Kane's Next Run With WWE Will Be His Last

What do u think kanes role will be entering WM season?

  • One last taker fued

  • Big Show/Sheamus/Orton fued..OR other

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OK if some of u dont know what happened to kane i will inlighten u. Kane was injured by the gorilla himslef Mark Henry, now kane is supposed to return soon (hopefully) because we need more ppl on smackdown. But back on topic, when he returns he obviously going to go after Henry the man who took him out. I think kane would win this fued and move on to higher levels lets say maybe..one more Taker/Big Show, fued idk or a title fued after Mania. Here are my three ?'s.
1.) If kane were to return and take down mark henry would henry then lose steam as the top heel in wwe right now?
2.)Does kane have one more title run in him?Or a big show taker fued
3.)If he is back by WM season who will his opponent be at Mania?
my opinion is he will return maybe with mask because there are rumors but some rumors just dont plan as they seem. but if he does he could be the wwe's top heel by replacing henry and fued with orton, show, taker, HHH, maybe cena, Sheamus. theres lots of possibilities.
As far as henery it depends, there built him up a couple of times before then dropped him back again but now he's actual world champ it might change. If they drop him back to mid or low card then yea Kane would win if not its 50/50 as to who walks out on top. They've done taker kane to death, Id prefer Kane Sheamus the most
I don't even know where to begin with this, the fact you said 'one last run' which is in no way confirmed or remotely true. The fact you think for a second the mask will return... which would undermine the development of the character completely (unless they actually burnt him... which is never going to happen). As for the post itself, the less said the better.

However cutting through the rubbish, Kane is almost certain to go after Henry challenge for the title and lose. From there I can't see him doing much but one thing is for sure another feud with Undertaker is not needed, its been played out to death and the last feud was a great example of why it should not happen anything. It'll be better just keeping him with Big Show and go up against Vickie's stable for the tag titles in the next few months.
Kane will return, and he will come back strong. I see him reverting back to the big red machine just like what the undertaker did from reverting back from american badass to deadman. He will be a monster again. I remember him saying before he got sidelined by Mark Henry that he is becoming more human and he wanted to bring back the monster inside him. I believe Kane would be the one taking that gold from Mark Henry. I mean, if there is a superstar that can stop Mark Henry it has to be Kane.

I don't see Kane retiring so soon. Maybe he'll have 2 or 3 years more.
It only makes sense to have Kane feud with Henry upon his return but I'd still really like to see a Kane-Cena feud, possibly for the WWE Championship. I've always been a Kane mark.
I originally voted for Kane to feud with Taker, but now that I think about it, it's outdated! Yes, it would be somewhat interesting to see them both end their careers at the same time with the same storyline, but come on! There's nothing these guys haven't already done together. Casket matches, HIAC matches, main event WM, buried alive, tag team champs, feuds for world championships, champion vs champion. They've done it all together! But on to the topic, I think he should go off passing the torch on to someone else to create a new monster for the WWE. You know? Put over someone like Mason Ryan, Wade Barrett, Sheamus(btw, I'm a Sheamus mark now), Drew McIntyre,Davide Otunga(just seeing if you were paying attention). Have them go over Kane cleanly, then just go on a rampage in a monster type way through the whole roster!
If Kane does return for a final run I'd like to see him as a heel. He's way more interesting as a heel then a face IMO. A cool idea I had was have Kane go back to that crazy gimmick when he felt "everyone was laughing at him" momentarily, then have small episode between him and Cody Rhodes. Have Cody warm up to Kane trying to win him over as a ally, because he understands how he feels. Then rather then a paper bag, have Cody ultimately give the mask back to Kane. Then have the finally Big Red Machine return.

Lastly as much as many don't want to see another Taker/Kane fued it would kinda make sense for them to continue it, after all Kane did bury him alive with Nexus, and Taker never responded. But then again, why have Taker end his career? He's already established. I'd rather see a young talent finish off Kane by burying him alive, or burning him alive, whatever the choose to do to end his character.
I can't wait for Kane to return and hope he reverts back to being the monster he once was (be that with or without mask). I would like Mark Henry to carry on destroying his opponents and looking more and more of a monster himself up until Kane returns and becomes the man to stop Henry and win the World Championship. This is pretty random but seeing as WWE want to introduce more managers (or so I read) I would like to see James Mitchell bring Kane back into the WWE and become the man who bought the monster back out of the big red machine. I have not heard anything as far as Kane being near any "last run in" and hope he has at least a couple of years left in him yet. He can still go with the best of them so I can't see why not.
I think Taker and Kane finishing off their careers at WM would be a good way to end it, their characters have been ever so intertwined since Glenn Debuted as the Big Red Machine that it would be a good way to end.

