LA Takedown and Heat

Dowdsy McDowds

Sally was here
Earlier this week I was up at my caravan with my sister and we took a drive through to a neighbouring village. In a bits and bobs shop I found Michael Mann's LA Takedown for £2. For those that don't know, this was essentially Mann's dry-run for Heat.

I watched it last night and despite certain negative qualities, (the soundtrack, 60% of the acting) I was quite impressed by it. Seeing it after seeing Heat was quite surreal as a lot of the dialogue made it's way into Heat and the set-pieces were quite impressive for what I believe was a TV movie.

The ending was slightly different but was still quite good

Neil (Patrick in this film) leaves his girlfriend behind before making a move for the airport only to find out where Waingro/Jameson is hiding out. Patrick is spotted on his way to the hotel and Vince et al haul ass over there and find Patrick waiting outside Waingro's door. Vince's distraction causes Waingro to unload a few shells through the door fatally wounding Patrick who dies in Vince's arms where Patrick replies to the question why didn't you leave, with "I had nowhere else to go". Waingro surrenders so that he doesn't get shot but doesn't realise Vince et al know he killed Patrick's driver and gets super-kicked (well, kinda) out of his hotel window and crashes down below.

So here come some questions,

Has anyone else seen LA Takedown? If so what did you make of it?

Do you think it is good practise for directors to remake their own films that were only on TV before? As in remaking films few have seen rather than remaking films that made it to cinema.

Are there any TV movies that you remember being quite good?

As always, any other thoughts or opinions welcome
IMO Heat was so much better than L.a take down.From the actors to the scenery.The directors clearly could see the faults in L.a take down and knew that with AL Pacino and Robert deniro they would make this into hollywood history.
also the best and my favorite movies i seen on tv was the rock with sean connery and air heads with adam sandler and steve buscemi.

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