Kassius Ohno released


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WWE released NXT star Kassius Ohno, aka Chris Hero, who has worked in main event level positions for Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling NOAH, CHIKARA, IWA Mid-South and CZW, among other promotions all over the world, PWInsider.com has confirmed.

According to multiple sources, Ohno was released by WWE officials while waiting to begin training Friday morning at the Performance Center.

:wtf: A few years ago i thought he was a sure thing to not only make the WWE roster, but to be a future World/WWE champion. Neither happened for whatever reason, and it baffles everybody. Now its over.

TNA just got a whole lot stronger as soon as his non-compete runs out.
Lol he can make more on the indies and Japan than what TNA will offer him. He's an Indy God on the level of Bryan Danielson (who also made more in the indies than in TNA).

I'm not surprised, I think he'll get picked up again at some point. The stigma of WWE "not knowing what to do" with indie guys is pretty moot considering the wealth of indie talent they have and are using well. He can't look physically soft and get over. He's not big enough for that. Wwe market is different than the indies and the roster is different. He's basically cesaros size but "softer". Great worker and I think he'll get it together and get shredded then get signed and take over.
This guy do what WWE tell him to do and spent weeks to get a better shape, finally get on TV with 2 excellent matches with Luke Harper and lost both of them, then get released. This is really stupid, imagine you do your job, and did it better than others, then got fired. If WWE want to fire him, why they do not fire him when they are have problem with his look, but waste weeks to bring him back than fire him?
The last episode of NXT was fucking terrible except for Ohno vs Harper. A Rusev squash match where everyone was cheering for Scott Dawson who wasn't even there. A Mojo Rawley match where the guy jobbing to him looked better than he did. Another forgettable Ascension squash match where they forgot who the legal man was after their double team move (second time they've done that). I'm taking this as a bad sign for things to come. It's funny the week after I said I'm only watching NXT, NXT turns to shit. I might consider just not watching anything WWE anymore. I've built up a back log of anime to keep me entertained far more than the "entertainment" coming out of World Wrestling "Entertainment".
Hero/Ohno is a talented guy and it's something of a surprise to hear about him being released. There were all kinds of reports on him having heat, allegedly due to reluctance to comply with hitting the gym. I'm guessing that there's more to this than what we know, or at least what we think we know.

I remember reading all kinds of reports of Triple H really liking the guy and I'm starting to wonder if Vince is exerting influence over him. By influence, I mean giving him subtle or not so subtle hints that there are some guys he's just not all that crazy about and feels should be gone. Even though Triple H is in charge of WWE's developmental program, Vince McMahon still ultimately has the final say no matter what. It MIGHT explain the report of WWE officials, allegedly, feeling that fans wanted more of the "larger than life characters" and bigger guys a lot lately, such as Big Show being put in the main event scene.

As for Hero/Ohno's future, he'll have no trouble finding work on the Indie scene or in Japan. It's possible that he could wind up in TNA, though I honestly feel it's possible for him to make every bit as much, quite possibly more, working the Indie scene. At the same time, with TNA ultimately going off the road soon, that'll free up money that could be used towards bringing in other guys.
I was hoping for Kassius Ohno and Antonio Cesaro to return and reform their team and win the tag titles. Guess that wont happen, Shame he was released - He was pretty good in the Indy's.
If this true, I will personally carry Ohno on my back and deliver him to TNA. I also don't buy the "he can make more on the Indies" concept. He eventually he will get tired of wrestling for those type of shows. Why not show up on TNA and get seen on a national level for once?
This is a guy that I just love. I hope he signs with TNA or goes back to ROH. I wanna see him on TV. I do think he is suited for tag team wrestling. I think he could walk in the door at TNA and be a great character for them. Maybe a teammate for Gunner?

Either way, I think this is from the we want larger than life characters movement. AKA don't look any Joe Schmoe on the street. They want roided up freaks like Batista not normal bodied guys like hero. I think he was a miss for them.
This is a guy that I just love. I hope he signs with TNA or goes back to ROH. I wanna see him on TV. I do think he is suited for tag team wrestling. I think he could walk in the door at TNA and be a great character for them. Maybe a teammate for Gunner?

Either way, I think this is from the we want larger than life characters movement. AKA don't look any Joe Schmoe on the street. They want roided up freaks like Batista not normal bodied guys like hero. I think he was a miss for them.

The larger than life guys draw more attention than guys that look like everyone else. Let's face it here, WWE isn't a wrestling company, it's not even trying to look like a sport anymore. It's really just a poorly written soap opera and a sideshow.

Guys like Punk, Cesaro, Danielson, etc might be great wrestlers (and they are), but the fact of the matter is they're not not drawing big numbers. People aren't paying money to see them. They pay money to see people like Lesnar, Cena, Batista, etc. Don't believe me? Look who they're blaming for Summerslam's buy-rate failure.

