Lethal Lottery II: 20 Man Lethal Lottery Match

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

20 Men Enter
19 Will Fall
1 Will Rise

This only comes once a year, a chance to challenge for WZCW's most coveted prize in the Main Event at Kingdom Come. Who will go the extra mile as the road to Kingdom Come begins here?

Several rivalries are already set in place within this match and some may be born out of it from the eliminations they make and the alliances they hold within this match.

Order of entry is random except for No. 20, which means anything can happen. Alliances can be formed, friendships can be broken, Partners may be forced to fight, and rivals could be paired off. Its luck of the draw in the Lethal Lottery, who'll come out the winner with the biggest prize of them all? Find out on Pay Per View!

Please keep ALL RPs for this match in this Thread. You're only allowed ONE RP Each! RPs are due by Monday 16th November, 23:59 EST

Names Involved: Ace David, Big Dave, Carmen Bratchny, Chris Beckford, Corey Payne, Garth Black, James Baker, Matt Royale, Milenko, Mr. Baller, Obsidius, Phoenix, Rafael De La Noche, Rush, Steamboat Ricky, Titus, Trevor Steel, Ty Burna, William Teach, Blade/Karnage*

*Blade and Karnage will both submit an RP and their result in their earlier match will determine who will be entered
*The setting is in the backstage area of the WZCW Arena where James Baker, his agent Malik Jones & some of their friends are celebrating James' WZCW Mayhem Championship victory with a huge cake, sub sandwitches & lots of alcoholic beverages all set up on one table.*

Malik Jones- James how do you feel right now?

James- To be honest with you dog, I feel fantastic right now. All of the pain & sufferin' that I endured in the past months & in that match with Rush & Ty Burna was worth it cause now I am the NEW WZCW MAYHEM CHAMPION.

*James then raises his WZCW Mayhem Championship Belt high up in the air while everyone gives him a round of applause.*

*Suddenly WZCW Interviewer Becky Serra walks into the room & then receives a Champaigne shower.*

James- Oh damn sorry about the whole Champaigne shower there Becky. Malik, myself & some of the peeps are havin' a celebration party for me defeatin' both Ty Burna & Rush to win my WZCW Mayhem Championship after I pinned Rush's monkey ass to gain revenge for my loss at Civil Revolution. So anyways Becky if you want, enjoy the festivities here at the party of "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker.

Becky Serra- Well I will, but I do have some things that I need to ask you about?

James- Oh okay well let's step out of the room for a bit so it can be a bit quieter.

*James, Malik & Becky then step out of the party room.*

James- 'Ight what's your question Ms. Serra?

Becky Serra- Well James just how are you feeling after winning the WZCW Mayhem Championship?

James- Well I feel fantastic about bein' the new WZCW Mayhem Champion. You know before I came back to WZCW, my life wasn't exactly the greatest ever. Actually before I left WZCW my life was on the rocks. Along with the numerous injuries, my son was sick, I was carryin' a low-rate piece of crap named Kyle Christiansen & I was losin' matches left & right for some strange reason. Both professionally & mentally I wasn't in a very good place in my life & I honestly didn't know why it was goin' the way it was. Now i'm very happy that i'm the champion & i've now gotten the perverbial monkey off of my back as I am once again a champion & I did that by pinnin' Rush in the triple threat match.

Becky Serra- Just what are your plans for the WZCW Mayhem Championship now that you are the new WZCW Mayhem Champion?

James- Well Becky over the course of my career I have done so many underhanded & disgusting tactics to either win or retain the championships that I have won over the duration of my career. Now that I am back in WZCW & now that I am the new WZCW Mayhem Champion, my plans for this belt are very crystal clear. My plans are to be a champion that all of these great fans can be proud of. I will be a fighting champion. I will defend this belt against anybody, anywhere, any place & anytime. So for anybody who wants a shot at my belt, then all you gotta do is ask me for a shot & I will gladly give you a shot at my WZCW Mayhem Championship.

Becky Serra- Okay now due to your victory to capture the WZCW Mayhem Championship, you are now entered into the 20 Man Lethal Lottery Match Up.

James- Who are the competitors in the match?

Becky Serra- The competitors in the match are Ace David, Big Dave, Carmen Bratchny, Chris Beckford, Corey Payne, Garth Black, Matt Royale, Milenko, Mr. Baller, Obsidius, Phoenix, Rafael De La Noche, Rush, Steamboat Ricky, Titus, Trevor Steel, Ty Burna, William Teach & either Blade or Karnage.

James- Well I remember facin' guys like Ace David, Big Dave, Phoenix & Gath Black in my first stint in WZCW. Now there are lots of faces that I haven't faced before like Milenko, Trevor Steele, Mr. Baller, William Teach & of course the guys that I beat for my belt in Ty Obi-Wan Kenobi & the monkey ass formely known as Rush.

Now how are my feelings towards being in the Lethal Lottery match? Well I feel honored about being in the Lethal Lottery match against some of the best wrestlers that WZCW has to offer & the prize at the end of the tunnel is that the winner gets a main event match at Kingdom Come. Now the saying hold true, this match is everyman for themselves, partners may be forced to fight each other, friendships may be broken, Alliances bein' formed & rivals just beatin' the hell out of each other for the prize of bein' the winner of the Lethal Lottery match.

Some may say that i'm insane for wantin' to be the winner of the Lethal Lottery match, some may say I have the balls to want to go through with this match, others may say that i'm a bit greedy. Well what matters to me is comin' out of the match as the winner of the Lethal Lottery match & also gain the coveted prize of bein' in the main event match at Kingdom Come. You see even though I am very happy towards bein' the new WZCW Mayhem Champion, but I want more achievements towards my name & these achievements will all start at Lethal Lottery II.

So to all of my foes in the match up, you can try all you want towards underestimatin' "Da Xtreme Gangsta", but what will happen when I walk out of the match up as the winner of Lethal Lottery II. Just think about for a minute & you'll find out just what "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker is all about, believe that.

Becky Serra- Well you heard it here first. The WZCW Mayhem Champion James Baker has given his thoughts on his WZCW Mayhem Championship victory & his thoughts on being in the WZCW Lethal Lottery match up at Lethal Lottery II. I am Becky Serra & I can say that my work here is done. It's time for me to party.

*Camera then shuts off as Becky Serra then joins in on the party celebration.*
The camera fades in as we see Mr. Baller in his locker room on the phone with Coach.

Baller: Hey, it is on, the coming out party of Mr. Baller has begun.

Baller: I know I did things wrong, but I took control in the end and that’s what matters most.

Baller: Yes, know I am in the Lethal Lottery where it is mine for the taking.

Becky Serra walks in to the locker room without knocking

Becky: Hey, do you mind if I have an interview

Mr. Baller just stares at Stacey

Baller: Coach, I gotta go, I’ll see you at your place in an hour

Mr. Baller closes the phone, and once again stares at Becky and begins to gag

Baller: What the hell, I get the biggest win of my career and for my post match interview I have to stare at the ugliest announcer in sports. I rather look at Leon then you. Now if you don’t mind, get out of my locker room, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

Becky starts to tear up and quickly runs out of the locker room

Baller: Stupid bitches.

Mr. Baller packes up his stuff and heads out of the locker room and heads to Coach’s house

Camera fades out

The camera fades back in as we see Mr. Baller arriving at Coach’s house

Mr. Baller knocks on the door

Coach: Hey, another payperview appearance, but this one is a lot different then the last one. Come on in.

Baller walks into the house and looks around

Baller: Nice place ya got hear coach, but its not as good as mine

Coach: (rolls his eyes) Just take a seat on the couch, and we can start game planning.
The two sit down, and Coach takes out his laptop.

Coach: Here are the list of the other 19 men you will be facing at Lethal Lottery.

Coach hands Mr. Baller the laptop

Baller: Lets see hear, we got: Ace David, Big Dave, Carmen Bratchny, Chris Beckford, Corey Payne, Garth Black, James Baker, Matt Royale, Milenko, Obsidius, Phoenix, Rafael De La Noche, Rush, Steamboat Ricky, Titus, Trevor Steel, Ty Burna, William Teach, and either Blade or Karnage.

Baller: Coach do you mind getting me something to drink?

Coach: No problem, I will be right back.

