ECW on Sci-Fi : ECW Reborned 23/01/07

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Getting Noticed By Management

ECW on Sci-Fi


Booker: AussieHobo
City: Anaheim, California

== Start Show ==

*Drowning Pool – Bodies hits the P.A as the opening ECW video plays. Once the video has completed the Camera pans the ECW tunnel as Pyro erupts from the top, as the camera now pans the arena looking at the various signs the fans are holding up. The Camera now goes straight to the tunnel as ECW World Heavyweight Champion Lashley’s entrance music hits the P.A to a slow crowd reaction. Lashley does his signature pose and enters the ring taking the belt of his waist, climbing to the top rope holding it up trying to reve up the crowd. He enters the ring takes a mike from the official and begins to talk.*

Styles “Welcome ladies and gentlemen, and hardcore fans alike to ECW…. This Joey Styles and Tazz… are welcoming you to another explosive ECW!”
Tazz “Lashley’s pissed Styles…”

== In Ring Segment ==

Lashley “Well, I’ve come too this ring for one thing and one thing only!”

*Theres a short pause*

Lashley “TEST! Get your arse to this ring right now, what you did too me last week, last week was… cowardly…”

*Another short pause*

Lashley “Come on Test… I know you’re in the back…. If you won’t come out I’ll go back there and find you myself…”

Styles “What? Is Lashley series?”
Tazz “Lashley is a friendly guy… I talked too him backstage just before tonight and Joey… they guy was pissed… and its hard to piss a guy like that off… believe me!”

*Lashley stands in the ring holding the title for a few seconds, he then shakes his head drops the title and is just about to leave the ring until ONE OF A KIND hits the P.A as RVD makes his way down the tunnel with a mike in hand. Lashley backs off and picks up the ECW World Title and the mike he dropped on the ground, RVD enters the ring and the two men stare down.*

Styles “Whats RVD doing out here? He’s not scheduled to be out here!”

RVD “Bobby Lashley, it seems we have a problem… see that title… that title should be mined…. See if the officials hadn’t stopped both our matches and if Test hadn’t gotten himself DQ’ed last week your title would have been mine… now I’m sick of all this bull shit that goes on backstage… ECW has changed… not for the better but for the worse, see I thought I could trust the idiots backstage… the guy’s that book the shows…. But you see Bobby… ECW isn’t about DQ, count outs, ****s… although sandman would probably disagree with me… it’s about guys putting themselves on the line each week… I’m sick of the shit that goes on that’s why…. I’m quitting I’m sick of this shit… I came out here to say goodbye Bobby… WWE can go fuck themselves…”

*The fans all start chanting TNA all around the arena until a familiar theme hits the P.A. Paul Heyman… the mother and father of ECW… is making his way to the ring. RVD stops looking puzzled and Lashley is standing in the ring just as puzzled as RVD. Heyman is with the mike and is standing just at the end of the tunnel entrance.*

Heyman “It’s so good to be back home... ON ECW…”

*Crowd are speechless.*

Heyman “It’s so good to be home, see for Months after months I have had to put up with Vince McMahon’s bullshit… I don’t like this… I don’t like that… and then I get blamed for stuff… that I wasn’t even the cause off… well its all about to change… because when there’s trouble brewing, whose here to fix it… well I am of course. See when Vince saw the ratings of ECW gradually dropping each week I was he made a business decision… to hire me back… I am the soul of ECW… and when you rip out its soul you kill the subject the soul came from and that’s what Vince did. It was a poor decision as you can see, he also stopped a number of things… house shows, extreme rules matches and made ECW into a WWE spot to put stars they can’t use on Smackdown or RAW or as what most of you guys would of called it “Heat or Velocity” or even “OVW””

*The crowd boo’s heavily as a large chorus of ECW begins to explode out of the crowd, bringing them to life.*

