Kinda Pointless Brock Lesnar Question


I Don't Need No User Title
Brock Lesnar is part-time. He shows up for limited dates. The definition of part-time is:

"For only part of the usual working day or week"

Brock Lesnar doesn't show up on every Raw in a year. He only shows up maybe 10-15 times a year at the most. Therefore, he is part-time. Why is this so difficult to understand?
Independent Contractor

A person who contracts to do work for another person according to his or her own processes and methods; the contractor is not subject to another's control except for what is specified in a mutually binding agreement for a specific job
Who were you directing this towards exactly?
Congratulations BSE on 200 posts, may the next 200 contain at least one quality post
I'm pretty sure everyone on here understands this concept
This just in!!

Stone Cold Steve Austin drinks beer.

For more in-depth coverage about things you already know, stay tuned to WZF. Up next is Shane Helms with the weather report.
Kinda pointless? Sign that up for understatement of the year... more like completely pointless. Next you'll be making a thread pointing out that Sting doesn't wrestle every week.
Your obsession with telling people Brock Lesnar is part time is unhealthy. You bitched about this in another thread. Why are you obsessed with this?

A refill on that bottle of lotion and perhaps a new picture of Lesnar himself should do you good.
Guys, I just found out that The Undertaker not only isnt a dead man, but he's not even Kane's brother....

What. The Fuck.
Who cares about what Loranado thinks man? just let it go; he can delude himself however he wants, just like a lot of WWE apologists like Spidamite and Bernkastel.. you just gotta ignore them and let them do their own thing. Trust me i'm in the same boat as you; we both don't have the green rep that they do because we don't suck Cena's dick like they do, so i understand it can feel underwhelming but you just gotta ignore them and let go. Not much we can do to change ignorance
It's a modern day wrestling term. Not the literal sense. Otherwise, he'd be making a lot less than the rest of the roster. And we know that's not true.
Forget that, did you know he's part-time?

Wait, you mean like a special attraction? Huh. I thought Vince just hid the urn under the ring all year long & Taker only woke up to feed.

Guess I was wrong.

Who cares about what Loranado thinks man? just let it go; he can delude himself however he wants, just like a lot of WWE apologists like Spidamite and Bernkastel.. you just gotta ignore them and let them do their own thing. Trust me i'm in the same boat as you; we both don't have the green rep that they do because we don't suck Cena's dick like they do, so i understand it can feel underwhelming but you just gotta ignore them and let go. Not much we can do to change ignorance

L O fucking L

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