Mcintyre ME calibre?


Forever young!
Ok, just watched Superstars May 31 and the ME with Christian and Drew Mcintyre was awesome. Both guys worked a great match and pulled off some great moves, the match was back and forward both using there array of moves to gain an adavantage and neither wanted to give in. Mcintyre showed he has more to offer and when given the chance, he can mix it with the "BIG" boys!

My question is after watching this match, it is obvious Mcintyre has more to offer than a jobber, but he resides on Superstars, NXT etc losing, so what will it take to get him back to even mid-card status and do you think he has the tools for a ME calibre match on either SD or RAW given an equal chance to impress?

For me Mcintyre has the talent, all he needs now is a storyline or feud to put him over, and if push comes to shove, a new gimmick.
Yeah, I definitely think Drew has all the tools to become a huge sensation within the WWE. He's been an underdog for far too long : the dude's already paid his dues.
YES! omg seriously Drew should've been beyond jobber awhile ago but i guess having an argument with your wife and cops getting involved is a set back
Most people see him as bland on the mic or they can't forgive him for not getting over with his Chosen One gimmick. Seen him on Superstars a few times with the likes of Justin Gabriel, he's got a great aggression in the ring, sells well. I'd love him being on SD! more but i can't see him being ME, i'd love that though.
Remember the push that he was getting leading to Wrestlemania when Teddy fired him? We haven't heard from him since. ME? I dont know. Not saying yes, not saying no. But that's an example of how terrible the WWE is now. The fact is that all of their young promising talents should be getting upper-midcard/ME pushes (McIntyre, DiBiase, Ziggler, etc.) but I don't see it happening.
As one of McIntyre's biggest supporters on this forum, I have thought for years that he had main event potential. He's got the look of a star, promo skills, can work a good match, and his entrance was epic back when we got the full version of it on tv. He had the push as Vince's Chosen One to take over the roster to become World Heavyweight Champion. Drew was on his way to the top.... But then he got in a huge fight with his ex-wife who was a diva at the time. Drew has not seen much of a push since other than the firing angle with Teddy.

