Matt Hardy-Bringing value to the ECW championship?

I am very happy that Matt got the belt. I think that there have not been any good ECW champs ever since it started...well maybe RVD but then he messed that up. I really dislike Mark Henry and I think he dose not deserve to be in wrestling. There is nothing good about him. Matt is going to do great things with that belt.
I dont think he devaluates it much but he's certainly not doing anything for it he's a hard worker who deserves it i suppose hes a decent wrestler but hes not really making the title most prestigious
What do you think of Matt Hardy winning the ECW title?I,think it's a good idea to have someone other then Mark Henry as the champion.I,would love to see John Morrison vs Matt Hardy after Mark Henry faces Matt Hardy!.Now,my question is this does he devalue the ECW title or bring value to the title?Does,he bring any Prestige to title?Or,he won't bring any to it?

I think it confirms the ECW as IC/US title level as Matt is at that level not a main eventer I would love to see someone win the ECW title and make it into a prestegious Hardcore title
TheOneBigWill said:
The fact of the matter is this. The E.C.W. Championship is going in and out of being seen as a "Heavyweight" Championship. It's called the "E.C.W. Championship" and only at select times, mainly when Henry was Champion, was it being called a Heavyweight title. But when Chavo Guerrero held it, the word "Heavyweight" wasn't anywhere to be found in sentences connecting him to the title.

Well, the same goes for the WWE Championship though. It's not called the WWE World Heavyweight Championship or the WWE World Championship. Yet, it is a World Heavyweight title in all essence, record and recognition.

timostage said:
I think it confirms the ECW as IC/US title level as Matt is at that level not a main eventer I would love to see someone win the ECW title and make it into a prestegious Hardcore title

That doesn't confirm anything. Does that mean when Rey Mysterio was World Heavyweight Champion, he was main event level? Or, even CM Punk for that matter? Does that mean the World Heavyweight Championship is equal to the IC/US Championships? No. The ECW title is above the IC/US Championships, but below the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. It's the third world belt, despite it not being anywhere nearly as prestigious as the first two world belts.
Well, the same goes for the WWE Championship though. It's not called the WWE World Heavyweight Championship or the WWE World Championship. Yet, it is a World Heavyweight title in all essence, record and recognition.

You're absolutely correct in all senses of what you're saying. However...

The difference is, the W.W.E. Championship can't be called a World Heavyweight title because it'd get too confusing for the one on Smackdown. And it actually has been refered to as a Heavyweight Championship before by the announcer's, but because it's called the "W.W.E. Championship" you're suppose to just naturally assume it's their "main" title, since it's named after the company.

As for the E.C.W. Championship, "I" personally still see it as a Heavyweight title and the announcer's from time to time still call it such. But it's no longer builded as such. In E.C.W. it was always the "E.C.W. Heavyweight Championship". Now it's just the E.C.W. Championship.

Unlike the confusion that'd come from the World Heavyweight title and the W.W.E. title, calling the E.C.W. Championship a Heavyweight Championship shouldn't bring confusion, because the initials in front of the name are what makes the difference.

It's somewhat ironic because it's also the initials in front of the title, that are likely causing it to be devalued from Heavyweight form in the billing.
I think it confirms the ECW as IC/US title level as Matt is at that level not a main eventer I would love to see someone win the ECW title and make it into a prestegious Hardcore title

A bit of an oxymoron there prestegeous and hardcore title! Does Matt bring value to it? At the moment, yes I think he does, but it's not hard to bring value to it. Past champions; RVD, one month, Big Show, Lashley, Vince, Lashley...vacated.

Now I'm going to pause here, this title should have been Benoit's he would have brought value to the belt and ECW as a whole, I still think this is a shame...