Heyman “Tonight… boys and girls, men and women… THAT CHANGES, no more will ECW be some “development” territory… Vince McMahon hired me to fix ECW and that’s what I’m going to do… see Rob... me and you, we’ve been ally’s and enemies, but tonight I’m hiring you and the first order of business… at Royal Rumble… it won’t be Test vs. Bobby Lashley for the ECW World Title… its Rob Van Damn vs. Test vs. Bobby Lashley EXTREME RULES! And no I’m not finished yet, tonight... in front of all these wonderful people… Test vs. RVD... EXTREME RULES! And that ladies and gentlemen is only the start…. ECW is back… like it or not… Hardcore Wrestling is alive… and Vince McMahon and if the rest of those assholes backstage don’t like… they can go screw themselves”

*The crowd erupt back into the ECW chant as RVD turns around smirking and stares down Lashley as we go to our first Commercial Break.*

== Commercial Break ==
(10: 11pm)

Match #1
CM Punk w/ Kelly Kelly vs. Sabu

Match: The Fires Burns hits the P.A as Kelly Kelly and CM Punk to a huge crowd reaction and make there way down the tunnel holding hands, they walk around the ring and Kelly smiles and sits on a already in place steel chair, she sits down and waves Punk as he enters the ring and poses for the crowd. Sabu’s entrance music now hits the arena as the entire arena darkens and the crowd go on there feet and go silent. The lights fade in as Sabu is standing right behind CM Punk as the crowd explodes, Sabu points the sky… Punk turns around and is taking out by a stiff right hand by Sabu which knocks down Punk. Sabu takes off his turban and puts it aside as he launches himself at Punk who had just gotten to his feet. Sabu starts knocking punches right too Punk and follow it up buy getting Punk to the corner and hits some wicked Elbow shots, Sabu follows up and Irish whips Punk into the following ring post and runs with him and goes for a jumping heel kick which Punks narrowly escapes and quickly pounces on Sabu hitting solid mou-tai kicks into Sabu’s Ribs. Punks pick up Sabu and throw him into the ring ropes and on Sabus way back Flap Jacks him. Sabu gets up and turns around to be levelled by a clothesline, he once again gets up but this time is taken out super kick by Punk. Punk goes straight for the cover and gets a two count. Punk looks at the ref with pure intensity in his eyes and goes for another cover and once again Sabu kicks out at two.

Styles “I’ve known Sabu for a long time Tazz and so have you… the guy doesn’t quit… doesn’t back down doesn’t go out like that!”
Tazz “That’s exactly right Joey but when your facing someone like CM Punk, someone fresh with the intensity only viewable in some… its hard not to back down!”

Punk picks up Sabu and throws him against the ropes and on his way back Punk goes for yet another Flapjack which is countered into a Knee Cruncher by Sabu. Sabu gets right up and charges for the rope for speed and on his way back hits a huge leg drop, Sabu gets back up this time walking over to the ropes and going to the edge of the outside, he jumps onto the top rope and hits the Arabian Leg Drop. Sabu goes for the cover now and gets a 2 count!

Styles “How did Punk kick out!!”
Tazz “Pure Intensity Joey… pure intensity!”

Sabu picks up Punk and lunges him into the ropes Punk returns and Sabu jumps right over him but as Sabu gets back to his feet and turns around Punk drops with a second Super kick! Punk picks up Sabu and hits a modified Side Slam followed by the Anaconda Vice. Sabu tries to reach for the ropes but soon after Punk locked it on… he taps out!

Tazz “Like I said before Joey… CM Punk is intense, Sabu new what he was getting into!”

*The Fire Burns – Killswitch Engage hits the arena as Punk poses for the crowd, Kelly Kelly joins him as he she holds his arm up in Victory, until Matt Striker hits the ring with a steel chair and smashes it over the head of CM Punk, the music stops. As Striker continulys hits Punk with the steel chair, cutting his eye open, Strike stares at Kelly Kelly. He yells for an official too get a mike for him and the official does so, Striker hits Punk again with the steel chair and this time looks into the crowd who are booing him*

Striker “Is this what you want? Huh is this how you like your heroes served as!”

