Matt Hardy - Jeff Hardy fued discussion thread

Did anybody else really enjoy that segment between the 2 of them tonight (03/13/09) on Smackdown? i thought it was great alot of emotion shown and Matt played his role brilliantly, it was weird to see Jeff play upset as its something ive never seen before. Also there promo work was pretty decent as it has been throughout this build up, i dont think they are as bad as people are making out they are on the mic or they have at least improved greatly. This is really started to build up now towards wrestlemania and i gotta say im excited for this match more than the HHH/Orton and Cena/Show/Edge match.
how are you excited for this match...remember weve seen Matt vs. Jeff before, it was for the hardcore championship and Jeff won....which also means that Matt may win this one
how are you excited for this match...remember weve seen Matt vs. Jeff before, it was for the hardcore championship and Jeff won....which also means that Matt may win this one

We also saw it at venegance. but that was way back in 2001 when they were tag team wrestlers, now its completely differant they have singles experiance and have both carried people to decent feuds, they will deffo work much better together now, and i think the WWE would think so too otherwise they wouldnt put them on at Wrestlemania the biggest stage of them all. I Hope Matt does win this one it would benefit him more in the long run.
how are you excited for this match...remember weve seen Matt vs. Jeff before, it was for the hardcore championship and Jeff won....which also means that Matt may win this one

Yeah, umm don't know if you notice this yet but we've also seen Trips/Orton, Taker/HBK, as well as Cena facing Edge and Big Show in singles matches, and with the way things look right now we'll also be getting JBL/Mysterio another match that has been done before many many times, it doesn't matter if the two have faced each other before, it's the build up for the match that gets people attention, also Matt and Jeff haven't wrestled each other since Vengeance 2001, 8 fucking years ago, alot of fans have forgotten that that match ever took place and a lot of new fans prolly don't even know about it yet, so this feud seems fresh and new to a lot of fans
This is Matt's all the way... they do it right and they have a HATED and golden heel for the next couple of years... it'll be bloody...emotional and the crowd will leave feeling Jeff was cheated... but they will love to hate Matt all the way to a REAL world title...
This feud is as barren as it gets. I have a feeling that it only exists to give Matt something to do. And it stupidly keeps Jeff out of the title picture, which is where he should be.
I had hopes that they would put Jeff in the MITB match, which looks pretty dreadful so far, but I don't think it's going to be the case, sadly.

While I don't agree the feud is barren, since it has practically destroyed the Hardys as a tag team forever. I agree with your feeling on whole deal. Some people may think this is a step up for Matt, but I see it as a step down for Jeff, since he's been kept out of the title picture. Some people fool themselves into thinking there's something more than politics behind this abortion, but the future will set them straight. If you think about the logic, it makes very little sense for Matt to stop Jeff from winning the title and then wanting to beat him in a match, would not make more sense to let him win the title, then beat him for it ? I know, then you'd have to build the main event around the Hardys and we can't have that no matter how epic Matt's turn is supposed to be. No doubt their match will be one of the best on WM 25, perhaps they will steal the show, but I still don't like the way they both got screwed out of being in a main event.
I dont think either guy really deserves a main-event spot, Matt because he isnt over enough, dont get me wrong he's popular but he's not quite there yet and Jeff because I dont care if he has supposed to change, he's still untrustworthy.

Anyway I still think Matt should win this, losing/winning wont hurt/help Jeff one little bit whereas I believe that Matt's future success could depend on whether he can get a victory over his brother, if Matt loses then it's pointless and neither guy goes anywhere new.

If Matt wins then the fued can continue because he can say that he's better than Jeff, he can keep beating Jeff for a few months until Jeff finally comes out on top, if this fueds done right then I truly believe WWE have to make Jeff look like the underdog because in doing so they make Matt look legit and make the fued more exciting than "oh look the better Hardy won, big surprise".

-EDIT- Although in retrospect the promo work between the guy's was better than I expected it to be, in fact it was good enough to the point where I am going to go back on what I said about Jeff needing to be the underdog to make the fued interesting. -EDIT-
I for one am glad that this is going this way. Putting these two in Money In the Bank would have been terrible, probably as bad as the botchery of the misbooking of Orton and Edge and Mania 23 in the Money in the Bank. Randy Orton vs. Edge should have been on the card, instead they were put into a clusterfuck of a match and no one cared. That could happen and would happen to Matt and Jeff Hardy.

