Jeff Jarrett and Karen Angle Engaged; What it Means for Kurt Angle's future?


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
PWInsider said:
Karen Angle and Jeff Jarrett are now officially engaged. It actually happened a few weeks back, at which point we felt it was too personal to report. Angle announced it via her Facebook account yesterday, so it's now public knowledge. Before anyone asks, all the past issues involving Karen and Kurt Angle have been long since settled and everyone involved is said to be happy about the situation.

Man..what the fuck Jeff. I've always been a fan of Jeff Jarrett, I've always thought he was both underrated as a worker and as an overall character and draw, but honestly this just isn't cool whatsoever and this actually has me concerned about Jarrett (as well as Kurt obviously) and their wellbeing. I know Jarrett had some problems (obviously) when his wife died a few years ago but that still doesn't make this a good thing for him to have done. I mean, they're both consenting adults, yes, but there's a point where you need to have common courtesy and respect for your employees and co-workers, and marrying Karen isn't showing much respect or courtesy to Kurt.

This pretty much has sealed it in my mind that Kurt is going to return to the WWE after his current TNA contract expires. Which I'm actually glad about, because I'd love to see him help out and work with all of the young talent that's getting pushed to the main event scene right now. I just can't imagine that he would want to continue working with/for Jeff if he's married to his ex-wife and the mother of his children, and I don't blame him.

I don't know, maybe Jeff and Kurt have settled their differences on this matter and Kurt's okay with it, but unless I actually read that I've got to say I'm disappointed in Jeff Jarrett as a man, a man who I had previously always had respect for. What do you guys think about this situation and specifically what effect do you think this engagement will have on Kurt Angle and his future in TNA? (Remember, this is a NON-SPAM topic.)

EDIT: So, I just went and found a source for this story and it's apparently being reported that Kurt has moved on and is okay with this, which if true than obviously I take back what I said about losing respect for Jarrett. If he confronted Kurt about it and they talked about it and Kurt approved, than I have no problem with this I suppose. I still think Kurt will be returning to the WWE regardless however.
i would assume he would give kurt notice about what he was planning to do(ie asking karen to marry him) if not then i think its goodbye double j as i think dixie carter would want to keep hold of angle more than jarrett
If Kurt is cool with this, then I see him staying with TNA with a slight possibility of him returning to the WWE. If Kurt is not happy with it, I can see him going to the WWE in a split second because I can imagine how the tension will be in the workplace. I can see an Angle vs Jarrett match in which the loser leaves TNA as a way for Angle to leave the company. This is no doubt very explosive news and could shake up the foundation of TNA for a while.
I just really hope TNA never even thinks of starting a feud with these two again or plan on having them wrestle each other because that would be a very bad idea. I wouldn't be surprised if Kurt returned to WWE after his contract expires. I just can't imagine him working in the same company where his ex-wife is married to Jarrett. I know you have to be professional, but there's only so much one person can take.

The past couple of years have been rough on Angle, and I know nobody would want to see him snap, and have something terrible happen to him. Angle should leave TNA after his contract expires, so he can at least TRY to put the past behind him.
Hey, people divorce for a reason. If he's moved on, he's probably thinking "better him than me." If someone wants to get a spouse who will let themselves be stolen, the best revenge is to let them have them.
Man, even though Kurt is cool with it, Double J is cold for that one. People get devorced because it does not work out, but that does not mean they would just be ok with their ex spouse getting with a co worker. The mother of his children too, that's cold. Kurt is on a Gandhi level with him being 100% cool with this. Maybe Gandhi would have even taken a poke at Jeff. I seriously would not be surprised if Angle was in WWE within the next couple years.
If you feel that way I bet you have NO RESPECT for Steve Austin. He hooked up with Chris Adam's ex and Steve McMichaels'. I bet you feel the same about Lex Luger for hooking up with Ms Elizabeth.

I doubt Angle cares that Jarrett is married his ex. Maybe hes happy for Jeff for finding someone after his wife passed away. For all we know Karen and Kurt had a more than amicable split and respect each other greatly. I am sure if this was an issue Kurt would have quit TNA long ago.
If you feel that way I bet you have NO RESPECT for Steve Austin. He hooked up with Chris Adam's ex and Steve McMichaels'. I bet you feel the same about Lex Luger for hooking up with Ms Elizabeth.

