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Just stop watching


Occasional Pre-Show
You know I've been reading alot of threads on how the WWE completely sucks at the moment and all that sorta thing. I do agree it does suck at the moment because of a number of things that are totally wrong with the product. My idea to all of you guys who are completely frustrated with the lack of quality in the product is to simply just change the channel and find a better thing to watch. Over the last couple years especially, the WWE product to me has become extremely boring and predictable. Alot of the blame has to go to the PG rating simply because the wrestlers are so restricted in what they can do and say and thats the truth and no-one here can argue that. I've complely become frustrated with the product now because its become too much geared towards kids and its really hard for me to sit through an entire episode. I only tune in every now and then to see guys like Undertaker, Triple H and Chris Jericho but thats about it. I really believe the best thing to do is to simply stop watching or just simply tune in every now and then and if it looks interesting keep watching or if it doesn't then just change the channel to something else. I think the best way to hurt Vince is to stop watching all together because ratings is definately one thing that the WWE will be keeping an eye on and if their ratings start to slip then something will be done. I just simply can not stand this pathetic kiddy era thats happening at the moment and its just so sad that the product has become so incredibly screwed from the awesome days from 98-01. I've already stopped watching Raw and only tune in to Smackdown every now and then but now I've decided I'm only going to watch TNA because atleast they give a product which isn't aimed at little kids like the WWE product is. I'm urging all those fans who are frustrated with the product to give Vince the middle finger and change the channel. I know Tna can't challenge the WWE at the moment but I really hope someday they can so the WWE will wake up and actually make their product somewhat decent. Neway I'm just really wanting to let out some frustration. How do you guys feel about the curent state of the WWE?
If you're a real fan, you'll suck it up and wait it out while the new guys grow and develop. Vince is doing the best he can and has each show doing it's own different thing and it draws all types of people to each brand. If you want entertainment and drama, you watch Raw. If you want wrestling, you watch SmackDown!. If you have nothing to do on a Tuesday night, and want to get a mix of both shows, watch ECW! Superstars pulls something from all 3 brands. If you don't like it, then don't watch it but WWE has 3 brands and 4 shows to watch on a weekly basis. If you can't put up with any of it, then stop watching and move on.
Even though WWE's large audience has gone. Which is mostly us smarks on the internet. WWE will still have lots of fans no matter how bad their product is. I'll watch both shows to see the difference and root for the Underdog TNA. WWE has a good show on Smackdown and ECW is starting to come around with new talent. It is just hard for the majority of fans to see not only the same main events on Raw, but to see cheesy comedy bits every week with celebrities.

I'm not watching Raw anymore, but I do wish WWE success because it will be fun to enjoy two products instead of just one. It's easy to say just stop watching, but when our favorite company that we love has turned to crap it's hard to not complain. It's like when fans of Transformers or GI Joe get excited to see a new movie about their favorite series, only to watch something totally different and stupid. WWE has the money and talent to have some awesome shows no matter the TV rating.

It's just a shame that Vince is more concerned with media and controversy then he is with wrestling.
Vince is doing the best he can

I really don't see the truth in that statement. I really don't think Vince is doing the best he can. In my opinion, Vince knows TNA isn't any competition at this point and is just coasting by. He isn't building up new talent, he'd rather put on a match and waste valuable air time with the ignorant Chavo/Horsnwoggle feud. Vince has some great talent on Raw just being wasted due to the fact that all he cares about is pointless feuds with Hornswoggle and the main event. Doesn't he understand we are tired of seeing Cena vs Orton or HHH vs Orton. It's overkill. Having 3 Hell in a Cell matches in one night is overkill. Having 3 TLC matches in one night is overkill.

Now, I rarely complain about the PG era. As I think that even with a PG era we don't need the wrestlers cussing or bleeding week in and week out to put on a good show. If Vince was really, I mean REALLY trying, he could still put on an exciting show even with a PG rating, that would appeal to all age groups, not just children, which I will admit, he is doing a good job entertaining them. But it isn't hard to entertain children.

Now, the only reason that I tune each week is because I have a 5 year old brother who is a fan of Raw, well mainly a John Cena fan. So enjoy sitting down and watch him enjoy the show.

