Jeff Hardy WWE Return?


The Abdi
Alright, I know this is probably not going to happen but bare with me for this. Imagine "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy back in a WWE ring. Imagine him returning better than ever. Jeff Hardy going to rehab then coming back stronger then ever. Imagine someone like The Miz cutting a promo about how he's beaten everybody and that there is no more competition. Imagine hearing Jeff Hardy's music play then have him interrupt The Miz have both battle on the microphone. Imagine Miz bring up Jeff's dark past with drugs then Jeff admits his past and tells everybody that he changed and that he became clean. Then have a feud which will end up with a match at Wrestlemania 28 for the WWE title.

Question 1) Would that make for a decent return
Question 2) Would you want to see Jeff return
Question 3) Would you mark out if he did return
Question 4) Who would you like to see him feud with
Question 5) How would you book his return
Question 1) Would that make for a decent return - Well I don't feel a return to the main roster would work for Jeff maybe A Mystery Rumble Entrant, or MITB Entrant.

Question 2) Would you want to see Jeff return - No, after the way he left and all the drama he's had over in IMPACT Wrestling, i feel like Jeff is nothing more than a company burden at this point.

Question 3) Would you mark out if he did return - If it was like i mentioned a rumble or MITB entrant, then I would be excited as Jeff excels in these matches.

Question 4) Who would you like to see him feud with - If WWE Decided to hire Jeff again to a long term deal. I'd probably throw him right up there with a feud with CM Punk, since technically Punk was the "reason" Jeff had to leave.

Question 5) How would you book his return - Well I'd do one of two things, If I was going with the CM Punk angle, I'd have punk dominating a Royal Rumble and all of a sudden random entrant Jeff Hardy's music blares over the speakers. Punk shocked at what he's seeing, has a panic look on his face. These two go back and forth for a bit as the rumble fills up, Jeff eventually eliminates Punk starting a future program between the two. I guess we can call the program Jeff's Payback.

The 2nd way I'd bring Jeff back, is to put him on Smackdown and have a surprise return during one of Cody Rhodes promo's, basically Jeff would come back and be the defense for the WWE Universe, since everyone is different and ugly in Cody's eyes. Who's more diverse than Jeff Hardy? not many, hehe maybe Goldust lol.
Question 1) Would that make for a decent return - No i think he gonna return at the rumble
Question 2) Would you want to see Jeff return - Yes I Loved too
Question 3) Would you mark out if he did return - Royal Rumble
Question 4) Who would you like to see him feud with - CM Punk or Wade Barret
Question 5) How would you book his return - 1) Wade Barrett The miz and CM Punk are 3 of the last 4 competitors in the royal rumble then #40 come and you hear the music of jeff everyone shocked he is in the ring and dominating the rumble then he eliminates CM punk and then Wade Barrett And the Miz

2) Wade Barrett is talking 3 weeks before WM28 , he says he dominated smackdown this year. Then Teddy Long comes out and says if you wannabe at wm 28 you got it here is your opponent , Jeff Hardy comes out and attacking barrett
If Jeff Hardy were to come back...I'd re-package him a bit. You know he'd keep his daredevil style, and he is who he is...can't change the way he performs. But the rainbow hair color and the face paint have to go. He needs to be taken more seriously...and him coming back would almost guarantee him a main event push. The thing that's always held Jeff back is his mic skills. It might be something he'll never be able to fix...but I'd give him a coach and really try and develop those skills. For as much as he's done, I always thought he could have done more. Bottom line...I'd love to see Jeff Hardy back. Hope it happens someday soon.
I honestly don't think Jeff has the drive to make a return to WWE,as much as I like his performing.
He isn't ready,at all for a return to WWE with a hectic schedule that WWE would give him,with him being a main eventer
It would be great if he did,I mean the kids would go crazy if he came back & a feud with Punk would make his career go even farther
They'd work great matches,maybe even better than the ones they pulled off in Jeff's last matches in WWE
One last run would just make my day
I really want Jeff to make a come back,but in an all & all stand point
He's honestly run out,it's basically safe to say Jeff's career is close to coming to an end
Oh god no. Jeff has messed up multiple times and should not wrestle anywhere. Some people just can't overcome their troubles and Jeff is one of them. Not to mention he screwed over the WWE after being given a main event push. Jeff is an overrated spot monkey who should have never split from Matt. The guy does a few high flying maneuvers he sucks in the ring and sucks on the mic even worse. Maybe he can wrestle in his backyard with Shane Helms, his brother, and the rest of his dirtbag junky Carolina hick friends.
for one thing Jeff Hardy is NOT main event quality, he never was and never will be. Matt Hardy had potential but he was too bland.

