Kurt Angle: The Death Of TNA

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OK, I was checking out this site the other day and I was reading some speculation that Angle could possibly leave TNA in a few months time and return to the WWE. Apparently he has since stated that he is very happy in TNA and plans to extend his contract and stay there but it still got me thinking anyway. Let me state that this post is not intended to be a TNA bashing session, but simply some speculation about a hypothetical situation.

Let's say his contract expires the end of the summer. Vince approaches him and offers him a shit load of money, plus other incentives, to return. He accepts and leaves TNA and returns to WWE in a high profile return (all hypothetical).

Would this be the nail in the coffin for TNA? Let's face it, like him or not (I personally don't), he hasn't had much impact on TNA in terms of the big picture. Ratings have not improved, TNA still struggles to contend with ECW (WWE's C show). PPV buy rates don't remotely rival WWE's. TNA is light years away from challenging WWE. As I said above, this is not TNA bashing, but simply statement of fact, even the most die-hard TNA fan cannot argue with these points. I am not comparing the two products, I'm just stating the facts as I see them.

Other WWE alumni have not significantly helped TNA. There's even speculation about an imminent Sting retirement.

So I ask you, if Kurt Angle left TNA and returned to WWE, with or without negativity toward TNA, would this be the end of TNA Wrestling as we know it?
Nah, TNA was fine without Angle and they are plodding along just the same with him on board, he's not been much of an impact (get it? I know, it's shit) for TNA, certainly not the impact they hoped he'd be. So basically TNA might take a slight hit for a bit but it wouldnt make much difference in the long run, losing Joe or AJ would hurt them more, because it could turn their faithfull fans against them.
Unfortunately, no. TNA likely wouldn't die if Angle left. It's probably wouldn't even suffer that much. That's not to say that Angle isn't an important component of TNA - he's highly significant to TNA; some would say to a dangerous degree.

TNA is odd though. Odd in the sense that it demonstrates snail-slow, gradual, consistent growth no matter the circumstances it finds itself in or the product it puts out. It truly is weird.
In a way it would be better for TNA for him to leave. TNA fans are screaming for the originals to get pushed to the moon, thats what the fans really are looking for and with Kurt there it slows the process. Eventually when Joe AJ and Roode are in the main event it will benefit TNA
"TNA iMPACT!" launched on Spike TV on October 1, 2005 to an audience of 850,000 viewers. In the last few weeks, TNA has consistently drawn 1.5 million viewers, nearly doubling its initial audience in only two years. "TNA iMPACT!" is the only weekly wrestling show on cable television that has seen ratings growth in 2007. "TNA iMPACT!" is averaging a 1.1 HH rating and an average audience of 1.3 million viewers up +15% and +18% respectively. (WWE's "Monday Night Raw" on USA Network is down -7% in HH rating while ECW on Sci-Fi Channel is down 20% from last year).

Kurt Angle signed with TNA in Sept of 2006. Granted this is now 2009 and not 2007, TNA has been steadily increasing in ratings, and the other points are only in comparison to WWE. A burger joint can do well, even if it's not doing as well as McDonalds. It goes against TNA's interest to directly challenge WWE, so if they're lightyears away from challenging WWE, that doesn't mean the company isn't growing. Say WWE has a number value of 100, and TNA started at 1 7 years ago. They can be at a 20 now, and it's still progress. By using WWE as the bar, you are in fact comparing the two companies haha. Other than the ratings point, the other 3 are only in comparison to WWE, and doesn't say anything about TNA itself.

As Uncle Sam pointed out above, "it demonstrates snail-slow, gradual, consistent growth no matter the circumstances it finds itself in or the product it puts out". That's a GOOD thing. It means that even with all the complaints, they're doing something right. They're improving, and bringing in the older guys helps attract viewers, and Kurt Angle is hardly an "older" guy, but still has that veteran appeal. Him and Booker seem to be the only "older" guys that can still put on a solid match every time against the younger talent, and that's huge for the younger guys to gain credibility. Joe beating AJ doesn't do anything for either, but Joe over Angle does, and AJ over Booker does.

Kurt Angle is right now the bridge in TNA between the "washed up" guys who are there for name value, and the young talent that needs to get a rub from somewhere. Beating a broken down Kevin Nash isn't going cut it. Angle is necessary only because he still has years in him, not months or a year.

