Lance Cade Has Passed Away

Sounds like a lethal mix of Pain Killer, recreational drug, and possibly steroid abuse as is typical of the industry. Was never a big fan of his work but as always it's sad to read about another worker dying way too young in this business. Wonder if this will have effects with regards to Linda's political race, I suspect minor repercussions if anything at all. More than likely it'll just be buried and his name will just be added to that long line of talent.
I am absolutely stunned that this happened, it feels like just yesterday I was watching him tag with Murdock and I remember his short stint as a singles wrestler. In hindsight he always looked pretty ripped and he was wrestling in the WWE before the start of the wellness policy so it is quite possible that he steroided himself to an untimely death. Out of all the deaths that have happened lately this one his hit me the most, this guy wasn't even 30 yet and most of the others were well over that line. The worst thing is this guy had a wife and kids and they will be yet another grieving wrestling family.
RIP Lance
I hope whatever it is that it is not drug related.
Unfortunately the first thing that comes to a lot of people's minds when someone that young goes and the only thing that is said so far is heart failure..It looks like drugs

I hoped the Rev from avenged sevenfold died of some health issue the public didn't know, but nope of course....drugs

Why do these guys do it? Not only wrestlers but actors and all these people who have a life and a talent people would die for....end up dieing over things like drugs

Just hope it's not
It's sad he was so young
He had the look, charisma, and the skills (in my opinion) to be a solid worker in this business for a long time. My prayers go out to his family and loved ones....My God, he was so young and had so much life ahead of him.

No speculation on anything.... just R.I.P.
Absolutely tragic. This kid was absolutely 110% in line to be the next AJPW Triple Crown World Heavyweight champion, the All Japan fans went apeshit for him like he was the second coming of Stan Hansen. I was never a big fan of his or anything but god damn if this isn't even more tragic because of the success he was surely going to achieve soon in Japan, success that eluded him here in the states.

God damn shame, that's all you can really say. It's sad that these kinds of news stories aren't the least bit shocking or surprising anymore though. It's always sad however.

Rest in Peace Lance McNaught.
i am pretty sure, but i wonder if this has any connection with the seizure he had on the one flight. JR kept saying he made a very bad judgement call, but never revealed why he had one.

i wonder if he overdosed on the plane.
Hate reading time and time again of guys dying at such an early age. He had two young daughters too. Had a lot of talent and potential.
R.I.P Lance Cade
Source: Wrestling Observer

Lance McNaught, better known as Lance Cade, died this morning of what is believed to have been heart failure after two family members believed there was something wrong with him over the past week.

He was 29.

McNaught's wife Tanya noticed over the past week that he didn't look healthy and seemed to be having trouble breathing and called an ambulance to rush him to the hospital on Tuesday night. He passed out at one point but was revived in the hospital. Lance asked to be released on Wednesday, and after he got home, left and didn't come back.

On Thursday, his father, Harley McNaught, said Lance showed up at his work and he was not looking good. Harley brought him to his father's home in San Antonio and was discovered having passed away late last night.

His wife believed he had not been drinking.

McNaught was a student of Shawn Michaels, who he idolized, and had several runs with WWE since signing with the company in 2000 shortly after finishing his training and working for a promotion run by Michaels in the San Antonio area.

When he first broke in, WWE officials believed with his size and agility that he reminded them of a young Barry Windham. He was up and down between the main roster and developmental and other than a tag team run with Trevor Murdoch, which was successful, never was really featured until 2008.

He was used in his highest profile run as the second of Chris Jericho, a spot geared to groom him for a top position. Just before being released, he even pinned Michaels in a tag team match on television. He was released in October 2008 after an incident on an airplane where he had a seizure, believed to have been due to use of either pain killers or muscle relaxers, and had to be taken off the plane. He was then released.

A storyline idea involving his return was proposed in September and he was signed again. While he was at home waiting to start on the main roster, a WWE official spoke with him in a phone call in January and was concerned about his lack of coherence in the coversation. At that time, he asked WWE officials to send him to rehab and completed a 30-day rehab program in February. After completing the program, the storyline idea ended up being nixed and he was released in April.

