Kurt Angle to Make TNA Contract Status Announcement in Two Weeks

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
“Well right now I’m not at liberty to say where I’m going but I will tell you I’m going to do the right thing for me and my family. I am in the process of structuring a deal and I do have a company in mind. I haven’t said yes because I want to make it a public thing with the company and myself. I can’t really say who it is or where I’m going but I can tell you it’s going to happen in the next two weeks before my contract is even up. I won’t be wrestling until January but there will be a signing in the next couple of weeks.”



It's been widely speculated for weeks/months now that Angle is likely headed back to WWE for a retirement run, though there were recent reports that indicated the company actually didn't have interest in him coming back. Lots of hearsay on both ends, but I won't be shocked at all if he does in fact return to WWE, as he's been quite vocal about being open to the idea these last number of months.

In fact, in his interview with Jim Ross, I believe, on his podcast, he specifically mentioned hitting a point in TNA quite recently where he was ready to ask for his release, but was talked out of it and stuck around.
I don't know if Angle leaving would hurt TNA. Now what I will say, from a fan's perspective, that I wouldn't want to see him go. At the same time I wouldn't be in the least surprised if his decision is to go back to WWE. I would assume he'd get some kind of legends deal. You never know what his decision will be, but either way I wish him well.
If he says anything other than 'Goodbye TNA.... and please watch me in WWE' then I doubt any one would really care. TNA may be on its last legs right now without some intervention, why stay with them ? What could he possibly accomplish there ? If he says he is staying, every one will know or will find out it was because he couldn't get a deal with WWE, the place he wanted to finish his career. He stays he more than likely won't be able to help the company out of it's downward spiral and he is left on a sinking ship.

If he says he is leaving to go to WWE, that would be awesome to see him return. WWE could use him, the main event (even with Lesnar) has need for better workers and no one on that roster can work on Angle's level. Even it Angle is one tenth of his former self he still is a better worker than what WWE has. The only question is he healthy to make one last run in WWE.
The simple fact that he is annoucing the news tells me that he wont go back to wwe. Wwe usually likes to handle those type of annoucements themselves.

Maybe im wrong, but seems to me that he is either staying with TNA or moving to a new territory (japan, or a long shot could be GFW which is supposed to start rolling in january).
Kurt pissed off hhh he went over his head talk to Vince. Kurt says he not a Tna guy time to part ways rebuild the roster
Here's what I'm thinking. Angle doesn't actually have a deal with anyone right now. He's saying this so that TNA will still give him a big payday and/or more time off or so that WWE will think he's going to be locked up and need to act now to get him under some kind of contract just in case they want to use him.

If WWE signed him I'm guessing they wouldn't want him to announce it. I think everyone agrees that the best return would be a Rumble surprise, and this would ruin that. Even if that's not in the plans, WWE would probably want him to stay quiet until it's announced. If it were TNA, who cares? I guess they could just play it up like "TNA isn't going anywhere and Angle is here to stay!" or something, but still, that's not that interesting.

I think he's got no deal. If he does, then I think it's TNA. If not TNA, then I think maybe it'd be something like Japan. And then WWE would be the fourth option. Just my thought on his statements.
If he signs a new contract at TNA he might be unemployed by the time he's ready to return anyway.

I'd like to see TNA continue, I don't see Angle going back to WWE, and if TNA does bite the dust, I see him going to Japan to finish his career in the bullet club or something.
I doubt he's going back to the 'E then. The company tends to make this sort of annoucement themselves, especially if it's a big a name as Kurt Angle still is.

I reckon he's going to end up staying in TNA, which is a shame for Kurt as its clear his heart isn't with the company any more and he desperately wants to return to WWE for one final run before calling it a day. There's the possibility he may be going over to Japan, or GFW when they launches, but I'm thinking its unlikely he is returning to Vince, which is disappointing as an Angle/Bryan or Angle/Cesaro would make for great matches.
Kurt is no longer a relevant wrestler. It doesn't matter where he goes. WWE doesn't want him due to his inability to pass a drug test. His scrapes with the law won't help him. TNA may be on its last legs and so is Angle.
Maybe WWE might handle it like Batista or HH.... Hype the return Hype his entry into the RR

I really dont know if he passed the physical and is clean there is no reason for WWE not to take him as i see him as a bigger Fish than Batista Or even Y2J and if he is healthy he could have a few stellar match's
Here's what I'm thinking. Angle doesn't actually have a deal with anyone right now. He's saying this so that TNA will still give him a big payday and/or more time off or so that WWE will think he's going to be locked up and need to act now to get him under some kind of contract just in case they want to use him.

Yes, the entire negotiation might be an elaborate game of "chicken" at this point.....with both sides still trying to bluff the other.

