lethal Lottery and made his way back with Lilith. He has a bucket of ice for his arm.

Lilith : Jordan, you did it! You qualified for the Lethal Lottery. I'm so proud of you!

Jordan grabs a ziploc bag out of his bag full of his beard trimmer, wrestling tape, etc and fills it with the ice and places it on his arm.

Jordan : Thanks Lilith. I'm proud of myself too. But my damn arm, the ligaments were close to tearing, i could feel it. he did quit a number on me. Congratulations Chris Jones, you didn't win, but you've managed to injure me but only in the slightest.

Jordan grabs the tape and tries to tape the ice to his arm with hand but can't seem to do it. Lilith gives him a hand and tapes his arm.

Thanks Lilith. This next week is going to be a struggle. I need to be ready for anything, and I can't let this hold me back. I can't let this stop me from achieving my goals in the company.

Lilith flips on the tv as Meltdown comes to an end and Copeland and Cohen.

Copeland : Well it looks like Jordan Lights will be facing Steven Holmes. Maybe Lights will be able to seek revenge for the loss he suffered at Ascension 17

Cohen : I doubt it. The Crashin Movement will dominate like they always do
Lilith turn that off. I hate that Jack Cohen and his comments. He's one of the many doubters I had in this company who think I will aspire to be a nothing. I will avenge that loss from some time ago. I don't care about an injured arm or the Crashin Movement. I'm ready for any tricks they have up their sleeve to try and get to me or cheat to win.

That's the right mindset Jordan. Let your straightedge lifestyle help keep you focused and prepared.

Lilith turns off the tv now as Jordan unlaces his boots and tears the tape off his wrists.

Lilith, straightedge has kept me focused since the day I embraced it. My mind is clear and my body is clean. No illegal drugs have ever touched my body , I've never smoked, and ever since entering rehab with you, I have not had a drop of alcohol. I think it's time that I start to admit the fact the straight edge simply means one word. : BETTER. It means having a better lifestyle, being a better person, and being better then you, Steven Holmes. You think this is going to be an easy victory for you probably. You've beaten me once , I'm not letting it happen again. You think looking for personal bodyguards and guidance will help you? Once you step into that ring with me, the better man will win, and that is not you. You bring Kurtesy and Crashin to the ring, and if any one of them attempts anything funny, I won't hestitate to fight them off before beating you.

Jordan slips off his boots and grabs some clothes as he heads towards the bathroom.

Lilith, if you'll excuse me now, I'm going to get in the shower, but I just wanted to say thanks, thanks for supporting me and helping me turn my life around. It's time I start helping others in a more serious way. I will help them see life the way I see it now.

The scene fades out as the water begins to run and Lilith puts the tv back on.
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