I doubt he'll go back to WWE, but this is a hypothetical thread. If he does jump, I actually think it would greatly benefit a younger talent, not only because it frees up a spot in the main event, but because it'll allow for someone, say Joe, to demonstrate dominance over arguably the greatest wrestler in the world today. When Christian was hush hush about what he was going to do, TNA didn't hesitate to take him out. It made the MEM stronger, or at least look stronger. If Angle decides not to renew his contract, or waits like Christian did, it would be a great chance to elevate Joe, and have him dominate like he used to, only this time it would be against Angle, not the X division.
In a way it would be better for TNA for him to leave. TNA fans are screaming for the originals to get pushed to the moon, thats what the fans really are looking for and with Kurt there it slows the process. Eventually when Joe AJ and Roode are in the main event it will benefit TNA

However, to grow as a company, TNA needs to attract more fans, and to do that, they need guys with name value. TNA is expanding, and until they reach a point where they're satisfied, there's no reason elevating guys that won't draw fans. Fact is that AJ, Joe, and Roode aren't household, national names. They don't have nostalgia tied to them. Wrestling's biggest period ratings wise was the 90s, so showcasing guys from that era is going to draw back the fans that stopped watching for whatever reason after the Attitude Era.

If there was a triple threat between AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe vs Robert Roode for the TNA Title, it wouldn't draw nearly as much as Mick Foley vs Kurt Angle vs Sting. The point is attracting NEW fans. Since it's gradually increasing in viewers, they're obviously not losing fans by not having AJ as champion.
Don't hit me for spam, I answer the post later on in this reply.

Hasn't helped? Ratings haven't improved? Struggling to compete? Man, ratings have jumped big time in the last 3 years if you consider they're on a small-time network and that they're a 7 year old company. The original WWF weren't this successful so fast so I think people need to look at the big picture, too many people compare the two companies which isn't fair considering the 60-something-years headstart WWF had on TNA as well as far more money. When you consider TNA started from nothing and now has a 2-hour primetime tv show and monthly PPV's, regular overseas tours, their show airs in over 100 countries, I think they've done quite well for themselves.

Now on to the actual topic, I just felt a need to defend TNA first, I'm not a fanboy, but I think people are too hard on it.

Angle leaving would hurt them a lot, probably more than they'd like to admit. They'd survive, but it would hurt them. Sting, Foley, Jarrett, Booker, Team 3D and Steiner are all recognised names so they could probably survive by promoting them a little more to make up for the loss of Angle's star power. AJ and Joe are being made into stars but for some reason it just isn't happening quickly. Sure TNA fans pop for them, but they still aren't getting over with casual fans and I'm honestly not that sure why.

If they feel Angle's on the way out they'll need to really focus on making new stars because almost all of their established ones are over the age of 40. That being said I think that Impact is slowly becoming a better show week on week. Sure there's only 16 minutes of ring time or something crazy like that and the purists will bash them for that, but I've personally noticed a difference in quality from top to bottom, they just need to remain consistant. They tend to follow a good show with a terrible one and more often than not don't deliver on PPV, which is strange because a few years ago I made the claim that no TNA PPV disappointed.

In summary it would hurt, but it wouldn't cripple. It certainly isn't the "final nail in the coffin", because that suggests they're in trouble and he's the only thing keeping them afloat. Things couldn't be further from the truth, they're the strongest they've ever been and are continuing to grow in every way. They've almost paid back their full debt a few years early, salaries are increasing, they're breaking out and they've done it all in less than a decade. I defy another wrestling promotion to match their speed in this day and age where wrestlers can't just jump ship like they did during the Monday Night War.
However, to grow as a company, TNA needs to attract more fans, and to do that, they need guys with name value. TNA is expanding, and until they reach a point where they're satisfied, there's no reason elevating guys that won't draw fans. Fact is that AJ, Joe, and Roode aren't household, national names. They don't have nostalgia tied to them. Wrestling's biggest period ratings wise was the 90s, so showcasing guys from that era is going to draw back the fans that stopped watching for whatever reason after the Attitude Era.