On one hand, WWE wants big names because they know that's what their fans want. No question Kurt Angle is a big name, yet his age, numerous injuries (who knows what's really going on with that body?) and substance abuse problems make him exactly the kind of employee the 'E wants to avoid. Surely, some of the negotiations must concern what happens if they sign him and he immediately goes on the disabled list, perhaps for good. Who wants to pay the kind of money Angle has surely been demanding......and have him work only on the terms he wants?

On the other hand, although he's not going to say it in public, Kurt may have been shocked and hurt at how much less his presence commands these days, both in money and how he would be used. His biggest problem is that the status of his current employer and the point in time his contract is expiring leaves him in a less than stellar negotiating position. WWE has to know that Kurt's salary demands make it virtually impossible for TNA to re-sign him at anywhere near what he wants, so why should WWE accede to his wishes when they're operating in a closed market?

My feelings? Kurt seems to be presuming he can walk into WWE at the terms he desires; seeing himself as a pro wrestling immortal who has the privilege of doing so. If he can work a deal with WWE, fine..........but if Angle can't accept what's offered and decides to retire rather than work for less than he feels he's worth, that'd be fine, too.
Honestly, I think Kurt will leave TNA sooner rather than later. He always stated that he wants to end his career in a WWE ring, and who knows how much he has left? Not to mention, I do believe that he said himself that he'd be wrestling a lot more so I'm guessing that means house shows as well. TNA's not touring much right now if at all, and are likely not going to be touring until next year. That kind of leans more and more towards WWE.

Either way, I'm still a Kurt Angle fan. I still watch TNA and would still be drawn towards any match that he's in. I just think that in WWE he could do a lot more, especially with a far better writing team.
If WWE signed him I'm guessing they wouldn't want him to announce it. I think everyone agrees that the best return would be a Rumble surprise, and this would ruin that.

Hello!!!? The days of surprise returns are long gone and this is mainly due to the internet.

There certainly would be little chance of someone of Angles stature returning at The Rumble. This would be hyped before hand to spike buy rates/network subscriptions - just like they did with Batista and Hogan who were advertised for Raw.

Sure Rock and Brock managed 'surprise returns' without any hype but they turned up on free TV and both were expected anyway due to internet rumours. And these two are BIG players unlike Angle.

Best thing they can do is make it public Angle has signed and hype the fuck outta it. Then advertise him as a Rumble participant. Him turning up as a surprise entree does nothing for WWE. Leave the nice little surprises to Kevin Nash, Booker T and wrestlers of that ilk.
You can't hype anything until his original contract expires or he works his last scheduled booking for that company. I'm guessing he has 1 more set of impact tapings to do before he can promote WWE without the possibility of TNA suing WWE and Kurt for breach. I don't think that's going to happen, but the WWE will certainly protect themselves from the possibility. However, he's made it clear on record for years what his plans were and WWE will gladly take him back with open arms.
Nobody knows for sure where Kurt will go. If the rumours are true that Kurt went over HHH to Vince McMahon... it would be surprising to see Kurt back in a WWE Ring ever again. He is getting older and like others have noted above that the injuries must be taking their toll.

That said - if Kurt came back to WWE; he would be great in part time feuds; taking on Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan and a CM Punk return would show promise too. Kenta v Angle would be good too.
I'm at this stage where I feel like Kurt Angle is trying to be Barry Bonds. We know you don't have that many matches left. Just pack it up son! Don't make it this F'ing hard on us. He's constantly wrestling but it just feel like he's damaging his legacy.
Triple H tends to not like guys who are vastly superior to him, and who aren't his pals. Angle will retire in TNA as a result.
I don't think Angle is going to announce that he is going to te WWE. Nobody announces that they're going to the WWE, the WWE announces its wrestlers. Batista, Rock, Y2J, Hart never said that they're publicly announced that they're going back to the WWE. It takes away the element of suprise and all the hype the WWE can create by promoting the return of a big name. I highly doubt that Angle will say "I'm back at the WWE, January. Oh it's true, it's damn true. #NextWorldChamobabay #WHOO"

So my guess is GFW..
If Tna get there TV deal sort out they need to rebuild there roster Kurt goes great . Tna drop a lot of dead weight they can use the money on some ROH wrestlers and resign soma joe Austin Aries. It's not like angle drew a big rating
I'm not saying he will announce on TNA, he's heading on WWE. Tna, I hope would never allow that. The fact he is doing this on TNA leans towards a deal with TNA. I hope he heads back to WWE, but I don't think he'll announce a WWE return on TNA's show.

I think if WWE doesn't take him back, they're missing the ball here. He could feud with Russev and breathe life into the main event, but I can't deny he's had his share of problems with substance abuse and the law, but he seems right now to have his head on straight. I'd take the chance and give him an easy schedule and take it from there.
I'm not saying he will announce on TNA, he's heading on WWE. Tna, I hope would never allow that. The fact he is doing this on TNA leans towards a deal with TNA. I hope he heads back to WWE, but I don't think he'll announce a WWE return on TNA's show.

