Kofi Kingston Needs A Real Feud

Who Should Kofi Start A One On One Feud With?

  • Jack Swagger

  • MVP

  • The Miz

  • Mark Henry

  • Chris Masters

  • Carlito

  • Primo

  • Ted DiBiase

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Chavo Guerrero

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HBK's Left Hand Man!
Kofi Kingston has been the United States Champion for quite a while now and he's done a great job defending the title and all that by surviving impossible situations and matches where the odds are highly stacked against him. Even with all the victories, he really hasn't had a one on one feud yet. If he wants to build up the United States Championship like Jericho and Rey have with the Intercontinental Championship over on SmackDown! My question is WHO should he face in a one on one feud to help build the United States Championship with? Here are a few options.

Jack Swagger- Former ECW champion and has all the in ring skills to be a top star. He's still young as far as years go and his mic skills show. Needs something to do since he doesn't look he's going after the WWE Championship anytime soon.

MVP- A former United States Champion and WWE Tag Team Champion who's ready for the main event scene with great ring and mic skills. Still waiting to be put into the main event scene along with Swagger.

The Miz- Former Tag Team Champion with a lot of upside who could eventually hit the main event scene. Great on the mic and could be a great United States Champion.

Chris Masters- Just came back, but looks great and been fairly impressive in the ring since his return. Hopefully he won't fail another drug test. He has the size and skill to be a dominant United States Champion for a long while.

Thoughts? Ideas? Debate!!!
I think the Miz would be the perfect candidate for two reasons. First, the Miz is already going for the U.S. Title and second, out of all of these people, the Miz is the most likely to get as personal as possible with this kind of a feud which is what Kofi needs. The main complaint with Kofi is, while a spectacular in-ring performer, we don't get to know his character much. His feuds have been title-only feuds. He needs a personal stake in this one.

So, let's see this get real personal and get to know Kofi a little.
Before a real feud Kofi Kingston needs a character to have a feud. He's just a fun type Jamaican which is hard to consider as a real character. Without a character his feuds won't be anything more than bunch of matches we see from Kofi on RAW lately. He has to have a character to be involved in a feud before having a real character he can't elevate himself to anything.
Well, I was under the impression that Kofi was currently feuding with The Miz, so I'll say Jack Swagger.. Too great athletes, classic heel vs. face feud. I think it's a good fit, because it's someone to feud with Kofi and it's a good way to get Swagger some in ring time. Chris Masters and Chavo are good choices too.
honestly, lets face it, WWE doesnt realize that swagger and mvp shud b in wwe title matches (i thought they were gonna have mvp win that 10 man battle royal a few months ago for the title shot) but for now swagger seems like the best choice for kofi to fight. they are both excellent in their own styles, and this rivalry could help get the midcard back to where it was
I think it should be Jack Swagger or Miz.

Swagger's been pretty impressive since coming over to Raw. I admit that I'm not a big fan of his, but I can see the upside in putting him into that feud. I was hoping his feud with MVP would have lasted longer, but since VKM can't seem to make up his mind what do to with MVP, they should move on with Swagger.

Miz seems the most logical choice, since he's been pushing on mic that he wants to be U.S. Champion. Again, while I'm not a big Miz fan, I think he's proving himself and is deserving of even a short run as U.S. Champ. I think he'd work well with Kofi in terms of character - Kofi's the laid back guy never getting angry, while the Miz is a constant annoying pest with an ego the size of Wyoming. Good contrast.

They need to distance Chavo a bit from the whole Hornswoggle crap before throwing him into a U.S. Title program. I like Chavo vs. Evan Bourne for a while to give Chavo back some credibility. For a while, I thought they were going to "Santino" him.

It shouldn't be Masters. Not yet, at least. He needs to prove himself in terms of staying healthy and not fail any drug tests for a while before he gets back into a title picture, IMO.
I think the reason kofi isn't in any feud is that he can't cut a promo. It's great that he can do some entertaining stuff in the ring, but, his lack of mic skills is very obvious. That's why he never gets to talk. I really don't know why he has the us title anyway. They certainly don't seem like they want to elevate that title on raw the way the intercontinental title has been on smackdown. I don't hate kofi. I don't particularly like him either. He's shown nothing in the way of character. Probably why i don't care about him one way or the other. That being said, Miz should feud and win the title from kofi. As stated earlier, he has the ability to make the shit personal. That would be good for both guys. Kofi gets a little depth and character, and Miz gets a singles title run. I'm not a big fan of the Miz, but he does make me pay attention when on the mic or in the ring. I think he'd help Kofi get over more. I'd really like to see Miz win it and keep for a half a year and have a dominant run. If not miz then swagger. What exactly are they doing with any of these guys? I don't get it really. As for Masters, he's gone by next year. He sucks. Chavo is not a legitimate threat as a midget kicks his ass every monday night. Kofi does need a feud to help him develop some sort of character. The miz is the way to go with this one in my opinion.
Great job defending the title? The only reason he's still champ is because he's barely had a televised event to defend the title. Think about it, when was the last time he defended, or even had a match on Raw? When was the last time Kofi defended the title on PPV?

