Japanese region, Yokohama subregion, 1st round: (8) Jackie Moore vs (9) Taylor Wilde

Who wins this match up?

  • Jacqueline Moore

  • Taylor Wilde

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Reaper of Miracles
This is a first round match in the Japanese region. It is a standard wrestling match. It will be held at the Yokohama Arena in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan.



#8 Jacqueline Moore



#9 Taylor Wilde

There will be 1 day of discussion before the poll opens. It will remain open for 2 days. Spam rules will apply. In case of a tie the winner will be decided based upon how many people have made a case for them in the discussion thread. One per each poster.

Who wins the match up?
I can be swayed on this one.

Taylor made an impression with me during her TNA run & it was certainly short lived, but she made the most of it. I really dug her character.

Jackie is certainly one of the more all-around decent talents in this tournament, but I never really cared for her. She was tough & had been around for a long time, but for the life of me I cant really remember anything standing out besides her title wins against laughable opponents. Sable, Hervina Wippleman & Chavo.

Unless someone can point out something worthwhile that she did & I dont remember, then I am going with the girl who impressed me more- Taylor Wilde.
I wish I could feel Jacqueline's boob like the other person is doing to Taylor... ahem, anyway, my vote goes to Jackie Moore because she is not the type that'd be afraid to take part in awkward or embarrassing segments. She also makes very good expressions of anger, shock and horror. Moreover, she was more of the womanly-type rather than the girly-type.
You have to go back a few years to really appreciate Jackie Moore. As Miss Texas, she won the USWA Women's strap 14 times, she also won the UWF Women's strap once. She was also the first woman to be named to PWI's Top 500 list. This was all accomplished BEFORE he time in WWF. She also helped to revive a dead WWF Women's Division.

Though she retired at 25, Taylor Wilde had a nice resume: TNA KOs champ once, Tag champs twice, one of them with a real underrated Ayako Hamada. Sadly, I feel she retired too soon, and the book is really incomplete.

That being the case, with her resume, Jackie Moore should be the winner.
I cant really put stock into being 14x champ of a lackluster division like the USWA had. The only other person of note around there was Luna & even she wasnt very good. Plus the whole revival of the WWE division thing really isnt helping either because again, largely crap. Ryan Shamrock, Terri Runnels, Hervina Wippleman, The Cat, Sable, Tori, etc. Besides Ivory & Luna, Jackie was really the only legit wrestler until Lita\Trish showed up & eventually became pretty damn good in the ring. Chyna was around for a bit of that, but she was just big & scary, not really worth a crap.

Looks like Taylor is still coming out on top for this one IMO.
Gonna vote Taylor Wilde, I think she's much more entertaining in the ring and even with a short career, she made the few years she did have memorable. Her feud with Daffney was one of my favorite Knockout feuds ever and I've never cared for Jackie.

Vote Taylor.
Rolling with Miss Texas for this matchup. I admit that I know very little about Taylor Wilde, so I'm slightly biased. While Jackie was a part of some embarrassing moments in WWF, but it didn't negate her talent and ability. Plus this chick was a scrapper. I was a fan when she was a valet in WCW; she looked tougher than Chyna and laid harder hits on dudes, IMO. Go with the experience and vote Jackie Moore.
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