Kane vs Kane?

yea that kane story line it sucks they should just pretend to burn kane and make him go back to his old self again that would be awsome
Nah, Kane should stay without the mask. He needs to. All they need to do is finally move him back into the title picture. I mean, he's destroyed pretty much everyone he's faced for the last year, so why shouldn't be move up the ranks?
Vince needs to understand that if there isn’t anything 'special' about Kane in his career he will not be remembered, only as The Undertakers brother. In the short time Kane has left, it’s almost impossible; they need to make him do something very drastic that will be remembered through out entire wrestling history. I ASSURE you their will never be someone quite like Kane, or better yet with such character detail and charisma.

:devil: The Fire Still burns, As long with this thread :)
Honestly, I see the swerve coming.

I think what the WWE will do is that Glen Jacobs, who really played Kane, will be revealed to be the true imposter, for storyline purposes.

After all, remember that Kane had burns all over his body? And remember how those burns never appeared as Kane changed costumes?

Now you got a guy in the original Kane costume coming out and kicking the unmasked Kane's ass.

I think what you are going to get, is finally a "branding" of sorts with the WWE from the business end, in that Kane becomes a perpetual character, with the mask being passed on from person to person. Unmasking Kane was one of the biggest mistakes the WWE ever made, and they finally figured out a way to rectify it, in a manner that actually sticks with the pre-existing storyline. And the shocker is that the current "imposter" is really the real Kane, back from a very long vacation (probably in a psyche ward), and probably stuck there (and replaced) by Glen Jacobs Kane.

And for the criminally stupid who couldn't follow all that, cliff notes:

-Yes, Glen Jacobs is the original Kane, but for the sake of the story line, they are going to claim he isn't the real Kane.
ZionHalcyon said:
Honestly, I see the swerve coming.

I think what the WWE will do is that Glen Jacobs, who really played Kane, will be revealed to be the true imposter, for storyline purposes.

After all, remember that Kane had burns all over his body? And remember how those burns never appeared as Kane changed costumes?

Now you got a guy in the original Kane costume coming out and kicking the unmasked Kane's ass.

I think what you are going to get, is finally a "branding" of sorts with the WWE from the business end, in that Kane becomes a perpetual character, with the mask being passed on from person to person. Unmasking Kane was one of the biggest mistakes the WWE ever made, and they finally figured out a way to rectify it, in a manner that actually sticks with the pre-existing storyline. And the shocker is that the current "imposter" is really the real Kane, back from a very long vacation (probably in a psyche ward), and probably stuck there (and replaced) by Glen Jacobs Kane.

And for the criminally stupid who couldn't follow all that, cliff notes:

-Yes, Glen Jacobs is the original Kane, but for the sake of the story line, they are going to claim he isn't the real Kane.

I actually liked that idea
Yea thats not a bad idea either I liked it. How do you think this will end, I mean the fued between the two Kanes? Possibly a inferno match or casket? Hell in the cell?
Kane vs Kane in a Hellfire and Brimstone Match at Wrestlemania 23, where the loser burns in eternal damnation.
I for 1 really like the Kane vs Kane storyline....but last night on Vengence where these 2 fought....it wasn't that great of a match....there was no anticipation....its like they just threw it in there....
Maybe they should have given fake Kane a manager and have him come out and fight other ppl or continue to interrupt Kanes matches...

I wonder what's gonna happen 2night...I hope they don't mess dis story up
The match was actually pretty decent for a big man match, but the crowd was dead because the angle has ended up flopping.

I totally hate the idea of Kane's character staying, BTW. He and the Undertaker should go out together and handing Kane over would be a slap in the face to Glen Jacobs.
ChokeslamToHell said:
The match was actually pretty decent for a big man match, but the crowd was dead because the angle has ended up flopping.

I totally hate the idea of Kane's character staying, BTW. He and the Undertaker should go out together and handing Kane over would be a slap in the face to Glen Jacobs.

Do you follow wrestling at all? I mean the politics?

