Kevin Owens sucks and this is why


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Kevin Owens sucks, and I will explain it, and why people may relate to him.

We got a fat person without charisma in the ring with the biggest face perhaps the last decade in WWE. Owens looks like just a bad b-version of Tank Abbot.

I think some of IWC can relate to him, he's fat, he looks like them.

Just like IWC can relate to Daniel Bryan(but Bryan has more arsenal then Owens can dream off)

I see a pattern in this, when fat or common people without charisma from indies getting a breakthrough. :shrug:

But deep down, we all know they guy sucks and has nothing to do in that ring.

He aint like Stone Cold, Stone Cold could do and work in that ring much better then KO, and he aint bad as Stone Cold either while they try him to pretend to be.

Clearly overrated
That's some wicked trolling you've got going there, at least I think you're trolling... I really hope you are. I'm pretty sure we all thought (hoped?) you'd just buggered off.

If you legitimately think Kevin Owens is talentless then I suggest you might want to stop watching any kind of wrestling product and move your attention to something else, like staring at the floor.

I give this thread less than a day before it's thrown in the trash.
That's some wicked trolling you've got going there, at least I think you're trolling... I really hope you are. I'm pretty sure we all thought (hoped?) you'd just buggered off.

If you legitimately think Kevin Owens is talentless then I suggest you might want to stop watching any kind of wrestling product and move your attention to something else, like staring at the floor.

I give this thread less than a day before it's thrown in the trash.

Standard answer from IWC.

When you don't have the same opinion as IWC - you are trolling.
Yeah and you are right about everything?

Take out something out of my post that was wrong.

Owens fat - Check
He doesn't move in the ring well - Check
He has no charisma - Check

I know you smarks love indies that you can relate to, that doesn't look good and without charisma but it's getting ridicoulus.

Kevin Owens are a b-version of Tank Abbot. I want to see real wrestling and entertainment, not a fat junk going in against a top performer directly.
Owens fat - Check

'Fat' in the same way that Bray Wyatt is fat. Even in the same way that Mick Foley carried weight his entire career.

It does not mean anything.

He doesn't move in the ring well - Check

Incorrect. You sound like you have never seen any of his matches where he throws himself around like a cannonball.

If you have, you are just being intentionally obtuse.

He has no charisma - Check

Incorrect. His promo with Cena just showed him being a complete jerk that people hate, which was his job.
For wrestling he is fat. Not normal person fat. If you saw him walking down the street you wouldn't think he was fat. But in comparison to guys like Cena and Orton who are cut yea he looks fat. But as others have pointed out, there have been guys with his body type to make it big so I wouldn't hold that against him.

Everything else you wrote is just not true. I have never watched a single Owens match outside of the WWE. I watched some of his highlights when he signed to see what he was about. The greatest thing he has done in the short time he has been in the WWE is get instant heat when you know the majority of fans want to cheer him because he is an Indy darling. The way he carries himself with Zayn and Cena and the way he has drawn heat with both of them proves to me that the man is full of charisma.
Kevin Owens sucks, and I will explain it, and why people may relate to him.

So exciting.

We got a fat person without charisma in the ring with the biggest face perhaps the last decade in WWE. Owens looks like just a bad b-version of Tank Abbot.

Kind of like that bald guy who failed and got fired from WCW. The guy who was big but didn't have a muscle man's build in the roid filled 90's. The guy who couldn't get The Ringmaster gimmick over.
I think some of IWC can relate to him, he's fat, he looks like them.

So he already has a built in following due to his looks? I think that might be a good thing. Let me get my T-shirt designer on the phone.

Just like IWC can relate to Daniel Bryan(but Bryan has more arsenal then Owens can dream off)

Attempting to be critical of the "IWC" and then making a "number of movez" comment is a sure sign of living in your mom's glass basement.

I see a pattern in this, when fat or common people without charisma from indies getting a breakthrough. :shrug:

You're like that Australian guy who punches people in that movie about that guy who is really smart but crazy.

But deep down, we all know they guy sucks and has nothing to do in that ring.

Sure Stone Cold didn't stay on top for very long and lost his popularity pretty precipitately but his run was worth it.

He aint like Stone Cold, Stone Cold could do and work in that ring much better then KO, and he aint bad as Stone Cold either while they try him to pretend to be.

Clearly overrated

That's nice.
Are you truly comparing beer belly Austin to a slightly heavyset Owens? Christ, man. Get off of Steve's dick and realize a wrestler's build doesn't make them shit.

And sure. He has no charisma. That's why the audience had his undivided attention and chanted "Fight Owens Fight" while standing face to face with John Cena, right?
You're not part of the internet wrestling community? You, person writing about professional wrestling on a message board? Alright. In that case, me neither, mate. I, just like you, have decided to construct a strawman. Watch me shove it over and demonstrate my scything intelligence. Why, we should form a new faction (seeing as the IWC is a thing and, more importantly, a thing that we're not part of). In fact, I just came up with a name: Contrarians Under No Ties, Sir.