I know they always say Never Say Never in WWE, but that's NEVER gonna happen
he burned his bridge the first time and they gave him a chance again and now him and Matt are lost causes, noone wants to put trust in those train recks
I would love to see Jeff return as I'm a huge fan of his, I would mark out for sure. I think the only way to do it is to have him challenge for Taker's WM Streak. He would say he would retire if he wins or loses on the grandest stage of them all. If he loses he falls victim to one of the greats and joins 19 other men who have tried but failed to end the greatest streak of all time, if he wins he does what 19 other men couldn't do and end the greatest streak of all time. I think it could work, obviously Taker wins as the streak should not be broken by anybody. I would have him return at RR and stay until the Raw after WM so he can have a real retirement ceremony. I think this should happen, Jeff doesn't want to do the tough schedule and this would only mean he does a couple of months and gets a real send off. Can I see it happening? Unlikely but possible. Jeff's a screw up (I'm a huge fan of his but it's the truth) and kicked Vince in the balls by jumping ship to TNA months after Vince put him as his poster boy, but I think this would be a big draw and would bring in viewers also in a matter of months I'm sure Vince would make money from Jeff's arm bands. So the question is does Vince care more about dignity (or is it pride) than he does about money.
Question 1) Would that make for a decent return- I think more of a Royal Rumble return would sound nice
Question 2) Would you want to see Jeff return- If his health doesn't have anymore issues, then yes.
Question 3) Would you mark out if he did return- I wouldn't say I would mark out like a kid like I did when The Rock returned in February but I would get a little excited.
Question 4) Who would you like to see him feud with- CM Punk. When they ended their feud, that didn't have a proper ending
Question 5) How would you book his return- I don't have the question for that.

Now, I would love to see Jeff Hardy return but his health issues are overshadowing his wrestling career and that is very bad. I was in shock when Jeff went back to TNA, since I had a feeling that everything is going to spiral all downhill. When he was in WWE, he had a filter to keep him in check. TNA doesn't have that, so he abused his body more with all those substances. With all that's happened, I don't see him returning to WWE full time, but if he works with the WWE in some form then that could be fine. I really hope that TNA severly cut ties with Jeff Hardy since he's too much of a liability and when he gets released Jeff can check into a WWE-sponsored rehab.
Question 1) Would that make for a decent return - If booked properly he could have a great return.

Question 2) Would you want to see Jeff return - If he was to go to rehab, and was able to go one full year completely clean, of both booze and drugs, etc, then i would say yes, cause despite the drugs he is a phoenominal performer.

Question 3) Would you mark out if he did return - If by that you mean would i think it would rock!! Then yes i would.

Question 4) Who would you like to see him feud with - Tough call, the idea you made involving the miz was good, miz or del rio, it could be interesting, i would have him return at the elim chamber and maybe attack del rio or miz (whoever is wwe champion at that point) during the match to make an impact (much like undertaker getting sweet chin music from :worship: shawn michaels then jericho pinning him), or a suprise royal rumble contestant.

Question 5) How would you book his return - I would have del rio/miz bragging saying they are the best, then have them issue an open challenge to anyone in the back, have there be a minute pause and just as the person is about to say something, bam jeffs music hits and he comes out and beats del rio/ miz.
It's very very rare that people with drug problems for years ever truly recover. If they ever do recover, they are usually a totally different person because it's a change in the psyche. So my guess is Hardy will always be a druggie or if he does change, he won't be as good in the ring (maybe a lack of creativity?).