If there was a triple threat between AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe vs Robert Roode for the TNA Title, it wouldn't draw nearly as much as Mick Foley vs Kurt Angle vs Sting. The point is attracting NEW fans. Since it's gradually increasing in viewers, they're obviously not losing fans by not having AJ as champion.

Company wise WWE is the global leader in wrestling events. Its been around for a long time its a piece of americana for sure. If you look at the WWE they have lasted the test of time and have come back bigger and better (back when they faded out for a bit) and now look at them they are a global leader in wrestling/entertainment. They are very well know nationally, the WWE superstars are basically like rockstars, they get movie deals, appear on TV shows, WWE is so public now and not to mention they trade on the NYSE.

TNA Wrestling is trying to become a threat to WWE but I don't see that ever happening because like I said WWE is just to big and popular. Face it TNA is jumping at every WWE release and old WCW name they can get just in hopes that they can create a Monday Night War with WWE which will never happen even Vince said he does not see TNA as a threat.

From a business standpoint Vince has got so many things happening other then wrestling even though that is the the main source of business but he has WWE Studios that puts out so so to crappy movies (but people still see them $$$), indorsement deals with Cena (the razors), WWE & WWE superstars are just everywhere money is to be made. TNA is trying to go there but WWE has been there first so they hold the capital that TNA would just love to get there hands on.

TNA is growing slow while WWE is always exploding from day to day. So unless TNA can become as mainstream as WWE I don't see them lasting. I see them in 10 years not even either being out of business or bought out by WWE. If TNA is relaying on old stars (name value) they won't last long cause eventually Sting will retire, Nash is doing ok but I don't see him lasting long, Angle has a couple years left, once the big names go they are in trouble. They need to start building the no name talents of TNA and less WWE/WCW name value players.

All and all WWE is a strong brand that I don't see ever being beat business wise or TV wise no matter how stale a WWE show is. TNA is a brand slowly progressing but as they slowly progress WWE grows day by day in leaps in bounds so TNA will never catach up.
if kurt angle ever left TNA,would it hurt TNA?YES,would it kill TNA?NO

before kurt angle came to TNA,TNA was scoring like a 0.8-1.0 cable rating,now there scoring 1.2. As a I recall a few months ago,TNA scored a 1.3 for like 4 weeks in a row,now thats improvement,they even switched to HD which really helped bring in fans that are picky with quality.

the fact is that TNA is no where near WWE's league but they will get there one day and by getting there,they will need big names like Kurt angle and Booker T,if TNA ever signed jeff hardy or shawn micheals,ratings would improve big time

TNA focus right now is to get more fans and at least get a 1.5 rating and by doing that,TNA will need to hire more stars and maybe even some former WWE talent.if TNA signs mr kennedy and umaga,that would be a big help for TNA,TNA recently signed former WWE diva Victoria and I know for a fact that all the WWE diva fans that love victoria and always thought she deserved better in her last years with WWE are going to be watcing TNA now just to see her

it's a growing pace and TNA will get there
Company wise WWE is the global leader in wrestling events. Its been around for a long time its a piece of americana for sure. If you look at the WWE they have lasted the test of time and have come back bigger and better (back when they faded out for a bit) and now look at them they are a global leader in wrestling/entertainment. They are very well know nationally, the WWE superstars are basically like rockstars, they get movie deals, appear on TV shows, WWE is so public now and not to mention they trade on the NYSE.

TNA Wrestling is trying to become a threat to WWE but I don't see that ever happening because like I said WWE is just to big and popular. Face it TNA is jumping at every WWE release and old WCW name they can get just in hopes that they can create a Monday Night War with WWE which will never happen even Vince said he does not see TNA as a threat.

From a business standpoint Vince has got so many things happening other then wrestling even though that is the the main source of business but he has WWE Studios that puts out so so to crappy movies (but people still see them $$$), indorsement deals with Cena (the razors), WWE & WWE superstars are just everywhere money is to be made. TNA is trying to go there but WWE has been there first so they hold the capital that TNA would just love to get there hands on.

