Matt Striker/Joey Styles Beef?


Occasional Pre-Show
Was it just me? Or did anyone else notice during the WWE draft last night, Striker dissed WWE's Director of Digital Media, Joey Styles?

He said something along the lines of, "Let's hope Joey Styles gets drafted over to Future". Striker has a tendency of saying random stuff.

For those of you who don't understand the "Future endeavors", statement. It's what puts everytime they announce a released superstar or diva. (Ex: "Mickie James has been released. We wish her the best in her future endeavors."
I thought I was the only one that noticed that. I thought it was kind of funny. If anyone gets drafted to future endeavors and goes to TNA where he can get lost in shuffle.

continued from my last statement, it should be Michael Cole. He is an Extreme Idiot.
I honestly think Styles should jump ship and commentate on TNA. Him and Taz have history from ECW. Hell I don't care if he called PBP with flair, I just wanna hear OH MY GOD! again. Best damn announcer ever and TNA would definitely welcome him with open arms considering how many old friends he has there from the good ol days
Yea I noticed the little cheap shot by Striker. Who cares, he is so freaking boring to listen too, and I do hope that Styles jumps ship to TNA where there will actually be a moment to say "OH MY GOD" unlike in this "PG"(pretty gay) wwe era
I heard it, although I didn't know that Styles still works for the company. While I am not as big a fan of Styles as others, he is far better than anyone currently working in either WWE or TNA. I would love to see him jump to TNA. Actually, I'd love to see Styles or JR make the jump, because Mike Tenay is awful. Imagine how Styles/JR would've called the Angle/Anderson match @ Lockdown. With Tenay, you hardly knew anything exciting was going on.
i didnt notice it but thats probally because i try to ignore striker as much as possible and sorry to burst everyones bubble but styles is happy where he is right now so yeah um he aint goin to hogan and friends oh my bad tna
Wow people read way too much into this stuff!

It was one statement/comment that Striker said that he probably thought was clever or funny. He makes dumb jokes and statements like this all the time which becomes extremely annoying, but just because he made one comment does not necessarily mean there is any beef between him and Styles and who honestly cares.

And for the people to say they think or hope Styles goes to tna is just stupid. Sure he would make a great and much needed addition to their broadcast team but just because striker made this comment doesnt mean styles is going to tna. I dont know if people think there is heat on Styles and the wwe wants to let him go or if styles is unhappy and wants to leave wwe based on one comment but if thats the case, then they are just thinking way to much into this.

If wwe did not want him then I'm sure he would be gone and If he really wanted or wants to go to tna then I'm sure he already would have or will. If he ever does go to tna then good for him and we will see it when it happens but people really read way too much into every little thing they see or hear. It gets annoying sometimes.

Can't we just enjoy wrestling for what it is instead of over analyzing everything and reading into everything; even though it is kind of hard to enjoy sometimes with cole or striker doing commentary.
I too think that this was just a quick, off-the-cuff remark that came out of left field, and not anything to be read into. If there was any legitimate backstage heat on Joey (hypothetically), it definitely wouldn't have been fed into Matt Striker's headset for him to say on the air.

In my opinion, the statement in question was probably ad-libbed by Striker. Hell, for all we know, Striker might be worried because he overheard that Joey might be moved back to commentary...keep in mind, this is all hypothetical.

The simplest explanation is that it was just Striker's way of trying to further his "heel announcer" character by taking the cheap-shot. Nothing more than that.

If Joey WAS to make the jump to TNA (do I really have to keep saying this is all hypothetical?), I'm sure Taz would agree that it would be pretty cool! I wonder if TNA would try to bring him in as a relative of A.J.'s? Hahahaha! Never say never in this business!
It's just one small comment. I really doubt there's more to it than Striker just trying to get a small laugh. Also I hope no one here thinks Joey Styles would actually go to TNA. He is the director of global media, staying with WWE is the better career choice than going to TNA would ever be.
Styles is not going to leave the 'E. As far as having beef with someone, it should be with Vinnie Mac for taking him off televison to have the complete line of morons that are on commentary these days. But he still has a job and is making a very healthy salary I'm sure so he could probably care less.

Just a quick, going to rib the guy on television comment. No harm, no foul.
The chances of Joey Styles going to TNA when Eric Bischoff is there are practically non-existent. I did hear the comment and wondered if it had more to it than being an off-hand remark.

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