Mark Henry vs Kane really doesn't do anything for me, I've praised both of them for playing career jobber roles, but they just seem to have no chemistry.... perhaps I'm wrong and they can put on an epic battle, but I think they'd be limited due to their age and sizes (Although Kane can move for his age/size).

To Answer 1 concisely though, I think that Kane should put Henry over more, Henry's doing really well, and I don't see a face Kane fitting into the Main Event right now, just 1 quick revenge encounter, but I don't want to see Kane go over Mizark with his current momentum.

2. I'm about 50/50 on Kane tasting gold #3, on one hand, he's put in so much effort, and been a loyal company man, on the other hand, I don't think he's that huge of a draw post-mask, and right now, he'd dethrone Henry, who I actually like his current title reign's start. As far as a Show/Taker feud... I don't know, I like Kane best when he's fighting Vanilla midgets, either putting them over as giant killers, or squashing them to keep himself in the mid-card, seeing all these big men matches is kind of a turn-off for me overall. Kane/Taker can build an entire feud, and work a match without having any physicality, just off the brewing story that's nearly 15 years in the making.

3. Right now, It's super open ended, the mystique of his mask is ruined, even if he attempts a redebut as masked Kane, his humanity has been showing for half a decade, so he can't live up to his original Big Red Monster standard. As far as opponents, he can be literally heel, or face, and traded to either company. I don't see any glaring holes right now, the only obvious 2 storys are Mark Henry revenge, and Taker for the 20th time. So question #3 is really too random to really speculate on, so I'm not going to try anymore than the random thoughts I've put throughout the post.
i think he will return to the tag team division to really give it that one last push. wether it be with taker or big show idk but thats where i think he would be most useful, helping elevate these younger teams
What to do with Kane when he returns? Hmm...
Obviously when he returns he's going to want to get revenge on Mark Henry. I'm anticipating that Big Show and Mark Henry will headline a PPV at some point, but with Randy Orton still in the picture who knows how that will go down. After Show has had his title match they may bring Kane back to have his go. Nicely enough they kind of set up 2 PPV title matches... Whether they go with them or not is a different story. Why knows, maybe they'll have them both return. Advertise the Big Show's return this Friday, and when Henry tries to take him out surprise everyone with Kane's return as well.

As for what to do when he's actually made his return? I don't know, he hasn't been entirely relevant since being a champion on Smackdown. They could bring him back as a main event talent and mix up the title picture...or they could do what they'll probably end up doing and give him his one title match and drop him back into the mid-card.
I'm probably going to get some bad rep for this but i honestly think that there is no point in either the big show or kane returning.

Kane maybe aslong as you book him amazingly strong on his return but i was actually thinking about their returns whilst watching RAW the other night and i thought...."You know what, i would not be too bothered if i did not see Kane or Big Show wrestling in a WWE ring again"....Nothing personal against them, im a huge kane fan but i just feel the roster and the whole of WWE have turned a corner since they were injured and it feels fresh and exciting to see so many young superstars on TV and i dont really like the idea of these 2 coming back because i dont think they will fit in aswell and lets face it...there best days are behind them.
What I'd like to see on Kane's last run, is come back as the evil tormented Kane. Have him feud with a superstar and torment him so much that the superstar "breaks" and by the end of the feud is just as tormented as Kane. This superstar would beat Kane in some hellacious fashion and "send Kane to Hell". But Kane would live on in this demented superstar.
OK if some of u dont know what happened to kane i will inlighten u. Kane was injured by the gorilla himslef Mark Henry, now kane is supposed to return soon (hopefully) because we need more ppl on smackdown. But back on topic, when he returns he obviously going to go after Henry the man who took him out. I think kane would win this fued and move on to higher levels lets say maybe..one more Taker/Big Show, fued idk or a title fued after Mania. Here are my three ?'s.
1.) If kane were to return and take down mark henry would henry then lose steam as the top heel in wwe right now?
2.)Does kane have one more title run in him?Or a big show taker fued
3.)If he is back by WM season who will his opponent be at Mania?
my opinion is he will return maybe with mask because there are rumors but some rumors just dont plan as they seem. but if he does he could be the wwe's top heel by replacing henry and fued with orton, show, taker, HHH, maybe cena, Sheamus. theres lots of possibilities.

