Matt Hardy deserves a big push


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Matt is a good wrestler, tag team style, hardcore style, or just a singles match, matt can do it all and he is way over with the crowd. True hes not as over as his brother jeff but if jeff didnt take all those crazy spots i doubt he would be as popular as matt. Matt is reliable, devoted to his career, very passionate to this business and to his fans. Matt works soo hard and you can cleary see how much he loves this business and how he thrives to succeed in this business. But no matter how hard he works he is always overshadowed by Jeff. Matt works his ass off in the ring and out of the ring and he still hasnt had a decent singles title push. Jeff Hardy gets the biggest push in the wwe currently, defeating HHH, defeating HBK, IC champ, headlined RR, was a favortie to win the MITB and now he pisses it all away again. Jeff is unreliable and doesnt have the passion like matt does but he still gets the bigger push everytime. Matt deserves the biggest push in his carreer right now, hes over, he has good fueds, hes a talented wrestler, and the wwe is lacking superstars right now. With Eddie, benoit, angle, booker t, gone the wwe is lacking alot of talent. Now is wwe's chance to give matt a big push. He has the potential to be a bigger superstar then Jeff and he can have some amazing fueds on smackdown with edge, mvp, even chavo. Please WWE give Matt the big push that he deserves
Deserves is a big word when it comes to wrestling, but I feel he has earned a push moreso then Jeff Hardy. Matt Hardy has been loyal to the WWE since his debut. You can tell that he's more ring savvy and honestly just gets "it" more then Jeff. Matt can work a promo better then Jeff, and I think he is a ton better in the ring. Hell, out of the Carolina Quartet, Matt Hardy and Helms go 1 and 2, then Moore then Jeff Hardy in my book.

I'm not a big Matt Hardy fan, but I certainly feel he is better then Jeff, and easily more "deserving" in my book then Jeff. The only problem I've had with Matt was airing his dirty laundry which should have been taken care of backstage. Matt did get unjustifiably released from the company (If you ask me, the firing was a work).

I think Matt Hardy would wokr out, and work out well. You finish the feud with MVP, and depending on the health of Helms, have a run with him and eventually drop the title. You have a huge ingrown storyline right there with Matt Hardy and Edge, and why the WWE doesn't use it, I will never understand.
I don't think Matt Hardy is that good of an entertainer. He cuts ok promos and is better technically than Jeff, but he's just not that exciting. He also gets injured more often than anyone else on the roster. Matt sure stacks up well against Jeff, but not many others.

I do believe however, he is going to be praised and probably get a considerable push simply because he's the Hardy who can stay out of trouble.
I think his promos are pretty good, if you watch some of his promos during his fued with edge ... those were good promos and if he can cut more like that then i dont think he will have any problems on the mic
I think his promos are pretty good, if you watch some of his promos during his fued with edge ... those were good promos and if he can cut more like that then i dont think he will have any problems on the mic

That was a little different situation though. That was as close to real as storylines get. Matt wasn't really cutting promos, he was speaking for real.

If someone had sex with my girlfriend while we were dating I could cut one hell of a promo on that guy. I think you'd find a lot of people who could have done that just as good. I'm not trying to totally hate on Matt, I just truly think that if Jeff didn't mess up so many times, Matt wouldn't get half the praise he does.
I praise matt because i believe he deserves a good push, you know hes worked for the wwe for almost 10 years without winning a decent title. If jeff can get a big push even with all his screw ups ... matt should atleast get a good push for just being a good and devoted worker
But you also can't just give a guy a push because of longevity. Granted, Bossman, and Holly received undeserving title shots just to give them a shot, so I'll certainly say Matt is better then those two. However, you can't simply give a guy a push based on tenure.

Jeff was able to get a push a) because he was a pawn of Triple H, and b) he pushes merchandise. The mighty dollar is what ultimately drives the business. Jeff has something to make himself and individual, purple hair. That's pretty much it, but purple hair is enough to get you recognized. Matt Hardy hasn't had anything to give himself a strong individual personality. The Version 1.0 stuff was okay, but they quickly killed that by adding Crash Holly to the crew.