I doubt Angle cares that Jarrett is married his ex. Maybe hes happy for Jeff for finding someone after his wife passed away. For all we know Karen and Kurt had a more than amicable split and respect each other greatly. I am sure if this was an issue Kurt would have quit TNA long ago.

While I can see where you're coming from with this, you need to keep in mind that Debra and Chris Adams's ex were not allegedly cheating on their spouses with Austin. On the other hand, in the case of Karen and Jeff, it seems this might have been the case.

That's the difference.
Man, some of you all need to grow up. Marrying someone doesn't make them your property. Divorcing them really changes quite a few things. Why would you lose respect for Jeff? Because he is getting married again to Kurt's EX? I mean, are you one of the childish assclowns that would try and beat the Hell out of your friend because he dares to date your Ex? If so, you got problems. It is a situation of people being people and if you can't get over that, then it's time to wall yourself in. You'd swear that just because Karen was married to Kurt she is not allowed to get married to anyone else on the planet and whoever gets with her is a total prick and beneath her because she was with Kurt. Yeah right, get over it. Like you really know what happened between Kurt, Karen, and Jeff anyway and why in the Hell is it your business anyway?:banghead:
If you feel that way I bet you have NO RESPECT for Steve Austin. He hooked up with Chris Adam's ex and Steve McMichaels'. I bet you feel the same about Lex Luger for hooking up with Ms Elizabeth.

Both of those cases are extremely different from this one. Again, if you had actually read my post waylonmercy you would have seen that I said that I have no problem with them dating as they are both consenting adults, it's not that she's Kurt's ex, it's that Kurt is Jarrett's employee. You don't fucking date your employee's ex-wife when he's in the middle of what looks like a mid-life crisis, getting arrested for drugs and for allegedly stalking Rhaka Khan and breaking down in tears infront of fans. I'm not saying that Jeff Jarrett doesn't have the right to date Karen Angle, of course he does, I'm just saying I initially thought it was pretty inconsiderate of him to do so knowing how much Kurt has been struggling in his personal life recently.

But, again, if you had read my entire post you would have seen that I added an additional edit to my post to say that I just read that reports are that Kurt was apparently fine with the engagement and has moved on, and that if that's the case than I take back what I say about losing respect for Jarrett. For goodness sake, is it really that difficult to just read my entire post in full before responding to it?
What a lame topic. Seriously its not like he stole his wife or did an Edge. Ive heard before countless times about how wrestlers have either been married to or doing other wrestlers ex'es and u cant expect anything less when theyre all on the road or workin together. Wasnt terri runnels with like 3 different wrestlers after each other? who cares? exactly!
What a lame topic. Seriously its not like he stole his wife or did an Edge. Ive heard before countless times about how wrestlers have either been married to or doing other wrestlers ex'es and u cant expect anything less when theyre all on the road or workin together. Wasnt terri runnels with like 3 different wrestlers after each other? who cares? exactly!

For goodness' sake, read the opening post. Seriously, is it that difficult to ask you to read the opening post of the thread you post in? If you had you would see that I have no qualms with Jeff dating Karen because she's Kurt's ex, my issue lays with the fact that he's Angle's superior backstage in the company, and that was before I read that Kurt is apparently fine with the engagement. Seriously, I even put my post edit in size four font so that it would stick out on the page so you wouldn't miss it. Reading comprehension man, acquaint yourself with it.

And if you feel a topic is lame, you don't need to post in it if you aren't looking to contribute to the discussion.
If Jeff has consulted Kurt about it then I've no problem here. I know Jeff lost his wife and I'm glad he's found someone else (not quite sure if his former enemy's ex was the best choice but he's an adult). As for Kurt's future? I've always believed he'd end up in WWE once again and this only enhances that thought. One more thing though, this would make Jeff the step-father of Kurt's kids right? Well looks like they'll be seeing each other round a lot more than before.
I really don't see the big to do one way or the other. the only prob is that Sleazy E and Hogan of course would probably use this to a storyline as Kurt's swan song to get him on his way out the door. Everything is turning into a big slime bucket fest lately on TNA. What happened to it being about the wrestling? Lately it looks like Jerry springer running the friggin show with strippers, gang type warfare etc..
If you feel that way I bet you have NO RESPECT for Steve Austin. He hooked up with Chris Adam's ex and Steve McMichaels'. I bet you feel the same about Lex Luger for hooking up with Ms Elizabeth.