We actually tune into TNA iMPACT! each week as well, and as big of a fan as he is of Cena...He still gets more excited about TNA each week.
I agree with the TC, yet not about WWE. Instead about TNA. TNA's best moments was when Samoa Joe was relevant with his undefeated streak. Many who are in the VOW chat room on Mondays know my huge dislike of TNA and of Kurt Angle and ever since Kurt Angle came to TNA, TNA has been lackluster. Before he arrived, people like Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Abyss, and many others were relevant. Now they are meaningless. AJ Styles would have been champion long before if Angle was never in TNA. If you need to stop watching anything, make it TNA and not WWE. Well as long as Kurt Angle is in TNA stop watching it. Once he's out, I'll tune back in.
to make the wwe better i feel to major things need to happen...one is bend the PG rules just a little, like ok is wee serious that they want no more blood on there shows unless its an accident like really come on...and 2 i think vince needs to become the major heel like her was back in the day and have that one young face superstar bet he one he always fueds with like vince did with austin...or even have shane do it seeing vince is getting up there in age.

Wow, really? Another thread bitching about WWE? Seriously, guys, give it a rest! I know WWE isn't exactly at it's peak these days, but all the "I miss 98-01 GO ATTITUDE!" and the "start watching TNA" stuff has got to stop. Pissing and moaning about it on a forum isn't gonna change anything.

And fyi: TNA? It isn't any better. Give it a rest, TS. I urge you.
I stopped watching WWE regularly years ago and altogether in the last 4 or 5 months because it doesn't appeal to me. I watch TNA because they (for me) put on better shows. Yeah Angles dominance has been "Jarrett-like" but unlike Vince and WWE, TNA listen to their fans a bit more than Vince does. To Vince, you watch what HE tells you to watch, if he finds it entertaining, then damn it you better find it entertaining too!

Hell there are always going to be people who like the product and those who don't so I agree, if you don't like it turn it off. I disagree with the guy who said "real fans stick it out". I don't think so, it's not like your favourite Sports team, it's an entertainment show that at the moment (to me) sucks, and when it doesn't suck anymore, I'll maybe watch it.
I will never stop watching wrestling, no matter how bad it gets. They always have a low period and then they eventually pick up anyways so I am just patiently waiting for that pick up time.

Some Raws are actually not that bad but then you get others that are just horrible but it's not painful enough for me to bother changing the channel and after 23 years of loyalty, I don't see a reason to throw in my towel just because of a low period of time.

Your best bet really is to change the channel if wrestling is really that hard for you to watch. I know some people don't like to hear that answer but complaining about the product wont fix it.
OK, here's the deal-no I didnt read any of the posts, and no I dont care...I just find this to be a great opportunity to point to the individuals who CONSTANTLY say they will stop watching wwe tv, and yet CONSTANTLY show up on these forums, week after week, saying how horrible the show is, and how they're gonna stop watching wwe tv. There are a disturbing amount of people who do this, and I would just like to say one thing to them.............
Thank you.
Thank you for making my life so much more entertaining. The best Raw I can think of in recent memory is when CM Punk used his first MITB to get the cheap win on Edge. Why? Cuz I KNEW there were gonna be a bunch of wussy little crybaby's on here screaming about how much of a horrible move that was on the Creatives' part, or how stupid Vince is for allowing it-and, of course-how they arent gonna watch from now on. Same as when Mike Adamle became GM. I KNEW there were gonna be a bunch of whiners on here.
Week after week, people come up with all these different reasons as to why they wont watch the wwe anymore (some reasons more valid than others), and what do they do? THEY KEEP WATCHING!!!!!!!!!! With this in mind, I pose a challenge:

To Anybody Who Has Said In The Past Year "I Refuse To Watch WWE Again/Until They Get It Right" Or Anything Along Those Lines, I Challenge You to Not Watch ANY WWE Programing For 100 Days. No Raw, No ECW, No SmackDown, No Superstars, Nothing. If This Is Something You Simply Can't Bring Yourself To Do, Then STOP BITCHING!!!
The commonly presented idea of a boycott is never going to work. If everyone on this forum stopped watching WWE, nothing would change. If then entire IWC stopped watching, nothing would change. This is something that needs time to happen. I firmly believe that it will happen eventually and we will get to see something fantastic. It's a matter of patience. If everyone who complains simply stops watching, we may as well just be sticking a stake through the heart of WWE.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone airing their grievances about what Pro Wrestling currently is, especially the WWE. It's because we care that we make ourselves heard rather than just switching off or switching to TNA. A true fan lets it be known that they are unhappy but sticks around through thick and thin. Eventually we will come out on the other side.
As a Fan we have EVERY RIGHT to complain about the product. I watch what I like Smackdown & TNA Impact. Possibly soon ECW to see if Danielson or McGuinness will pop up there. It's been a love/hate relationship with me and the WWE since about 2003/2004, in all honesty I watch when I feel like it or when I expect something good. If it's not good then fine, if it is then im happy. And I dont watch it for the corporate suits such as The McMahons, I watch it for the wrestlers that bust their ass 24/7 doing what they do best, it's somewhat of a loyalty thing especially when it comes to Legends like Undertaker and HBK. The PG Era isnt even a phase it's what WWE has always been "family fun". If it wasent for WCW kicking their ass back in 96-most of 98 they wouldent of felt forced to make the change, when WCW went under the "attitude era" slowly vanished with time.
There's a reason why people who are unhappy with the current WWE product continue to watch it. They have a favorite wrestler employed there who they would like to follow the career of. So it is understandable why they would get upset when their favorite wrestler is involved in a position where they are in a stupid feud or, in many wrestlers' cases, not in a feud at all - instead making random monthly visits to the brand they are on (coughcoughChrisMasters)

People complaining about other people complaining is pointless though. The people who whine constantly about the staleness of the WWE only wish the best for the company and wrestling as a whole. In fact they like wrestling so much to the point where they don't need to sugarcoat everything and pretend that RAW is the most entertaining show out there right now just to convince themselves to watch it.

Oh and the random digs at TNA are unwarranted... at least that company is trying to please its fans rather than its sponsors.
info you raise a good point! I love CM Punk/Edge/Orton/Jericho/Swagger and a few others, so even if it sucks I still wanna know how those Wrestlers are doing. The same with TNA and Joe/Daniels/Styles and a few others I like, and man Impact in 07/08 was some trash for the most part.
You guys can boycott if you want. I'm wanna see Melina on tv EVERY WEEK no matter if other people suck. RAW rebuttal: after Jericho's ruthless disrepect for icons past, it was great to see Bob Barker back him down like a silly child. I think almost every show including TNA is worth checking out, because you never know when the great moments will come. I like to believe that the superstars make certain spots look HOT, even if creative didn't plan it that way.

This thread features yet more venom towards PG. I'm not surprised or even upset at a full-time hardcore impact performer being accused of having a truckload of pills in his house. I expect that every star who can keep giving the type of quality matches people are screaming about NEEDS that much Red Bull or Stacker to keep on flying.

I do currently boycott the Washington show, don't ask me to skip my Melina. I WON'T!
I'm increasingly getting to the point where I don't bother with RAW or Smackdown anymore and will only watch the PPVs. RAW is just a joke now, a really bad, unfunny joke that you already know the punchline to. It exists purely as a 2 hour advert for the PPV and offers practically nothing in the way of entertainment. I'll read the reviews on this site, look up anything vaguely interesting and that's it. I can't be bothered staying up til 4am to watch it anymore.
As for Smackdown, it's strange, I hear good things, the show isn't that bad but it's incredibly rare that I watch it. Usually better things to do on a Friday night.

Wow, really? Another thread bitching about WWE? Seriously, guys, give it a rest! I know WWE isn't exactly at it's peak these days, but all the "I miss 98-01 GO ATTITUDE!" and the "start watching TNA" stuff has got to stop. Pissing and moaning about it on a forum isn't gonna change anything.

And fyi: TNA? It isn't any better. Give it a rest, TS. I urge you.