And as far as the promo abilities with Edge, I think it was pretty much summed up with, that was as real as it got. As slim said, one of my friends messes with my girlfriend, they're calling the cops on me, and I'm not asking for my job back.
Matt Hardy is way overdue for a push. He should be recieving the push Jeff was getting. Matt can wrestle way better than. He can be kind of spotty, like his brother, but he can also back it up with good technical wrestling. He can also cut a decent push, unlike Jeff. And is also over with the fans.

I don't understand WWE. You have Jeff; he can't wrestle, he's not charismatic, he's a junkie, his only plus is that he's over with the fans. Then you have Matt; he's a good wrestle, he can cut a decent promo, he doesn't do drugs, and is also somewhat over with the fans. All Jeff has is the fans, but yet he is pushed way more than his brother.

Hopefully when Matt comes back, he can win the US title, and work from there. He has potential, and sadly at the moment it's not being used.
Jeff sells alot of merchandise with Matt, they sell mostly hardy boyz material, yeah jeff is more over but matt can get it done in the ring, he had good matches wtih helms, kennedy, booker, edge and mvp. Hes over, hes a good overall wrestler, and alot of people watched smackdown just because of his fued with mvp. In my eyes he deserves a pretty good push, if not then who is there really to push on smackdown other then MVP ... Henry? Khali ? If they dont push matt as a top baby face then its just batista, taker and rey everytime and thats getting stale
I am in the minority here, but I love Matt Hardy. The guy has boat loads of talent and I don't understand why people praise Jeff as the better Hardy.

I mean, I'll just start off with his in-ring ability for first things. Matt is honestly one of the best workers in the WWE today in my opinion, and if you really take the time to sit down and watch his matches over the last few years, especially during his MVP feud (some of the best wrestling matches I've seen out of the WWE in years came [over last summer I think?] from the battles those two had on Smackdown.

Now take those matches against MVP for example that I just told you to watch (or pretty much any match involving Matt Hardy and a capable opponent) and compare those to the matches and work-rate of say...Batista. Miles ahead. Easy example yes, but shit look at Mr. Kennedy (so very overrated; good, but not nearly ready for the spotlight) and compare him to Matt Hardy. Hardy blows him out of the water as well.

Probably going to start a lot of controversy saying Matt Hardy is better then Mr. Kennedy, but it's simply true.

Matt doesn't really deserve a push though. The guys who deserve pushes are the ones who will make the company money, as has been said so many times before.

Would me, and I'm willing to bet a majority of fan, be excited by a Matt Hardy push? You bet. Edge vs. Matt Hardy feud would be terrific; and I don't even count that abortion of a feud they had a year or two ago. A real feud.

I think Matt Hardy would wokr out, and work out well. You finish the feud with MVP, and depending on the health of Helms, have a run with him and eventually drop the title. You have a huge ingrown storyline right there with Matt Hardy and Edge, and why the WWE doesn't use it, I will never understand.

Why because that storyline would make logical sense Shocky....WWE...and logical? What ever are you thinking?
yea matt hardy defintley has heart and is a good wrestler more devoted than that other hardy>:0 but the thing that too me always faults matt hardy is his mic skills are horrible im sorry to say but he sucks on the mic cant have a champ they have to be at least decent on the mic he is way over with the crowd but he has to get better mic skills then he can win the title but for now he can win the u.s title no harm in that
yea matt hardy defintley has heart and is a good wrestler more devoted than that other hardy>:0 but the thing that too me always faults matt hardy is his mic skills are horrible im sorry to say but he sucks on the mic cant have a champ they have to be at least decent on the mic he is way over with the crowd but he has to get better mic skills then he can win the title but for now he can win the u.s title no harm in that

