Math Quiz: Major Injury + January Return = Automatic Royal Rumble win

First of all:
You are going to have to excuse D-Man. He gets a little over-zealous when he sees people bashing the WWE product. You have to wonder whether the Staff lost their minds when they wanted me to take over Modding the WWE section and not him.

I wasn't all that surprised, and to be frank, I was a little underwhelmed because I knew it was coming. WWE's better solution to this problem is to make the Rumble what it should be intended to be on a kayfabe sense .... award it to a completely random person. Unpredictability is one of the single most important and valuable characteristics in wrestling today.

Thank you ma Lord, you basically said everything I was trying to say in a neat little nutshell. And I think you made a really good point-the Royal Rumble should have completely random winners. Forget the debate over whether high-, mid-, or low-carders should get the win. Just put all the rumblers names in a hat, pick one, and build a storyline. I think it's only fair to throw the writers a complete curveball like that, especially when they throw the curveball that is the WWE Draft every year on the Superstars. Would definitely keep my interest.

Of course, the only problem is that people like the Hurricane or R-Truth or even Horswaggle would be picked, and let's face it, these forums would be filled with wwe flamers. It could still create good storylines, but people simply wouldnt be able to take it for what it is.......unpredictable!

EDIT: To respond to D-Man-ok, I didnt know Cena was gonna return that night, but alot of people in the stream that I was on kept saying they were hearing rumors that he was backstage. I didnt believe it at first, but enough people claimed it was true that I believed it, and figured if he's back, then he's probably gonna win. Same thing happened with Edge this year.
As for being annoyed when I'm right, it's because I like unpredictability. Although, you make a good point. If I like it so much, maybe I should stop reading the spoilers, except for the fact that I don't read them. Most of the predictions I make are based on past events, knowing what makes common sense financially for the company, and what I personally hope happens on the show. In the case of predicting the Edge/Cena incidents, I trace those to the stream chatters that I speak to right before the ppv's start). Taking your advice, I'm gonna stop talking to them before the ppvs. Maybe that will help the next Royal Rumble be even more entertaining and unpredictable for me. Again, I thank you, almighty D-Man!
If I remember correctly, HHH's Royal Rumble win and HBK's 96 win were returns as well, so that's four times really :) lol

I'm not too sick of it yet. If it happens again real soon, it'll be annoying, but I was surprised as hell that Edge was back last night. He healed VERY fast for such a serious injury and I thought even if he were to be healed enough, he wouldn't win it anyway. And we can't be sure if Edge winning is a good or bad thing until they actually start formulating the plans for WrestleMania. We could look back in 2 years time and think Edge winning was the worst thing to happen or we could equally look back and be so thankful that he won. You never really know.

I do agree though that they need to start using the Royal Rumble as a push like they used to. The Royal Rumble being won only by already solidified main event people that have won at least one world title just seems like it's a bit.....what's the word? Not "predictable". Maybe "uninspired"? Remember how awesome it felt when someone would win and they were never world champion yet, and you could just feel that for the next few months the guy would be boosted up to a whole new level? I think it's been long enough that they should do that again for someone like Morrison, Kofi, blah blah blah. This year it was pretty obvious that that wasn't going to happen, but I'm hoping next year we actually have someone receive the Road to WrestleMania push. Sure, Money in the Bank does help cover some of that, but I don't think MITB compares to winning the Royal Rumble, upgrading to main event status in the next 2 months, and then winning your first world title in the final match of the biggest ppv of the you?
I want you all to think about this. Yes I know the whole point of the thread is the irritation of something that happened just 2 years happened again. But in all honesty, who is really disappointed about Edge winning? Having WWE repeat the same scenario from 2 years ago is whole hell of a lot better than having John Cena, Triple H, or Batista win. Think about how much bitching there would be if John Cena or Triple H won the match. I'm so glad to listen to the minor bitching about WWE repeating a similar scenario from 2 years ago than to listen to the John Cena or Triple H always win bitching.
I disagree with Y 2 Jake to a certain degree. I think having Kofi win it (while it would have been a long shot) would have been cool. Like the beginning of the post sugested, we should have all known Edge was going to win, but even still, giving him the 29th spot and not the 30th like Cena got a few years back, gave the impression that Edge may not have won afterall. I found the ppv enjoyable EXCEPT for the fact that Sheamus won.
John Cena or HHH winning would of been a joke. HBK will still get his match v.s Taker. Edge winning was brilliant. Fits the opportunistic role great. Puts em up into one of the top face roles. I cant complain. Nothing wrong about Edge winning at all.
Ok so Edge winning last night not alot of people knew if he would be back in time for mania he came back early he was either comming back last night at the rumble or even the tapings 2morrow night. if it went off topic im sorry. but like everyone was saying no one could have perdicted that cena would return at the 2008 rumble and win. Edge has NEVER won the Royal Rumble. and Having Jericho Enter Before Edge was a sign that if Edge was indeed ready to go he came in 29 or even 30 for that Matter he would of still Elimnated Jericho to get at jericho for bashing him for being injured and saying he was injury prone and he wasnt going to return. so Edge will most likely face jericho at WM. Or with what ive heard going around Edge is suspose to be on Raw in may to fued with Cena over the title. so i for one cant wait to see what WWE plans to do with Edge for Maina again sorry if off topic
I watched the Royal Rumble at a sports bar and, for one of the very rarest times in my life, actually managed to share the same sentiments as other wrestling fans. People absolutely cheered like effing crazy when: HHH was eliminated, Cena was eliminated, and, most of all, when HBK was eliminated. I think the common denominator was just that everything had been so stale and predictable that it really looked hopeless. Was the most predictable outcome of HBK winning a third time to come to fruition, or are we going to have another snoozefest wrestlemania main event starring Cena, HHH, and/or Batista?