Cade had been working of late for All Japan Pro Wrestling and was scheduled to leave shortly for a tour. He was scheduled for a tag team championship match on the company's 8/29 show at Tokyo Sumo Hall, teaming with another former WWE performer, Rene Dupree, against champions Akebono & Taiyo Kea.

While McNaught was initially upset about his 2008 release, saying others had done worse and not lost their jobs, he eventually came to grips with it in a Pro Wrestling Torch interview where he said he only had himself to blame.

McNaught had two daughters and a stepson.

It looks like it has something to do with the heart.

He was admitted to hospital earlier after passing out. But released Wednesday.

It probably has something to do with the seizures he had. Another dead in the wrestling world is never a good thing.
this seems to happen all too often now. I was surprised, very surprised to hear this. My heart drop. Also this guys was great. Big fan. Wrestler die to young now a days.
RIP Lance Cade. His indy stuff was awesome. I thought he was great, and I really thought that some day he'd come back to the WWE. When he worked with Jericho he showed flashes of what he could have been. This is a really sad loss, and I feel terrible for his little children as well.
Heart attack & 29 years old are two things that just shouldn't go together.

Lance spent quite a bit of time here in OVW and had some great matches, especially with Brent Albright. The fans really appreciated him and his work. Him being tall and blond, Lance picked up the nickname Big Bird by the fans. You can only imagine the banter that caused. He'll be missed.

Simply put..29 years old...WAY too young for ANYONE to die. Pro Wrestler, athlete, son, and husband. He leaves behind a lot to remember. While his WWE accomplishments weren't HUGE they did have an impact and he will forever be in their history. I always enjoyed his work and enjoyed seeing him perform. He wasn't the best at his trade but you could tell from looking at him that he enjoyed and loved doing what he was doing. How many people are lucky enough to say they are doing something they love in life? Not many! From what I've read his Indy performances were not legendary but they were memorable. And the fact that he was doing well for himself elsewhere outside of WWE/TNA speaks for itself. It was great to see that he finally came to grips and matured enough to realize he was responsible for his own mistakes and nobody else was to blame. He had so much left to give this industry and who knows with time he may have returned to the WWE and boosted its IC/US division with an eventual title run.

But for him to pass on at the age of 29 is simply tragic. No parent should have to bury their child. I can only feel for his family. It's just a shame that ANYONE has to pass on at that young of an age! I hope the younger wrestlers and people reading this take note. If you are having difficulties breathing and such go get checked out...Wait until all the tests are done. Don't just think because you feel ok at that moment that everything is fine. We can all learn from this. Heart disease is a very serious problem for ANYONE and EVERYONE.

RIP Lance.... And goodluck being Lied to, cheated, and having your stuff stolen in heaven by Eddie :)
Man i hate when i hear about a young wrestler with all the taent in the world die. And its really sad beause he was never really given the chance to show his talent as a singles guy in wwe. R.I.P Lance Cade gone but not forgotten i hope his family is doing ok.
a very sad day indeed, i still remember his debut as Garrison Cade back on Heat. Knew he had something special to bring when he was teaming with Jindrak. Well he will be missed a shame WWE didnt use him like they should have RIP
A shame. He was so young. I never saw money in Cade, but his tag team work was solid and I felt he could have been a good mid-carder in the vein of Arn Anderson or Bobby Eaton. The bad thing is that you know the Democrats are going to use this to bludgeon Linda on the campaign trail. They will exploit this guy's death for political gain. It's sickening.

Politics aside, I enjoyed watching him wrestle. I hope he finds peace with the Lord. RIP Lance.

Yeah,like the Republicans wouldn't do the same goddamned thing if it wasn't the other way around. Folks like you get on my nerves with that crap.

Anyway,this is sad to hear and the guy wasn't 30.
Hopefully Linda Senate opponent have enough class not to bring this up. But you just now it will.

That's politics. Anything to make the opposition look bad. But let's not act like the McMahons are such class acts. Especially Linda. This is the same woman who sent a memo to Pat Patterson to fire George Zahorian and inform him of pending legal charges in connection to a steroids case and to give their lawyers anything pertaining to the WWF to their lawyers. That right there is obstruction of justice at the least.

Then,there is the whole Ted Cole story.