Baller stares straight into the camera with the laptop in his lap

Baller: 20 men will enter, 19 will fall, and 1 will rise at Lethal Lottery. Every man for themselves in a 20 man battle royale and the winner will head to Kingdom Come at an opportunity for the WZCW World Title. Whether it is any member of the RWO, to Chris Beckford to Titus or even Trevor Steel, I have been in 2 battle royales in my WZCW career and I know not to let you guys gang up on me. Now listen to this and listen closely.

Mr. Baller warms up his voice

Baller: 20 men enter only 1 will rise
That one will be me, to all of your despise
Trevor Steel you fight for your son
He will still be awake when your night is done
Corey Payne there is no tapping out to the protolock
Therefore you are going to get rocked
Matt Royale you are anything but
When I’m done with you, you’ll be my mut
And then there is Karnage or Blade
It doesn’t matter which is in the match, as your fate has been made
There is no stopping me at Lethal Lottery
I am destined for victory

As Mr. Baller finishes his rap Coach arrives with the drinks

Coach: Let’s get to work.

Camera fades out
Blade is sitting in Vance Bateman’s office, sitting in a chair in front of the desk, his face expressionless. He plays with his empty packet of cigarettes absent-mindedly, waiting for Bateman to come in. He looks around the office, looking at pictures of former wrestlers and family members. Suddenly Bateman bursts through the door on his phone.

Bateman: Well, obviously Cougar is gonna retain, but still don’t let the challengers know..... Exactly. Anyway, I’ve got to deal with some business here; I’ll talk to you later.

Bateman puts his phone down and sinks into the chair behind his desk without looking at Blade. He looks through some sheets of paper on his desk as Blade rolls his eyes. Finally Bateman moves the sheets of paper to one side and looks up at Blade with an intense glare, which Blade matches.

Bateman: You started a fire in a backstage room.... You started a goddamn fire in a goddamn backstage room!

Blade: In my defence, it was a well ventilated room...

Bateman: Don’t be smart ass. You’re lucky you weren’t arrested for arson.

Blade: It was an accident. I had no idea lit cigarettes could start fires...

Bateman: SHUT UP!

Blade becomes silent, still playing with the empty cigarette packet.

Bateman: I should punish you right now. You caused damage in a WZCW building that could’ve caused the whole building to be burned to the ground. I should just suspend you and let Karnage have the number 20 spot in the Lethal Lottery match.

Blade: You need to calm down, Vance...

Bateman: You’ll call me sir when you’re talking to me!

Blade: Of course... Sir. But listen to me; if you wanna make money, you won’t suspend me. You know how big the match between me and Karnage is, and you know how great an addition I would be to the Lethal Lottery, when I inevitably get into the match. Surely you won’t let my slight pyromania get in the way of that.... Sir. And that's assuming I don't even win the Lethal Lottery match. Which, if we're honest, I have a big chance of doing. I'll have the number 20 spot, I'll be the instant favourite. You don't wanna suspend the man who will probably be in the Kingdom Come main event, do you?.... Sir?

Bateman clenches his jaw, thinking about what Blade has said.

Bateman: If you put one more toe out of line... I swear to god, Blade, your ass will be out of here in a heartbeat. You got that?

Blade smirks.

Blade: Indeed.... Sir.

He stands up, rolls up his empty cigarette packet and throws it at the bin which is 12 feet away. The packet hits the edge of the bin and falls in. Blade raises his arms in celebration.

Blade: Yes! Baller's got nothing on me!

He walks out of Bateman’s office, arms still raised....
The camera starts off blurry, as if awakening from a dream. It goes to static for a second, before coming in clear. It's looking at a chair, but the camera is leaning at an odd angle. After focusing in and out, Trevor Steel steps around the camera and sits down. He stares at the floor for what seems like an eternity. He looks up at the camera, and leans back in his chair as he scratches at his goatee.

Trevor Steel: You know...

Trevor coughs, and starts again.

Trevor Steel: You know...The other day...I got a phone call. A phone call from an old friend. He apparently signed a deal with some wrestling company, and they asked him if he knew anyone looking for a job. He knew I signed here for what equates to a hill of beans, and gave me a call. He called me and...

Trevor leans forward, putting his face in his hands. Without moving, he continues.

Trevor Steel: He said they had a check. With my name on it. Something north of six figures. He wouldn't say exactly, but it's more nonetheless. As he talked, I sat. I listened. I watched my son playing with his WZCW toys, and thought back on the big match last week. My MeltDown debut...

Trevor looks up, staring into the camera, as if there's someone looking back at him. His eyes are glassy, and he takes a deep breath before continuing.

Trevor Steel: I thought back on everything I've gone through to get custody of my son, and sort out my life after making mistake after mistake following high school. I thought back on all my friends I had seen go by the wayside, turning themselves into nobodies.

Trevor looks to the side, apparently out a window. He coughs, and his eyes move to the floor, but he doesn't turn back to the camera.

Trevor Steel: I don't want to be like them. I came to WZCW to have fun. I wanted to make a living, and take care of my son. The money wasn't great, but I was sure it would pick up for me. I told him that I didn't want to go. I told him I had made a home here, and was fitting in well. You know what he said? YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID?!

Trevor takes a deep breath, and turns back to the camera. He rubs his hands together before moving on.

Trevor Steel: He said 'They don't care about you, Trevor. They don't care what kind of abilities you have. They look at you, and see "Trevor Steel: The idiot who will take a bump for a few pesos". They don't care that you've busted your [censored] ass in every gym in Pennsylvania, trying to get a career started. They stick you in tag match after tag match, holding you down. Why don't you come here? Come here where they respect you, and will give you a belt, and let you wrestle your style. You can be as hardcore as you please. Do it, Trevor! DO IT!'

Trevor clears his throat and looks out the window again. He gets up, and walks away from the camera.

Trevor Steel: I told him I'd think about it. I told him I would hang up, and take a long hard look at my future in WZCW.

Trevor begins to pace from left to right, cracking his knuckles as he walks. Suddenly, he darts to the camera, rips it from where it sits, and gets his face right up to the lens.

Trevor Steel: I hung up! Damien looked in my eyes, and said, 'Don't do it! Don't do it, Daddy!'. I let the numbers run through my head, and I picked up the phone. You know what I told him?

Trevor lowers the camera, and the screen shakes as it turns towards the floor. After a second, Trevor picks up the camera, and gets right against the lens again.

Trevor Steel: I TOLD THEM TO TAKE THAT CHECK, AND SHOVE IT UP THEIR ASSES! WZCW IS WHERE I HAVE MADE MY HOME, AND WZCW IS WHERE I WILL DIE! I have busted my ass for more than a month here. I've wrestled against some of the best, and teamed with the greatest. This is where I will continue to make my home! At Lethal Lottery, you better all be on alert, because I'm coming for you! This is my shot to prove all the naysayers wrong. My shot to prove that I belong!

At this, Trevor throws down the camera, causing the picture to go black, but there's still audio being picked up.

Trevor Steel: I'm a man of honor! You don't turn your back on the only company that gives a damn about you. You don't turn your back on the fans that chant your name. I won't do it...I can't do it.

After a few seconds of silence, you can hear sniffling, and then glass shatter.

Trevor Steel: I can't do it. This is my home. Lethal Lottery...That's where I'll prove myself.

After a short moment of silence, shuffling can be heard and then a loud *beep*...
*The scene opens in a parking lot outside a large building. A sign on the building shows that the place is a school “Greenfields High School” to be precise. As the birds sing in the trees and the wind blows, a pearlescent silvery pink Audi TT pulls in to the parking lot and parks outside the entrance to the schools gym. As the engine shuts off the doors open and out climbs Karen McKenzie & Carmen Bratchny*

Carmen: So… What are we doing here again?

Karen: It’s a Fan-Con… It’s a chance for your fans and fans of wrestling to ask you questions about your career and your thoughts in the final days before the lethal lottery

*Carmen Stares at the school for a moment*

Carmen: Forgive me if I’m wrong but isn’t this a bit… Indy?

*Karen glares at Carmen and answers sharply*

Karen: Look, Carmen. If there is one thing you’re missing its internet support. In that gym there is a whole bunch of internet fans and smart marks all waiting to field questions... Difficult questions and If you get this right then you’ll be holding the world championship in no time.