Learn from Drew's mistake, ladies and gentlemen. Do not get involved, let alone married, with a co-worker. His failed relationship with Tiffany cost him everything apparently. He deserves another chance because that fight was more than a year ago and he still has the skills needed in order to succeed. I keep hoping he will see another push, although he has fallen rather far down at this point. At least he made it to an Intercontinental and Tag Team Championship reign, some wrestlers don't even make it that far. Drew would make an awesome champion if he ever got the chance.
Are you F'N serious? I created an account just to reply to this nonsense. Drew McIntyre isn't ME calibre and will never be. Hell, he's not even TNA ME calibre. He is a big waste of space on a much needed revamped WWE roster. What's the difference between Drew McIntyre and a party? The party's eventually over. This guy has so many chances and has failed every time. I'll enlighten you on my reasoning. He debuted in WWE with Dave Taylor, their gimmick was trying to get the fans to cheer for them as they seek their dual citizenship. Drew as a face couldn't get over. Then he comes back as a no nonsense heel attacking over faces and saying the party's over. Yet again Drew doesn't get over. What does the WWE do next? They have Vince himself endorse him as the chosen one. The highest man in the company cosigns for you and still Drew can't draw heel heat. So WWE gives him yet another chance by feeding JoMo during his IC run to Drew McIntyre. Keep in mind JoMo was on fire at the time and gaining a ton of popularity and they end all his steam by having him job to Drew repeatedly. Next up, Matt Hardy. How do you not get a reaction out of the crowd by injuring anyone named Hardy? So in an attempt to get Drew over, he receives a cool entrance theme, new titantron, and a slow walk that ain't got this shit on Randy Orton's. Still not getting over. So as a last effort they attach him to the most popular diva on the WWE roster, Kelly Kelly. One again Drew fails. I don't get why everyone in the IWC is all over this guy. He doesn't have a unique look. He looks like a toned version of Brian Kendrick. His moves are good, I give him that. As you see Drew has had many of gimmicks and has failed each time. I haven't even mentioned the feuds he's had with Teddy Long and how that's failed as well. The guy needs to be released, go to an indy fed, polish up his skills, and comeback. Who ever said Drew was gold on the mic is out of their mind? He can't talk to save his life. Is it expecting to much too see the guy get over at least once after all those chances assuming that the last scottish gimmick (Piper) was gold? Pretty big shoes to fill Drew, it's a shame that you can't even tie the laces!
Are you F'N serious? I created an account just to reply to this nonsense. Drew McIntyre isn't ME calibre and will never be. Hell, he's not even TNA ME calibre. He is a big waste of space on a much needed revamped WWE roster. What's the difference between Drew McIntyre and a party? The party's eventually over. This guy has so many chances and has failed every time. I'll enlighten you on my reasoning. He debuted in WWE with Dave Taylor, their gimmick was trying to get the fans to cheer for them as they seek their dual citizenship. Drew as a face couldn't get over. Then he comes back as a no nonsense heel attacking over faces and saying the party's over. Yet again Drew doesn't get over. What does the WWE do next? They have Vince himself endorse him as the chosen one. The highest man in the company cosigns for you and still Drew can't draw heel heat. So WWE gives him yet another chance by feeding JoMo during his IC run to Drew McIntyre. Keep in mind JoMo was on fire at the time and gaining a ton of popularity and they end all his steam by having him job to Drew repeatedly. Next up, Matt Hardy. How do you not get a reaction out of the crowd by injuring anyone named Hardy? So in an attempt to get Drew over, he receives a cool entrance theme, new titantron, and a slow walk that ain't got this shit on Randy Orton's. Still not getting over. So as a last effort they attach him to the most popular diva on the WWE roster, Kelly Kelly. One again Drew fails. I don't get why everyone in the IWC is all over this guy. He doesn't have a unique look. He looks like a toned version of Brian Kendrick. His moves are good, I give him that. As you see Drew has had many of gimmicks and has failed each time. I haven't even mentioned the feuds he's had with Teddy Long and how that's failed as well. The guy needs to be released, go to an indy fed, polish up his skills, and comeback. Who ever said Drew was gold on the mic is out of their mind? He can't talk to save his life. Is it expecting to much too see the guy get over at least once after all those chances assuming that the last scottish gimmick (Piper) was gold? Pretty big shoes to fill Drew, it's a shame that you can't even tie the laces!
Ahahaha, you're an idiot! you registered just to give Drew an ear bashing? I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons to join The WrestleZone! Like talking about wrestlers you are interested in and being part of a community, but no you chose to create an account out of spite! That tells me you obviously hate the guy and do you homework just to hate on him! Sad really. Let me see you do what Drew does? Yeah didn't think so! Drew's not perfect I'll give you that, but who is these days? I don't go around hating on other wrestlers, yeah sometimes I have my say, but I always want to see the best in people and let wrestlers grow on me through time.....doesn't Drew at least deserve some time under his belt in the WWE? I think he does and so do many other "younger" wrestlers who will only grow in the years ahead....Peace.
Learn from Drew's mistake, ladies and gentlemen. Do not get involved, let alone married, with a co-worker. His failed relationship with Tiffany cost him everything apparently.

I see no reason why you can't get involved with a co-worker if things are kept professional in the work place. I mean it's been done in other work environments.

What I think was Drew's undoing was that the WWE debuted him with already high expectations. First by being given the chosen one gimmick and eventually hand picked by Mr. McMahon as a future World Champion, anything less than meeting those expectations will be seen as a disaster.

Future main eventer, there's always a chance for Drew McIntyre but setting him up as one early on probably wasn't the good direction to go. I know the WWE normally has a good feeling in which young talent has potential, but it's probably not a good idea to proclaim them as the "chosen one" before proving anything yet.

Drew McIntyre caliber performers can be found in most independent promotion's throughout the world, minus the obvious accent, unless you look in Scotland. He is a very generic guy who was brought in under the intention to be pushed towards the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship; hence Vince McMahon's moniker of "The Chosen One", after several feuds in-which he was placed over a couple big faces and humiliated Teddy Long, Drew McIntyre had one very serious issue. The fact that despite countless attempts and scenarios nobody was reacting to him.

