I think this is why Brock Lesnar turns purple.


All bronies will clop in hell.

So apparently, rumors about Brock Lesnar's health are circulating considering that he seems to turn purple and start sweating profusely during some of his matches. It went so far as to force the WWE to put out a statement about how Brock Lesnar is not dying. Because not only is it bad to have your current WWE Champion turning colors, it's bad to have him die while holding the title.

So that makes me wonder...

Why does Brock Lesnar turn purple?

My theory is that he's a boss from a 90's side-scrolling beat-em-up. He changes colors the more damage he takes. That'd explain why he's so large, so horribly overpowered, and you mostly only see him talk in cutscenes (pre-taped segments).

It also explains why Lesnar suplexed Cena 16 times. He wasn't making a statement. He just had AI problems.

So if John Cena wants to finally beat Brock Lesnar, he's gonna have to find the hamburger hiding in the oil drum first to replenish his health.

I demand shoops of Brock Lesnar in Final Fight, Streets of Rage, et al.

I also demand cred for not going for the obvious Barney joke.
I thought that was just his color when he goes into Brock Smash mode. Bruce Banner goes green, Thunderbolt Ross goes red.

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