*Striker throws away the mike and once again batters him with the steel chair, Striker throws away the chair and drops to the ground bad mouthing Punk, Striker exits the ring laughing as we hit to a commercial break*

== Commercial Break==

Styles “Well if you’ve just joined us, or have been watching, during the commercial break, Sabu lost it. Sabu who was on the outside as Striker brutally attacked Punk came in as Striker left, Sabu grabbed the chair Striker used and hit a Flying Arabian Skullcrusher, Tazz, what’s going through Sabu’s head, what’s going on?”
Tazz “I don’t know Styles… I’ve been Sabu’s friend and enemy, god I’ve won a Tag Title with him… I know he’s a homicidal kind of person… but I’ve never seen him lose it… well not like this anyways!”

== Backstage Segment ==

*We go straight backstage with Paul Heyman and ECW Backstage interviewer Rebecca*

Rebecca “Good Morning Mr. Heyman… now tonight, like always has been an explosive ECW… but I wonder Mr. Heyman, what’s going on?”

*Heyman stares at her shockingly and shoves her away*

Heyman “Ah…. I another fake breasted dumb blonde that my good friend Mr. McMahon has hired… get out of here and go back to RAW… I’m sure you’ll like it there… or maybe… or maybe K-Fed… he likes dumb, fake breasted rich women. (Heyman begins to laugh as Rebecca walks off, with her face in tears)”

*Heyman waves for a few seconds and then draws his attention to the camera*

Heyman “Now… onto business, see I have a plan…. To bring back an Icon of ECW… next week in Orlando, Florida, I am doing two things…. Next week an icon returns… Matt Striker vs. CM Punk for the Television Title… oh yes its back… and one other thing I’d like to add… the two losers of the Triple threat at the Royal Rumble will face in a #1 Contendership match for the right to take on the World Heavyweight Champion on ECW in three weeks time… and it won’t be a normal kind of match that #1 Contendership Match will be stipulated in a match that I’d like to call… An EXTREME CAGE MATCH! Why? Because this is ECW and this is hardcore wrestling at its best!”

== Commercial Break ==

Match #2
Kevin Thorne w/Ariel vs. Sandman

Match: The arena goes Dark Red as Bloodlust hits the arena as Kevin Thorne and Ariel make there way too the ring, they go down the tunnel and circle the ring coming to a halt next to Joey Styles, Ariel gives Styles a perfect shot of her breast before entering the ring. They enter and do there pose for the crowd as they get booed. Enter Sandman hits the arena as the crowd go on there feet and the Cameras scan the entrances of the building and as the camera zooms around the arena it finds Sandman spitting Beer onto the crowd and crushing the can on his forehead, he then did the same with the kendo stick he was carrying and finally made his way to the ring, as he did this the fans started to chant Sandman. Sandman entered the ring and is taken out by Thorne via clothes line. Thorne goes straight to work as the ref rings the bell. Thorne continues to beat down Sandman with rights and lefts and slowly begins to pick him up and throws him into the turnbuckle, Throne goes to the other side of the ring and stares down Sandman and shakes his head. Throne charges right for him but or a Spear but Sandman moves out of the way and Thorne goes right into the steel post, Sandman puls on his tights and follows him up for a roll up and gets a two count! Throne kicks out and Sandman gets up and picks him up. Sandman hits a solid knife Edge chop and forces Throne to the ropes, Sandman Irish whips him into the opposite ropes and on Throne’s way back Sandman hits a massive Back body drop. Sandman goes straight for turnbuckle and climbs to the top rope he points to the fans and punch’s himself in the fore head opening up the cut he received earlier from the cans and goes for a top rope leg drop! Sandman goes for a cover.