FACT Kane has never pinned Henry on PPV/feuds they've had in the past.
Kane SHOULD win his rematch with Henry but Kane's a company guy who puts people over regardless so I'm unsure if Kane would win the feud.
Kane @ WrestleMania hasn't had many classics apart from Undertaker and Big Show & Raven matches, even Kurt Angle at X8 wasn't as good as the match they had around Survivor Series 2001 where Kurt TAPPED Kane, which WWE made a thing of then dropped it. I believe Kane will tag up with Big Show to face say Air Boom and another 2 tag teams in a four corner elimination style match.
I don't think Kane has to come back as a Face to take out Henry. He Can come back Hell bent for revenge and just take out everyone in his way (Faces,Heels) to get to and destroy Henry

I enjoyed Kanes Heel Run with the title i would love to see a Kane v Orton feud i thought he worked great with Taker so could work just as good with Kane if not better.
These are good ideas but they're not realistic. Kane may have been the World Heavyweight Champion last year but I can guarantee that will be the last time you ever see a world title around Kane's waist. Maybe Kane will go out with a bang but as far as title hunting goes, its not very often that he does it.
Kane will first go against henry but will loose then at WM i want to see Kane vs Cody rhodes...or cody reviving the masked Kane something like that would be intresting,other option is Kane and Undertaker vs tag champs at Wrestlemania
I think Big Show will return as a contender for the WWE title against Mark Henry... only to loose and then have Orton Or Sheamus replace him as #1 contender again.
Kane will return later on and have nothing to do with Henry. I hope he will have an even more EVIL side to his gimmick and go after Undertaker so that they can both retire at mania the way they should.
The Mustache thinks its time for Kane to hang it up. Not for his in ring ability, but more so because the guy is insanely smart & can move on to other things in his life; (see JBL).

With that being said I would love to see him come back with the mask. A shout out to us "Old School" fans & a nod at his ending. He can not come back and end Henry's title carry though. He can come back and challenge Mark to say an "Inferno Match". Let it be a non-title i just want to hurt you style match. Once he ends that feud nice and clean neither he nor Henry take any heat for it. Both would come out clean. Henry with the strap & Kane with the "revenge" he wanted.

As for a one last push kind of deal, it would make sense to be with Taker but it wont be. Taker will retire after mania and with Kane you could get one more year out of him. So i assume it will be a push with a young guy, maybe Mason Ryan. Turn Kane heel, mask and all. Let him mid-card RR or SS with Ryan, build up Ryans stock with the fans. Ryan needs work and needs polishing but he could be a valued mid-card guy for years. Plus if Batista does ever come back (cringe, side eye-roll) the fans will believe in a guy like Ryan after living through the feud he just had with Kane.

Who am I kidding though, with these PG Ex-Barney writers they have on staff now, Kane will come back and have a feud with a puppy he adopted from the Humane Society who just happens to be the sponsor of that months PPV.
Henry should be taken down by a rising face, not someone like Kane in their return. Kane got his big title run last year and while he probably has a few years left in his career, they would be wasting a big opportunity if they have him be the one to end Henry's title reign. Kane might have another title run, but I doubt it. He is better off putting over main eventers, he's over enough to remain relevant in that role just as he was for a large portion of his career. I have no idea who his Wrestlemania opponent is going to be, as long as it is NOT Undertaker. We have seen three guys get rematches now. Michaels and Trips both got one, why should Kane get a third match? Taker might be in his final Wrestlemania this year, they should get a legend or a rising star to face him. I'd pick someone between Jericho, Barrett, or Sheamus. If anyone should get a rematch, it's Orton due to the time that has passed since their last match and the significant improvements Orton has made. I think Kane will just be in some random filler feud for Wrestlemania honestly, but we will see what happens.
I think Kane will return and kick some ass, not neccerilly MH's, but with Big Show or some other mid-card, Rhodes, DBD, Sin Cara, Evil Sin Cara just to name a few. But as far as titles go, his chances are slum, which I think is stupid, purely for the fact the he works his ass off every time he's in a match, and he only gets a title for loyalty to the company. He deserved more titles in his career.
I don't care about Kane. I think he is average in the ring and his most intimidating thing he had was lost along time ago. Now he just looks like a pederest. If he comes back i want him to job to as many young and upcoming talent there is. I don't see any point of pushing him over other talent right now except garbage like johnny curtis, slater etc. So that's why i voted Undertaker.

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