Look, I'm not the Hardy's biggest fans or supporters, but the guys have at least earned a chance to show what they have on pay per view. I'm hoping for Owen vs. Bret out of this thing. Yes, the mic work isn't strong as neither Hardy will knock your socks off on the stick, and yes, comparing the Hardys ring work to the Harts and hoping to get that good of a match out of them that doesn't involve jumping off of something is a bit of a stretch, but the two have put in their time. It's time to shit or get off the pot with these two guys. If you put them in a situation at the biggest show in the history of the company, and say they open up the show and get to set the pace, and they drop the ball, then it's time to cut your losses. If they can't give you a great match up in this situation, then you'll never get a great match out of them.
i dunno if this has been said, but i'm going to say it anyway.
i've seen a lot of talk about people wanting to bring back edge and christian vs the hardys, but that can't happen now because of matt being heel and christian being face. so how about a team of matt and edge vs jeff and christian? i know matt and edge had their thing, but that was years ago and they've had matches since then, and i personally think that the switching sides thing would be interesting. thoughts?
Personally, I think this feud sucks now, but can become better as it progresses, a few more ppv matches should make it one of the best feuds of the year. I think at some point, the world heavyweight title needs to be introduced into their feud. And I personally believe Matt should get it to help his mainevent push and because the end result of jeff beating him for it in a great match will put them both way over.
I feel lyk thid feud is like the Y2J Vs. Shawn Michaels feud. Here are some reasons

1. Turned one face a heel
2. Gimmick Matches
3. One costing another a title
4. One going utterly crazy

They really just recreated that feud, but to a bigger extent.
I am a massive hardy mark since i first started to watch wrestling.
I agree that Matt has to win the Extreme Rules match at WMXXV or it wiil be pointless for this feud to even occur.
Jeff is so over he could literaly break matts back and still be over with the fans. Matt needs ligitmate heat so he has to go over with the side Effect or ToF onto a table/Chair/ of a ladder/ through the ring and fuck jeff up.
I am a massive hardy mark since i first started to watch wrestling.
I agree that Matt has to win the Extreme Rules match at WMXXV or it wiil be pointless for this feud to even occur.
Jeff is so over he could literaly break matts back and still be over with the fans. Matt needs ligitmate heat so he has to go over with the side Effect or ToF onto a table/Chair/ of a ladder/ through the ring and fuck jeff up.

So, Matt wins, do you actually see a way where Matt would face HHH or Cena as a heel and NOT get squashed ? I certainly don't. I do happen to think this feud is pointless, they have no plans to elevate Matt, they just wanted Jeff out of the title picture, if anything, this will hurt Jeff, last Smackdown when he was going ballistic with the chair, some fans seemed quite confused and he didn't get the huge crowd support he usually gets.
Jeff cant win at wrestlemania if they want the feud to continue. I expect Matt to win their extream rules match in some kind of cheating fashion. This will lead to a Last man Standing, Cage, or TLC match between the two with Jeff eventually getting the win. They can make the feud pretty good if they make Matt a good enough heel. I've beem saying for a long time that Matt needs to change is wrestling style to separate himself from Jeff. So I'm hoping Matt wins at wrestlemania via a new submission move.
Matt wont change his wrestling style he will be the same all the way through his career like most wrestlers are. I am a bit annoyed that theyve made this match Extreme Rules, i'd have prefered a standard 1 on 1 for the first match of this feud because an extreme rules match could have waited, but this wont change the fact that it will be a great match. I have a feeling that this will be match of the night or at least be close to the HBK - Taker match.
Well so much for me giving this feud undeserved praise. What a bunch of BS that the WWE has caved in and made this match an extreme rules match. It pretty much confirms that the WWE has ZERO faith in these two has performers and getting the job done without a gimmick attached to it. If two brothers, at Wrestlemania, can't put on the match of their lives without the attachment of a stupid ass Extreme Rules gimmick, then they shouldn't have a job in the business. Bad move.
With Jeff's blazing victories over Kendrick and Ziggler, it's pretty obvious by now that Matt will win the match at WM. What a waste :icon_rolleyes:
I don't think it's over yet. Jeff has to win at one point. I was surprised that Matt even won at WM. I like Matt better, but Jeff will win eventually, probably at Backlash.
TNA really likes having smackdown as their triple A.. they use it to help build stars that will someday be overpushed on TNA and not have any real talent.. look at half the roster and what show they where on in WWE. =]
This feud is great right now. You just know Jeff's going to get Matt back for what happened. On other threads, I've lobbied for Matt to get a shot and possibly win the MITB from Punk to keep his momentum going. Wouldn't it be messed up if Matt actually did win the case from Punk, only to be screwed during his title shot by Jeff...a way of Jeff getting 'even' with Matt. Talk about taking the feud to another level.

I would love to see a title match between these two. It'd a lower level Owen/Bret match. The possibilities for this rivalry are great. I would love to see them steer away from high spots so much, and focus on beating the hell out of each other. Sure, one or two during a match would be fine, but physicality would really sell this storyline. Two people beating the hell out of each other simply entertains people. Look at the HHH/HBK rivalry from back when Shawn returned from his back injury. They beat each other crazy in that match. Few high spots, lots of brutality. That's what this rivalry needs.

I seriously hope they don't end this prematurely. I want to see some sort of an end to this. There has to be something to come out of it...whether it's Matt elevating himself to main event, or Jeff launching himself into icon status. If none of these things happen, it will be considered a disappointment and a 'what might have been' kind of feeling will be left over.

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