I think if WWE doesn't take him back, they're missing the ball here. He could feud with Russev and breathe life into the main event, but I can't deny he's had his share of problems with substance abuse and the law, but he seems right now to have his head on straight. I'd take the chance and give him an easy schedule and take it from there.

Kurt Angle vs Rusev at Mania 31 would be very interesting. I think they could have a great match and the USA vs Russia storyline speaks for itself. Alternatively Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger would be great.

It would be a shame if Kurt didn't end up in WWE for his last run. I think the best we will get is a Legends Contract once he is finished up on his last run, probably with GFW. It would be a shame to have a Kurt Angle DVD that only ran from 1999-2006. It would be nice to add 1-2 few matches from 2015 as well.
Kurt pissed off hhh he went over his head talk to Vince

If true, that could be holding up matters. But as far as negotiations are concerned, he might have pissed off the McMahon-Levesque braintrust with remarks he's made in interviews these past months, telling people how he might agree to come to WWE.....and if he does, he might want the type of part-time work schedule Rob Van Dam enjoys, along with a possible WWE Hall of Fame induction, plus heaven knows what else his heart may desire.

If you were WWE management, how would you react to remarks like that? If the interviews are at all accurate, you've got this guy dictating the terms of his move before they've even tried to hammer out terms with him. That's some nerve, huh?

Yes, it's possible WWE has reached out to him, but if he spoke to them, wouldn't he be violating the terms of his TNA contract?

And speaking of TNA, I wonder how they feel about having a guy who's under contract to them giving out interviews about taking his trade to the rival sports entertainment company.

True, we know the guy sees himself as an all-time immortal in pro wrestling, yet I wonder if he hasn't overplayed his hand.

Still, if WWE feels they have a place for Kurt, he'll be here, apparently. But he might be well advised to tone it down some, lest he be embarrassed to find that WWE doesn't want him at all, at least not under the terms he wants.
I just want to comment on a bunch of stuff I read in the thread, so I'll try to do it as fast and short as I can.

- He doesn't have to come back to WWE as a surprise, it's just that WWE probably would announce an Angle return rather than have Angle do it on twitter or something

- He didn't say he was going to announce anything on impact, right? There's a zero percent chance he announces he's leaving to go somewhere else on their show, especially since it's not live. Zero percent.

- The lowest WWE $ would probably be much higher than the highest TNA $. That's just a guess though.

- I didn't think about it, but it could be GFW. Though with all the personal issues there, I really really doubt it.

- I'd think Angle probably would want to talk to Vince instead of HHH. Vince is the top guy even if he doesn't do everything he used to. He's who Angle dealt with when he was there and HHH was just a wrestler. I could easily see Angle talking/walking to talk to Vince. And I think HHH would probably see that and not be that pissed about it. He'd probably just say that he's the guy you deal with now.

- Angle isn't as big as he thinks he is. Almost all public perception on Angle is from his WWE days. He's been gone for so long that he's been surpassed but others (for example, I think Jericho is probably "higher" than Angle now). But in his mind he probably thinks something like "Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Kurt Angle."
- He didn't say he was going to announce anything on impact, right? There's a zero percent chance he announces he's leaving to go somewhere else on their show, especially since it's not live. Zero percent.

I don't know where he plans on doing it but if I were Dixie (a middle aged petite woman who allowed herself to get hurt by having a man more than twice her size throw her through a table for a small ratings pop and who is struggling to keep her company on TV) I would definitely build this story in to an Impact episode. Even if it can't be done live - cheaply tape and splice in to an Impact episode where Angle reveals his intentions. Promote it the best they can ahead of time. People will tune in for it. If Angle is leaving, have a heel show up and beat him down 'burial style'. If he is not leaving, have a heel show up and beat him down 'sympathetic older face style' to create a new feud.

This real life stuff should be exploited by TNA as much as possible. They have no business trying to preserve their pride.

To the topic at hand. I have no idea what Angle is going to do. I always thought he couldn't negotiate while under contract with TNA, but who knows?

Maybe he is just simply going to announce his retirement.
The major problem I see is wwe and if they actually want him back. Rumors are they don't want him right now which limits where he can go. My guess is he is staying with TNA or, and this is a long shot, he is the first official name signed to JJ new company.

In regards to Angle's leaving and it's impact on TNA, I do think it will hurt them a bit. Right now they need to look strong for a new network to be interested. There is talk Bully Ray signed some sort of new deal with them which is good because how does it look as a company when you are trying to sell yourself to a network and 2 of you biggest names just left? I think anyone leaving right now is not good for TNA just from that perspective.

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