*Carmen retorts with a slight look of shock… This isn’t for long however*

Carmen: Eugh, the smart mark. No doubt already waiting to tell me how I can’t carry a big man, can’t work a crowd over 30 minutes and how I can’t sell to save my life

Karen: You know of Smart Marks?

Carmen: I may find it difficult to read English but unfortunately even Russia has Smarks. I wouldn’t mind but most of them have never been anywhere near a wrestling ring…

Karen: Now now Carmen… You judge music and you can’t play an instrument so it works two ways.

*Carmen sighs and looks uneasy*

Karen: C’mon you’ll like it in there. Smarks are quite honest and this will be an eye-opening, character building experience

*Carmen’s uneasiness fades as a slight smile creeps across his face*

Carmen: OK but if they start going crazy then I’m blaming you

Karen: *Laughing* I doubt that will happen

*The scene fades with both Karen & Carmen walking in to the wrestling gym*

*The scene re-opens with Carmen & Karen sitting at a table in the school gym, Opposite them is a seating area where about 100 teenagers are sitting wearing various WZCW merchandise including one slightly rotund man wearing a ‘red mask’ mask. Apart from Carmen & Karen there is also a compère.

The compère is wearing a suit which looks a couple of sizes too big and wouldn’t look out of place on the sale rack of a charity shop. When Carmen said that this Fan-Con felt indy… he wasn’t lying.

The compère begins to speak*

Compère: Welcome everyone to this exclusive Q&A session with WZCW Superstar “The Charismakov” Carrrrrrrrrrrmen Bratchny and his manager, The beautiful Miss Karen McKenzie.

*The compère stops talking in the vain hope for applause... There is no reaction*

Compère: Carmen has advised that this is an Q&A question session and you can ask him about anything regarding his wrestling career. If you’d like to put your hand up Carmen will pick you out. You may then stand and ask your question.

*The compère then takes a step back as the Q&A session begins*

Carmen: Ok… Who’s first?

*A sea of hands go up but Carmen picks one at Random, a tall teenager stands up. The Teenager is wearing a Titus T-shirt*

Carmen: Hey, What’s your name and question?

Kid in a Titus Shirt: Hey I’m Mark and my question is this. Who do you think you’re opponent will be at Kingdom Come?

Carmen: Good Question… I hope my opponent will be whoever is holding the WZCW championship. I’d love to finish things with Everest but I think the best thing now would be to think of the present instead of the future. Next Question… Ummm you

*Carmen picks out a Kid wearing a Charismakov T-shirt*

Kid in a Chaismakov Shirt: Hey I’m Billy and my question is. All 20 entrants to this years Lethal Lottery will be telling everyone why they think they will win, What set’s you apart?

Carmen: Well that’s simple… The only time a lot of these guys have ever wrestled in this environment is in contract battle royals, never for a shot at the world title. I can say not only have I been in this sort of match before but it was for a very similar prize. We don’t have to cast our minds back too far to remember Sprint for the Spot. Next Question

*Carmen picks out a kid wearing an old looking Everest T-shirt*

Kid in an Everest shirt: Hey I’m John and my question is. You seem to have finally found friends within WZCW, would you find it difficult to eliminate friends like Titus in your match at Lethal Lottery

*Carmen Doesn’t hesitates in answering*

Carmen: No… because if I hesitated Titus would eliminate me. As much as me and Titus are friends I know more then anyone how much the world title means and I know noting will get in anyone’s way of winning it. In fact let me get this out there now… Titus, Steel… I know we teamed last week against the RWO and I know we made a hell of a team but when it comes to the Lethal Lottery, I will not think twice about eliminating you. Next Question… Umm… You… In the Garth Black Tee

Kid in the Garth Black Tee: Hey I’m Garth and my question is.. I’ve noticed you’ve changed your move set to something more risky recently, this in contrast to your more ground based move set used in the sprint for the spot means the chances of being eliminated are quite high. Are you worried about this?

Carmen: Absolutely not. I’ve adapted as a wrestler and I’ll adapt for this match

Garth: I wouldn’t say you’re that adaptable. I think if you were so adaptable you’d have changed your match tactics in last weeks tag match, got the earlier tag to Titus and moved away from the face in peril act we see week in week out with other tag teams in the WZCW

Carmen: That wasn’t a face in peril act kid that was a Carmen was taking a beating from Steamboat Ricky act and when I was the situation I was in, I tagged at the earlier opportunity. Perhaps you should try ent-

*Karen Stops Carmen before he can continue*

Karen: One last question

*The large man in the ‘red mask’ mask stands up. The large man takes off his mask and it reveals he is wearing glasses underneath*

Large Man: Yeah… Umm… I just wanna thank each and everyone of y’all

*Carmen looks across to only seem only him and Karen sitting there – The Large man continues*

Large Man: for all you’ve done to your bodies

*The large man begins to break down. Carmen & Karen begin to look at each other*


*Its now blatantly obvious Carmen is trying not to laugh as the tears stream down the large mans face*

Large Man: Thank y’all guys, your awesome. Thank you Mr Bratchny for saying what need’d be said

*The large man continues to break down as fans around him hug him and try to comfort him. Carmen composes himself as the compère steps in*

Compère: Well unfortunately that’s all we have time for today. Carmen Bratchny will be here for another 30 minutes for pictures and autographs. Thanks to everyone today and on a personal note I’d like to say on behalf of everyone at Greenfields High school we hope you win and kick ass at the Lethal Lottery. Thank you again Mr Bratchny for your time

*Scene Fades*
The scene opens in a dark room. A T.V is on and from the light given off from the T.V Matt Royale can be seen sitting in the middle of the room on a chair. On the T.V is the ending of the Scott Hammond vs. Matt Royale match at Meltdown 31. Royale grins as he watches himself hit Hammond with the crowning jewel and pin him.

Royale: Royalty by heritage, huh.

As he says this the door opens and light rushes into the room. Royale squints and looks up to see who it is. As his eyes adjust he can see it is his advisor.

Advisor: It’s here.

Royale nods and gets up. He walks out into the main area of his dressing room. In the middle of the room there is a stand that reaches the waist of Royale. On the stand sits a box covered by a black cloth. Royale walks towards the stand and barely lifts the cloth to peek in.

Royale: It’s even more beautiful than I thought it would be.

Advisor: Yes it is. Everything is going exactly to plan and after the Lethal Lottery we will be able to show it to the world.

Royale: Speaking of things going to plan. The Lethal Lottery will be much easier than we thought it would be.

Advisor: How so?

Royale: Look at WZCW right now. Everyone is at each other’s throats. All the rWo wants to do is destroy Titus, Bratchny, and Steel and vise versa. Second Coming wants to get their hands on Teach for taking their titles. The same goes for Ty Burna and Baker. Rush also wants to get his hands on one of them for costing him the Mayhem title and Rafael De La Noche still wants to prove he’s better than Steel. All I’m going to have to do is sit back and watch them destroy each other. And after they’re done I’ll just pick up the pieces.

Advisor: What about the others: Blade, Karnage, Chris Beckford, Cory Bowen, Odsidius, Corey Payne and Mr. Baller?

Royale: They won’t be much trouble. Karnage and Blade will destroy each other in their match so it won’t even matter who wins because they won’t be able to walk to the ring. I’ll give Beckford a big nice welcoming. Bowen will be too busy watching out for Odsidius to worry about himself. Baller will be too busy admiring himself to care about the match. And Payne, well I’ll just say he will feel the full extent of his name.

Royale sits down at a table.

Advisor: I see you have this all planned out.

Royale starts shuffling through papers that are on the table.

Royale: You can say that. So what do we have to do today?

Advisor: You have an interview with Leon Kensworth at 2:00.

Royale nods and continues to shuffle through papers as the scene fades.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The scene reopens as Leon Kensworth is standing in the backstage area. He checks his watch and sighs.

Leon: Well I guess I can give him a few more minutes.

As he finishes his sentence Matt Royale appears with his advisor, who is behind him. Leon smile and waves.

Leon: Long time no see.

Royale stares at him blankly and does not answer.

Leon: Um…ok then let’s get this interview started. How do you feel about your first victory here in WZCW over Scott Hammond?

Royale smiles.