TNA is growing slow while WWE is always exploding from day to day. So unless TNA can become as mainstream as WWE I don't see them lasting. I see them in 10 years not even either being out of business or bought out by WWE. If TNA is relaying on old stars (name value) they won't last long cause eventually Sting will retire, Nash is doing ok but I don't see him lasting long, Angle has a couple years left, once the big names go they are in trouble. They need to start building the no name talents of TNA and less WWE/WCW name value players.

All and all WWE is a strong brand that I don't see ever being beat business wise or TV wise no matter how stale a WWE show is. TNA is a brand slowly progressing but as they slowly progress WWE grows day by day in leaps in bounds so TNA will never catach up.

ok,first of all,WWE can't buy TNA because jeff jarett will never sell it and second,the only reason WWE bought WCW was because the owner didn't want it anymore.Jeff Jarett is loyal to TNA and he will never sell it and also,times have changed,there is no monday night wars anymore because TNA is on thursdays genious and let me remind you that vince also never saw WCW as a threat and look at how that turned out,a monday night war with WWE throwing everything they had at WCW where vince got soooo desperate,he bought WCW

and when taker,shawn micheals,kane,and all the other veterans retire,WWE will also be in the sink so:fuckoff:
TNA Wrestling is trying to become a threat to WWE but I don't see that ever happening because like I said WWE is just to big and popular. Face it TNA is jumping at every WWE release and old WCW name they can get just in hopes that they can create a Monday Night War with WWE which will never happen even Vince said he does not see TNA as a threat.

Where did you make up that idea? You're assuming they're trying to become a threat to WWE and that they want to create a Monday Night War. Why can't they just be making a company that survives and thrives and delivers weekly? There's no reason why they can't just as exist as an alternative, without trying to out-do WWE. The Monday Night Wars was driven by Bischoff's obsession with beating WWE. TNA doesn't seem to have that same tenacity, which is a good thing. Don't make assumptions just because it's something you may do. No one in TNA has said "we're gonna get them", so to say they are or they aren't is completely hypothetical and pointless.

TNA is growing slow while WWE is always exploding from day to day. So unless TNA can become as mainstream as WWE I don't see them lasting. I see them in 10 years not even either being out of business or bought out by WWE. If TNA is relaying on old stars (name value) they won't last long cause eventually Sting will retire, Nash is doing ok but I don't see him lasting long, Angle has a couple years left, once the big names go they are in trouble. They need to start building the no name talents of TNA and less WWE/WCW name value players.

WWE had a 60 year head start, but again, IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT WWE IS DOING. I'm going to repeat what I said earlier: The name value players are getting the hype to increase the fan base. It's like getting Michael Jordan to do ads for your underwear. It's a familiar face. If you watch TNA, you recognize the talent of the younger guys. If you don't watch TNA, why would you start watching because AJ Styles is there? You don't know who that is. Wrestling fans of the 90s remember Sting, Nash, Angle, etc, and don't give two sh*ts about AJ Styles and Joe. TNA is attracting fans with name value players, who in the process rub off on the younger talents.

TNA also isn't relying on any one person. Since you like comparing to WWE, WWE has the same 5 people in the main event. When Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, HHH and Jericho leave, the top players become Edge, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Randy Orton, and John Cena. Jeff and Orton have two strikes, and have bad luck. Rey Mysterio may be leaving, but also loves getting injured. Same with Cena. That leaves Edge, CM Punk, John Morrison, MVP, and Jack Swagger. Right now, the majority of the roster has no main event credibility. They may have potential, but they can't lead the company and become multi-time champions, or at least respectable ones. It takes time to develop. TNA has been around for 7 years, while WWE has been around for half a century. Progress doesn't happen overnight, and when you start expecting it to, that's when you mess up.
Don't you guys think that Angle was brought into TNA to be the "new face of TNA," and he is consistently running his mouth about the product being better and that they will challenge WWE in the near future? Don't you think that it would be an admission that both TNA and Angle himself were wrong if he bails out and returns to the WWE?

MIKO made some reference to TNA "plodding along." Does anyone think that with an ego the size of Angle's that he'll be content to plod along for the rest of his career, a career that no one really knows how much longer it will be? If Vince approached Angle with a lot of money and let's say, for example, offered a chance to wrestle HBK at WM26 and be the one to put him into retirement, you'd see how quickly Angle would plod his way right back to WWE. Which would hurt TNA tremendously.

