Kennedy injured again... Again...

LOL @ all the overreacting. How about we wait until we get some details before starting the fucking moronic ZOMG KENNEDY'S INJURED AGAIN GET THAT FUCKER OUTTA HERE hatefests?

These are the same clowns that said Hardy broke his neck just a few months ago rofl.
But we should get that fucker outta here. Why a guy like Palumbo, who was getting better in the ring, getting more over every week, and had decent undercard feuds with Finlay and Noble got released before getting ONE shot after being drafted to Raw while Kennedy gets multiple chances to cripple himself and sit at home collecting money he doesn't deserve baffles me. Is he fucking Johnny Ace or something?
I feel bad for the guy, call it Karma from that stupid ass Nuggets Lakers match. It's a bitch, and bitch slapped the WWE fort hat straight up stupidity last night.

Seriously, you're top heels wearing powder blue basketball jerseys, it's a wonder I still watch.
This guy gets hurt cutting promos for god sakes.. Either fire him or make him a backstage interviewer like they did with the Hurricane..
They should also change his name to Mr. Glass........GLASSSSSSS....'cause he breaks so easily...(bad joke..sorry)
Because Vince McMahon sees something in him. Duh. Not that hard to figure out.
The same Vince McMahon who sees dollar signs on Randy Orton and has yet to destroy that illusion despite Orton's reputation of being a Ratings Killer... Yeah, I'm not sure I trust that guy any more.

Uncle Sam said:
If he were a race horse, he'd have been shot in the face by now.
Heh heh heh.
i dont think a wrist injury will keep him out, you can wrap that up nice and tight and work around it without anyone noticing

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