Some say they expected Edge to win from the get go. Okay. For me it was kind of a double-fake out. Did I think Edge would be participating, **shrugs** I knew it was a possibility. Would I think they would honest to god redo the SAME EXACT FINISH as Cena's rumble win in 2008? No way; not even Mr. Song-And-Dance MacMahon himself would dare. That's why I'm surprised that so many people are saying "only twice, no big deal" Really? The only difference between the two rumble scenarios is one placement of entrance (#30 Cena, #29 Edge)

That being said, Edge's win to me was the difference from an otherwise awful ppv and a damn fine night of wrestling. The rest of the card was awful and I didn't even get to see Miz vs. MVP because Directv effed up. (No, by the way, Orton vs. Sheamus was not a good match. It was cookie cutter FCW-grade fluff. Taker vs. Rey was good, but again, pretty predictable.) I'd have preferred to see Jericho, Hardy, Kofi, or even Punk or Ziggler win the Rumble, but one thing I learned from WWE is there's always a fine line between meager satisfaction and expectable disappointment and you got to be happy when you get the rare chance and Edge's win was good enough for me in comparison to my expectations (the coors light helped). I'll keep my fingers crossed that Jericho wins the title at EC and we get Edge v Jericho at Mania, but again, rare chances...
Im all for surprise enterants winning that come from a major injury. All the people who have made "surprise" appearances in the RR are top notch talent who have main evented WM before they made their "surprise return" I remember when John Cena made his big return he got his biggest reaction in about 5 years. I never watched last nights PPV but I would guess that Edge would also get such a reaction. Edge was injured and like in other sports its believed that one who is injured shouldnt lose their spot when they return and the fact that he is making a "big" return I am sure this was planned out well in advance.

Yes people like Kofi Kingston should have won for reasons of elevating him but I have no problem pushing Edge who is sooooo talented.
Hey, my opinion is that its something different than what we have been watching the past few months. I actually thought Cena was going to win after he dodged the spear, so it was a surprise ending for me. Edge looked quite out of shape IMO and there goes Matt Striker (burying edge) announcing it to everyone that he thought the same.
I watched the Rumble with my mate, around 2:45am in England.
I knew there was a possibility of Edge returning, but I said all along that he wouldn't win, how wrong was I!? I was genuinally shocked. I thought HBK would win, although I was rooting for Kofi Kingston. My friend thought HBK or HHH.

I agree with Matt Striker that Edge didn't look fit enough to wise it was of him to say that on live T.V. though I don't know?

I'm just glad Cena didn't win to be honest!
As most of us who either post on here or at least read these threads are above average wrestling fans we should take into account that with the internet are there really any surprises anymore? I am pretty sure I saw a posting on here a as early as a couple of weeks ago that Edge would be returning at the Rumble.

That being said most of the PPV's are outdated at this point. If they REALLY wanted to make the Rumble a push to somebody's career who deserves it make a rule be that you can not have been a former Heavy Weight Champion of any kind. Of course this will never happen but it could open up the door for a new talent to headline Wrestlemania and shine.

As for Edge coming back from his injury and winning the Rumble, I think he deserved it. He came back from an injury 6 months early that could also have ended his career. Guys like Edge and John Cena show how much being in this business really means to them and I think they are right where they should be in the company.
I don't think this formula is all that bad, just as long as it doesn't progress into a traditional thing but we don't live in a perfect world where wrestlers don't get injured. A good thing about it is that its able to push the wrestler right back up to where they were before they got injured if not in a better postion (Edge was only a tag champ, now he's gonna main event maina).
I'm glad that Edge won the rumble because this just about the only thing he has not accomplished in WWE. Now if he would have came in at lucky number 27, that would have been a way more better number then 29, like someone said already, it kinda ruins the rumble when the winner comes in later. Back when Edge first got injured it was stated that he would probably never be as fast and agile as he used to be, so putting him in the middle of the rumble would probably show everbody how bad a shape Edge is really in. My only complaint really about a guy coming back from an injury and winning the rumble is that the last two times its happened they've been last or next to last. I think if the wrestler is put in the 27th its close enough to the end to be the last big surprise next to the actual winner and they'll be able to work a little to earn the win but not out long enough to show how much they still might be injured.
I already knew Edge would win it after knowing that he was on the Royal Rumble DVD cover but figured he would have been number 30. But was his win predictable to most and and a formula? I think so but lets look at it this way, if Austin, HHH, Cena or Edge didnt win we would all be upset for ruining a return by making them look weak or uncreditable. so once again to answer the question I agree but is a much better decsion to do it that way for the sake of them getting momentum for their return.
Everybody guessed Edge would come back, but to be honest, you wouldn't have been so sure if you didn't read news websites, would you? There have been plenty of big stars that have returned not to win Big Show in 2001, RVD in some year in the middle of the decade, there's more, but I can't be arsed. IT's a pretty good way of getting someone back. This year, and in 2008 the returner happened to win, but in all honesty, it's not that unlikely. Nobody guessed Cena would be in, let alone win the 2008 event, and very few people predicted Edge would win this year. 2002 was the only year this was an issue because it was obvious Triple H would win, the rest of the time, people are just jumping the gun.
I'm not particualy sick of it just yet. It has only happened I think four times but that it only of the top of my head. I don't really mind it but it does get annoying how someone who hasn't wrestled in months is able to come in and win against the like of Cena and HHH. It also shows how it seems like they are running out of idea's for winners so they just throw whoever is coming back. This year I thought it worked fine though as we would of bitched if anybody else won and none of the other's in the match we're ready for the win. Nobody knew it was going to happen unless they we're like us and come onto sites like this. Anyway in conclusion I think its okay to do once in a while but I will start to become sick of it if they do it more than twice this decade.

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