I doubt Angle cares that Jarrett is married his ex. Maybe hes happy for Jeff for finding someone after his wife passed away. For all we know Karen and Kurt had a more than amicable split and respect each other greatly. I am sure if this was an issue Kurt would have quit TNA long ago.

Rumor has it Steve Austin was nailing Diana Hart-Smith in early 1999, or so Bret says in his book, but he never questioned the affair as he saw Bulldog do more then just flirt while they were on the road together.

anyways back to topic, if Kurt is cool with the situation power to him, but I wouldn't be surprised if he snaps when Jeff and Karen get married, and he has every right.
I just really hope TNA never even thinks of starting a feud with these two again or plan on having them wrestle each other because that would be a very bad idea. I wouldn't be surprised if Kurt returned to WWE after his contract expires. I just can't imagine him working in the same company where his ex-wife is married to Jarrett. I know you have to be professional, but there's only so much one person can take.

The past couple of years have been rough on Angle, and I know nobody would want to see him snap, and have something terrible happen to him. Angle should leave TNA after his contract expires, so he can at least TRY to put the past behind him.

I totally agree with you. Wasn't the story that Karen wanted a divorce, not Kurt? Anyways, it must be really hard to look at someone else be with your ex-wife, especially someone that has been working with you for a long time (WWE and TNA). Kurt has gone through hell being with that black chick that tried to take his house away from him and the divorce and all that he had to go through in court. It has been said that Kurt and Karen are friends now. Jarret hooking up with Kurt's ex and the mother of his children must be like getting shot 10000 times in the abdominal region whenever he thinks about it.

I think Kurt's best choice is to move to the WWE and get away from seeing Jarret with Karen because I do not believe that Kurt is 100% okay with the decision that Jarret and Karen getting married. After all, things can only be bottled up so long until it explodes in someone's face. I'm pretty sure Kurt wouldn't want to see the person that he knows is sleeping with the mother of his children every time he goes to work.

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Considering the issues he and Jarrett have had in the past, I doubt Angle would be totally cool with something like this. Who would? We all have our egos and knowing that one's ex-wife is getting remarried to not just any guy but your current co-worker/former employer has got to be a major blow to it. In one sense, it's the same as having someone end a relationship, only for the ex and the person's best friend to start a relationship with each other. Talk about awkward. And anybody who would say they are alright with it is lying through their teeth.

With the all the problems Angle has faced in the recent past, and now his ex-wife's upcoming nuptials with someone he could barely tolerate, I wouldn't be suprised if he does go back to WWE just get to away from it all, especially if Bischoff and Hogan decide to make it into a storyline. I mean, how much can one guy take? But just as well, Dixie Carter may see more value in Angle than she would in Jarrett and may get rid of the latter considering she suspended him once before because of the relationship.

But who knows? Maybe we're wrong about this and there are no problems regarding Angle and Jarrett. Still, you can't deny that there might be some awkwardness in regards to this situation. Only time will tell I guess.
People seem to be missing that Jarrett generally has a rep for being a "good christian" and family man... He hasn't had scandal attached to him, or drug use etc in the way many in this business have... If she'd hooked up with Scott Hall or Sean Waltman, maybe he'd have issue... Kurt would, like most fathers prefer that his kids are with their mother, in a loving, family environment and that he sees them regularly... Jarrett has kids so they will be ok... if he did leave for the 'E it would be for career reasons as the problem would not vanish... most dads don't like their kids stepdads... but they tolerate them, its part of the deal...
I will tell you exactly what it means for Kurt's future: Nothing.

Last time I heard, Kurt Angle was fine with his ex being engaged to Jarrett. Like what has already been said, it wasn't as if Karen was cheating on him. Angle and his ex filed for divorce almost a year or so ago. So I really don't see the point in asking what is to become of the most over wrestler in TNA who is still in his prime.

The only thing I could possibly imagine is that Kurt Angle is still going to be on top of the Main Event scene for quite some time until he is ready to climb back down.

Superstars and their wives file for divorce all of the time. It just so happens that often to naught they will be dating another wrestler that shares the commonality of working with their ex-husband. Most people are treating this like a scandal which is pretty lame considering these people are divorced.
it's not that she's Kurt's ex, it's that Kurt is Jarrett's employee.