Question 1) Would that make for a decent return? If he can be sober and the Jeff Hardy that is over then yes.
Question 2) Would you want to see Jeff return? No, I pushed myself to the limit and almost died trying to just get into wrestling. He has had sooo many chances, has taken time off to "express himself differently" and fucked up golden opportunities. He deserves no more chances.
Question 3) Would you mark out if he did return? No, I don't lik druggies and jumping off of high shit doesn't impress me. I do like how well he sells and his in ring charisma though.
Question 4) Who would you like to see him feud with? A bottle of pills beside his bed at the Olsen residence.
Question 5) How would you book his return? He comes out with a bottle of pills in his hand, obviously high, then CM Punk rips him for 20 minutes then kicks the shit out of him.
1) That would make a decent return, if he kept to the wellness policy
2) I would love to see him return, I think Jeff is one of my all time favourites but his drug abuse has damaged my respect for him, nevertheless people can change
3) Definitely, I hope he returns as a mystery opponent or contestant in the Royal Rumble or MiTB or elimination chamber or Undertaker's mystery opponent for wrestlemania
4) CM Punk, a bit of unfinished business here...
5) As I pointed out before a shock return at the royal rumble, or at MiTB, at the elimination chamber he can be the mystery opponent. Or at the build up to Wrestlemania you have messages (like when Chris Jericho did the "Save us Y2J") for Jeff.... then Undertaker's opponent could be injured and then BOOM out comes JEFF!
Bit of a kick in the happy sacks for the other guys on the roster if he came back immediatly in an angle leading to the Title at WM, who have worked hard and clean to get there.

Guys like Drew McIntrye, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, even Even Bourne deserve it more than Rent-A-Junkie.

And what of the 'real' Sin Cara, WWE are taking a tough stance with him and could they do the same to Hardy who would no doubt stray from the Wellness Path at some point down the line, possibly even WM27?!
The WWE would be smart to stay away from Jeff Hardy. The Hardys are over rated. Jeff Hardy makes little girls scream with glee, thats it. As I have stated in previous posts, he is nothing more than a pill head with no grasp of in ring pyschology. Charasmatic enigma? Charasmatic Enigma? Sure, it's an enigma how he has been pushed to the heavens. Wait a second. I just remembered who was behind the push to the stars. Michael Hayes and his booking partner, a bottle of SOUTHERN COMFORT. Forget the enigma part.
it would be crazy for them to bring him back. they do not need him. the like of Jericho can leave and come back as the fans like to see them for as long as they are around. their ring work and mic work are brilliant and they add a sense of nosalgia while keeping themselves fresh.

Jeff would come back to a pop, from people who dont watch TNA and still think his style is worth a damn in wrestling anymore, and fade away.

I think he would struggle to find people willing to work with him though after the position he put Sting in, in his last match. Wrestlers would not want to risk it
Would he make a decent return? Sure, though the scar of his performance against Sting is permanently gashed into his rep with wrestling fans.
Would I want to see him return? I wouldn't mind seeing him prove to fans that he's well and can do what he loves responsibly. Maybe as a commentator or a manager, as a performer in a main card it would be like trying to recreate past glory. Just let it rest.
Would I mark out if he came back? No, already did that when he came back from TNA the first time. His biggest days are behind him.
Who should he fued with? On the mic, Vince, HHH or Ace. It would be something else to have him, in a pissed off tone, describe what he didn't like about them. Punk's already running with that angle, but I'm sure Hardy has a few stories we havent heard.
How would I have him return? Mystery Rumble entrant as others have mentioned already. Certain stars are shocked that he came back, some are more welcoming and inspired. Hardy builds a rep as someone who uses his history to inspire others to choose a different path, the pg rating stands firm.
The hell with jeff hardy!! NO i dont wanna see him return at MITB Royal Rumble or anywhere else!! The mere fact that he showed up in the condition he was in against sting speaks volumes about the kind of person he is!! Selfish arrogant and an complete asshole!! He walked out on the WWE after a main event push (why did he do it? Because he wanted to do his drugs thats why) He knew he was about to be tested again by the WWE thats why he left he didnt wanna be fired so he goes to TNA and screws that up!! As far as im concerned he can go back to North Carliona hang out with his alcoholic bro Matt Hick friend Shane Helms and they can Taze Jeffs girlfriend all day and do backyard wrestling.. The hardys made their own bed let them sleep in it
I love Jeff Hardy...he is my favorite in ring performer of all time...wen i was younger him and Matt changed my life by pulling me into wrestling. When he won the WWE title in Buffalo(my home town) i lost my mind...But Hardy isn't coming back...that Cm punk title shot to the back of the head is his last WWE moment...time to move on.
I would love to see him return at some point. I strongly disagree with the poster who wrote he should lose the colourful hair and facepaint..the more superstars who stand out the better seeing as the roster has enough boring looking wrestlers at it is (despite how good they may be in the ring). I would like to see him return at the Royal Rumble and face Christan at Wrestlemania in a ladder match for the Heavyweight Championship seeing as they have history together.
Hardy isn't coming back, not with the WWE Wellness Policy, WWE can't afford to put their money into a superstar that can go to jail anytime because of some random stash of Pot he starts to grow.

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