Tazz “Holy s***, where did Sandman learn that move (laughs)”

The ref reaches the two counts and Thorne kicks out! Sandman covers again and Thorne once again kicks out, Sandman looks at the ref and again punches himself, he goes for yet another pin but Thorne kicks out for a third time, Sandman picks up Thorne and gets him around the waste, Thorne counters and hits an awesome elbow right to Sandman’s head dropping both men. Thorne slowly crawls to the turnbuckle but as he does this, while facing the turnbuckle, Aerial quickly gives him the silver staff he brought to the ring. Sandman is up but as he reaches Thorne, Thorne drop toe holds Sandman right into the top turnbuckle, Aerial climbs too the ring and distracts the referee as Thorne picks up the silver staff given to him by his beautiful vixen a repeatable hits Sandman in the head causing blood to rush down his face, Thorne throws away the staff and brings the bloodied Sandman to the middle of the ring and unleashes a Crucifix Power bomb and follows for a cover. The referee turns around and makes the pin.

Styles “Look at the blood pouring down Sandman’s face… its beautiful!”
Tazz “I’m telling you now Joey… Thorne hasn’t heard the last of this”
Styles “That Tazz, is probably the only thing we’ll ever agree on”
Tazz “And that Aerial is one ECW vixen (laughs again as Aerial walks past the announce table while holding up Kevin Thorne’s arm in victory)”

*Bloodlust is playing through out the arena as Sandman looks up in unbelievably as Thorne walks down the tunnel in victory as we go to a commercial break*

== Commercial Break ===

== Backstage Segment ==

*We come back live backstage with Tommy Dreamer and Sabu*

Dreamer “Sabu what the hell was that out there?”

*Sabu stares at Dreamer with a steal chair in hand*

Dreamer “What? You lost the match… you Sabu, tapped out to CM Punk… there’s no disrespect in that, Sabu… your one of the ECW family, you were the one that probally changed ECW forever… but was that shit needed?”

*Sabu continues to stare at Dreamer he looks at the ground now*

Dreamer “Look at me!”

*Dreamer slaps Sabu across the face, Sabu now stares right at Dreamer*

Dreamer “Look… you made me do that…”

*Out of know where Sabu drops the chair and starts repeat ably punching Dreamer who tries to fight back, punches Dreamer to the floor and grabs the chair. Sabu slams the chair right into Dreamers head, and again, and again, Sabu grins and gets out of the camera as Dreamer is scene laying on the concrete floor blooded up, the Camera now points directly above them on a painters walk and Sabu is standing up there, he points to the sky and jumps off hitting an Arabian Face buster right onto Dreamer, a chorus of “HOLY SHIT” chants fill the arena as Sabu and Dreamer lay on the ground. Sabu gets up and goes out of the camera view throwing the steel chair right at Dreamer whose bloodied as all hell as we go to yet another commercial break*