SARITAFAN speculates how great it would be if TNA were lucky enough to obtain Jeff Hardy. But TNA has been there, done that, and couldn't keep him. Or Christian. Or R-Truth. Because these guys, despite what they say when not affiliated with WWE, all want to be on the grandest stage of all. And that's not TNA and never will be. It's WWE.

LOKICOBAIN naively suggests that TNA is not competing with WWE. Of course they are, that's why they snap up all of their releases so quickly, looking for recognizable names to attract viewers away from WWE and to TNA. Most of the WWE castoffs who end up in TNA go on and on with negativity about their time in WWE. They reference WWE frequently whereas WWE doesn't even acknowledge the existence of TNA.

The point I was making in starting this thread is that TNA has invested a lot in bringing Angle in. A lot of money, a lot of attention which has been by default taken from their homegrown talent. A lot of hype and expectation. For Angle to say "thanks but no thanks" and go right back to WWE after all of this would be devastating to TNA. Perhaps "nail in the coffin" was a bit extreme, but let's face it, they're on life support with him, "plodding along." And knowing Angle's track record, he'd leave TNA in a tiff and bad mouth them every step of the way. He'd suggest, because he wasn't the centre of their universe, that they didn't use him properly and he'd run them into the ground verbally every chance he got. Which would hurt even more.
To be honest with you, I don't have the patience to watch a growing wrestling company every week.

If Kurt Angle leaves I believe it would be a lot more positive for TNA.

Instead of pushing veterans, put some new talent.

Otherwise they'll end up like WCW.
LOKICOBAIN naively suggests that TNA is not competing with WWE. Of course they are, that's why they snap up all of their releases so quickly, looking for recognizable names to attract viewers away from WWE and to TNA. Most of the WWE castoffs who end up in TNA go on and on with negativity about their time in WWE. They reference WWE frequently whereas WWE doesn't even acknowledge the existence of TNA.

HATEHABSFOREVER illogically suggests that acquiring talent from the ONLY global wrestling organization is so that they can steal viewers away from WWE. Yes, Trevor Murdoch is going to totally destroy WWE. When WWE signed CM Punk from ROH, where was the outrage?!?!?! Why can WWE sign anyone they want from the independent circuit, but TNA can't? Who cares if they were in WWE already, what makes WWE so great that they create Untouchables? When WWE signs Gail Kim, Chris Harris, Ron Killings (again), and Christian (again), are those not attempts of stealing fans away from TNA? Or does it only work one way with this logic, since WWE pays no attention to TNA? What changed in Christian's career from when he was stuck in midcard purgatory? Oh right, he was successful in TNA. Then they brought him back and immediately threw him into a title picture. What did Gail Kim do to receive another shot in WWE? Oh right, she pioneered the Knockout Division. Then they brought her back and immediately threw her into the title picture. But they're not trying to steal or capitalize right? Just little ol' TNA has that mentality, not the company headed by an intolerable piece of garbage that nobody unrelated to him likes or wants to work with.

Attracting viewers doesn't imply they're stealing viewers from WWE. People can watch both, right? They snap up all of WWE's releases because they're recognizable names, and that'll help the product grow. What good would picking up ROH guys? There's no draw. If Umaga and Kennedy don't go to TNA, it is likely you will never see them again. Should that just be the fate of their careers due to the backstage politics of one company? It would be like the Red Sox releasing Manny Ramirez, and if any other team picks him up, they're just picking up Red Sox rejects. Why should they settle for no name talent when there are guys that are known? Unlike baseball however, there's 32 teams, not one team for years who determined who was good enough and who wasn't.

Perhaps if WWE were a more pleasant working environment, people wouldn't have such negative feelings. You're making it seem like Jeff Jarrett created this company to beat WWE, and that's just bullshit. There's competition where you're in the same genre, which is natural and inevitable, then there's competition that involves trying to beat the other. TNA hasn't said anything about trying to beat WWE, they're just simply providing an alternative. They provide what WWE doesn't, and why shouldn't they point that out? Why not capitalize on the IWC's bashing of what WWE is doing with their tag team division, or capitalize on having a real women's division that isn't just a degrading joke? WCW made it clear they wanted to beat WWE. TNA has only demonstrated that they want to exist, and being in the same business as WWE, which had a monopoly for decades, would only naturally mean inevitable competition. Do you think Apple was thinking of some way to crush Microsoft, or just a new way of approaching the same idea?
To be honest with you, I don't have the patience to watch a growing wrestling company every week.