Royale: Quiet good not only did I win, but I was able to make an example of that blasphemes Scott Hammond.

Leon: Do you have anything you want to say in return to Scott Hammond’s remarks about your match?

Royale starts laugh to himself.

Royale: You see, Leon, Scott Hammond cannot accept that I am royalty and he is a fraud. The thing is he knows it to be true and he still is calling me the fraud. But do you know the saddest part, Leon?

Leon: No, what?

Royale: That he is trying to convince himself that he’s royalty.

Royale looks past Leon straight into the camera.

Royale: You need to understand, Scott. No matter how many rundown castles you go to. No matter how many stories you tell about how you wanted to be royalty when you were young. No matter how much you want to be royalty. You never will be. The only person in WZCW who is royalty is standing right here in front of you.

Royale steps back and looks at Leon, but before Leon is able to speak Royale holds up his hand signaling him not too.

Royale: There’s something else you said, Scott. You said that I have no chance of winning the Lethal Lottery. We both know you are wrong, Scott. We both know I will win the Lethal Lottery and move on to win the world championship. A new era is coming to WZCW and by the end of the Lethal Lottery I will the last man standing and the respect that you demand will be given to the one person that deserves it the most, wrestling royalty.

Leon: Speaking of the Lethal Lottery do you have any plans or strategies that you would like to share?

Royale has a questioning look on his face and looks at his advisor who shakes his head.

Royale: No, Leon, no I don’t.

Royale starts to walk away. Leon tries to follow him to ask another question, but Royale’s advisor steps in front of him blocking his path as the scene fades.
*Scene opens in the WZCW locker room, we see Chris Beckford stood at the window gazing off in to the distance. The camera pans round behind him and focus's onto what Beckford is looking at. We see that he is looking at a clock. There is a knock at the door. Beckford opens it to find a fairly old looking man stood there. The man has grey hair with a grey goatee and is wearing black glasses, a black jacket and a pair of blue jeans. They embrace each other with a hug.*

CB: I'm glad you could make it Sam

SR: Are you kidding man, I had to come its not everyday that the guy you trained becomes a Wrestlezone Championship Wrestler

*Sam enters the room and sits down. Beckford follows and sits next him.*

SR: So how have you been man, I saw the match on Meltdown and decided I had to come out, you really impressed. Everyone back home was watching and cheering you on, we are all really proud of you.

CB: Thanks man I knew they would be watching. it means a lot. You know I've only been here about a week and already I feel home, like I belong here. I'm not going to lie that match was tough. When Max Karzai had me in that Full Nelson and he lifted me over the ropes I thought that it was over, I just tried to wrap my legs around the rope on the way down. Luckly it worked and he fell to the floor. But that guy was tough and I'm really not looking forward to getting in the ring with him again.

SR: Yeah he looks like a beast.

CB: He is, he definitely deserves his contract just like Byakko and Jordan Lights deserve theirs. But I've found myself just staring at that clock out there, counting down the hours before Lethal -

*There is another knock at the door.*

CB: Lottery. I'm a little nervous.

*Chris answers the door to find Leon Kensworth stood there*

LK: Hi Chris congratulations on your victory at Meltdown, I was just wondering if I can get your thoughts on -

*Leon notices Sam sat down*

LK: oh I'm sorry is this a bad time?

CB: No, its fine come on in

*Leon enters the room*

CB: Leon this is Sam Remmington, he was a big part of my life back in Leeds, He trained me and kept me on the right path when things got tough. Sam this is Leon Kensworth, he's one of the best Interviewers around.

*Sam gets up and shakes Leons hand, they both reply with ''nice to meet you''*

LK: So Chris how does it feel to be in WZCW?

CB: It feels great man, I've worked so hard to get here and now its finally happened, that match was one of the toughest matches of my life and you have to give credit to Max Karzai, Byakko, Jordan Lights and the guys who unfortunately didn’t make it into WZCW for making it such an entertaining match.

LK: And now your in the 20 man Lethal Lottery match, what are your thoughts going into the match?

CB: I don’t know really, I mean its a great honor to be in the match and given a chance to main event Kingdom Come, but I'm in there with some truly great competitors, people like Titus, Steamboat Ricky, Big Dave, Phoenix, Milenko, Trevor Steel, Ty Burna and either Karnage or Blade among others, you don’t need me to tell you how good these guys are. The only thing I can do is hope for a decent entry number, get in there and hit anything that moves. I guess I have recent experience at this match after my win on Meltdown so perhaps that gives me some sort of advantage. But in all honesty I have no idea what to think, I'm just taking things one step at a time.

LK: Some people could perhaps argue that you shouldn’t be in the match up considering it’s only your second match here in WZCW. What do you say to those people?

CB: I say I earned this chance. I won my match and qualified for the Lethal Lottery match up, Yeah I know I’m not going to be the biggest guy in there, and maybe I’ll go in and get thrown straight back out, but no matter what I’m going to try my hardest not to let that happen and I’m going to give everything I can to get to Kingdom Come. I achieved my dream of getting into WZCW, now I’m here my new dream is to be crowned WZCW World Champion and the only way I can do that is by winning matches like this. So maybe I don’t deserve to be in the Lethal Lottery match, but that isn’t going to stop me from trying with all my might to pick up the win and head to Kingdom Come.

LK: Okay I think that’s about it Chris, good luck in the match. Nice to meet you Sam

CB: Thanks man, good to see you again Leon.

*Leon leaves the room as Chris goes back to his seat*

SR: I think you are going to be fine in the match man, it’s just like you to worry, your nerves have always got the better of you before your match. How about we go relax and get a beer. Take your mind off the match for a couple of hours.

CB: That sounds like exactly what I want to do man, I'll grab my jacket.

*Both men stand up and exit the room as the scene fades out*
We’re inside the bedroom of a house we no lights on in the middle of a rainy night, the curtains are still open, letting in what moonlight is available through the clouds. The rain beats heavy against the window and suddenly there’s a loud “AH” sound and the bedside light gets turned on to reveal it’s Big Dave who looks restless. He gets up and grabs a dressing gown.

We then cut to him sitting in his kitchen at the table, holding a cup of tea firmly in his hands, all the voices we hear are in his head.

That’s the third night in a row where I can’t sleep

For someone with all the confidence in the world, all the glory awaiting him, you would think you can sleep with ease

But then, you’re not me

Steel catches Ace with the side effect as Big Dave spears Bratchny, causing him to roll out of the ring. While the ref is trying to get Ace out of the ring, Ricky low blows Steel and Big Dave kicks him out of the ring. Ricky and Dave turn around to receive a double clothesline from Titus. The ref finally gets Ace out of the ring as Titus sees a chance to go for the Tit Drop, he runs at the ropes but Ace grabs him by the leg, and Titus turns to face him and kick him in the chest. He faces around to Ricky again and is met with a Blunderbass out of nowhere, cover 1..….2……..3.

Harrys: Here are your winners, the Ricky World Order!

Ace and Dave get back in the ring, bringing Ricky’s belt back in and they huddle and raise their hands in unison over the victory. They pick up Titus and all three throw him over the top rope to the floor as they start shouting “It’s ours for the winning!”

The perfect plan happened, we jumped Steel, Titus and Bratchny, we also got the win at Meltdown. But the win keeps me thinking about one moment

“It’s ours for the winning!”

It’s ours for the winning…

But the fact is, it’s not. Only one of us can win the Lottery. Currently my mind has been on the seventeen men I need to eliminate, including the three we beat on Meltdown, but then it comes to the question of the other two.

One of them is my best friend, a partner I made in the same match that I won my contract with, the same man who won tag team gold with me in our pay per view debut, the man who stole a championship with me, the man who made history in a ladder match. This man is my brother.

The other is a former World Champion, the man who is called the true World Champion. He introduced the Mayhem Title, he won the first ever King For A Day Elimination Chamber, he almost won the Lottery last time. This man is my leader.

But if there’s anything I question is whether my loyalty to my friends and fellow cleansers of WZCW are important as my own goals. I have the ambition to Main Event Kingdom Come and the determination to become the World Heavyweight Champion. But should I be selfish enough to take this chance of glory? Or sit back and let my best friend, or the man who has his title stolen have this moment?