Well You can have an ECW Champ that is worse on the mic than Hardy. (Lashley). But I don't think he is champ material because to me he seems a bit boring. Not boring I guess kinda plain. unlike is brother. But did you notice that Jeff don't pump you up as much with his new music. I don't know why they changed it. Anyways I think Matt could be ECW champ but that's about it.
Giving Matt the US title is long overdue, his character is basically an underdog and an underdog champion imo is the best champion. The crowd will always be on your side because you are the underdog. Thats probibly why cena isnt as popular anymore becuase he wasn't an underdog, he was superman. Matt hardy as the us champion could defend the title against big daddy v, mark henry, khali, putting matt with monsters where they destroy him and at the end he pulls off the win just barely would be worth watching to me. His character is he wont die, so that would work out really well against all the monsters on smackdown/ecw.
matt hardy winning the ecw champ not much people would care i for one wouldent no offense but yea i can see matt hardy beating the monsters on smackdown/ecw jasu but cmon i know and you know that will get old soon thats basically ripping off john cena and look what happend to cena when they created him into some type of guy who "beats the odds" they can do that with hardy for limted time but not too long but honestly i dont really seeing him winning the worldhevayweight title/wwe title but if he did it would be for a short reign
Matt Hardy is an extremely talented wrestler. He really knows what he's doing in the ring and is also good at cutting promos and will most likely become better at that. So in the long run he will probably be a top carder.

What is way more interesting in my opinion is whether he should be a face or a heel. Right now he's pretty good as a face, but I don't know how far he can go with that. It somehow seems that he is limited and might not go much further than he is now. As a heel he was a really entertaining character and it seemed like it came to him more naturally, he really had good ideas on how to improve his gimmick all the time.

Either way, I hope he's coming back real soon, and it will be interesting to see how the crowd reacts to his comeback. I'd really like so see him come back right when MVP is doing his MVP lounge or something, talking about how great he is and really pissing the fans off. Let's just hope the WWE has some good ideas for him and doesn't just bring him back without a real build-up.
I cant recall the wwe really pushing cena as an underdog, he has always been unstoppable. The only time he lost his title was when edge cashed it in after he went through the elimination chamber and when RVD beat him with the help of edge. Cenas character and hardys character arent even close imo. I dont think matt is ready for the heavy weight division but with a few us reigns and some more V1 heel characteristics I believe he can one day. Jeff hardy is one-dimentional ... he can only play a vulnerable baby face and the wwe was ready to give him the wwe championship. Matt can do anything jeff can do and more. I agree that Matt should be more like his V1 gimmick and if he was then he would be more over then he already is. People get sick of the white meat baby faces, so in order to be a baby face that doesnt go stale as fast he needs to be more like his V1 character again. Then I think matt should beable to reach his goals in the wwe alot faster.
Yep, Matt's push has been a long time coming and if anyone couldn't see him winning the US title at some point in his career then you're a bit short sighted. Anyone could have predicted it back when they brought the belt back in 2003. The only reason it's taken this long is because people like Benoit and Booker T and others like even Cena have been around for all this time, and you know the rest.

I look forward to future matches with the more talented Hardy on PPV in the next few months against MVP. Starting from Backlash, where you can easily predict the usual dq or count out or no contest ending to the match. But, they'll probably have a good couple more matches on PPV in the months after, in a cage and maybe a ladder match. I can't see Hardy taking the belt any later than One Night Stand, where every match will be a gimmick match and most likely one of the two I just mentioned.

Then I hope they eventually give Hardy a fair reign with a title that still has some prestige left in it. It's at least a more prestigeous title than the belt that Jeff held for the last half year, that he rarely defended and recently lost to Y2J. Once he's finished with MVP they'll probably give all the smarks on this forum what they want to see. Which, is a main event push for MVP. While Matt gets stuck in a feud with Chuck Palumbo, that is, unless they decide to push a wrester who also deserves a push just like Matt, his best friend Gregory Helms.

There are big similarities between Helms and Hardy, most notably that both men have held more or less the same championships throughout their WWE tenures. Helms even won the now defunct European title from Hardy back in 2001, shortly after debuting the Hurricane gimmick. The sad thing for Helms is that the supposedly most notable thing about his career is that he is the long reigning Cruiserweight Champion in history. But, when you look at the title's history and see that it's also now defunct too and then see who the last person was to wear the gold around their waist, you'll see the name "Hornswoggle". You get my point?

But anyway, Hardy should have a bright future ahead of him for the rest of his wrestling career. Mainly because of his history with Edge, a former 4 time world champion, who could easily win the title a fifth time and feud with Hardy again in the future with it being up for grabs.
Matt Hardy pushed to the US title = yes.
Matt Hardy pushed to the ECW title = meh, not yet.
Matt Hardy pushed to the WWE/WHC title = give me a break.

