Let's give to Caesar... err Cena what belongs to Cena

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Getting Noticed By Management
First thing first, if you like Cena get out of this thread, I don't want you here. If you HATE Cena and can't see something right with him or will not be serious get out of this thread, I don't want you here. I know I can't police my own thread but I've got this cool idea for a topic yesterday while watching Raw and I want to make something fresh, new and positive, so I am asking you to please not ruins it or I will do everything I can to get sanctions against you if you do it on purpose.

The people I am shooting for are people like me who are jaded and bored by Cena, people who can't stand him and usually dvr past his segments or skip his things. I want those people to come here and say something positive about Cena from week to week. Not something general or an idea that you should have or things well known. I don't want people praising Cena for making wishes come true or working hard or anything like that. What I want his for you to post when you are entertained by Cena.

So yesterday I skip Cena's promo because I couldn't care less about hearing him speak again. But I decided to watch his match because of Christian and I really liked the match, I was genuinely entertained by Cena and the match. I thought it was a great TV match and Cena and Christian really put on a good show with some fresh spot.

So here the thread goes, now if any of you have things like that to post or discuss how you were also surprised or entertained by a Cena segment (AND I DON'T WANT ANY ARGUING as this thread is not base in negativism or logic but on feelings. If the match didn't entertained you or if you disagree with someone's else positive comment just DON'T POST as there's already enough thread to bash Cena and bash people who think differently than you, I know it sounds like I want to take away freedom of speech or to agree or disagree with others but it's not. As I said you can already do that in many other topics so I want to try something fresh where people only comment positively on Cena's act and positively on other posters comment).

Maybe this thread will help us appreciate and see Cena in a different light to make him interesting again for some of us.

Again please try to respect the philosophy that I want for this thread, I know the Internet is full of idiots who can't read, but I hope there's still some who can use logic and common sense.
I certainly like how he feeds off of the crowd reactions to him, and formulates his promos (to an extent) around the crowd reaction.
For instance, last night he got a lot of heat so instead of ignoring it, it was one of the first things he addressed when he said something like "I know a lot of you are gonna like me saying this, John Cena is going to hell this weekend!!!"
He does this quite a bit and it makes me laugh every time because he is essentially making fun of his haters in a roundabout way.

On a side note, I honestly don't even know anymore if I like Cena anymore or hate him,
as i am extremely bored with his character but am drawn in to watch him every week nonetheless.
You're not gonna get a Cena thread without debates and arguments, so stop trying. You can't have a thread with just one side of the argument, that's not a real discussion. That's just 20 people agreeing with each other about one side or the other. This will probably get locked just like the Cena appreciation thread did, but on the off chance that it doesn't, I'll post the things that entertain me about Cena on the screen, just like you said.

Look at his promo from this past Monday. People rag on Cena for being corny and making jokes, but that's what Cena can do when he's being serious and trying to really put over the importance of an event. He gives everything a sense of credibility, just by talking about it for a few minutes. He delivered his words with passion, conviction, and emotion, and gave off the message that Hell in a Cell is something to take seriously. He's so comfortable in that type of role and he contributed a lot to making me actually care about the match. Those types of little things, how a few minutes of talking can mean so much, are a huge part of why I love Cena.
You're not gonna get a Cena thread without debates and arguments, so stop trying. You can't have a thread with just one side of the argument, that's not a real discussion. That's just 20 people agreeing with each other about one side or the other. This will probably get locked just like the Cena appreciation thread did, but on the off chance that it doesn't, I'll post the things that entertain me about Cena on the screen, just like you said.

Look at his promo from this past Monday. People rag on Cena for being corny and making jokes, but that's what Cena can do when he's being serious and trying to really put over the importance of an event. He gives everything a sense of credibility, just by talking about it for a few minutes. He delivered his words with passion, conviction, and emotion, and gave off the message that Hell in a Cell is something to take seriously. He's so comfortable in that type of role and he contributed a lot to making me actually care about the match. Those types of little things, how a few minutes of talking can mean so much, are a huge part of why I love Cena.

But like I said I don't want people who like Cena already or really hate him. I just want to try to make something cool with people who are bored with him can come and talk about things they like for once about Cena to try to shake some of the negativity of the forums off. There's already a Cena bashing thread.

I don't really want a topic that will be people patting themselves on the back about how good Cena is or how great he is, I want discussion about what made you see him in another light at any given time or more specifically that week.

People who know me around here know that I am bored with Cena but yesterday I enjoyed his match so I thought it could be a cool topic ideas. You can disagree with someone and it's not that I don't want people to discuss it I just don't want people starting to arguing because this thread his more about opinions than logic. If I post that I really enjoyed his match you can't tell me I am wrong, maybe you didn't like it and you remain bored with Cena, well perfect go post in the Cena's bashing thread.

I just thought that a little positivism without hurt the board.
@RD. Your intentions are good but your preaching to the choir. Certain Cena haters are so anal that giving him complements is like walking on broken glass or they will turn it around and say they're hate changed things. I bet the people your trying to get to in this thread looked at the title and they were so giddy at the chance to bash but once they read your opening lines it was "no fucking way I'm giving Cena any type of praise, even though Monday night he was not the focal point etc etc etc".

Once again OP your intentions are good but this is what gets me upset at certain smarks they can't be unbiased at any time.

Good Job
I cant stand his character and even though in the last year or so he has changed up his in ring work by adding more offense as opposed to the usual get beat up forever and finish the match with a finisher.
That being said I was watching with some friends maybe two or three weeks ago, I cant remember exactly but he confronted Del Rio in the ring. On his way out he got booed and we laughed. During this verbal exchange Cena showed why I always try to separate the character from the man. I dont hate him, just the character.
He came out to booing and he knew he had to somehow get the crowd on his side since he is the good guy. He mentioned the city they were in which will always get a pop. Later he brought the people into the story by calling out Del Rio for thinking "he is better than all of these people!" which got another pop. I cant recall what he did but it got another pop and this is all within like 3-4 minutes. The crowd went from booing him to cheering him simply by cutting a basic promo. He didnt ignore the booing he worked against it and won the crowd over and all of us watching were impressed. He is definitely a pro and veteran and popularity with children and women aside, very few can make a crowd switch from booing to cheering and even less could do it so tactfully and in such a short time.
Why do you want to do this so badly? There are plenty of threads to talk about Cena in. This one brings nothing new to the table.

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