== Commercial Break ==

Match #3
Main Event
Extreme Rules

Rob Van Damn vs. Test

Match: The camera pans the ring as official have already put tables out and a ladder in the middle of the tunnel. A steel can with a whole heap of junk is sitting near the announce table. One of a Kind hits the arena as the crowd go on there feet. RVD makes his way out of the tunnel and down to the ring; he stands next to the ladder and climbs it, he does the RVD sign and looks over the crowd as his theme bellows over the P.A. Until Test comes out of the crowd and pushes over the ladder dropping RVD right into the crowd, the fan cheer as Test Climbs over the barrier and continues to beat down RVD, a fat fan touches Test, Test looks at him and pushes him too the ground and continues to throws rights at RVD, Test picks up RVD and throws him over the barricade and continues to force him up too the ring and follows up by throwing RVD into the ring. Test circles the ring and goes to the announce table and picks up the bin of objects he throws that into the ring and follows up by grabbing one of the tables, placed by the official before the match and slides that too into the ring, Test now enters the ring and is met by an RVD kendo stick, which was in the bin.. RVD continues to hits Test with the kendo stick until the stick itself has been completely warned down. RVD throws it down and continues to punch down test forcing him into the corner turnbuckle, RVD now Irish whips Test into the opposite turnbuckle and follows it up with a flying heel kick into to Test. RVD is first up and grabs the table, that Test brought in with him and sets it up in the middle of the ring. RVD grabs Test and shoves him onto the Table. RVD goes for the top turnbuckle and wants to end the match just as quick as it started but before RVD goes for the 5 Star Frog Splash Test lumps down and falls off the Table. RVD gets down and goes back after Test, but as RVD reaches him Test low blows RVD, stands up and power bombs RVD right through the Table RVD had planned on using. Test goes right for the pin fall. The ref counts, but RVD kicks out at the 2 count. Test shakes his head and goes for another pin which RVD kicks out of. Test looks up and stand’s up and follows it up by picking him up and Snap Suplex RVD on the Tables rubble, Test goes to the outside and now picks up the steel ring steps and throws both of them right into the ring. Test now picks up a second Table and slide that into the ring and he himself goes into the ring. Test picks up the steel steps and lines up RVD who is getting himself up via the turnbuckle. RVD gets up and turns around, ducks a charging Test, Test turns himself around and RVD kicks the Steel steps right into his face.

Tazz “TEST just got TESTED!”
Styles “(laughing) Test just got a piece of his own medicine Tazz, you of all people should know that”

RVD grabs the steel steps and sets them sup one opposite each other with a small cap in between, he grabs the second table it shoves it on top of them and goes to the outside picking up lent over Ladder which is resting on the barricade. RVD packs it up and slide it into the ring narrowly avoiding Test’s blooded face.

Styles “What in the hell is RVD thinking?”
Tazz “Knowing RVD… it can’t be good!”

RVD slides into the ring and sets up the ladder in the top right turnbuckle. He picks up Test and lands a solid right to his head; He then shoves him onto the set up steel steps/table, RVD continues to throw rights at Test’s head but out of know where Test grabs RVD by the throat and gets up, Test hits a large right to RVD and Irish whips him into the ropes, RVD returns and Test goes for his signature BIG BOOT and he connects. Test grabs RVD and goes for a TKO right onto the set up steel steps/table but before he unleashes Lashley hits the ring as the crowd go crazy and RVD is dropped to the ground. Lashley and Test start fighting back and fourth with Lashley gaining the upper hand. Lashley kicks Test in the gut and hits a Dominator right onto the steel steps/table. Lashley pushes away the steel steps and looks down at Test and taunts him. Lashley exits the ring. And continues down the tunnel, now holding up the ECW World title in which he dropped on the way too the ring. RVD is now up, unknowns to what just happened, climbs the ladder, as the crowd go on there feet, he does the RVD sign and hits a 5 ***** Frog Splash. RVD covers and the ref counts the three counts!

Tazz “Lashley just saved RVD arse getting hammered!”
Styles “Your not wrong there Tazz, and what a match we just saw, this is ECW Tazz, not RAW or Smackdown or any other type of wrestling branch, this is Extreme, Championship Wrestling!”
Tazz “Styles… this is ECW… with Heymen back… let me tell you… this is going to be one crazy ECW”
Styles “Royal Rumble… Test, RVD and Lashley, EXTREME RULES. The Royal Rumble is going to go off ECW style this Sunday Tazz!”

*One of a Kind is hitting the P.A as the crowd are on there feet chanting ECW and RVD, mixed. RVD is on the top turnbuckle posing as ECW comes to a close*

== End Show ==
excellent!!! amayzing i loved the backstage segments and what r.v.d sed and then bringing back heyman and making heyman such a powerful force!!

yea baby!!!!

yo david lagana (ecw head writer) you should take notes for this excellent i give you 9.5 out of 10 i just didn't like the kevin thorn vs. sandman because you could have done it like this:

lashley vs. sandmand with thorn interfeering after 5 minutes but wtvr your the expert not mine excellent
thanks man, yeah that would of been a pretty good idea actually. but I didn't ant Sandman and Lashley to got at it early because the I've got things wih them instored later on.
I do tho.... I wrote this in 3 weeks. You however are warned for spamming.