Fortunately, I'm (that is to say, we are) nothing like the IWC. No, I'm a member of the ***** - a far superior breed. I can't relate to Kevin Owens. I'm lean. I'm muscular. I'm charismatic. I like to wear facepaint, shout slurs at disabled people and shake violently. Now that I think about it, I haven't been able to sympathise with a wrestler since The Ultimate Warrior died.
First I have to disclose I have never seen Owens outside of his standoff with Cena. so my opinion carries little to no wait but from what I've seen on Raw he doesn't belong maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm right time will tell he looked so out of place to me. kind of like a fan jumped the guardrail. but then again what do I know
Obviously the op has never watch NXT or ROH, Otherwise they would know Just how good Owens really is. Sure the guy is carrying some extra weight, But so is Bray Wyatt and if you had watched some of his Promo work from his ROH days then you would know how much charisma Kevin really has. Also If you had bothered to watch his matches, you would see that he is more tallented then 85% of the current Main Roster.
I'm sure if the OP is trying to be funny or he is pretty much serious about Kevin Owens. If you're trying to be funny, congrats mate you finally had tried to post something funny.

If you're pretty serious about your disdain points on Kevin Owens, well all I gotta tell myself is a famous quote of MARK TWAIN

I'll take a "fat and out of shape guy with no charisma" Kevin Owens, as you put it OP, over an in shape Roman Reigns, Lex Luger, Chris Masters , Mason Ryan any day.

Kevin Owens is gonna be the next big thing. Deal with it.
Man, this thread makes me laugh..I dunno if you're simply trolling or if you're serious, stonecoldhell, but either way I laughed at how you think Kevin Owens is horrible..

I've seen Kevin Steen (Owens) in ROH and other promotions for many years..The man has plenty of charisma, wrestling ability, is very agile for his size, utilizes lots of psychology and plays a great heel..

So, for anyone in this thread who genuinely haven't seen any of Kevin Steen's pre NXT stuff from ROH and are curious to see how Kevin Steen wrestles/acts, etc here's a couple of videos

Here's a video showing some Kevin Steen promos

And another promo video-

The top 30 moves of Kevin Steen-
Owens is popular and a huge draw.. That right there is the reason he doesn't suck.. Being fat is irrelevant, being a common man is irrelevant... It's about making that $$$
Been a while since the OP has dogged us with his presence; I guess he managed to drag himself away from beating off to old footage of Austin, or maybe he's a talented enough typist to use one hand while keeping the party going? :shrug:

At any rate, it's pretty much the same trolling bullshit he's always done in that he creates a thread bashing any and every wrestler he targets, especially if they're generating a lot of buzz at the moment, to dog them for whatever reason while continuing his routine of self gratification to Austin's image and memory. Austin was great back in his day, but he's the past; he hasn't wrestled for nearly 12 years and while his contributions can't be argued, it's got squat to do with Kevin Owens.

Owens doesn't have a great physique, but if that's what it takes to be a great wrestler or a top guy, then why didn't Mason Ryan work out? Why hasn't Ryback been ruling he roost for the past couple of years? Drink Vince's Kool-Aid all you want, but takes VASTLY more than a washboard stomach and/or a pretty face to be a great wrestler.

I have no idea whether or not Owens will make it to the top, it'd be nice to see what he does when he A. actually is part of the main roster and is actually given some time to see what he can do upon making it to the main roster.
The OP made a mistake. He dared criticise someone in NXT.

You see, according to the 10%ers, everything NXT does is good, and everything WWE does is bad.

Cena, bad, Orton, bad. Owens, good, Zahyn, good.

I have never heard one criticism of anyone in NXT, and it is considered the only good thing WWE has done, according to those who pretend to be WWE fans but actually hate the company.

Look at Roman Reigns. Everyone rode his cock in NXT. Yet he comes to WWE, and the fans sabotaged his push and cost him ever getting a main-event spot.

Every fan favourite in WWE are either indy guys, from ROH or from NXT. Anyone homegrown in WWE is hated by the fans.
Look at Roman Reigns. Everyone rode his cock in NXT. Yet he comes to WWE, and the fans sabotaged his push and cost him ever getting a main-event spot.

Actually Roman was in NXT for an extremely short amount of time, right after the FCW/NXT transition and right after his own transition from Leakee to Reigns. He was basically just displayed in squash matches ala Baron Corbin, and never really got a chance to capture the crowd or get very over. There was definitely no "cock riding" taking place.

And it was THE FANS who adopted him as a favorite and gave him the loudest reactions during The Shield run. The fans didn't sabotage his push, their reactions are what motivated WWE to rush his super push to the top of the card. The too-much-too-soon overpush by the creative team, and Reigns's own lack of readyness to live up to the spot, are what sabotaged his push.

