

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Threats of red rep have begun in the WZ Tournament. Nothing like strong arming people who consider such things important into making the "correct" decision.

As if people needed another reason to consider this thing a joke.
I honestly don't get why people get upset when people vote for a guy they like because they like him. It's basically what Will did with Edge last year, only with about 247378902348972384729324397 fewer words.
Words cannot describe how little I care.

The fact that red rep's being used as a threat is more laughable than anything else.
If you keep this up, I'm going to spread some rep and red rep you again. Honestly, watch your fucking self.

I should propably tell Razor to lay off Danielson or I'll let him have it.
Instead of bitching, call the people that are using as a threat out in the threads. People that are intimidated by Forum rep are probably not the best people in the world anyway.
I'm not saying you are bitching, the people that are taking the time to PM you over it, they are the bitches.
For the record, I haven't been red repped once in this tournament. So I'm not complaining about anything that's happened to me.

Well, Baller repped me for writing the "dumbest thing I've ever read" in the Race-Berzerker thread. But it's Baller. He's not a person like the rest of us are, so I let it slide.
I thought it was funny. Jake did that shit all last year, and no one cared. In a match where the outcome is obvious, the humor is needed so the thread doesn't die.

Besides, the threats of red rep are kinda silly. In a close match or tie, the tiebreaker is written vote. Why on earth would you encourage people that aren't posting to post a written reason when it's going to come back and bite you in the butt anyway. So the best way to get back at the person making the threats, write a response.
Miz/Windham. IC threatened to red rep people who gave bad reasons for voting Miz.
And that's why you respond, because that match is close. So if that match ends in a tie now, IC just called out a group of voters that will push the win in Miz's favor because he called them out, and they responded. See how that works?
On a side note, you'll probably get more green rep for challenging "established posters" instead of hiding from them. You might have flawed reasoning or what not, but as long you don't make yourself look like a complete douchebag, the people will respect you more by participating.

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