Morrison, Punk, Chavo, Kane, Henry and Matt. Now of all those champions I only think Punk gave it any 'value' as such, Henry was beginning to improve as a champion (and I hope he continues to improve, he impressed me), but to get back onto topic it's waaaay too early to see if Matt will bring value to it. However I think he's a good worker and it should be pretty darn good!
I,would prefer Jeff Hardy to be the WWE champion then Matt Hardy the ECW Champion.Why?,you might ask because Jeff Hardy got a lot of talent,he is good on the mic,and he can wrestle.I,am not saying Matt Hardy can't wrestle but, what has he done to deserve the ECW title?Beat,someone like MVP for the United States title,sure MVP hold the US title a while what prestige did he add to it when he had the title?I would say he added no prestige to it because he didn't really defend it that often like Matt Hardy did.Now,if Jeff Hardy won the WWE title Triple H would be pissed off because he didn't want to lose the title to Jeff Hardy!What's, wrong with putting someone like Jeff Hardy over?Nothing is wrong with that you are helping the younger talent out.Now,back on topic since Matt Hardy won the ECW title he did bring value to title a little but, not a lot he hasn't even defended the ECW title yet.Matt Hardy I hope has a better ECW title run then his US title run he had before!
My turn now. After reading these posts the general consensus is that time will tell whether or not Matt Hardy will be a credible champion. Well, after two weeks as champion, ECW's ratings have dropped consistently with each passing week......What does that tell u? Matt IS THE LESSER HARDY. The proof is in the history. Jeff won his first major single title: the Intercontinental Championship in 2001, Matt Hardy won his first major ( not the Cruiserweight Title) title, the US Championship in 2008 and kept it for all of 3 months in which time he did nothing with it except lower the prestige that MVP and Benoit worked to build with the title. Now they take the ECW title form Mark Henry, who in my opinion was doing a damn good job as te champion. I have never liked Matt Hardy, but at least in the old days he could do a few high-flying moves and he was somewhat entertaining with his Mattitude gimmick. Yes he has been with the company a long time and deserves some success, but teh fact remains that Matt was never seen as a main event contender. Lest we forget in 2005 he was released by WWE and the ONLY REASON HE GOT REHIRED was to bring the real life drama with himself, Lita and Edge into a sturyline. If not for that, Matt wouldn't even be on the WWE roster today. Furthermore, the fact that Matt had to go from Raw to Smackdown then to ECW to FINALLY win a fairly credible "World Title" means that Matt was probably never seen as more than a midcard talent and only reason he is champion now is because he is over with the fans. At the end of the day, Matt will probably end up going over more credible contenders in Miz, Morrison and he even beat Mike Knox twice already, and they all have more wrestling talent than Matt. Everyone knows sooner or later Jeff will be WWE Champion and that's because he's just better than Matt, who will probably lose the ECW title before Jeff wins the WWE title because Vince will see Matt doing the same thing with it as he did with the US title, NOT A DAMN THING. Its true that ECW's roster is pretty much non-existant at this point. Why WWE decided to move Kane and CM Punk to Raw makles no sense to me, but now we see the results in the very boring new ECW Champion. I just hope he doesn't keep it too long and doesn't end up beating John Morrison to retain it, because say what u want about Morrison, I believe he was a better ECW champion when he was actually a pretty decent heel than Matt will be. Plus he can wrestle circles around Matt. Well I'm done complaining, just to say that I have not watched ECW since Unforgiven and I will not watch it until Matt Hardy has lost the ECW Title. It is as my favorite wrestler Edge put it back in 2005 0r 2006, "Matt Hardy is the most overrated piece of garbage on the WWE roster."
Hardy simply isn't a very good champion. He's instantly forgettable. We know who Mark Henry is cuz he's that massive black dude. We know who Jeff Hardy is cuz he's that's dude who jumps off high things. We know who THE Brian Kendrick cuz he's that dude with the whacky ring attire and the awesome bodyguard.

Now, what is the distinguishing characteristic of Matt Hardy? He gets good pops - and? That's it. He's bland, boring, generic, and not very interesting on the mic or in the ring. He's not "Extreme" in any way (at least Kane and Henry could be viewed as sort of extreme). His ECW title reign will be just as forgettable as his US title reign. He beats some heels cleanly, then randomly loses to some heel whom he's already beaten. If ECW is going to be developmental country, then the title should be a developmental title given to people who they want to build up as future WWE and WHC champions - not Matt Hardy who we already know is a mid-carder for life.

This would, naturally, mean that the ECW championship would sink further in value, but really, is this such a bad thing? At least this way it might actually serve a useful purpose.

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