But when you think about it, Big Dave against Everest or Lars Reidar for the World Heavyweight Championship is a match made in heaven. I’ve never competed against either, and only Everest I’ve fought with in a match against Second Coming and Ricky when he was forming the rWo with us.

At the Lottery, I will feature in the ring against members of the roster I’ve only dreamed of competing against and destroying. This is my chance to show how I am going to be the best and will prove those false claims wrong, talks of Mr. Baller, William Teach, James Baker, Rush, hell even the Second Coming winning this match and going to Kingdom Come, they will be put to rest even if I have to go every last one of them.

But it’s the choice of going for glory, or going for loyalty. If you were me, in my position, what would you choose?

Dave finally taking a sip of his tea and his mobile starts ringing

Hello? Hey Ace, you ok?

Fade out
Backstage we see Stacey Madison holding a microphone, she is looking quite annoyed at something.

Stacey Madison Does anyone around here have any time keeping skills?

We see Becky Serra walk past

Stacey Madison Hey Becky do you know where he is?

Becky Who you waiting for? There's a lot of men on the roster.

Stacey Madison The actory- superheroy weird guy.

Becky There he is

The Camera pans round to show Titus

Stacey Madison Where on Earth have you been?

Titus Well....


We cut to a dirty looking village, there's only about five or six houses in the vicinity. There are small kids playing with a really beat up looking football. Outside of one of the houses is a man playing Spanish guitar, he has his sombrero hiding his face.

The camera then shows a very out of place looking Titus.

Child 1 Hola Hombre!

Titus Where can I find El Guerrero?

Child 2 Que?

Titus El Guerrero?

Child 1 Que?

The man with the guitar speaks up.

Man You are Titus Si?

Titus Ah yes, how do you know me?

Man This is Mexico, we love wrestling. We watch American too, we know Titus you are a good man. How can I help you Hombre?

Titus Well I am looking for someone and was told that this was the best place to find him.

Man You look for El Guerrero Si?

Titus Well erm yes, yes I am.

Man You want to know how to beat Ricky in the Lethal Lottery?

Titus is looking more and more confused.

Titus: Yes, how do you know all this?

Man Step inside and I'll show you all

Titus steps inside the house of the man, he waits as the man comes in. We then hear that all familiar tune

The man pushes his sombrero straight to unveil himself as El Guerrero the undead former conscience of Steamboat Ricky.

EG Ey bra, it has been a long time, I knew we'd meet again. How are you?

Titus El Guerrero, it has been too long. I need your help, I need to beat Steamboat Ricky at the Lethal Lottery as you know.My priority is that I outlast the rWo and with Ricky being the leader logic would say if I beat him I beat the team. Then I shift my focus to win the thing

EG It's simple while the head of a snake is important to killing it, Si? The mongoose is not the animal you seek, but the snake's tail for you find it, the snake's head is lost, Si?

Titus Erm, what?

EG You understand bra? What it means, is you take out the snake in Ricky yourself, you don't allow someone else to be the mongoose and take him out, Si?

Titus It's becoming more clear, however there are three snakes in the match though.

EG Don't worry about adders when you're facing a cobra Si?

Titus So you're saying I shouldn't worry about Duey and Louie but focus on Huey?

EG Si that's what you do. Ace and Big Dave don't matter when you face the real world champion Ricky. He's held the world championship once before, he almost won this last year if it wasn't for a muck up which allowed Will to win. It's Ricky you're facing, he was falling a bit, he didn't listen to me Si? But he's still strong, some would say stronger. He pinned you on Meltdown and there's nothing you can do about that past. What you need to do is focus on Lethal Lottery, Do you know what position you're coming in?

Titus No not yet, I understand the importance of the draw, I'd much rather be in at 20 than number 1. I get what you're saying though, I need to focus on Ricky and try and get him out. If that happens the rWo will be small stuff compared to that and then I can turn my focus to winning. This match to me is not about the hope of fighting Lars or Everest at Kingdom Come it's about showing the rWo that I can over come them even if they are strong opponents.

El Guerrero and Titus make their way outside as EG looks to Titus.

EG Well you should watch out for one other powerful man in that match,

Titus Who's that?

EG Mr Baller

Titus' face drops in almost shock.

EG I kid I kid, he thinks Becky is Stacey, he's a confused little boy Si?

Titus Ha-ha I thought you'd lost it for a moment there!

EGYou thought I lost it? You're the one talking to an undead Mexican ghost!

At that point a sand storm appears out of nowhere. When it clears the houses have vanished as well as the kids playing football and of course El Guerrero,



Stacey Madison So you went to Mexico to find someone who's undead?

Titus Si!

Stacey Madison That doesn't even make sense! Well you do have a strategy though?

Titus It's simple, I take out the rWo leader and then the other two crumble. Then I win the Lethal Lottery and then I go to Kingdom Come and become heavyweight champion of the woooooooooooorld!

Stacey Madison You make it sound simple!

Titus It's far from it! Thanks for the interview Stacey, have a good day

Titus walks off leaving Stacey by herself

Stacey Madison Que?
The scene opens with Steven Kurtesy and William Teach walking up the entrance into a local party hall in slow motion with "We Are The Champions" by Queen playing faintly in the background. As the music gets relatively audible, Kurtesy is shown with him re-adjusting his championship belt and a smile on his face with the camera slowly panning to Teach who puts a whole packet of chewing gum into his mouth. People walk past Kurtesy and Teach at normal pace staring at the two in confusion. When the song hits the chorus, Teach & Kurtesy get to the double doors of the building, push them open and the crowd inside screams loudly at their arrival. The music is blaring at this point with everyone chanting "Teach US."

Inside, multiple tables of food are set up around everywhere; people everywhere; a disk jockey in the corner who is working away; multiple portable fridges/eskies/chillibeans filled to the brim with alcoholic beverages; people turning the massive banner hanging from the ceiling from "Better Luck Next Time" to "Congrats, New Tag Champions"; and an animal trainer holding a Water Buffalo in a leash. The animal trainer has a disgruntled and unimpressed expression.


Animal Trainer: He insisted to come to the party after watching you guys win the championships.

Kurtesy: How did a buffalo...

I knew you couldn't resist to attend another Teach party.

Mr. Buffles, snuffles

Are you sure you want to drink alcohol again after what happened last time?

Mr. Buffles stamps his foot on the ground a couple of times in anger.

Okay, okay... you can stay. But remember, we are not allowed to stay at that motel with the massaging controls because of what you did.

Teach wags his index finger at Mr. Buffles who sniffs and puts his head down towards the floor. Kurtesy and the Animal Keeper look on confused. Sandy Deserts appears and hugs Steven Kurtesy.

Deserts: I knew you could it! You won the titles on your debut match! Congratulations.

Thanks Sandy, I can't believe it either. It feels amazing to hold this belt on my shoulder!

You don't look excited or anything.

Deserts lets go of the hug and there is a short pause between talking.

Alright Kurtesy, I'm going to party with Mr. Buffles. Leon Kensworthy is over with some girls and they seem really unimpressed with his tactics. I'm going to help the poor guy and break the ice with Buffles here.

Teach takes the leash from the Animal Keeper and walks off with Mr. Buffles. The Keeper walks off in disgust. Kurtesy extends his hand to Deserts with a smile on his face. Deserts turns her head slightly, makes a slight flirty facial expression and grabs Kurtesy's outreached hand.

May I have this dance?

Why certainly, doctor.

(shouts at DJ) Hector... change the beats.

The music changes to Bon Jovi's "Livin' On A Prayer." Kurtesy and Deserts start to move through the crowd and find a spot to dance in. The scene fades with a high-angle shot of the entire proceedings.


Psychologists Note: November 5th, 2009 - On William Teach

In all my years of psychology, I have never once encountered a subject such as William Teach. Years of boredom led him to being stuck in front of the TV for years, flicking constantly to MTV to watch the Rock n Wrestling Connection take place. Years of ingrained music conditioning led to a disorder known as Lyrica Nauseam
, this being, upon having drunk large quantities of alcohol and deal with dehydration and headache, known as a "hangover", Teach will revert to only speaking in song titles, no matter how hard he tries.

I have tried counselling him about this, but he seems to enjoy it, no matter how awkward the eulogy at his aunts funeral was.