Drew's music would hit, "Broken Dreams" could be one of the most sinister entrance theme's the WWE has ever had, people take immediate interest, he even has his own special entrance style but alas once his bland, dull looking self appears he drains the excitement and anticipation within an instance. He wasn't de-pushed due to Tiffany; although I'm sure that sped the process or due to his rumored, obnoxious backstage attitude, he was de-pushed due to nobody caring for Drew McIntyre and once he was dropped people clammered for him once again, but when he was brought back to television and even given a slot on WrestleMania, who cared?

Drew McIntyre has nothing special. His microphone work is average, his in-ring skills are average, congratulations to him on his look but alas as we've seen so many times in the past you can appear as a Greek God, you don't interest and draw people in, you're not going anywhere, and look where McIntyre happens to be. He is on NXT, starting from a position he wasn't in when he returned to the main roster, at the very bottom being forced to work his way up.

Due to him being under WWE contract it isn't beyond the realm of possibility for McIntyre to somehow rise to the Main Event picture, but he may want to get out of the lower card picture first. It would take a miracle, but it could potentially happen, not that I see it.
Ahahaha, you're an idiot! you registered just to give Drew an ear bashing? I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons to join The WrestleZone! Like talking about wrestlers you are interested in and being part of a community, but no you chose to create an account out of spite! That tells me you obviously hate the guy and do you homework just to hate on him! Sad really. Let me see you do what Drew does? Yeah didn't think so! Drew's not perfect I'll give you that, but who is these days? I don't go around hating on other wrestlers, yeah sometimes I have my say, but I always want to see the best in people and let wrestlers grow on me through time.....doesn't Drew at least deserve some time under his belt in the WWE? I think he does and so do many other "younger" wrestlers who will only grow in the years ahead....Peace.

I'm an idiot, says the guy who's only rebuttal to facts are "Let me see you do what Drew does". Drew has had plenty of time under his belt. For example, within a year ADR is already main eventing and getting a title shot at Mania. Drew has been in the 'E for quite some time now. Please explain to me why he wasn't getting over before his fight with his wife. There are other younger wrestlers who make an impact with what they got. For example, Dolph Ziggler was meant to be a short term gimmick. He went from a male cheerleader (in which he got heel heat the levels that Drew can only dream of) to introducing himself and shaking hands comedically to a show stealer and upper midcard talent. He took the crap hand he got and beat the table. Even Vicki Guerrero couldn't get Drew over. Heck even Swagger has been in the company less and achieved more. Make no mistake about it, I don't hate Drew, in order to hate someone you must know them. I just don't think he is as talented as everyone in the IWC make him out to be. If he was, he'd get some kind of crowd reaction. Not even alot, just a little and he hasn't done that yet. Sorry to tell you but Drew is bland. How many gimmicks or programs do you think one should invest in a wrestler before cutting ties? Statistically, Drew has had more than a handful.
In an industry where guys like Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Jim Duggan, Honky Tonk Man , and, hell arguably Zack Ryder, were all main event players, it pretty much goes to show that given the right push and time to develop pretty much anyone can succeed that have paid their dues. Personally I do feel that guys like McIntyre, Ziggler, and Tyson Kidd have the potential to shine given the actual chance and not forgotten by creative or forced to job for weeks at a time. I'm interested to see what Sandow and Cesaro are capable of. I'm not saying that everyone is destined for the ME spotlight (I remember having discussion similar to this regarding Matt Hardy, MVP, Heidenreich, Nathan Jones and Christian), but it is possible.
I was never too high on Drew but his "Chosen One" angle should have done more for the guy. Seeing him side by side with Vince on Smackdown really did make you think he could be the next "Hunter Hearst Helmsley." His wrestling ability seems fine although he doesn't do anything particularly impressive. As far as getting heat goes, he could get some but he often put the crowd to sleep. Yeah, you can get the crowd to boo you if you're boring, but unless you keep them engaged you become the bathroom break of the night for the crowd and even the viewers at home. As "cool" as some people thought his entrance was, the yellow photoshopped graphic of Drew's face looked terrible. If he's going to main event, that whole entrance has to go. I can't see him in the main event to tell you the truth, not the way he's been performing lately anyway.
Yeah, McIntrye vs. Christian on Supertars this week was Fantastic!

I always liked Drew. I thought his IC title run wasn't bad.
I really started to respect him after Elimination Chamber 2011! His aggression and character, along w/athleticisim was great!