Well, I'm pretty sure he's not really Kurt's boss anymore. It's been "unknown" for quite some time what Double J's backstage role is anymore, which to me points to he has very little say anymore, and is more of a worker than a behind the scenes guy.

On this topic, why does everyone think Kurt is gonna jump ship just cuz of this stupid thing? He's clearly fine with it which just kills this argument. Also, it's not like Jerret was cheating with her while she was still married. No one knows, and no one will and that's fine, cuz it's their business. In addition, it's not like he pulled an Edge, sleeping around with Lita for months behind Matt Hardy's back. That was a million times worse, and they still work in the same company and have made a mens. So considering that Angle and Double J are already cool, there's no reason to think he's just gonna jump to WWE where he will probably be punished like Christian for working for TNA. He is way too appreciated in TNA to leave.
Well, being a huge fan of Jeff Jarrett, if Karen Angle brings the guy happiness in his personal life, after what he has gone through with his wife passing away, then I'm all for his relationship with her, especially since Kurt apparently doesn't have a problem with it.

And even if Kurt did have a problem... quite frankly, I still wouldn't blame Jarrett, personally. The guy became a single father of 3 daughters, after his wife of over 15 years I believe past away. I mean, someone dealing with that kind of grief, anything positive that brings him some kind of joy and happiness is a great thing, even if it's a co-worker's ex-wife. And make no mistake about it, all Kurt Angle is to Jeff Jarrett is a co-worker. I work at a fucking plant, and if I hit it off with some woman, and then found out she USED to be married to a co-worker, that shit would not affect how I felt about her one bit. Co-worker does not equal friend. There's no reason be "loyal" to the people you work with.

So, yeah... bottom line, if Karen makes Jarrett happy, and gets along with his kids and he gets along with hers, then this is a great thing for both individuals, and if you have any respect for Jarrett, then you should be happy for him, rather then looking at whatever potential negative(s) that can come out of this situation.

And as far as Kurt Angle's future, I doubt this jeopardizes it in the least. Who knows how much pull Jarrett has backstage anymore anyway. This shouldn't affect Angle, as far as his push is concerned, in the least bit.
I don't care what anyone says... or how Angle might act in public... but you know that Angle is absolutely heartbroken by this. And his days in TNA are going to be short lived. He'll go back to the WWE once his contract is done. That is all that really should be said on this topic, but I'll give you the reasoning behind my opinion.

Men are fond of women and when you're married, it's a sacred bond. Even if there's a divorce, there's still feelings there. What Jeff Jarrett has done is think about himself and what's best for him. Fair enough. I can't blame the man for moving on after what he's been through. He's dealt with one of the most tragic things anyone can ever go through: Losing his wife. So he's moved on and his now deciding to marry the former Karen Angle. However, Kurt Angle has young kids with Karen... and to be honest, it's going to bring a lot of stress on Angle and it'll be a test of his strength as a human being. He's not above a breakdown as he's done so in the past. So to me, it's a no brainer that he simply moves on from that environment, work a limited schedule in the WWE and continue being the best at his craft.

Angle will be fine eventually, but we can't discount how Kurt must feel about this...despite reports that he's discussed the matter with Jarrett.
Belive me when I say this, 0.2 of impact's rating is for kurt, WHY? before kurt came to TNA it was always 0.6 to 0.8 ratings till he came, it changed from 0.9-1.1 ratings. Hulk Hogan and his guys however got one good rating and other bad ones, comeon of RVD or Jeff hardy where added without hogan it wouldve risen to at least 1.2 in a weekly bases.

Kurt might retire or go to WWE, unless he is promised he wont be working with Jeff. Anyhow kurt is the best in tna. In addition

Match all hogan got except for jeff hardy( even though i presonally don't like) with Kurt and Kurt would win. Ow its real. its DAMN real!!
Considering Kurt wanted to re-join WWE in the summer and WWE decided they weren't intrested, after all of Kurt's problems last year, I think it's safe to say that Kurt Angle will have to deal with it.

WWE won't take a chance on Angle after it appears he has just as many problems now as when he left WWE in 2006, so Kurt will be in TNA for a while, or makybe his acting career will take off, no seriously he'll be in TNA for a while.

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