-Dr. Steven Kurtesy


The scene is noon, a blistering day as the sun shines down on the pavement and Leon Kensworth waiting outside a motel room door. He taps lightly and after some time and murmurs, William Teach answers, bleary eyed, very hungover, and only wearing his tag team title for clothing. The camera zoom into the room, peering into the darkness. Feathers are strewn around everywhere, and what appears to be a life size cut out of Max Karzai is standing in the corner, with "Sux!" written over the first name. Hanging from the ceiling fan is what is clearly a rhesus monkey dressed in a pirate costume. A sign around his neck says "Steamboat Ricky Monkey". A nun walks out of the bathroom, tailed by 2 midgets. Total Chaos.

Leon: Uh, Champ, our interview for Lethal Lottery was supposed to start at 11....

Teach grunts and nods and turns around, shutting the door before emerging a minute later properly clothed, pushing out 2 girls and inviting Leon in. Leon nods at the midgets and sits down to a now passed out monkey, a bottle of rum spilt next to him.

Teach: Go. Ask me anything.

Leon: That was a crazy party last night! I even talked to a girl! It was unbelievable! Who were those two girls anyways?

Teach: Lovely Rita, Sexy Sadie (Teach massages his head)

Leon: (grinning) Get up to some mischief champ? Where'd you find them two?

Teach: The Church of Hot Addiction

Leon: The stripper club?

Teach: (smiling) Any colour you like!

Leon: (smiling) I bet! So where's Kurtesy? Why'd you decide to tag with that guy anyways?

Teach: (shrugs) Sometimes you can't make it on your own.

Leon: (nodding) Thats true, thats true. but you're going to be alone this Sunday at Lethal Lottery. Alone against 19 other guys.

Teach: Saturdays alright for fighting

Leon: No, I said Sunday

Teach: Sunday Bloody Sunday.

Leon: Right, right...

(Marcus Chambers rolls out from under he bed with a party hat on and clown make up smeared on. He is missing a tooth)

Chambers: (moaning) What did you say Kensworth? White?

Leon: (shocked at the still drunk Chambers) I said right!

(Chambers burps into the carpet and falls back to sleep)

Teach: (Shaking his head) Bad Boy having a party.

Leon: (now obviously a bit shaken by his surroundings, composes himself) uh...whats your strategy going into the match, champ?

Teach: Take it to the limit.

Leon: Really push yourself huh? What about the big hitters in this match? the rWo, Titus, Trevor Steel.

Teach: To whom it may concern, My Moves are white (white hot that is),I want it all, Nothing Else Matters.

Those are some bold words there. But you have to think, there are some major stars in the match...

Listen up, When the sun goes down, I will, Shoot down the stars!

Leon: You certainly sound confident, and with that undefeated streak, who could argue.

(whimpering) I'm So Tired.

Leon: Oh! Rightio! I'd better leave you to recover and get ready for Lethal Lottery. This is Leon Kensworth, signing off!

(yelling at a prone William Teach) Mr Teach!! The monkey isn't moving!

(Groaning under the covers of his bed) This monkey's gone to heaven. My poor brain....

Artists for songs in order are: Pearl Jam, The Strokes, The Beatles x2, Cobra Starship, Pink Floyd, U2, Elton John, U2, Luther Vandross, The Eagles, Creed, Cobra Starship, Queen, Metallica, Oasis, The Arctic Monkeys, the Beatles, Gym Class Heroes, The Beatles, The Pixies, Foo Fighters.

The camera turns on and we see Cory Bowen sitting in a room watching an WZCW tape. The cameraman moves from the door to where the camera can see the TV.
"Great Milenko" by I.C.P. erupts over the sound system, as the lights go out. The lights suddenly come back up, as Milenko is standing behind Alex Bowen!! Milenko grabs Bowen by the back, and eliminates him over the top rope, as Bowen hits the floor only to get up and look back to see who it was. Bowen is irate as he hits and kicks the ring apron.

As Milenko is laughing, D.C. comes up behind him and tosses him over the top ropes as well. Milenko gets to his feet, as he is outraged by the event, only for Bowen to spin Milenko around and the two juggalos go at each other some more.
After Cory turns off the TV he finally realizes the camera is there.

Cory: As you saw that was the extent of my involvement in the first ever Lethal Lottery match. For a year I've been thinking and wondering why it ended so quickly for me and I finally found out why.

Cory takes a deep breath and pauses like saying what he's about to say hurts.

Cory: I just didn't care point blank. I was so wrapped up in my own problems and worried about revenge that I just didn't care about anything.

Cory turns around and watched the Lethal Lottery clip one more time before going on.

Cory: It's obvious when you watch it that I had some issues. This time however things are going to be different. I'm in a much better place than I was last year. I'm happy and I'm eager to win the match and go on to the biggest PPV of the year and fight for my first World Title ever.

Cory stops talking and picks up a piece of paper that was sitting on top of the TV. The camera moves behind Cory so it can see what's on the piece of paper.

Names Involved in the Lethal Lottery match: Ace David, Big Dave, Carmen Bratchny, Chris Beckford, Corey Payne, Garth Black, James Baker, Matt Royale, Milenko, Mr. Baller, Obsidius, Phoenix, Rafael De La Noche, Rush, Steamboat Ricky, Titus, Trevor Steel, Ty Burna, William Teach, Blade or Karnage
Cory reads over the list of names and then puts it in his lap and looks back up and the camera with a fire in his eyes.

Cory: It's a who's who of WZCW greats in this match. You have 7 past champions in this match not including myself and 2 current champions in James Baker & William Teach. All 9 of these men are among the elite in this company and deserve everything they've gotten and they all have a good chance of winning.

Cory takes the piece of paper off of his lap and gets up and walks around for a bit before stopping in front of the camera and talking again.

Cory: Not only do who have some of the best ever to hold a title in this match we have some of the best never to hold one. People like Trevor Steele, Rush, Carmen Bratchny & Obsidious have a great future in this company and all are well on their way to holding a WZCW Championship.

Cory stops walking and leans on the back of the chair.

Cory: While all 19 men are good I have something 18 of them don't have and that's experience in this match. I know I wasn't in the match longer than 20 seconds but i still know what to do and what not to do in order to win. The only person besides me in this match that has experience is Steamboat Ricky. Ricky lasted longer than me and almost won the entire thing.

Cory sits back down and takes a deep breath.

Cory: I just wanted to say one final thing and that's good luck to everyone in this match but I'm in it to win it and i will be standing tall at the end.

with that the camera fades to black with Cory taking out the tape that was in the VCR and putting another one in.
We're backstage, Stacey Madison is outside the dressing room. The sign for the Church of St. Garth's the apostles has been removed from the door. The disciples are nowhere to be seen. The only person present is a Maintenance man

Excuse me, have you seen Garth Black?

I haven't seen anyone around here for hours.



We're elsewhere backstage. Leon Kensworthy is waiting for people to arrive at the arena.

As you can see, I'm here waiting for the superstars to arrive. Just about everyone is here, but nobody has seen or heard from the former WZCW Tag Team Champion Garth Black since Second Coming's suprise defeat last week.

The door opens, but it is just a group of teamsters coming in with equipment.

Black still hasn't arrived, I'll let you know as soon as he enters the arena.


We're in the backstage staff room. Jonny Klamor and Becky Serra are sitting at a desk.

Nobody has seen Garth Black, do you have any idea where he is?


Neither do I, I suppose we can expect the Third Coming at some stage

Even if I did know where he was, I'd have no intention of speaking to that arrogant so-and-so, I don't care if he has changed recently, he still said some terrible things to me.

Truth hurts sometimes, doesn't it.

I don't need this from you.


Becky is walking through the empty arena, which is being set up by technicians when she spots that there is a piece of paper on the floor. She picks it up and reads it out loud

The Book of Black Chapter 23 Verses

And so the future looked bleak,
They lost the titles last week
Where the Second Coming going?
Had they had their final showing?

Lethal Lottery was near
And the opponents were all in fear
Where was the great Garth Black?
Would he ever be back?

The time has come for Black to shine
To finally cross the fabled line
And transcend into the record book
And crack the world he'd already shook

Nineteen men will try and fall
Black will outlast them all
And win the toughest test
To prove that he is the best

When Second Coming has returned
And all the enemies have been spurned
Then we shall see the cream of the crop
Take their rightful place at the top

The tag team reign was just for starters,
The main course will serve 19 Martyrs,
Then a win at Kingdome Come for afters...

