Kevin Nash Admits He Was Under TNA Contract


Lord And Master
Staff member
Regarding his recent TNA departure, Sean Waltman asks Kevin what TNA was thinking planning out this big Angle (the "They" storyline) without having the core guys under contract. Nash admits to signing with TNA in early-January, but after watching a few of the storylines unfold, including the segment where Angle dominates all members of Immortal and Abyss falling over on top of the entrance ramp, he decided there wasn't any reason for him to return.

Shortly after watching that edition of Impact, Nash and his wife both decided that going back to TNA wasn't in his best interest. Follow that with a call from WWE's John Laurinaitis (Executive Vice President of Talent Relations), the decision to back out of of his TNA contract and return to the WWE was an easy one to make.

You know, the least you could've done is call ahead instead of vanishing.
They were only rumors at that point though weren't they? I didn't see Nash come out and say he was definately in the Rumble. The only way Dixie would have known for sure was if Kevin had said to her face "I'm going to be in the Royal Rumble". Or have future sight, either way.

But there's no way he was under contract when he was on WWE camera, I don't think Nash is that stupid to do that.
Honestly, who in TNA wouldnt want to get out of their contracts at the moment?

You know you're not in good shape when indy workers like Ken Doane and Kevin Steen wouldnt give their right leg to sign up and would rather instead poke fun of them on Twitter.
You actually think the WWE would have allowed Nash on TV, if he were still under contract with TNA? Get real, son!

The WWE have been so legal-minded over the last few years to insist that Nash was still a member of TNA is ludicrous. Plus, I am sure that they had every angled covered to makes ure that Nash was allowed to compete without violating any legal policies. Whether that is Nash cancelling his contract with TNA or telling Dixie to shove it up her ass, Nash must have informed TNA that he wouldn't be holding to his promise of coming back to TNA.
It's Nash, what do you expect. Wasn't this the same guy that swore he was coming back to the WWF only to show up on Nitro a few weeks later. He's set a precedent a long time ago.
Someone's butthurt that their favorite promotion's shitty booking plan was ruined.
I think we're missing a piece of the puzzle here. No, he probably couldn't be on WWE tv if he was under contract, and yes, he asked to get out of his contract, that was clear by Dixie's tweet. But to think he didn't know he was going to be in the Rumble until the day of the show is ludicrous at best.

The point is, he knew about his intentions and had probably been in talks w/Vince for at least a short while, yet took it upon himself to wait until the last minute to tell TNA. That's pretty shitty if you ask me. He could have been up front about it like Booker was reported as being, but he played the same Nash bullshit games he's always been known for. Instead of screwing over, and later shit talking about, his former employers who gave him a nice, cushy spot when he was already a washed up old hack he could have actually had some professionalism and class about it. (I even tweeted him that, among a couple other things.)

The situation could have been handled much better on his part than it was. Did TNA jump the gun w/their plans or was Fortune the plan all along? That doesn't matter. What matters is that Nash had the knowledge regardless of if they were planning it or not, and was still a dick. If they did have that MEM battle plan, so what? They were banking on a guy that had re-signed previously and could have felt confident he would again based on their talks. And I'm sure Mr. Nash probably sweet talked TNA just in case something happened w/the WWE deal and he had to go crawling back to Panda Energy's paycheck.

No, I think the underlying message here is that Nash was, still is, and always will be a douchebag, and probably played games w/TNA knowing he had a WWE spot in the bag. And more than likely ranted on the internet to get some publicity and to stir the pot. You can't tell me that TNA could have easily thought he wasn't going to the "E" based on his trash talking in that video w/Waltman which I'll put money on was deliberate.

And people bitch about Matt Hardy being self-promoting. At least he's doing it to remain relevant and keep himself afloat instead of doing it simply to be a jackass.
"Booker was not available for any MEM angle. Kevin Nash was under contract with TNA and was just recently released for reasons I will not disclose. From the beginning, if we did a MEM angle it would not have been with the original group and it would have been a short-term story to get to something else."
"Booker was not available for any MEM angle. Kevin Nash was under contract with TNA and was just recently released for reasons I will not disclose. From the beginning, if we did a MEM angle it would not have been with the original group and it would have been a short-term story to get to something else."

aka. Dixie on damage control trying to wipe that egg off of her face.
I thought people bitch about Hardy, because he turned into a lard-ass.

Well, yeah, they do that too. But I just used the one thing that kind of related to my post.

Oh, and is it me, or has he actually lost a little bit of weight since his final WWE days? I seem to remember he was much more of a porker then.

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