The product isn't different. It's not like the older guys aren't entertaining or in a class all to themselves away from the rest of the talent. TNA puts on two hours of entertainment, not two hours filled with 30 minutes of the exact same Randy Orton clip over and over again.

And are you 9 years old? What do you want, 30 years of history a week? How many people watch every week and then say "oh man, they are totally thinking long term on this, i can't handle it". What do you not have the patience for? What exactly are the factors of a growing wrestling company? Would you rather watch a watered down soap opera of an established company? If you're 9, that'd be understandable, but TNA is just an alternative, and the fact that it's growing isn't a bad thing, or even something recognizable on a week to week basis.
The product isn't different. It's not like the older guys aren't entertaining or in a class all to themselves away from the rest of the talent. TNA puts on two hours of entertainment, not two hours filled with 30 minutes of the exact same Randy Orton clip over and over again.

And are you 9 years old? What do you want, 30 years of history a week? How many people watch every week and then say "oh man, they are totally thinking long term on this, i can't handle it". What do you not have the patience for? What exactly are the factors of a growing wrestling company? Would you rather watch a watered down soap opera of an established company? If you're 9, that'd be understandable, but TNA is just an alternative, and the fact that it's growing isn't a bad thing, or even something recognizable on a week to week basis.

They put on two hours of something but I wouldn't call it entertainment. You talk about a watered down soap opera yet TNA is copying that same watered down soap opera. So what exactly does that say for them?

The biggest problem for TNA is not the talent but the idiots using the talent. They are trying to hard to have that WWE type atmosphere and it's going to blow up in their faces.

"If Umaga and Kennedy don't go to TNA, it is likely you will never see them again. Should that just be the fate of their careers due to the backstage politics of one company?"

WOW. So failing TWO drug tests and turning down rehab is now considered back stage politics? How about the guy who gets injured sneezing and lied about taking steroids to the press and getting caught on it? Plus he was hurting others in the ring as well. That's politics?

No doubt that they(WWE) have played politics before but you picked two of the worse cases to try and prove your point.
The point was that you'd never see them again if TNA doesn't sign them. Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy failed TWO drug tests. Is them staying part of backstage politics?
TNA has eight older big names on their Roster and of those eight names they have Booker T who has put over AJ Styles, Kevin Nash who has put over Samoa Joe, Jeff Jarrett who has put over Eric Young (Jarrett won the match but Young had his best showing in TNA to date), Scott Steiner puts over anyone he faces anymore, the Dudley's are putting over Beer Money and the Britts, and Kurt Angle is so good he could win every match for the rest of his career and make his opponent look like Ric Flair.

Now would losing Angle hurt TNA? He is the best wrestler in the world even with all of his physical problems of course it would hurt TNA if he left. Would it kill the company hell no. Most companies fold when they have bad business people running the show and cant pay their creditors. Well TNA has almost payed off their debt and have a good mix of brilliant business and wrestling people running the company while having a lot of talented people as the product. Kurt Angle is only a piece of the puzzle, a large piece Id assure you but only a piece none the less and any piece can be replaced with another piece or combination of pieces. TNA would survive.

Second of all about big time talent leaving TNA.

For the record Jeff Hardy didn't leave TNA, TNA severed ties with Jeff Hardy because of his drugs and no shows.

Also from what I heard Christian left because he was scared that with the economy crashing like it has been that he wouldn't be able to pay his bills with the smaller paycheck that TNA offers which is acceptable in this trying time.