Long story short,her opponent isn't gonna bring up Lance Cade's death to hurt her.
This is really sad. Granted, he wasn't one of the BIG stars on WWE, but he certainly was one who probably was on the cusp of something just before he was released. You couldn't deny he had promise. He came from a very good training background at the Shawn Michaels' Academy, and his tag team with Trevor Murdoch was pretty entertaining to me. I found him quite entertaining just at the end when he was with Y2J going against HBK. It was quite a shame to see him go. I even got to seem him and Murdoch do some local shows around the Midwest with Amy Hennig and he was a hell of a nice guy. I'm truly saddened, and hope this is a wake up call for the wrestling community. I know there was that airplane incident, and I know none of us will truly know the truth behind any of those stories since we are not on the inside, and can only rely on hearsay. But we must remember that he was a father, son, husband, friend, and should remember the entertainment he brought to those that enjoyed every minute he brought. The world has lost someone very kind. It is such a shame when the young are taken that soon. Thoughts and prayers with Lance's family and friends.
I'm not going to speculate and I couldn't care less about Linda McMahon or anyone elses political careers.

All I'll say is I'll miss you Lance, I'd really hoped for a new AMW tag team with you and 'Wildcat' Chris Harris to feud with Beer Money in TNA - that would've been wrestling nirvana for me.

I hope you where half an hour in heaven before the devil knew you were dead:worship:
I didn't care too much for Cade when he was wrestling. But this one is horrible just for the age he has passed on.

29! Shit that's only a year older than me :( Same old,same old with the cause though.....

Heart Failure-them nasty two words that seem to go hand in hand with wrestler death.
Makes you wonder who is next, I sometimes look at Kurt Angle and wonder 'how long have I got left to watch you wrestle or even live' same with Jeff Hardy, Raven, Sabu.....I could list loads.
So the headline on wrestlezone states that Lance Cade passed away at 29. What are your thoughts on his death, and as him as a wrestler.. Was it an overdose or something else that took him?

Personally, I thought he was a pretty good wrestler.. Cade and Murdoch tag team was pretty solid and they had some decent feuds. It's a shame he has left us so young..
Cade was a good prospect, however he came into the business during a time where he was exposed to the excesses early... Shawn Michaels was, at that time still having problems... so while he got a great grounding like Danielson and Kendrick, he arguably picked up bad habits too...

Cade's first run was forgettable to be honest, but once he hooked up with Murdoch he had a shot at greatness, they were a good old fashioned tag team... But sadly the problems Lance had picked up cost him his job... he got thrown off a flight for having a seizure that certainly sounded related to substances... and like Umaga, like Test... the die was cast... I was a little saddened to see that Daniel Bryan but in particular WWE didn't do anything on the show... not even a graphic or a black armband... I guess Linda's campaign means more than decency these days. Not sure if its sad or good that he didn;t see Bryan's return last night... the "what could have been factor" might have been a bitter pill to swallow for him...
It goes without saying that it's beyond sad to read about any wrestler dying well before their time, but it was particularly painful to read about Lance since he is even younger than me.

I have a really fond memory about Lance Cade - I was front row at a live event in Philly; this was during his very first run with WWE, and they were calling him "Garrison Cade". My friend and I couldn't think of anything creative to shout at him, so we started calling him "Mr. Garrison". After the third or fourth time, after throwing his opponent at the steps, he turned around and looked straight at us and yelled "Does it look like I have a tophat puppet?!". That made the entire night for us. We instantly started cheering for him instead.

I don't know if Lance had "it", but he certainly had all the tools to make a decent long-term living in WWE. His physique was great, he could talk to some extent, and his matches were generally fun to watch.

It's interesting how we read about mid to lower-level guys passing away young rather than the ones on top. I'm sure the lifestyle of being "one of the boys" contributes to the problem, but I believe that a major factor is that they just can't afford to take time off to heal when they're injured. A lot of the guys who are on TV every week aren't making much more than us cubicle jockeys. And if they don't work, they don't get paid. Pain medication is sometimes the only place they have to turn and addiction often follows.

I'm sure there's no easy answer to this problem, but I wish WWE (as well as the indies) did a little bit more to help these guys cope with pain before it becomes a problem rather than just paying for their rehab after they're already damaged.

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