And a lot of Ohno's problems in WWE were due to his failure to get in shape. Believe it or not, he most likely was hitting the gym hard the entire time he was there. If I was to pin point the problem with his physique, I'd blame it on his diet. Most people have no idea what happens to your mind when you put yourself on a cutting diet. A lot of people get agonizing cravings for those cheeseburgers, fries and junk foods that everyone takes for granted. I'm speculating, but I'm willing to bet that was what he was struggling with.
They don't want Kassius Ohno for the same reason they don't want AJ Styles: THEY ALREADY HAVE HIM.

Just under a different name. Look up Daniel Bryan. Or CM Punk. Or Dean Ambrose. Or Seth Rollins... When you're casting a show, you don't get two people to play the same character. But WWE has a bunch of guys fitting the mold of 1 type of wrestler, and they just don't need more of them. It's the same reason why Davey and Eddie are having a hard time getting signed.

Cesaro found a way to stand out from the pack, too bad Ohno never did.

My big question though is how the hell Corey Graves still has a job. I understand why they are getting rid of Ohno, but whatever criticisms they have of him, they should have of Corey as well. They both do the same thing, and what's more baffling, is that Ohno does it better. Chris Hero is miles ahead of SJK and will always be. It boggles my mind how Triple H decided to keep Corey Graves instead of Ohno.
Well, that's disappointing.

If him getting released has ANYTHING to do with not hitting the gym, than that's completely inconsiderate and, to be honest, they need to be looking at some of their current talent (Daniel Bryan, Damien Sandow, etc) who just so happen to look as big as Ohno. Losing weight doesn't happen overnight. And even if wasn't doing it, so what? Does every wrestler on the roster have to be a specific weight to be entertaining or good? WWE bases everything around physical characteristics. Ohno did not deserve to be released in any shape, way or form. Such a disappointment on WWE's part.

Why couldn't they pair him up with Cesaro? Cesaro isn't even an American.

God, this makes me angry.

Well Kassisus was warned to drop the pudginess. I remember multiple reports about being warned and still not following through. People have been saying he lost the weight.( I don't get to catch NXT much so I wouldn't know)

But you'd think that if management tells you to lose weight, do it dammit.

Bray Wyatt and Brodus were pretty fat around their debuts. Both were told to drop a few, both came back slimmer.

I think this is just a case of a following directions a little too late instead of taking the initiative and doing it yourself without being reminded.

Maybe Chris was a little too smug? Who knows?

Cesaro must feel good about himself, having team with this man for so long, both signed at the same time. He comes in at better shape than a lot of the current roster and gets multiple pushes.

Hero should have took notes from his buddy
The larger than life guys draw more attention than guys that look like everyone else. Let's face it here, WWE isn't a wrestling company, it's not even trying to look like a sport anymore. It's really just a poorly written soap opera and a sideshow.

Guys like Punk, Cesaro, Danielson, etc might be great wrestlers (and they are), but the fact of the matter is they're not not drawing big numbers. People aren't paying money to see them. They pay money to see people like Lesnar, Cena, Batista, etc. Don't believe me? Look who they're blaming for Summerslam's buy-rate failure.

And a lot of Ohno's problems in WWE were due to his failure to get in shape. Believe it or not, he most likely was hitting the gym hard the entire time he was there. If I was to pin point the problem with his physique, I'd blame it on his diet. Most people have no idea what happens to your mind when you put yourself on a cutting diet. A lot of people get agonizing cravings for those cheeseburgers, fries and junk foods that everyone takes for granted. I'm speculating, but I'm willing to bet that was what he was struggling with.

Your argument doesn't make sense because Lesnar, Cena and even HHH received top billing in this year's SummerSlam, and still WWE and people like you want to put the blame on Punk/Bryan? It's not like Daniel Bryan was delivering as one-man performance or monologue. Usually it takes two people to tango - in this case, they made it three, with the inclusion of HHH, and four if you count Randy Orton cashing in the Money in the Bank contract, which everyone knew was going to happen.

Daniel Bryan challenging Cena for the WWE championship was the MAIN reason why I flew from Chicago to LA to see it go down live.
I remember reading a report on this very site that Triple H advised him to work on his physique and Hero/Ohno blew him off. Seems to me like he started rubbing people the wrong way.
It seems unusual that Tags seem to be the new focus but they gave up the opportunity for the Kings but ultimately some guys just don't fit well in the WWE. Be that cos of attitude, desire, or simply not agreeing with how it's done ironically most of the guys who end up like that are indie or internet darlings. Kaval/Low Ki, Kenny Doane and going much further back Jeff Jarrett and Konnan with his Max Moon stint that lasted a day.

With the recruitment that's going on then there is going to be a big shift in NXT in the coming weeks. Guys who haven't made it yet will be heavily evaluated almost daily. Some, like Xavier Woods/Consequences Creed and Paige have been there for 2 years or more and are on the cusp, some like Adrian Neville may need a little more polish but are very close but there are guys like Leo Kruger, Ohno, Corey Graves, Mason Ryan who are on the edge. When the E is signing guys like Prince Devitt who have solid credentials from Japan and seemingly knocking back top ROH guys then someone who hasn't stood out and has a bad rep is never gonna stay.
Kassius released? Ohno!!!