As for Ron Killings I haven't heard why he left TNA. I heard that for a while creative didn't have much for him to do but that happens in the business. I mean a couple years ago WWE creative didnt have anything for Edge and he was jobbing to Jamie Noble. We all know that Edge ended up in the end getting a character change and took off. Maybe Killings didn't want to wait for that and jumped ship. I dont know. But if anyone else here knows I would like to know.
Kurt Angle leaving? it was speculated because he stated on a radio show that he was in good terms with Vince at that's it. He also stated at a show in Missouri a few days ago that his contract is coming up but he has no plans to resign with WWE. He hasn't burned any bridges but doesn't want to work for Vince anymore. As far as WWE's C and D shows beating TNA Impact that hasn't happen in a while. Since Impact's ratings usually go up between the 1.0 and 1.2 ranges. While ECW and Superstars tend to slip behind the 1.0 mark. Even Smackdown is slipping below the 2.0 mark. I think 2 wrestling companies only make the competition better and more alive. Who wants to live in a world where its only WWE and Donald Trump every week?
I don't think Angle will be leaving TNA anytime soon now that he's TNA World Champion for a third time. I can't believe Samoa Joe has been working with the Main Event Mafia all this time (Nation of Violence my ass). I was really hoping AJ or Jeff (or Joe until he pulled the biggest screwover I had ever seen) would become TNA Champ.

However, I'm still think maybe Joe won't be with the Mafia for long whenever Taz makes his debut in TNA.
The product isn't different. It's not like the older guys aren't entertaining or in a class all to themselves away from the rest of the talent. TNA puts on two hours of entertainment, not two hours filled with 30 minutes of the exact same Randy Orton clip over and over again.

And are you 9 years old? What do you want, 30 years of history a week? How many people watch every week and then say "oh man, they are totally thinking long term on this, i can't handle it". What do you not have the patience for? What exactly are the factors of a growing wrestling company? Would you rather watch a watered down soap opera of an established company? If you're 9, that'd be understandable, but TNA is just an alternative, and the fact that it's growing isn't a bad thing, or even something recognizable on a week to week basis.

LOL! ='[... Sorry if you feel hurt that I insulted your favorite show on the internet. (And I'm the 9 year old).

I don't like TNA all that much. I'd prefer it if they pushed their own talent a lot more instead of keeping veterans in the main event spot and ex-WWE stars. Otherwise they will end up like WCW eventually. Also, it needs some help with its storylines. I have no idea why you would think this isn't a growing company. These factors have nothing to do with it being an alternative.

It's my opinion and kiss up and deal with it. If you don't like the WWE, you won't see me being all riled up on a forum.

In my opinion it still has areas to improve in whether you want to admit or not. I realize its an alternative, but it still has areas to improve on like I mentioned.
Kurt Angle leaving wouldn't have much of an effect. Looking at it now it looks like it might but if it happens someone would step up and take his role. Kurt Angle took Jeff Jarrets role and someone else could take Angles. I could see it as Samoa Joe.
Right now, I think TNA exists as a place for non-WWE guys to go, and I think it's wonderful that there is an alternative out there that is pretty damn good, IMO.

TNA would survive Kurt leaving. Question is, why would Vince offer Kurt any big money or incentives, or, for that matter, even take him back?

Isn't this the guy who begged to be released because he was crippled and then headed right to TNA? Vince wouldn't hire him to screw Jarrett. Vince isn't afraid of Jarrett, even though there's history after the whole Chyna thing.

Kurt is not what he used to be. He still has the skills, but his body almost looks withered, which is a shame. Also, WWE doesn't really NEED him right now.

He has decent, yes, DECENT mic skills. His wrestling skills will never be questioned, even though he's slowed down a bit.

But, would you want to re-hire a guy who pulled some mind fuck on you? I wouldn't want him back.

I wonder exactly why Scott Steiner's even there. He's just a living pile of muscles now, and really is serving no purpose. Booker T can still wrestle, but he's not the foundation there, either.

Guys like Styles, Morgan, Abyss, Joe, those are the guys that need to lift up TNA. Yes, you most definitely need some recognizable veterans there to draw in fans, but once you have them hooked, build new stars.

The problem is this. You build a TNA original up to the point where he's beloved and madly popular. Now you have to worry about egos and Vince.

Vince can offer the type of money that TNA cannot. So, Jarrett must be careful that one of his young stars might bolt for that pay date.

If I were Jarrett, I would use the example of how former WCW and ECW talent was basically raped in WWE. TNA's using Raven correctly. They're using Morgan correctly. Vince tried to bury both these guys by giving them shitty gimmicks.

If, let's say, A. J. were to go to WWE, he'd be a middle card curtain jerker in a month. Then, he'd be fired.