Hardy's a talented guy, but he doesn't have it all. He's not the best exciting high-flyer in the ring, nor is he the most talented technical wrestler, nor is he the most exciting on the mic. Overall, he's a good guy to have on the roster, but he's lacking a certain *umph*. Normally, to make it to the top of the midcard, you need either extremely honed technical skills or extremely interesting mic skills...which Hardy isn't at yet. He's popular, and people like him, but the roof isn't coming off the building when he makes an entrance. Therefore, he doesn't have what it takes to be a main event star yet. However, he's gotten much better than just being a tag team title holder. Therefore, a US title run would be good for him, if not just to see if he can carry a decent feud or two at this stage in the hierarchy of the roster. If he does an amazing job with that title run, and follows it up with some nice feuds, who knows, maybe he can win the ECW title in 09. There's room for much, much improvement, but where he lacks what Jeff Hardy has in terms of entertainment, he has one thing that Jeff doesn't have - focus - which may be exactly what he needs to achieve those steps of improvement in the near future.
NoFate007, if you were replying to my comments above, I never said that Matt would definately win a world title. All I said was that he will most likely continue his feud with Edge at some time down the line and that maybe if Edge wins the title again, that he may get a shot at it. And, usually the most likely thing to do with a US title holder is to eventually move them up to main event status, although that could happen maybe after an ECW title reign, one example of this is Lashley, (even though he's gone now). I would say it's a lot less likely to happen to an IC title holder, because if you look at the recent history of the belt, you'll see champions like Carlito and Shelton who have yet to get anything better than that belt, although Carlito has held the US belt too. Even John Morrison hasn't really gained true main event status yet. The evidence for this is his current tag title reign with, of all people, The Miz.

Anyway, if you look at how many up-and-comers there are right now on WWE's entire roster, you'll see very few right now that can be future world champs any sooner than Hardy. And then look at how many current main eventers there already are, you'll see hardly anyone. And don't even bother bringing up Khali, Henry, V etc, they're not going to win anything more for the rest of their careers at all. Yes, Khali was WHC last year, but that was just because Edge, Kennedy and Undertaker were all injured at the time, so they didn't know of anyone else who they could have given the belt to.
Matt Hardy does deserve a push, and in my opinion, deserves it a lot more than Jeff did when his began. And what has Jeff done with his? Lost it all. Matt is there, always has been in the WWE. It's almost like a security thing the WWE have with him. He puts on consistent good matches, and he is going to be known for a long time for being a good wrestler, tag team and singles.

Very few people seem to remember the Version 1 gimmick Matt had a while ago, for one reason. It wasn't the most entertaining thing. Which is the reason Matt isn't getting the push Jeff is. He isn't as entertaining to the audience; he doesn't get the crowd behind him half as much Jeff does, and isn't involved in the same feuds or matches Jeff is. Matt doesn't get main event status, but he's a solid mid carder. The problem is, once someone shows themselves to be a solid mid carder, it's oftne hard to get out of that mpuld, and make it into the main event status.
Matt Hardy does not deserve a push, he is not as great as everyone thinks he is, and is completly overratted, the guy is incrediably average, and does nothing special to make him stand out, simply put he is boring, I fail to see why everyone thinks this guy is so great and deserving of a push, when the last time he was given a push he dropped the ball, the guy as had only 2 real memorable feuds in singles compititon, his feud with Edge when he came back, in which he had only two decent matches, the street fight on Raw that ended with a side effect off the stage (which is really the only spot I can really remember from the match) and his feud with Kane which he lost Lita to Kane in, and then got fired from WWE shortly after, and lets face it those matches with Kane were complete crap for the most part, Matt Hardy hasn't been given the big push you all seem to want him to have cause he hasn't done anything to deserve it, his promo skills are sub-par, and his matches are just average at best, Matt doesn't even seem to get a reaction from the fans, at least Jeff can get that, Jeff has found his niche, he has found what he needs to do to get over, unfortunately he has also found what he needs to get suspended and blow his whole opportunity
NoFate007, if you were replying to my comments above, I never said that Matt would definately win a world title. All I said was that he will most likely continue his feud with Edge at some time down the line and that maybe if Edge wins the title again, that he may get a shot at it. And, usually the most likely thing to do with a US title holder is to eventually move them up to main event status, although that could happen maybe after an ECW title reign, one example of this is Lashley, (even though he's gone now). I would say it's a lot less likely to happen to an IC title holder, because if you look at the recent history of the belt, you'll see champions like Carlito and Shelton who have yet to get anything better than that belt, although Carlito has held the US belt too. Even John Morrison hasn't really gained true main event status yet. The evidence for this is his current tag title reign with, of all people, The Miz.