It ends there, where is he...

The camera pans away from Becky who is looking perplexed, and pans up to the ceiling. It zooms in on Garth Black who mouths the words

He's in the rafters.
Corey Paynes RP. It was formatted when he sent me it. I will format later, if giving him feedback don't mention formatting.

The camera scopes out the backstage area of the WZCW Arena right before the Lethal Lottery match. Leon Kensworth quickly walks through the hallway. He passes many superstars getting ready for the Lethal Lottery. He sees Cory Bowen and Obsidius quietly conversing in one corner and passes Mr. Baller dribbling his basketball in another. James Baker and Malik Jones are walking into a room and talking with each other. Titus, Trevor Steel, and Carmen Bratchny stand in a group and stare down the rWo, who are walking to their dressing room. They return the stares. Kensworth ventures through the hallway filled with anxious superstars awaiting their matches and war-torn ones coming back from other matches. He finally stops in front of a door that says Corey Payne on it. He knocks on the door and a gruff voice answers it.

Voice: Come in!

Leon opens the door and walks in the room. He sees the man behind the voice, Tyson James, sitting in a chair and watching his nephew, “Prototype” Corey Payne, pace back and forth, throwing warm-up punches and taking deep breaths. This is in anticipation of his upcoming Lethal Lottery match, of course. He is dressed in his wrestling gear, with a Tapout baseball hat and Tapout hoodie added on to it. The crowd gives an enormous pop when Prototype is shown.

James: Now Corey, remember. When you get in there, you find one guy and single him out. Go after him. You don’t have to take on everybody. Just one at a time. And watch your back. Make sure no one sneaks up behind you. You need to have eyes in the back of your head.

Payne: (takes a deep breath) I know, I know.

James: (smiles) I know you do. (gets up) You’re gonna do great, kid.

Payne: Thanks. (notices Leon standing here) Hey Leon.

Kensworth: Hey. Do you have time for an interview before your match?

Payne: (takes a deep breath) Sure.

Kensworth: You are going into the Lethal Lottery with a hot streak, winning your past four matches in a very dominating fashion. Your finisher, the Protolock, is being hailed as the most vicious maneuver in wrestling. Do you think you can parlay these accomplishments into a Lethal Lottery win?

Payne: Tonight, these accomplishments don’t mean anything. All that matters is that you are at the top of your game. And I…. (takes a deep breath) I’m at the top of my game. When I am facing 18 of WZCW’s best, and Mr. Baller, (smirks as crowd pops at the cheap shot at Baller) I need to be. In a few minutes, the Lethal Lottery will begin. All bets will be off. Alliances will be made, friendships will be broken, rivalries will begin, pure chaos will break out. But my determination will overcome all of this. I’m gonna win this match and head to Kingdom Come and become the WZCW world champion.

Kensworth: (turns to Tyson) Tyson, what are your thoughts on Corey’s chances?

James: Corey will definitely make an impact in this match. He is in the best shape of his life. He has been training for this match at my gym for weeks now, and he knows his strategy for this match.

Kensworth: What is his strategy?

James: (chuckles) Win!

Payne: In all seriousness, I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Anyone that stands in my way will be eliminated. Anyone that stands in my way will feel the pain! And…

Suddenly the three men stop as they hear Truman Harrys state that “It is now time for the Lethal Lottery!” The fans pop big time.

Payne: (takes a deep breath) Well it’s time!

Payne lowers his head and walks out with Tyson following as the crowd screams. The camera fades… to …. black……
The camera slowly fades into a closed, dark room, with a single candle lit in the center of the floor. The camera rotates towards the door, revealing a shut steel door with a small opening closed shut. Barely audible murmurs can be heard from the corner and the camera turns towards the corner. Ty can be seen sitting in the corner, his head in his hands.

Again and again I have been the victim of lesser opponents taking advantage of all the hard work I have done. I had Rush prepared for the final blow, the blow that would have shown he is no match for myself. And yet that thief, that rogue James Baker sneaks in and steals the glory I had prepared for myself. Now my Mayhem Championship sits on the shoulder of a lesser man, a man who does not understand the concept of Mayhem.

Ty looks up and stares dead into the camera, his face twisted in anger and anguish.

This is the last time I will allow that to happen. The Lethal Lottery is upon us, and it is time I take the next step to cementing my place at the very top of this company. No one can take this moment of glory away from me, no one can take advantage of a situation I created to defeat me. While the likes of Titus and the rWo will worry themselves with their bitter and rather useless feud, I will be focusing on tearing them all apart, and I will enjoy every shrill scream of agony they will provide.

He grabs his hair and drops his head down, letting out a feral scream that echoes throughout the small chamber. He slams his fist into the cement wall, breaking the skin of his hand. Blood pours down his hand and arm and he slowly lifts it up to his face. He raises his head slightly and at the sight of his own blood he begins laughing maniacally, standing up and punching the cement walls once more.

I've been locked in this chamber for the last 6 days, trying to find the one thing that will give me the clear cut advantage over all the others. I have meditated, contemplated, and yet nothing came to me. And now it is clear to me now.

He raises his hand and lets the blood from his hand drip down onto his face, covering it within a matter of moments. He turns towards the camera and smiles sadistically, the blood on his face running down slowly.

My advantage come Lethal Lottery, is the fact I don't have the sanity that would prevent most from doing what is necessary to win. While they shy away from the pain and danger, I thrive upon such peril, it gives me energy, it gives me life.

Ty grabs the camera and drags it close to his face, his voice deepening and growing louder.

I will not allow any of you to think you have an advantage over me! This Lethal Lottery has become far more than a shot at the WZCW Championship for me. No, this is to ultimately prove who the alpha dog is. Once my victory at Lethal Lottery is assured, at Kingdom Come I will bring the reign of destruction upon Lars Reidar or Everest, and claim my ultimate crown.

He walks towards the cement wall and begins headbutting it, breaking open his face and causing more blood to pour down. He continues to smile through it all and stares into the camera once more.

I have waited long enough for my rightful opportunity at the WZCW Championship. It is clear to me the senile men running WZCW Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman have no idea who the rightful contenders are, relegating me to claiming other, lesser titles. After Lethal Lottery they will have no choice but to give me what is mine. My shot at the WZCW Title at Kingdom Come.

The candle in the room goes out, and the small opening in the door slides open, allowing dim light to pour into the room. Serafina's voice can be heard from the other side of the door.

Master Ty are you ready to leave for Lethal Lottery?

The door opens slowly as the camera fades to black The chaos symbol flashes across the screen momentarily before the feed cuts out completely.
The scene opens in a small room. Two leather chairs sit, facing each other, a couple of feet apart. In the chair on the left sits Becky Serra. She looks just as, if not more nervous than last week as she looks over at the subject of her interview, Phoenix. He is only recognizable by the tattoos on his arms, as his entire head is hidden under the hood of his sleeveless sweatshirt. Becky gets the signal from off-screen and begins the interview.

Phoenix, I want to thank you for taking the time to talk with me today.

Becky waits for some kind of acknowledgment from Phoenix that never comes. She shakes it off and continues.

Now, last week you and Garth Black lost the WZCW Tag Team Titles to William Teach and Dr. Steven Kurtesey. I know a loss is never enjoyable, but do you have any thoughts on the match?

Once again, she receives no reaction from Phoenix. Becky is clearly becoming frustrated, but is doing her best to hide it.

Okay, what about the new champs? (no answer) The Lethal Lottery (nothing) The weather?! (silence) … Forget it. I’m done.

Becky rips off her microphone and begins gathering her notes. A producer runs in from off-camera, seemingly to stop her, but she doesn’t even allow her to begin.

No, Mike. I know what you’re going to say, but it’s not going to happen. I don’t know what else you want me to do. I came here, I was prepared, I asked the questions. He asks for an interview then acts like this.

You’re right, I did ask for this interview.

Becky and her producer both look over at Phoenix, completely taken by surprise. Phoenix still has not moved this entire time. The producer signals for Becky to sit back down and motions for the camera crew to make sure the camera is still running. Becky is still frustrated with the entire situation, and makes no effort to hide it as she begins talking again.

What did you want to talk about, then?