THAT'S WHAT JARRETT MUST HAMMER INTO THE MINDS OF THESE KIDS! Vince will pay you big, then ruin your career.

Hopefully these youngsters have loyalty and pride for their company and keep up the good work.
TNA would survive Kurt leaving. Question is, why would Vince offer Kurt any big money or incentives, or, for that matter, even take him back?

Because he's a great wrestler and could make him a lot of money. That was a hard question.
Isn't this the guy who begged to be released because he was crippled and then headed right to TNA? Vince wouldn't hire him to screw Jarrett. Vince isn't afraid of Jarrett, even though there's history after the whole Chyna thing.

Kurt is not what he used to be. He still has the skills, but his body almost looks withered, which is a shame. Also, WWE doesn't really NEED him right now.

Santino Marella didnt NEED to dress up as a chick. But he did ans we're all stronger for it.
He has decent, yes, DECENT mic skills. His wrestling skills will never be questioned, even though he's slowed down a bit.

But, would you want to re-hire a guy who pulled some mind fuck on you? I wouldn't want him back.

And...thats why Vince McMahon runs a multi-billion dollar wrestling company and you dont.

Guys like Styles

LOL, legends championship. AKA Consolation Prize AKA Sorry, but we're not giving you the proper title.

Blueprint of a D-Bag

He even walks like he has brain damage. Really getting into character. You think Mick Foley was pissed when he walked into the locker room and saw Abyss?

The Pillsbury Joeboy.
The problem is this. You build a TNA original up to the point where he's beloved and madly popular. Now you have to worry about egos and Vince.

Vince can offer the type of money that TNA cannot. So, Jarrett must be careful that one of his young stars might bolt for that pay date.

Yeah, Vince McMahon loves him some Brutus Magnus
If I were Jarrett, I would use the example of how former WCW and ECW talent was basically raped in WWE.

Because Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, The Big Show, Benoit, Guerrero, Booker T, RVD and Ric Flair all did pretty bad in WWE. Oh wait, they had talent and junk.

TNA's using Raven correctly.

That poor excuse for a hardcore match, "Clockwork Orange house of fun?" Really? Anthony Burgess would be ashamed to put his title on that crap.
They're using Morgan correctly. Vince tried to bury both these guys by giving them shitty gimmicks.

The stuttering gimmick was good.
If, let's say, A. J. were to go to WWE, he'd be a middle card curtain jerker in a month. Then, he'd be fired.

You know this for an absolute fact? What are tuesdays winning lottery numbers?

THAT'S WHAT JARRETT MUST HAMMER INTO THE MINDS OF THESE KIDS! Vince will pay you big, then ruin your career.

HHH is the one with the hammer, Jarrett must strum it into their heads. But you're right. Look what McMahon did to Stone Cold's career, ruined it by not leaving him in ECW.
LOL! ='[... Sorry if you feel hurt that I insulted your favorite show on the internet. (And I'm the 9 year old).

I don't like TNA all that much. I'd prefer it if they pushed their own talent a lot more instead of keeping veterans in the main event spot and ex-WWE stars. Otherwise they will end up like WCW eventually. Also, it needs some help with its storylines. I have no idea why you would think this isn't a growing company. These factors have nothing to do with it being an alternative.

It's my opinion and kiss up and deal with it. If you don't like the WWE, you won't see me being all riled up on a forum.

In my opinion it still has areas to improve in whether you want to admit or not. I realize its an alternative, but it still has areas to improve on like I mentioned.

It's as if you just responded to someone else's post but quoted mine by accident. Opinions on area of improvement are only good opinions if they'd improve the company...which yours wouldn't. There wasn't any crying, just shock about what you expect a wrestling company to be like. I never said it was perfect, but having veterans in the main event will draw fans, which is GOOD for a company. After all, that's the point of the business side of things. I've also been saying that it IS a growing company, so that was kinda confusing. And what factors have nothing to do with it being an alternative? Your preferences don't mean you're making an improvement, and since TNA is growing, the facts show that it's doing fine without these "improvements", which would probably lead to a drop in ratings, although make you feel better I guess. Just because they aren't pushing their younger talent now, doesn't mean it will always be that way.
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