I always thought he could be a strong lower-upper card card like Mysterion or Christian! But honestly idk what WWE can do. I don't think a gimmick change would do much of anything. So really just a push and having some stock onvested in him, which basically failed before.
I'm an idiot, says the guy who's only rebuttal to facts are "Let me see you do what Drew does". Drew has had plenty of time under his belt. For example, within a year ADR is already main eventing and getting a title shot at Mania. Drew has been in the 'E for quite some time now. Please explain to me why he wasn't getting over before his fight with his wife. There are other younger wrestlers who make an impact with what they got. For example, Dolph Ziggler was meant to be a short term gimmick. He went from a male cheerleader (in which he got heel heat the levels that Drew can only dream of) to introducing himself and shaking hands comedically to a show stealer and upper midcard talent. He took the crap hand he got and beat the table. Even Vicki Guerrero couldn't get Drew over. Heck even Swagger has been in the company less and achieved more. Make no mistake about it, I don't hate Drew, in order to hate someone you must know them. I just don't think he is as talented as everyone in the IWC make him out to be. If he was, he'd get some kind of crowd reaction. Not even alot, just a little and he hasn't done that yet. Sorry to tell you but Drew is bland. How many gimmicks or programs do you think one should invest in a wrestler before cutting ties? Statistically, Drew has had more than a handful.
He was barely known before his fight with his wife, and it was under a year. As for Ziggler and Swagger, both have been in the business "longer" than Drew, Swagger signed 2006, and Ziggler has been "known" for longer. I like both, so I'll leave it there. As for Vickie, what she came out, like twice with Drew...come on. You think Drew is bland, fine that's your opinion, and you're not alone on that, but gimmicks...please, he carried the "chosen one" pretty much since re-debut in 2009, The Great American nightmare is pretty much what he's been since! I count eh...1,2...! 2007?.....what that was a gimmick....Ahahahaha....that was a show of face man, a gimmick needs to be carried for longer to be called a "gimmick". In my opinion the "chosen one" has never left him and will always carry that bag....such a burden.

He has to be given screen time that passes a couple of years, not buried on SS. Ziggler, Swagger, Rhodes etc all got to string together a few years to get "known", even with multiple gimmick changes, Drew got pulled far too fast, with "one" gimmick and to me that was a sign something went wrong behind the scenes!

I get it you don't like him, people do, people don't, nature of the beast, but after that performance on SS against Christian, he showed he can bring it in ring, and some people who never seen anything in him before will have surely took note.
Simply put YES!YES!YES!YES. Drew has everything a ME needs, the looks, the skills, not bad on the mike and he also has a charisma of his own. When he first debuted I thought that it was a matter of time before he becomes WHC but after he lost the IC title and disappeared from TV I lost all hope. Like the opener said his match with Christian was very good and he also had very good matches with the likes of John Morisson which shows that with the right opponent he could do incredible thing. Drew plays a great heel and could be one of the best heels to ever hold the WHC. Also for those of you who have watched FCW he showed he could be a very good face so that is also an option. And if the "E" decides to pull the trigger on him and slowly build him as main eventer and give him the World title they wont make a mistake simply because he is a ME calibre.
No. Even before the fallout with Tiffany, he wasn't getting over despite being handed the 'chosen one', gimmick, Ic title and victories over several high-profile opponents right off the bat. He's quite good in the ring, with his aggression coming across really well in his mtahces but pretty bland and boring on the mic and generally as a character. He is an example of a guy who was given everything and failed to make the most of it.

As thugprince said people like Dolph Ziggler and Zach Ryder were given ridiculous gimmicks to start off with but really ran with them and thus have developed into credible superstars for me McIntyre just hasn't done enough with what he was given. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind seeing him on tv or even cometing for a mid-card title but there are others like Tyson Kidd, A-Ri and Johnny Curtis whom I think merit the opportunity more than him.
No. Drew's match with Christian on Superstars this past week was great (do yourself and favor and check it out if you haven't seen it). But Drew has failed to get over multiple times.

I get why some people really like him. He can definitely wrestle. He's a fairly big guy, he's got a good look. His accent actually adds a little to his persona, which is great.

