Josh Matthews shooting on Cole... lmao


JC CooL 420
Anyone who watched NXT tonight had to hear the argument about Daniel Bryan... I loved it when Josh told Cole he lived in a bubble and actually mentioned that Daniel Bryan was an independent legend...

I personally think that Josh is ten times better than Cole and he should be on RAW...

Do you guys think that the Bubble comment is a shoot on Cole and is there any heat between the two?
Cole is kissing ass to Vince. Why is Cole even on NXT? Should be Matt Striker and Josh Matthews as announcers. Then again, Cole still relies on JR for material and obviously knows as much about wrestling as Glen Beck.
You seriously thought it was a shoot? No way. Michael Cole is basically the heel of the broadcast crew. They want you to hate Cole and love Matthews tbh. Cole acts ignorant and stuff but if he was that damn ignorant in real life do you seriously think he'd still have his job? I doubt it. Byron Saxton would be a better choice than him if he was actually that ignorant. It's all another storyline developed by WWE Creative. Or maybe McMahon himself.
You seriously thought it was a shoot? No way. Michael Cole is basically the heel of the broadcast crew. They want you to hate Cole and love Matthews tbh. Cole acts ignorant and stuff but if he was that damn ignorant in real life do you seriously think he'd still have his job? I doubt it. Byron Saxton would be a better choice than him if he was actually that ignorant. It's all another storyline developed by WWE Creative. Or maybe McMahon himself.

Nothing personal,but you're giving wwe WAY TOO MUCH credit.too many people give wwe credit for being smart when it comes to writing but the truth is as most will say is that they are very very stale and almost completely incapable of giving a wrestler the right thing to say.But as it pertains to last night I feel as though it was a little of both.i've seen josh matthews be very emotional at times though that is very rare as he gives some of the most bland interviews ever (but thats for another thread).last night i think they told him to fight back say something,use some emotion,something,anything to balance the "character" cole is portraying on tv.though i do believe cole is very much in a bubble when it comes to his viewpoints on bryan,i dont think he's completely oblivious to whats going on.just like most say,to make a good character or story in this business you have to include some of your own personality to make it click right.thus,josh was probably giving an honest reaction to cole but a reaction he was told to give but in his own way.
Funny stuff on Josh Matthews part. I was so glad he called Cole out saying all that stuff. I have to say....Matthews is a good commentator and he actually makes me like the pairing of him and Cole just so I can see if Josh sons him lol. JR needs to get his ass back to RAW because I can't stand Cole. You could tell he's not excited and doesn't give a fuck. Leave him on NXT and that's it.
It makes sense for it to be keyfabe. Matthews is the face, and after having time spent on Tough Enough, you can say he knows what these guys went through. Matthews is looking like a hero to the dans of Bryan, who are also pretty much the same people that hate on Michael Cole.
I think it's a mixed bag of both opinions. My understanding is that the general instruction they were given was for Cole to be pro-pros, and Matthews to be pro-rookies, leading to a "vintage" announce team with two opposing sides (sorry, I had to). But their schtick definately caught on and the team of Cole and Matthews have capitalized on it.

But I definately think Cole and Matthews are doing a mix of shooting their personal thoughts with a bit of heightened reality for good commentating.
I for one LOVE this announce team of Matthews and Cole. They are very entertaining on Tuesday nights. Then when you add certain superstars to the announce table for random commentary, it gets even funnier. Cole and Matthews are even funnier when a third party is there. Take the triangle of Jericho-Matthews-Cole. Did anyone catch Cole berating y2j about his tactics? Then Matthews sticks up for him, then Matthews asked "Did you pick out the color of the rose on Wade's jacket?" Y2J responds with "Ask that again and I'mma smack you." Cole doesn't even get that kind of chemistry with King.
I loved the fact that Josh Mathews and Jericho decided to shoot on Cole, he was getting torn apart because of his negative comments on the internet:lmao:.

I think heel Cole works better then the so called face of the company, he doesnt seem to have the same repore with the fans as Good Ol JR, and i understand that the company doesnt want to focus the attention off the established stars but they need to have someone who the fans can appreciate and listen to.

The entertainment industry needs storytellers weather their actors, news anchors, or sports commentators their needs to be a link with that person and their profession, youll never have a model attempt to tell a story would you?.

Cole in his current role works well and i would love to have him play the heel role along side Jerry Lawlers face it could bring back that certain dinamic that wrestling is surely missing and allow us to appreciate their role more then we already do.
The commentary on NXT is at a caliber not seen on either of the two "main" shows. Cole works very well as a heel (which isn't surprising, considering he's supposedly a major douche in real life) and Matthews' interactions with him seem off-the-cuff and are funny. Both men seem excited about their positions which is something not seen on RAW or Smackdown. Jericho's commentary last night was just another step forward. The match was great, but the hilarious commentary made it even better.

It sounds like a shoot. Even if it isn't, it's working excellently. I mean, they made Cole entertaining! That's doing the impossible right there.
I like the chemistry that Cole and Matthews has, and I must admit I actually like Matthews as a commentator, especially on NXT because of Cole being the bad guy towards the talent mainly, and Matthews being the good guy who basically knows what the rookies are going through, the small arguments they get every now and then.