Yeah, I can't recall either. Thank god they're screwing the US title, and not the IC. Regardless of who Kofi feuds with, I bet that the title'd get about as much attention as it's getting right now.
Kofi had better do something. His title reigns quickly become irrelevant because they have to continue putting him in multi-man matches to hide his weaknesses as a performer. That title would be better off on nearly EVERY other mid-carder Raw has. Kofi has potential, but I just don't see him running with it like he needs to.
To be honest, I don't fully agree with the fact that you said that in order to build up the United States Championship, he needs to be in a fued. I feel that being in a fued over the title will benefit Kofi Kingston a lot more than it would his championship. I say that because the title is already being built up due to it being defended 7 times in the past three months, something not too common. However, I do agree that Kingston being in a fued will add more depth to his character and give him a bit more of a "personality".

The Miz is the most likely choice to fued with Kofi Kingston if he indeed has one, and he is also the most likely to take the title off of Kingston. However, I do think that Kofi Kingston can have a good fued with Miz, Swagger, Masters, or Carlito. You don't always have to have promos to make a fued work, so it shouldn't matter too much if Kofi can't cut a promo, which I think he isn't half bad at.

The Miz: Like all you said, The Miz could bring the best out of Kofi Kingston and make a great opponent for him. He already made his mission to become the U.S. Champion, but since he's on Raw, it may not be as good as a fued as it has potential to be. He's great on the mic and can have pretty good matches with each other... maybe ppv worthy.

Jack Swagger: He hasn't really been much of a relevant character on Raw, so a fued for the title wouldn't hurt. We know how great of a wrestler he is, and what he can do in the ring. Like Miz, he's also pretty good on the mic and can also have good matches with the U.S. Champ.

Chris Masters: Masters is definitely not the best choice to compete for the title, but it'll atleast make his return seem like less of a letdown. I mean, he showed that he had potential during his first stint, but since his return, he hasn't shown much of it. A fued over the title, with him not needing to win won't hurt Masters too much. As Michael Cole would likely put Masters over massively, making Kofi's win seem so much more important.

Carlito: Why is both Colons on Raw even after the split? Anyway, I really enjoyed the match they had over the title about 3 or 4 weeks ago on Raw, so in my opinion, they've shown that they can put on a good match. Carlito is still very underrated, in my opinion and he needs to prove that he has what it takes to go far in the WWE.

With that said, I can only come to conclusion. That would be that I think Kofi Kingston performs much better in multi-man matches. I mean, Kingston is such a talented wrestler and can have great matches almost all the time, but multi-man matches seem to be his specialty. Also gimmick matches (Example: Money in the Bank and "Extreme Rules" match with Shelton Benjamin).
Kofi is a great wrestler, in what he brings to the table. He can fly, he can mat wrestle etc. Now, I am not saying he is GREAT, but he is great at what he does. As for a fued, if WWE creative have any thoughts of ever pushing him beyond mid-card level, put him in a fued with someone with expirence. I say Chavo.

Chavo is a great wrestler, who would be a perfect fit for Kofi. I believe it was Chavo's fued with CM Punk that finally put Punk over. But my opinion of Punk doesnt matter here. I think that a 2 or 3 month fued with Chavo would be a great start for Kofi, and put him in a place for consideration of a bigger push. Assuming, it works out in his favor.
cmon ppl!!
that would be fantasitic if they really worked at it together
Kofi has upsets b4
and i beleive he's available to pin him

who knows maybe along the way he would have greatly remembered underrated matches with chris jericho as well along the way
but i think big show v. kofi would still be a more entertaining rivalry
I say the Miz. He's had great momentum over the past few weeks after being built by Cena and then the attire change. He's a shoe in for a championship soon and his promo's have always been outstanding.

The United States title is perfect for the Miz right now and a feud for Kofi would help him enormously too. A Miz/Kofi feud would be great to see and I'm hoping that's what they're building to after Miz's declaration to go after the championship.
The Miz would be great in a feud with Kofi right now. He has great mic skills and has built a lot of momentum over the past few weeks after redubeting on RAW with new attire and attitude.

Kofi has been doing great but you're right, a personal feud with ONE person over the title would do wonders for him. And someone like Miz would be perfect for him to feud with. I really hope that's what they are building to after seeing Miz make his declaration to go after the championship.
The feud I really see happening immediately is Kofi versus Swagger. The only real "contenders" on the poll are Miz, MVP, Swagger, and Mark Henry. Everyone else has been jobbing left and right. Since Henry and MVP are tied up with the tag belts, that leaves two choices- Miz and Swagger. And since Kofi has been booked so strong recently, I don't see him losing his next feud, which is why I think Swagger is next on the champ's run to credibility.