There is very little loyalty whatsoever - it is a cut-throat business.

Slap in the face or not, it is all about what would give the WWE the best ratings.

I think they will continue with the Kane character - that said, who knows? Maybe while you think it is a slap in the face, the WWE actually got Glenn's blessing to continue on the character?

After all, Glenn will always be known as the first "Kane", and will be legendary just for that - for being the guy who started the face of the brand. What you call a slap in the face, I'd call historic and legendary recognition.

I just know if it were me, I would be proud to be the one who started what might become an ongoing legacy...
Yeah i like his angle alot. I knew the Fake Kane would win conisdering it would be pointless to have the real Kane just beat him after all the interuptions the Real Kane had to deal with. I wounder what Kane is going to say/do tonight on Raw after he just lost, should be interesting.
I can't wait for Kane to be confronted by more of his past gimmicks. Maybe tonight an 'evil' Isaac Yankem DDS will come out and challenge him. Then maybe the following week a fake, fake Diesel will show up.

I was actually kind of serious. They might as well go all out. Fake Kane, Fake Isaac Yankem, and fake, Fake Diesel can start a faction.


So Kane loses at vengeance only to beat the living crap out of the imposted the next night?

That ALMOST makes sense (sarcasm)

Seriously, the imposter Kane should have gotten SOME offense in. And now that Kane has the mask is he going to put it on or what? Was this angle just abrutly cut because of the bad crowd reaction at Vengeance? That is certainly the impression that I am getting...

Ah Kane... you came in like a badass in 1997 but are going out like a chump. I'll remember you as monsterous main eventer you used to be.
thetruelordofdarknes said:

So Kane loses at vengeance only to beat the living crap out of the imposted the next night?

That ALMOST makes sense (sarcasm)

Seriously, the imposter Kane should have gotten SOME offense in. And now that Kane has the mask is he going to put it on or what? Was this angle just abrutly cut because of the bad crowd reaction at Vengeance? That is certainly the impression that I am getting...

Ah Kane... you came in like a badass in 1997 but are going out like a chump. I'll remember you as monsterous main eventer you used to be.

What are you on about? That's like saying, well the Miami Heat beat the Pistons last night, but the Pistons dominated the Heat tonight. OMG that's impossible! That happens in sports sometimes, you know. One individual/team has a good night one night and a terrible the next. Do you think that every time the same two people fight there should be the same result? BTW, impostor Kane cost Kane the match with Randy Orton. Doesn't that count for something?
BTW, those were three of the most devastating Chokeslams to hell that I've ever seen. Even the two in the ring, Fake Kane landed right on the back of his head. OUCH!

Last night was the first segment I really really liked with these two.
Kane (real Kane) was very impressive last night, those chokeslams were straight from 1998!

I think last night was great. After losing to fake kane, kane finally had enough and goes after him... takes the mask away thus making himself look stronge once again. Now as far as the point of this story? I think it was an intresting way to get Kane to put his mask back on and a way of testing the "new kane". Now Glen will compete with the mask on for the rest of his carrer, and when Kane decide to retire and he (or the WWE) want to pass the character down to someone...it will be a lot easier because he will be masked and it should not be as noticable....
deux4hm said:
I think last night was great. After losing to fake kane, kane finally had enough and goes after him... takes the mask away thus making himself look stronge once again. Now as far as the point of this story? I think it was an intresting way to get Kane to put his mask back on and a way of testing the "new kane". Now Glen will compete with the mask on for the rest of his carrer, and when Kane decide to retire and he (or the WWE) want to pass the character down to someone...it will be a lot easier because he will be masked and it should not be as noticable....

The thing is that Kane has already addressed that this guy is from his past, so they will at least have to explain that. My guess is that they face off one more time at Summerslam and real Kane (possibly with mask/possibly without) wins cleanly. Hopefully, from there, he can move into the title picture.
ur right... he said he was even more demented than himself. HEY does that mean that his level of evil has gone up now that he faced his fear??? I hope so

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