I'm with this guy for sure. Mainly just because of the picture he posted. First and foremost, TNA sucks! I wish it didn't, but it does. It's sad to me that the most entertaining thing you've got going in your promotion is women's wrestling. Someone before had it right. guys like Kurt Angle, Booker T, Kevin Nash, etc. came along and ruined TNA. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed plenty of matches from these guys before, but it's just a perfect example of guys bitching and complaining so they took their balls and went home. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see TNA rise up like WCW once did and give Vince some healthy competition. But I just don't see that happening anytime soon, and I guess, neither does Vince. And another thing, the Attitude era was great, but personally, I liked all the other eras before it too. And on that note, if you don't like it, don't watch it. Someone said before, we, as fans, have every right not to watch it. I know for a lot of you, like me, it's hard not to tune in and wait for something new. But sometimes I just take a couple weeks off and read spoilers or results. Doing that helps me appreciate it when I do come back to it.
ok this topic has been played to death....like literally....this is the Chavo vs. Hornswoggle of Wrestling topics....ok WWE sucks...yea its bad....but im going to say something here bare with me cause i know i will lose most of you with this....Kids grow up!!!!!......now i know half....wait most of you are like huh what the hell that got to do with this?.....Ok Kids grow up....there tastes in things change when they get older...those five year olds who love cena will either fall in love with kelly kelly or just leave wrestling...the teens watching i mean 13yr olds will grow up and get the tastes of what we adults want......now i bet you guys are like no way that happens...ok need i remind you of the Hulk Hogan era?? lets put it this way kids wanted to be him and ate him up....then as those kids got older there changes changed and gradually WWE changed to fit those people till we got stone cold steve austin flipping the bird and the rock talking bout pie....just give it some time...and while your at it watch TNA...i admitt not the best show but its ok....and WWE needs some competition as well...so give it some time damn....and sorry for confusing you not so bright peeps.
but im going to say something here bare with me cause i know i will lose most of you with this....Kids grow up!!!!!......now i know half....wait most of you are like huh what the hell that got to do with this?.....Ok Kids grow up....there tastes in things change when they get older...those five year olds who love cena will either fall in love with kelly kelly or just leave wrestling...the teens watching i mean 13yr olds will grow up and get the tastes of what we adults want......now i bet you guys are like no way that happens...ok need i remind you of the Hulk Hogan era?? lets put it this way kids wanted to be him and ate him up....then as those kids got older there changes changed and gradually WWE changed to fit those people till we got stone cold steve austin flipping the bird and the rock talking bout pie....just give it some time...and while your at it watch TNA...i admitt not the best show but its ok....and WWE needs some competition as well...so give it some time damn....and sorry for confusing you not so bright peeps.

What the hell, why is anybody who disagrees with you apparently stupid? Your POV isn't superior to anybody else's. The fans who have been loyal to WWE/F over the years have every damn right to be upset that the company is now trying to appeal to a totally different audience. Why is it that WWE doesn't have to remain loyal to their fans but their fans have to remain loyal to them?

And who cares if the product is attracting 13 year olds, I'm not a 13 year old. The knowledge that 13 year olds are attracted to this programming does not make me want to watch it any more than I do now.

If you look at the crowd, those aren't even 13 year olds anyway. More like 8 year olds, and their parents. When they get a "taste" for what adults want, they aren't going to wait for the WWE to catch up with their tastes, they'll stop watching it and will watch more adult shows.

Again, there are fans who have been loyal to WWE for differing years and are completely justified in being upset that WWE decided to ditch them for the kiddies.
ok, everyone has the right to their opinion, and certainly no one has the right to tell anyone they can't express their opinion, but in all things us nerds like, it seems like everyone finds something to complain about just to do it. Say you hate raw all you want, say that you don't like the pg rating, but if it truly makes you so mad, don't watch the show. its funny how everyone says they hate so much about wrestling, and yet here they are on wrestlezone, complaining about every segment of every show. I enjoy wrestling, sure there are things about it i don't like, and my favorite wrestlers don't win every match, but its a tv show, and i have the option of turning it off if i don't like it. perhaps some of the other posters should do the same.
Even though WWE's large audience has gone. Which is mostly us smarks on the internet. WWE will still have lots of fans no matter how bad their product is. I'll watch both shows to see the difference and root for the Underdog TNA. WWE has a good show on Smackdown and ECW is starting to come around with new talent. It is just hard for the majority of fans to see not only the same main events on Raw, but to see cheesy comedy bits every week with celebrities.

