Matt Hardy > Jeff Hardy


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Does anyone else think Matt is better than Jeff and deserves much more credit? I think over the years he's gotten better, and Jeff has gotten worse.. And not just in the ring... I hate the way Jeff acts, all goofy and shit...

Matt also stays loyal to WWE and still doesn't get much of a push... Jeff gets strung out, then goes to TNA, comes back and Wham! He's IC champ. To Hell with that.

I hope Matt gets a push and gets where Jeff's at. He deserves it in my eyes.

and on a side note, I would love to see an NC stable with the Hardys, Shannon Moore, Helms and Flair.
I dont think so. Jeff as the high flying ability but Matt has the power. I dont think Matt is better I dont think Jeff is better. They are both the same and there are not a whole lot of categories that they have in common
I just don't like Jeff Hardy. He's got some big balls and all to do some of the stunts he does. However, if the quality of a wrestler is based on how much time they spend in the air, that would make Jack Evans (who actually has more than a few aerial attacks) the best high flyer in the world. Jeff's just not as innovative as he once was and he actually hasn't improved much since we've seen him.

Matt blends balls and technique pretty well...
jeff hardy is so much better then matt hardy is jeff has got the balls to do anything he does not bother backing down unlike matt does
I think they push Jeff more because Jeff has a bit more of a personality than Matt, but as far as in ring ability Matt has got it over Jeff.
Matt seems to be the better wrestler but Jeff seems to be the "hot" one and therefore gets the push. I have to admit though I haven't seem smackdown in a while because 1-I find it boring and 2-I'm not staying in on a Friday night to watch wrestling.

Jeff though has the better look. I think they are both better off as a tag team.
I've always perfered Matt Hardy over Jeff. Jeff's more of a guy whose famous for jumping off of high things... and Matt is the better wrestler. I still respect both, but Matt is a great mat wrestler and puts on great matches on SD. But, Jeff will always be a fan favorite.

Flames Out
jeff hardy is better then matt because matt just isn't as good, and isn't as entertaining to watch. and jeff hardy is more xtreme
I beleve Matt Hardy has always been held back on Smackdown the guy never got the push for a U.S. title run and his been in the WWE for longer then some other (Lashley,Kennery,Finley) who all held the U.S. title once and Matt never even got a shot at it.

As for Jeff i do beleve that even know the fans were happy to see him return as was i to have him win the I.C. in just a few week after returning seem stupid i mean yeah his great in all but they throw the title right on him
I think it's good because both are completley different wrestlers. Personally I think Matt has improved whearas Jeff has got worse. Unfortunatley I think they missed the boat with Matt, when he returned after being fired he was huge but they did'nt capitalise.
Matts technique is miles better then Jeff Hardy, Jeff is too arkward in the ring. However! Jeff is the better hardcore and highflyer. I still prefer Matt I guess, but I'd prefer them as a team on SmackDown! going against MNM and the Hooliganz.
You've got a good point but Jeff Hardy is more exciting than boring old Matt Hardy and plus Jeff Hardy wouldn't have left if WWE didn't RELEASE him, so when you think about it Jeff Hardy is loyal for wanting to come back to the WWE.
mat hardy is great wen it comes to pure wrestling skill but wwe is fake. i dont care about the wrestling skill anymore because they use the wrong pepole for the wrong things. i watch wwe for entertainment. even if he wasnt as creative and exciting as he was in his 1st run in wwe nd tna, jeff hardy is my favorite out of the 2. hes more entertaining and thats y hes getting the push

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