Swagger has been in wrestling purgatory since being drafted to Raw, which is saddening. He can take a loss because he has not been built up as a threat, with his only victories of note being over Evan Bourne...and you know what Bourne is currently up to. Plus with Swagger's heel persona it's possible to cut some promos on Kofi to light a real fire under him instead of Kofi acting all happy go lucky like Rocky Mavia. This will make his character more developed for when the Miz is up.

I see the WWE really attempting to repackage the Miz into a legitamate threat, so he can't job to Kofi for his next feud. He had his program with Cena to get some rub and now he's beginning to climb the midcard ladder. With how much promo time he gets compared to the rest of the midcard and his new look, I see him as inevitable long running IC champ. Don't think he's that great personally but this is the direction I see coming. The feud with Kofi could span 3 PPVs.

Thank god for Jerishow. The whole midcard should be thrilled that there are two legitimate superstars who will face any combo on the midcard and make them look legit. Saves the IC belt from being too watered down.
Have we all forgotten about R-Truth? That is a match I would pay good money to see. Both men are great in the ring. Neither one have that great mic skills, but put R-Truth on a run for the title, put Swagger in the mix, and you have a triple threat match thats worth paying money to see...
I would rather see Kofi feud with:

A seasoned vetran who a teach kofi a few things and also put on a excellent exibition

Why not give it to some one whos making noise to win the championship. New talents, new innovative styles

High flying and fast paced. This will definately be a crowd pleaser
I would rather see Kofi feud with:

A seasoned vetran who can teach kofi a few things and also put on a excellent exibition

Why not give it to some one whos making noise to win the championship. New talents, new innovative styles

High flying and fast paced. This will definately be a crowd pleaser
i think kofi needs to feud with the Miz because this gives both a good rub and kofi hasnt had a feud i can remember since Shelton Benjamin back in ECW which i enjoyed. back to the point Kofi should feud with the Miz coz they would be really entertaining and they can put on a great feud over the United states title
Kofi is a great in ring performer, but unfortunately for him he can't cut a promo. That means he can't really have a feud on Raw. If he was on smackdown it wouldn't matter that he cant talk. Kofi needs a manager. Someone who can speak for him and sell him down the road. The US strap needs to come off the PG champion and go to someone who can actually make it matter again.
First kofi is a great in ring performer, but he can't really feud with anyone until he can cut a promo. Another idea is for him to have a manager of some sort who could talk for him, but you would have to turn him heel to do that. That would negate all the great feuds he could have in the ring. The US strap has to come off Kofi and let his character develop in to something more than just the pg champion, because that is the only reason he has the belt is because of the pg rating and he can get kids to love him.
Kofi is a great in ring performer, but he can't cut a promo. He is on the wrong show to have a credible feud with anyone. Smackdown would not matter if he can talk, because only one or two on that show can cut a promo. The heel would have to carry the feud and the only one of the mid carders on raw that could do that is the miz. Swaggar could do well in ring against Kofi, but his promos are lacking also. The best match-up in ring would easily be Evan Bourne. Those two could put on amazing matches,but the neither could put the feud over. So the only thing to do is to get the title off kofi and give him a manager. Have him put on some amazing matches with bourne and even throw him into some fatal four ways for the title. That is all Kofi can give us at the moment.
i realy feel that Kofi Kingston is the most annoying charater of all time
i see him every week with a big ass smile doing that hand clap shit
i really don't care about wrestling ability at this point
Their is one guy that could whipe that smile off of his face and that is carlito
He is a really good wrestler and can draw a lot of heat
he is a future world champion and deserves this title to get him closer
Well I would say the Miz, but apparently the WWE doesnt feel it was important enough to go on the show last week because Bob Barker and DX are far more important. Bob was a terrible host and I expected it from him. Swagger, Miz, Kofi all of them were M.I.A. again! I hate how WWE starts a possibly good feud between two talented guys and then puts them on the back burner AGAIN! UGHH! They piss me off every single week now!!! My gosh, they make it seem like the U.S. title is filler when they don't got anything else planned! MAN!
Kofi Kingston is an amazing talent whom is doing wonders for the US Title at this point in time with his current Fun Loving Jamacian character taking on all-comers, going in the direction similar to the cruiserweight division matches we saw when they were still in the E. Nothing negative is happening at the moment & this whole US title picture can keep going as the way it is with no real #1 contender facing Kingston for a few more weeks.

If a serious feud was to ever be implemented, then they need to have both sides of the story to have a character. At the moment, Kingston's persona will only get as far as the story introduction. The WWE needs to tweak it in order to allow the fans to be drawn in to the feud. Once they establish another side of Kofi we haven't seen before, then a real feud can get started. At the moment with the whole Main Event crowded scene, guest hosts & the rebuilding Tag Division, expect any US title feud to placed on hold with random yet exciting matches taking the place for any midcard feuds.

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