I'm not watching Raw anymore, but I do wish WWE success because it will be fun to enjoy two products instead of just one. It's easy to say just stop watching, but when our favorite company that we love has turned to crap it's hard to not complain. It's like when fans of Transformers or GI Joe get excited to see a new movie about their favorite series, only to watch something totally different and stupid. WWE has the money and talent to have some awesome shows no matter the TV rating.

It's just a shame that Vince is more concerned with media and controversy then he is with wrestling.

You do know that the IWC is by no means the "large" group of WWE's veiwing audience, right? Of all the people I know who watch wrestling I am the only one that actually visits messege boards such as here. It's been said before, Vince doesn't care what anyone here thinks because he doesn't have to. Does it matter to him that a very small percentage of his companys fans go online and simply bitch all day about how they could do it better. Nope. Personally, you will never find a post from me about how bad I think the WWE product is. I am here because I enjoy threads about things like, "who will hbk's WM opponent be", "How do you think Miz is proggressing", and the like. The poster was right, if you don't like it change the channel. Sure, there are times when I can't stand a segment on Raw, so I turn to House or 24 for the time being. I've come to accept that Raw is how Raw is. Hell, we are the reason it is that way. If it wasn't for us clammering to our tv sets in the late 90's to watch 20 minutes of wrestling and an hour of segments then maybe we would still be watching wrestling. Fact is, the entertainment part is what made it pop so big in the first place. I also don't feel storylines are all that much worse now then before. It's just that there isn't the caliber of performers that there was then.
I don't know why you guys have such a big problem with WWE, I like it.
The show may not be as good as it has been, but come on this is a 50+ year old company you cant expect it too be perfect all the time.

Right now we ere getting exactly what the name suggests; World Wrestling Entertainment
What do I meen by that? We get wrestling and we get entertainment! There are still some really good matches that get pulled of, all the PPV's have over lots of really good match (of course thats opinion), there are great wrestlers etc.
So stop complaining. WWE gives us some really good moments loads of times, and as it goes with TNA...now that company sucks!

All I'm saying is just relax, it may not be perfect but we still get some really good matches, which is after all what we want with a wrestling show....

Please go easy on me guys
Unless you have a Nielsen Box simply turning it off does nothing to show Vince. However if you stop ordering PPV or stop buying WWE stuff like DVDs or tickets to live shows will.

But WWE already has built in excuse for that too. Wrestling is in a down swing. Well yeah if you would put on something that is enjoyable we wouldn't be in the middle of a down swing.
Do you remember wrestling before the attitude Era? yea, the new Generation as it was called 1994/97 I believe it ran. WWF/E had just lost a host of big names and was in a rebuilding phase.

This current state of wrestling is no different than that. People complained back then that WWF/E had lost its way that the likes of Hogan and Savage etc where gone ,WWE/F was out of touch with the fans and then BOOM... the Attitude era was born.

WWE is currently in a rebuilding phase just like they where 94/97.. its a cycle that happens in wrestling. I am sure it will happen again in 10/12 years time. But wrestling has a very bright future.

Its like any other sport out there, but fans stick with their team through thick and thin regardless of how bad they currently are. Hell, im a 49ers fan so I know all about that.

WWE has a bright future ahead of it, and it will boom within the next 18/24 months with so many fresh young talented wrestlers employed by the WWE right now.
First i didnt say my opinon was better than anyone. Second like i said in my opinon WWE goes though trends right now its doing it again....Cena is hulk hogan (i mean like to this era)....look at the facts it slowly got more edgier....im not saying you cant hate on this shit cause i do too....just saying this subject is just so old....its everyday...i hate pg rating...i hate john cena and the four moves of doom...i hate hhh ruling everything....i hate all that stuff too but for real i dont cry bout it every two seconds...its just a show.....give it time...and if you dont like the show change the channel...i know i do...Operation Repo is a good show....Monday Night Football???.....maybe there a new episode of Hannah Montana??? whatever floats your boat...but there plenty of shows on and if you absolute hate the product then dont watch it....lets put it this way if you hate coca cola would you buy it??? NO....so stop crying and do something bout it and change the channel.

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