Especially last night it came off absolutely great, also with Jericho being in the mix, and Cole constantly crying over Daniel Bryan being number 1, in my opinion, with Jericho also on the microphone, yesterday's commentary work was some of the greatest I've seen in a long time.
And I like the thought that a lot of the material Matthews and Cole argue about could come off as legit arguments at times, makes the commentary team so much stronger because you can't tell whether they're following a script, or if they're just coming off their head.
I like the chemistry that Cole and Matthews has, and I must admit I actually like Matthews as a commentator, especially on NXT because of Cole being the bad guy towards the talent mainly, and Matthews being the good guy who basically knows what the rookies are going through, the small arguments they get every now and then.

I totally agree with you Ferbian, Cole and Matthews got good chemistry, I also like Matthews as a commentator, He does a good job bashing on Cole. Matthews is basically a rookie and he knows what the other rookies are going through. So thats why they have Matthews as a face commentator
on NTX and cole as a veteran heel commentator.

Especially last night it came off absolutely great, also with Jericho being in the mix, and Cole constantly crying over Daniel Bryan being number 1, in my opinion, with Jericho also on the microphone, yesterday's commentary work was some of the greatest I've seen in a long time.

Last night was the best work I have even seen them do, They had some great arguements, And most of the time Matthews shut Cole up, Because Matthews was always 100% right about his comments. Adding Jericho into the mix was also awesome.

And I like the thought that a lot of the material Matthews and Cole argue about could come off as legit arguments at times, makes the commentary team so much stronger because you can't tell whether they're following a script, or if they're just coming off their head.

I could say that they do look like a good strong team. They had some great aruments and Matthews knew how to back them up with a lot of good facts. Hopefully they continue doing what they did yesterday through out the rest of the NXT season.
The more Cole gets put in his place by Mathews and other commentators the better. Jericho ripped into him last night and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. Mathews is great for this gig as he comes off as a real fan as well as an employee and makes you take notice of the new guys insted of trying to shovel dirt on their careers before it even gets started.
Chris Jericho on commentary with Matthews and Cole was gold last night. I was in stitches for most of the match. He puts Cole in his place but he isn't biased because as soon as Matthews says something that suggests something that might be anti-Jericho or Barrett, we get good old cocky Jericho with a "no comment" or something of that nature.

Another thing...the word shoot is getting thrown around way too much in this thread. A shoot is when somebody says (or does) something that wasn't planned to be said or done by the WWE. Michael Cole dissing Daniel Bryan and Josh Matthews standing up for him is not a shoot. I said it earlier in this thread and I'll say it again, they are both playing roles, and playing them well - Cole being the "these rookies are scum and need to learn everything they can from their pros" role and Matthews being the "some of these rookies are pretty good and might not need as much as you think" guy.
Cole is kissing ass to Vince. Why is Cole even on NXT? Should be Matt Striker and Josh Matthews as announcers. Then again, Cole still relies on JR for material and obviously knows as much about wrestling as Glen Beck.

Now I will give credit when it's due
If you've been in the company announcing for over 10 years.. you're bound to know alot about wrestling by now, so i wouldn't say Cole knows nothing about wrestling... but despite those words, I wouldn't say he's good at his job..

The guy is just a terrible talker, he makes mistakes, he he talks in the whiniest voice at times.. and to top it all off he tells the worst jokes that not even those type of dads who tell "lame dad jokes" would find funny.

But Goddamn is Matthews and Cole great together, Josh isn't afraid to confront Cole when he says something stupid, even today when Bryan got eliminated then Cole started to talk about how he was talented, straight away Matthews got right on his case talking about how Cole would endlessly put him down on commentry week after week.. Matthews is a very underrated commentator.. he knows his stuff and he can talk well.. he should take over for someone like Todd Grisham, whose about as bland as a wet loaf of bread..
Even if it is WWE's intention on making him a heel I for one hate it and believe it hurts the quality of the show. I can't stand hearing him blabber and verbally attack Josh throughout the whole show.

In my opinion a heel should be fun to hate kind of like The Miz, Jericho, Vickie, for example. Not someone you sincerely hate and don't want to see them on the show.

I miss JR. :sad:
I laughed my ass off at it. Whether it was scripted or a shoot, I loved it. Matthews is quickly becoming my favorite commentator (behind Striker) and whether it's bc WWE wants me to love him, or bc he just comes up with great stuff I don't care.
Matthews is my favorite commentator. I don't care what any of you say, but I hate Striker worse then Cole. Grisham is Cole Jr. King is, well, King. But Matthews is good. He is on his game on NXT with Cole, their arguments are fun to listen to. I even like Cole on NXT. I like NXT probably the best out of all the shows, actually. Whether it's the commentary or the fact that people get eliminated and it's like reality TV, or the new wrestlers, it's gotta be something, because it damn sure isn't the theme song.
The banter between Josh and Michael Cole might be my favorite part of NXT. I actually even like Cole a bit better on this show for some reason, maybe because these two are a new, fresh pairing. They work pretty darn well together and Josh has developed into a good commentator.

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