It's a cool story the way you tell it though. :icon_rolleyes:
Did this guy just say that Austin was better in the ring than Owens. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I like Austin as much as the next guy, but he is nowhere near as good as Owen in the ring.

Zip Austin up already...every post you make your comparing everyone to SCSA and how he is the greatest. He is one of the greatest, but not THE greatest.

Only thing Austin have on Owens is mic skills, and charisma. So do us all a favor and take Austin's d*ck out your mouth.
Actually Roman was in NXT for an extremely short amount of time, right after the FCW/NXT transition and right after his own transition from Leakee to Reigns. He was basically just displayed in squash matches ala Baron Corbin, and never really got a chance to capture the crowd or get very over. There was definitely no "cock riding" taking place.

And it was THE FANS who adopted him as a favorite and gave him the loudest reactions during The Shield run. The fans didn't sabotage his push, their reactions are what motivated WWE to rush his super push to the top of the card. The too-much-too-soon overpush by the creative team, and Reigns's own lack of readyness to live up to the spot, are what sabotaged his push.

It's a cool story the way you tell it though. :icon_rolleyes:

No. The real reason Roman couldn't get over is because the fans preferred jerking off to Daniel Bryan, the stick man who injures himself constantly.

So the "Yes Movement" sabotaged Roman, and booed him because Mr Fragile didn't win instead.
Sad to see the OP leave. His incorrect statements & backwards opinions will surely be missed.

Steen did exactly what he was supposed to do the past few weeks & he hit the nail on the head. The fact he is being put into a feud with the legit #1 guy on the main roster while already having plenty to do in NXT is a testament to how good he is. For being what the OP calls "fat & untalented" Steen sure does seem to be doing quite well.
i dont know what this guy is watching, but i see a lot of potential in Kevin Owens. the only issue i really see with him is not on him, it's the roster pool that WWE has. Kevin Owens has what it takes to be a top heel in WWE. in fact, i feel that Kevin Owens would be a great face of the WWE type guy that joins with the Authority as he would be their destroyer type of champion, their Brock Lesnar (by the way, a Brock vs. Kevin Owens match would be a dream to see). With that said, the OP trashed Owens by saying he's 1) Fat....2) looks like a common person....3) has no charisma.....4) can't do anything in the ring and 5) he's from the indies.

ok, firstly Foley wasnt skinny, but he did well and Bray Wyatt is awesome in the ring. weight isn't an issue with their wrestling ability and by the way, i disagree with point 4 you made as i think Owens is great in the ring. his power bomb is MUCH better than Kevin Nash's as his looks like it's painful. as for looking common, i dont think many guys look like a Kevin Owens. sure he's a big dude with weight, but he's also got some height, it's not like he's a rolly polly type of guy. and finally, he has charisma, watch that promo with Cena and watch how he stepped on the US title, THAT got him heat. that's what he's supposed to do and finally, yes he's an Indy guy and yes i love the Indies and ROH guys and the reason why is because they are AWESOME wrestlers. they have shown me the ability to perform in the ring. Bryan, Rollins, Zayn, Owens, Samoa Joe, and Punk have shown great in ring ability and that's why i like them. it's nothing to do with how they (supposedly) look like you and i, (and i dont think they do by the way) i like pure great wrestling.
Every fan favourite in WWE are either indy guys, from ROH or from NXT. Anyone homegrown in WWE is hated by the fans.
you do know that NXT is WWE's developmental system??? sure a lot of fan favorites in WWE are from ROH and i agree, but that's because they are usually very awesome wrestlers who have worked on their craft, but back to the point i was making. you said, "every fan favorite in WWE are either Indy guys from ROH or from NXT and that any homegrown talent in WWE is hated." that's where you are off in my book because NXT has SOME homegrown WWE talent, sure it has some former ROH guys, but NXT brought us guys like Neville, Bo Dallas, Bray Wyatt and the family and others. some people do like NXT shows better than WWE's main roster shows, but it could be due to the booking, but what i'm saying is that if a fan likes NXT shows, then they like WWE shows. it's the same thing.
its common that some one debut against cena is going to be a mainevent guy. So KO is next mainevent star on the line. WWE make him as another brock lesnar. But now cena is not a mainevent guy. He is just a top star and a veteran. He just put over KO and move onto next fued.
Placing the word check after each of your bullet points does not render your stated thoughts sacrosanct. I have seen a few of KO's matches. Despite your " fact " checking, Owens is very agile for a big guy and has charisma aplenty. He works a damned good match and cuts a fine promo. I do hope that this thread is pulled at some point, as it is at least the fourth anti-Owens thread the sole point of which is nothing more than to point out that he's fat. I imagine the poster of this thread- based upon his superior grasp of language and grammar- must be all of thirteen, but the topic of this thread is juvenile, at best. Grow up, bright eyes.

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