But the evidence is that Drew can't get over as a heel. It's like others have said, he's been handed golden opportunities (the Chosen One gimmick) and it still hasn't worked. Maybe he could be turned face and repackaged? I'm not saying give up on the guy, but he is in no way a stone's throw from the main event.
I'm a huge fan of Drew always have been but I don't think he's ready for ME yet. Why push him straight to the stars with the ME as murky as it is, Idk doesn't make sense to me.

What I would love to see is a slow progression to the top ala a long fued with Christian for the IC title. Since Cody Rhodes might get his chance at the ME this might open the door for Drew. If you look at his recent ring work compared to when he first started he's defenitlly progressed, even his facial expressions and timing have gotten better

. I think right now he's sort of paying his dues in a way, Vince probably wants to see if he can handle jobbing for awhile before he gets another push but if you look at how long and well contested his match with Christian was on Superstars that push doesn't seem far off.
I'm a huge fan of Drew always have been but I don't think he's ready for ME yet. Why push him straight to the stars with the ME as murky as it is, Idk doesn't make sense to me.

What I would love to see is a slow progression to the top ala a long fued with Christian for the IC title. Since Cody Rhodes might get his chance at the ME this might open the door for Drew. If you look at his recent ring work compared to when he first started he's defenitlly progressed, even his facial expressions and timing have gotten better

. I think right now he's sort of paying his dues in a way, Vince probably wants to see if he can handle jobbing for awhile before he gets another push but if you look at how long and well contested his match with Christian was on Superstars that push doesn't seem far off.
Yeah maybe I worded the original post wrong, I don't mean right now, I know it's a slow progression, my only words were is Drew ME calibre? is he capable of pulling off a main event when the time comes? I think he can, but yes he needs some sort of angle and obviously needs a better crowd reaction, but it has been slowly happening and with more matches like that on SS, I think he's on his way to a feud for the IC title given a decent storyline. :)
Yeah maybe I worded the original post wrong, I don't mean right now, I know it's a slow progression, my only words were is Drew ME calibre? is he capable of pulling off a main event when the time comes? I think he can, but yes he needs some sort of angle and obviously needs a better crowd reaction, but it has been slowly happening and with more matches like that on SS, I think he's on his way to a feud for the IC title given a decent storyline. :)

It's all good man, well if caliber means on par with other main eventers, the answer is no. If caliber means cut from the same cloth ie potential then yes. If you just look at Drew he's definitely got that "it" factor from the way he looks to the way he carries himself. His ring skills have improve and he's getting more seasoned every time he wrestles. The only real glaring weakness is him on the mic, and unfortunately that is almost more important then anything else in the WWE. But he's got time on his side he's about to turn 27 and barring any real serious injury he will be wrestling for awhile. Plus if what I said in my last post happens then he will be wrestling with a very knowledgeable pro, Christian, who he can learn a great deal off of.
That was one match.

Drew McIntyre has put on similar showings in the past and it has yet to land him anywhere on the main roster. His booking has been crap for a long time. A long time. I can't even remember the last time he beat someone worth anything. However, I have to say I enjoyed his surprising victory over Ezekiel Jackson a couple Superstars ago. Like I've said repeatedly in the past, Drew has all the potential in the world; the look, the in-ring skills and aggression. I also think he has good mic skills. Yes, I said it. If you don't think so, then you haven't been following his improvement. But, in the end of the day, the WWE is still gonna use him as enhancement talent while sporadically teasing a push or a change of gimmick. Until that happens, I still have very little hope for McIntyre's future. In his match against Christian, I saw some good moves that I normally didn't see from him. In that regard, he reminds me of MVP who would pull out different random moves every other match. Oh, and I'm glad to see that his entrance theme has been given the full start to end treatment once again. Anyway, main event calibre? Not by a long shot. People need to care about him first and even then, he has to prove himself worthy of main event prowess by getting over with the crowd AND defeating main event wrestlers.
One thing about this board - once a piece of backstage gossip leaks out, people will never let go of it.

Sheamus is only WHC because he's HHH's buddy - not because he gets massive cheers and kids love him.

Drew McIntyre stalled out because he had a fight with his wife - not because he bores the crowd to tears.

Look, Drew has a good look and reasonable talent in the ring and on the mic. But for whatever reason, nobody cares. It's not because he's not booked right or hasn't gotten opportunities. He just doesn't capture peoples' interest. It happens. Nothing's harder to predict than what the public will get excited about.

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