Yeah I'd say it was for the best for him...He didn't have a look that'd help him on the main roster (unless 3MB or Wyatt Family were expanding/swapping members) and most of the good stuff he can do in the ring wouldn't be on show because he'd be, realistically, a mid-carder at best.

He'll do well on the indies. Hell people like Colt make more doing that then they did in the WWE and they're happier....good luck to him!
Chris Hero getting released by WWE is anything but shocking. There have been reports for quite some time that his attitude was poor, and that his conditioning is was nowhere near what WWE expected of him.

As far as I'm concerned, Hero is the bad side of the coin when it comes to independent stars joining a major promotion. He did, without question, establish himself as a huge star on the independent scene, both as a solo talent and as a member of the Kings of Wrestling. But being a big independent star doesn't really mean anything once you've signed with WWE. If it did, Sami Zayn and Solomon Crowe would be on the main roster and not NXT. WWE has their way of doing things, and their ideal of how talent should act and appear, and anyone not conforming to that is not going to be around very long.

If the reports are true, and he came in with a bit of an attitude or ego, and an unwillingness to get in to 'WWE shape', he shot himself in the foot. They have a massive pool of talent in their developmental system, and can pick a card from the deck to basically craft any talent in to what they might have expected Hero to be.

Good new for him though, is that he is a big star on the independent scene. He can get bookings in ROH, DragonGate, and PWG and he will get the same kind of heroes welcome (no pun intended) that Joey Ryan got back at PWG Ten. Should he end up in TNA, he might make a splash, but only temporarily, in my opinion. I don't think he's nearly as great as some fans bill him as being, and even stars that are great, like Austin Aries are finding themselves being under utilized in TNA. If I was Hero, I'd head straight back to the indy's where he can make as much money as that scene provides, while getting the kind of fan response and love that few indy stars get.
I don't think we'll see him in TNA, but I could be wrong. I mean, if TNA isn't going after (seemingly) the bigger names like Carlito and Benjamin and such that WWE cast out, why would they go after the lesser known WWE names? Not to say that to a TNA fan, Carlito's name is any more important than Chris Hero. I'm just stating that based on the WWE factor, that won't be reason enough. If he does get in, it will be because of him, not who he just worked for.

Though, if he does make it in, as someone stated above, I could see him working with Gunner, maybe James Storm and another person down the line in a stable feud against EGO...
TNA would be a mistake. Hero made his name in on the indy circuit and that's where he'll go. I can see New Japan grabbing him to replace Devitt and that wouldn't be a terrible move for him. The problem he has is that his "name" isn't THAT big. There are bigger indy names like Colt Cabana and talent wise he isn't quite up there with some of the better WWE rejects like Shelton.

We'll soon find out, if Hero goes the route I expect, he'll blab to all and sundry, maybe get a Kayfabe Commentaries DVD out of his time in WWE Developmental and how he would have booked NXT/the new generation.

If that's the route he takes fair play, but ultimately WWE is based on the principle of offering opportunity. Hero didn't take his, rightly or wrongly and his 2 years on the roster of NXT probably cost someone who would have done it right theirs, so I can't feel remotely sorry for him.
Well, that's disappointing.

If him getting released has ANYTHING to do with not hitting the gym, than that's completely inconsiderate and, to be honest, they need to be looking at some of their current talent (Daniel Bryan, Damien Sandow, etc) who just so happen to look as big as Ohno. Losing weight doesn't happen overnight. And even if wasn't doing it, so what? Does every wrestler on the roster have to be a specific weight to be entertaining or good? WWE bases everything around physical characteristics. Ohno did not deserve to be released in any shape, way or form. Such a disappointment on WWE's part.

Why couldn't they pair him up with Cesaro? Cesaro isn't even an American.

God, this makes me angry.

If WWE wants you to do something, as far as you are their employee, you gotta do it. Maybe they had a certain aspect of him being a semi-big guy, with a good look and they had based a gimmick on that. Since he doesn't decide to get the looks that WWE wants, I can't see how it is wrong for the WWE to fire him. I don't know if he does hit the gym as often as he is told, but if he doesn't, the blame is all on him. Just because someone had some buzz on the indie scene doesn't mean they need to have iron-clad contracts and ignore the boss's orders.
Well, that's disappointing.

If him getting released has ANYTHING to do with not hitting the gym, than that's completely inconsiderate and, to be honest, they need to be looking at some of their current talent (Daniel Bryan, Damien Sandow, etc) who just so happen to look as big as Ohno. Losing weight doesn't happen overnight. And even if wasn't doing it, so what? Does every wrestler on the roster have to be a specific weight to be entertaining or good? WWE bases everything around physical characteristics. Ohno did not deserve to be released in any shape, way or form. Such a disappointment on WWE's part.

Why couldn't they pair him up with Cesaro? Cesaro isn't even an American.

God, this makes me angry.

It wasnt because he wasnt jacked, it was his defiant lack of effort in improving his physique in any way.

Anyways, thank goodness, its about time. Good charisma and on the mic, but hardly as impressive as I was led to believe by the IWC. Would make a pretty decent splash in TNA, he would be in the upper portion of their company talent-wise.

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