Joey Styles returning?



joey styles said on twitter that he will be returning to announcing, and that he will come back thursday, so that indicates hes announcing on superstars( posted an article about it so no hes not going to tna)
i hope wwe puts him on raw or smackdown soon, because joey styles is an amazing announcer, famous for his OMG!!!!!!!! in ecw, and his voice is great and recognizable.

so what do u think wwe should do with him, are u a fan of joey stylez?
Michael Cole is a company man who I am sure the WWE is not going to replace anytime soon. He escaped the wraith of his homophobic comments before WM, he has been groomed for what 10 years now and I think he has gotten a lot better in the past year. Simply put Michael Cole fits the image of a WWE announcer who probably enjoys doing Raw and Smackdown as it keeps his job very secure. Joey Styles on the other hand is great by ECW standards but comes with ECW credentials and Vince always has been reluctant to put over talent from other organizations. It took Jim Ross 5 or so years to finally have a stable position within WWE. He got fired, taken off television in the early years and was doing B or C shows and is regarded as the best announcer in the last 25 years and to many the best ever. Joey Styles most of all would have to learn the WWE style of announcing which Grisham failed at, which is why they pulled him. The WWE style is approx. 75% talking about angles and other stuff and 25% talking about the match.

Just my take on it.
Personally i dont care about joey styles everytime he speaks sounds like he either crapped his pants or had an orgasm or both!!! As far as superstars goes thanks alot Directv because i dont get to watch superstars!!!! Maybe comcast is different
Seems like part of the huge change of the WWE. There's no harm in letting him give it another whirl. He can be replaced. Remember that.
Personally I think Styles should've been the guy to replace JR. He's kinda over the top like Ross was. They have very similiar styles of commentating. I always loved his work. Cole is pretty descent at times when he's concentrating on the match it just when he's telling too much of a story or calling people out on their mistakes on air is when he sounds bad. Joey Styles would be better on Smackdown for right now since it is more wrestling oriented, but he would've been great the last few weeks with the CM Punk situation unfolding.
Joey styles is very talented, great voice (which people know...^^^been said i know but i must back it up) and has been wasted away on thanks to the ego of VKM and him wantin to destroy everything else that he didnt think of. i hope he gets moved to smackdown with booker t so we only havto listen to michael cole one fuckin night a week,not two
Joey Styles shouldve never been replaced in the first place. Theyre squandering his talents by having him do website work. He can easily adapt to the WWE model and who's to say that this model isnt changing very soon? One of the many things sucking about WWE lately is the lack of real play by play with emotional depth.

I'm not saying they should fire Cole, but he really doesnt need to be on both Raw and Smackdown. He's probably only been doing Smackdown because someone has to be strong and assertive enough to keep Booker T in check and it certainly isnt Josh Matthews.

I could see Styles replacing Matthews on the Smackdown team, or even just taking Cole's place. As it is, the audience is overexposed to Cole and he still slips back into his character and its annoying. Maybe that's just him being himself, but that doesnt mean he doesnt detract from the program sometimes.

If the WWE is truly trying to turn things around and shake things up, its a change that needs to resound on every level from the ground up. That includes the announcing. Joey Styles is the next best thing to Jim Ross going back out on the road full-time.
Joey Styles should be put on Smackdown.. But i doubt that will happen.

Then have Styles and Cole do the PPVs.

Cole and Lawler and Raw

Styles and Booker on SD!
Joey Styles deserves to be behind the announce table somewhere. Meaning: Raw or Smackdown. I'll give Cole the benefit of the doubt- but Styles is miles ahead of anyone else WWE has behind the table rightnow.

Lawler is still somewhat ok, but he's lost a lot over the years. Mathews is like the up and coming rookie, that needs some veteran leadership to learn he can shine in the future. Booker is just plain awful!! You can't even understand what he's saying half the time. Even when you do understand what he says: most of the time, your like- "WTF is he talking about?"

If all is well in the world: Soon we'll see JR back on Raw with Cole. And Smackdown should be Styles, Mathews & Bill Regal.
Congratulations to Joey Styles. Wondering now if VKM's firing was real. He never got the chance before. And to Pedigre1, as far as I know Superstars is on only so you can see JS on Thursday after all. Just sayin.
well does if he returned last night or is returning tonight I hope it's tonight as I like stanford and josh matthews abd I would like to see styles and matt striker on the same announce time and hopefully in a while can take booker T's spot on the smackdown and ppv events
Even if Styles does come back to SuperStars, who is really watching. The announce teams on shows like SuperStars and NXT are irrelevant until the shows are on TV. As of now, neither show has a big enough fan base to warrant using the best announcers in the company.

I don't see him taking Coles spot as the WWE has been grooming him for 10 plus years. Josh Mathews went from announcer to interviewer this week which was sad to see. I think Mathews gets back to the announce table before Styles even gets a whiff of the prime time spotlight. Styles could serve as a fill in announcer or fulltime interviewer on either show (Raw or SD!). But I don't have very high hopes for him as Vince usually shits on announcers not brought up through the WWE (see Cole, Mathews, and King).
Jim Ross was not a WWF creation. He floundered for a few years before becoming Good Ole JR. If Joey Styles truly had an aspirations of becoming the voice of the WWE, he would have sucked up his disenfranchisement with the WWE style of announcing and stuck with it. I don't see Joey coming back in any sort of worthwhile sense.
WWE markets to casual fans so I doubt there is any chance Styles is the anonymous Raw GM. If fact there is no chance he is the anonymous GM. A casual fan doesn't know who Joey Styles is, therefore it won't happen.
The exact same thread with the exact same title was created last night. I will post the same answer here in hopes of saving you all some brain power. The twitter comment was a joke in reference to a minor league baseball player who quit his job on the air the other night. Joey is not coming back, seriously quit acting like tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nuts, and reading into everything.
I have no idea if Joey Styles will be coming back to the announcers desk any time soon. I really hope he does though, he is the best in the business for calling a match, far better than Michael Cole due to his in-depth knowledge of the wrestling business.

However, he isnt all about pushing the storylines, Joey is mainly all about calling the moves and putting over the talent in the ring. WWE announcers are trained to focus ore on the stories and gimmicks rather than calling moves. Sad, but thats the way it is.

I would rather have Cole just do one show, and have Styles, Josh Mathews and Booker T on SD, thereby letting Josh learn how to call a match from one of the masters, and allowing Booker the chance to do his usual nonsensical ramblings, which are always entertaining

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