Don’t worry; I heard all of your questions, and I should be able to answer all of them.

Last week was a joke. Losing to those pathetic excuses for wrestlers is the lowest point of my second life. I still feel sick every time I think about those two being champions in WZCW. I wouldn’t be as insulted even if there was a leprechaun skipping around here as a champion. But fear not, they will soon feel my revenge and it will be unlike anything anyone has ever seen.

As for the Lethal Lottery, it is common knowledge that this will be my debut in the event. And I couldn’t be more excited. There are so many different ways for me to ruin the other 19 guys’ chance at a title shot, just like Second Coming’s chance to become the greatest WZCW Tag Team Champions of all time was ruined. The possibilities are like a whirlwind inside of my head.

Since I came back, I have worked to change my life and become the best at what I do. I cleaned up my act, worked my ass off at everything I did, and finally became champion. But, as hard as my fight was to become sober, the hardest fight of my new life was the fight against the depression that set in after the match last week. I seriously considered falling off the boat and going back to what brought me to the night of the accident.

Now, I am ready to resume my new life with a fire that has never been seen before. I will not stop until I have avenged my losses. No one will be able to stop my flight to the top of WZCW and I will not stop until I have arrived there.

(Looking at Becky) I believe your last question was about the weather? Well, let’s just say that all my opponents will say is that it will feel like they were on fire.

Phoenix pulls down his hood to reveal bright red and orange face paint, with hair to match. He stands up and stares at Becky for a moment, before beginning to walk off camera. The last thing we see is Phoenix reaching into his pocket and something falling out before the screen goes black.
In a dark and dreary corner of a dingy room, sits the outline of Karnage. He is a man who has seen the blistering highs and the daunting lows. He is a man who reached the very top and has crumbled to the bottom once more. A man, who in search of ultimate victory over a long-rivalled foe, instead gave the ultimate sacrifice, he gave his sanity away. He gave every thread and morsel of mercy to his teacher and his teacher took it from his with open arms. For it was only when this happened, that Karnage could unleash the vast amounts of potential that resided with him. However, it would seem that it has come at a price.

Karnage, a man who months ago took a young rookie under his wing in the hope of becoming something that he had never been and achieving something that he had never achieved. The friendship of Blade and himself was a new feeling and together, anything was possible. Soon though, the friendship fractured and treachery was afoot for young Blade. Karnage had betrayed, not only Blade but had had also betrayed himself. For the lure of glory in WZCW was too strong for him. Fragile at the best of times, Karnage felt the chance to dominant call out to him. Blade stood in the way of that destiny and with Blade being dealt with at the Lethal Lottery, Karnage can finally realise his dream of being more dominant than anyone ever has.

For you see, at the Lethal Lottery, one man will rise above all other. One man will prove that he is the most dominant force in all of WZCW and in the mind of the demented Karnage, that man is he. With the number 20 spot, Karnage knows that people will fear him and he also knows that he has the opportunity to go on and dislodge Everest from on high. In his mind, he plays over and over again, the possibilities of the match but one option is unavoidable. The man who will have his hand raised at the end of the match will be Karnage.

A prevailing light is evident on the back of Karnage as the door that occupies the other side of the room creaks open. The small figure of Becky Serra is seen poking her head through the opening that has just been created. Karnage does not move but does let out a light shudder as the light reaches him. His head turns just a little to notice the figure occupying the open doorway. He lets out a sigh that is as warm as ice and turns his head back towards its original position. Becky realises that this is as warm a welcome as she is ever likely to receive and enters the room.

Becky: Karnage? I was just wondering if I could talk to you for a minute.

Karnage again raises his head in her direction as she solemnly makes her way across the floor to him. She looks frightened and is almost stopping with every step that she cautiously makes towards him.

Becky: I know you didn’t want to be disturbed but Vance sent me. He wants to know where you have been for the last week. He had all these interviews and things set up for the Lethal Lottery and you were nowhere to be found. We were worried that-

Karnage (snapping at her) : Worried about what, Becky? Worried that I had gone in off the deep end and had subjected myself to a fate worse than death? Worried that my eternal soul has been corrupted by a man who has taught me that if I want something, all I have to do is take it?

Becky: Well, yes. We were worried that you had gone to a dark place.

Karnage: A dark place!? Haha! The darkness is not a bad thing, Becky. We are in a dark place right now and I have never felt better. The darkness in us is to be embraced, welcomed like a friend and used to bind others who fear it. In the absence of light, darkness prevails. The same can be said of good and evil. In the absence of good, evil prevails and I have learned this the hard way.

Becky finally reaches the bench that Karnage is sitting on and looks upon the floor. There is a steel bin at Karnage’s feet and it lies empty for the time being. As a clearer picture becomes more evident to her, she takes in the whole picture. Beside Karnage is his diary, the large leather-bound journal that has become synonymous with him.

Karnage: You see, Becky. Over the last couple of days, I have realised that the darkness is not only a realm of light, or rather the absence of said matter, it is also physical. It is between us, around us and further more, within us. For too long, I have kept the darkness that has a grip on my soul within me. However, I have realised that this is not what should be done. No, I need to use this darkness, this hate, this despicable side of me to do what I do best. I need to use this part of me to cause damage to hurt people and to be victorious. For too long now, I have kept my words bottled up inside a book. No more than paper, no stronger than the fragile mind of a prisoner, whose eternal soul is under threat. Yet, it has been my best friend and my undoing.

At the Lethal Lottery, a different animal is going to be released. An animal that has never been seen before and will never be seen again. For at the Lethal Lottery, 19 other men will realise that when an animal is boxed in, within 4 ropes, no hope of escape and nothing to lose, that it will bite back. 20 men will enter and 19 will fall until the king of the jungle is crowned. Make no mistake, that animal will be me.

Karnage picks up the journal and drops it into the bucket. He takes a can from the other side of his imposing physique and begins to pour it on top of the journal. He takes a box of matches from his pocket, lights one and drops it in. It immediately catches fire and the journal becomes entirely engulfed in flames. Becky recoils as light fills the room.

Karnage: With that book gone, the animal inside me has no outlet, nowhere to go. I pity those who enter the ring with a rabid animal.
----Red Flicker and scrambled screen----

The following announcement...has been paid for by the Ricky World Order.

*Steamboat Ricky and "The One" Big Will are duking it out in the ring. Ricky is shown back-body-dropping Will over the ropes out to the floor.*

Ricky: I was the winner last year. Me. I was the most lethal. Ricky.

*"The One" Big Will picks himself up, walks up the steel steps as his feet never touched the ground, and eliminates a celebrating Ricky.*

Technicalities stood in my way the last time, but this time...I've got backup.

*rWo music hits and out come Full House Daves.*

You see, Jack...I was the rightful winner of last year's Lethal Lottery. That chump Big Will got by because of some technicality and Canadian favortism, dude. But this year is different. There's going to be nothing stopping me from winning that Lethal Lottery, compadre. With Full House Daves outside making sure that there are no strings being pulled and feet hitting steps, then I have the in-ring game to get the job done.

What you are all going to see is that it's really Everest that should be in this match, vying at a shot at my rWo World Title. Because this is the REAL World Heavyweight Championship in the business, bra. And you can take THAT to the bank.

So, when I win the Lethal Lottery, MAYBE I'll give my title shot to Everest, so he can have a shot at rWo Gold, dude. But he might be 6 feet under at that point...if you know what I mean...right fellas?

Big Dave: Hahaha. That clown doesn't have a chance.

Ace David: You think you can take out the rWo? Better pack a lunch.

Ricky: And if for some reason I graciously bow out of the contest, then you better believe that one of these two studs are going to throw you over the top rope, Jack. Because here in the rWo, we are the most excellent and perfect specimens to ever grace the wrestling world with our presence, dude. So, watch your back at all times. Because sooner or later, you're going to have to brace your fall.

So, get ready for the most impossible feat of your careers, bras. Because the rWo, with the rWo Champion at the helm, are going to be all over that ring this Sunday night. And if you think it's going to stop there...well I got news for you Jack...it's going to keep going. Because when you're rWo....you're rWo...4 LIFE.

*Ricky whips out a spray can and spray paints the camera red with "rWo."

----The preceeding announcement...has been paid for by the Ricky World Order.----
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