Anyway, if you look at how many up-and-comers there are right now on WWE's entire roster, you'll see very few right now that can be future world champs any sooner than Hardy. And then look at how many current main eventers there already are, you'll see hardly anyone. And don't even bother bringing up Khali, Henry, V etc, they're not going to win anything more for the rest of their careers at all. Yes, Khali was WHC last year, but that was just because Edge, Kennedy and Undertaker were all injured at the time, so they didn't know of anyone else who they could have given the belt to.

Oh I wasn't replying to any direct comments, just the concept in general at this time. He's not in the right position to win a world title just as someone like Kendrick isn't. With enough time and improvement, anybody can win though. I think Hardy's still behind (in terms of main event crossover ability) the likes of MVP, Kennedy, his brother, etc.
I don't understand WWE. You have Jeff; he can't wrestle, he's not charismatic, he's a junkie, his only plus is that he's over with the fans. Then you have Matt; he's a good wrestle, he can cut a decent promo, he doesn't do drugs, and is also somewhat over with the fans. All Jeff has is the fans, but yet he is pushed way more than his brother.

Putting your opinions of Matt and Jeff's wrestling abilities aside, you kind of answered your own question about why Jeff is pushed more. Jeff is one of the most insanely over wrestlers right now, if not the most. And isn't it all about the fans? How many times have you heard people complain about certain wrestlers who are over with the fans not getting pushed? Now you have Jeff, a mid-carder his whole career, finally getting that push. WWE is actually giving what the majority of fans what they want. If it was solely about in ring, technical talent (and I do believe that Jeff does have a lot of talent, but once again, that's my opinion), shouldn't we see more guys like Jamie Noble in the upper mid-card/main event level?
Matt Hardy definately deserves a big push. He hasnt even won the U.S title yet, but Jeff Hardy gets the IC title all the time and gets a main event push just so he can get suspended and blow it all away.

I admit, I liked Jeff Hardy and I loved his push. I thought he finally put his troubles behind him but boy was I wrong. I have lost all respect I had for him and now all my faith is in Matt Hardy.

He has always been there, constantly putting on great matches hell, a while ago someone compared him to Benoit because he gets a good match out of almost anyone. You look at Matt's last televised match against CHUCK PALUMBO. I liked that match personally.

I betya guys like Triple H, Umaga, Batista any many others who are high up in the card, CANT get a decent match outta Chuck.

Ive always liked Matt and I think he deserves a world title but not until the end of next year. However the first step towards that is definately a good U.S title run.
I've always thought that Matt was the better of the Hardy's. He has much more in ring talent than Jeff, and he's more reliable. Matt can go out and have a solid match with just about anyone, while Jeff just kind of jumps off of shit. While I think Jeff has greatly improved before his suspension, Matt is still BY FAR the better of the two.

I've been behind Matt to get a push since his feud with Edge. Those two put on some killer matches together, but Edge ended up getting the rub from that feud. I personally think that Matt should've been in the higher cards on SmackDown while Edge was doing the same on Raw. Both of them were coming off that feud with high momentum, but Matt just sort of fizzled out, and took a backseat when Jeff came back to the company. Then when he was finally about to get US Gold, his appendix burst. He almost seems unlucky for some reason.

His feud with MVP has been good over the summer and so forth, and I think it'll finally come to a head at Backlash, with an excellent match. I think it's time for Matt to finally win the US Title, and get his long overdue push to top the midcard, eventually into Main Event status.

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