Edit: Oh and Abyss could you add more to the review, it would be greatly appreciated.
no offense but dude u need to get a life

First to wwefan, to quote Bischoff, Bite Me. I suppose entertaining to you would be to see Kevin Federline with WWE gold on his waist. In regards to Aussie, if this were real, that would be entertaining and I mean a lot more entertaining then the tripe the WWE has put on lately. Aussie, I commend you for this. Vinny Mac ought to take notes because THAT is what ECW ought to be. Vince knows nothing of extreme or what fans want or how to listen to the fans. He never has and he never will. We all know he can't recognize talent. Only criticism I give you Aussie is maybe you should have had Heyman say that from here out it's all extreme rules in ECW. If you put that in already and I overlooked that, I apologize but I would be entertained by this and if it really happened, that might bring me back to the WWE. Sadly, VKM is a senial, egomaniacal braindead dumbass who thinks of only his ego and not the same audience that brings him business. The more he tries to tighten his grip, the more wrestling fans will slip through his fingers.
thanks Extreme Rage... I appreciated all the comments you've made, and I agree VKM is an idiot when it comes to ECW and should at least brought back the ER. The only reason I have not made every match hardcore or ER is that I want some singles competetion to show that ECW is not just about hardcore and that the superstrs can bring on some 5* matchs just Extreme Hardcore ness.
I truly do understand what you were aiming for Aussie. The only thing is that I felt and I think alot of us that remember ECW in it's purity was that the extreme rules that the WWE labeled was part of what made ECW the revolution that it is. But you're right, it was never totally about hardcore. Some matches proved that it didn't need hardcore such as table, thumbtacks or any of that. Example being the RVD/Jerry Lynn matches. I already this in a post that first and foremost above all was that ECW was about the fans. ECW listened to the fans and had a bond with the fans that neither the WWE or WCW were ever able to understand or develop. And in the WWE's case, they never will. TNA may mess up now and then, but at least they get the fans made wrestling, not senial old bastards that sit behind a desk in some building all day while the guys beat themselves up everyday despite that he couldn't give a damn. All VKM has now in place of what we used to call genius, is stupidity, arrogance, and a sense of being completely oblivious to the state of his product. So yeah, if you do more like this, count me as one o the first to read em. Oh and one more thing. Am I seriously the only one that's disgusted to look at the WWE title?
I agree.. I dislike the WWE title alot lol and I would rather look at the WHC cause that is one awsome title right there. I'm still working through the next show, with a weekend free it should be up soon, thanks for your comments though Extreme cause I know what you mean and how arrogant VKM is, like seriously? He's using ECW like trainging yard now just to make Lashley look unstoppable so Lashley may not be the main one through this brand.
First I want to say I thought it was well written and entertaining, but a little too close to the product the WWE produces right now, and I get that's kind of the point to keep it based in reality, but sometime's it's a little too real for me, if you get what i'm tring to say, on the other hand though I like how detailed the promo's and segment's were and the easy to read style matches with the comentery in between, I must admitt also this is the best WWECW I never seen(lol), loved how you brought back Heyman(loved that opening promo, he is ECW), and my MOTN was of course the main event Test versus RVD, it was a great match, hope you continue to do these you did a great job.
I might get warned for spamming but i wanna know how do u know when u get warned for spamming? (sorry is this is psamming but this is my 1st time here and i jus twanan make sure that i know how u no if u ggot warned)
Usully a mod will tell you or it should be in your profiles on one of the tabs along the right side.
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