Is Wrestlemania 27 the end for HHH?

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
There have been numerous reports of nagging injuries catching up to Triple H. Mainly due to his age. He has had a huge run as the top heel in WWE where he beat pretty much everyone. He's done the big legend run as a babyface and its no secret he has a backstage role waiting for him. Especially with Shane and Linda stepping away. So I ask you is Triple H ready to retire? Of course he will want one final match with Shawn Michaels at next years Wrestlemania. But could it be his final match as well? WWE has been doing a good job of building up the next crop of young superstars and by next year that phase could be complete. Sheamus in particular could take Trips spot. What do you think?
There is no question that Triple H is nearing retirement. He is still in good shape, hasn't slowed down in the ring and he is still very popular. He's done a hell of a lot in his career but is that really a reason to retire doing something he really loves. Sure, he has a huge backstage role awaiting him but is that really a good substitution for in ring competition? No. Triple H has a good few years in him yet.
No I don't think triple h will retire that soon he's only 40 which isn't that old but their are also reports that wwe wants to turn him heel again later this year. I believe triple h will retire in two to three years. I also believe he will cost hbk his match this year at mania.
I think we will be seeing HHH for years to come. He might lighten his in ring time and increase his back stage role but he still easily has 3-5 years left in him. By the time he retires he will probibly have more title runs then Flair, simply because he can and wants to cement his place in wrestling history. I do see him helping to get more up and coming stars over with the crowds along the way but baring a major career ending injury I think he will be around a while.
Ahhh 16mikeytot, I raised my eyebrow to your comment about HHH screwing Shawn. Now, depending upon how the matches are lined up on the card (i.e. HHH's match with Sheamus is 1st) I can see this happening. I always have loved HHH as a heel and believe his run as a face is getting a bit stale and since both DX is pretty much secondary and Randy Orton is obviously a tweener, it only makes sense to have HHH turn on Shawn, thus getting Shawn to "retire" come back and face HHH. But back to the thread topic...

I believe HHH has at least 5-6 good years left before he's done. He can't really afford to leave in 2 years unless WWE makes drastic changes to their roster that will support the loss the size of someone like HHH will cause. Sure he doesn't have any good feuds coming his way (I mean, he freakin retained the title at LAST year's Mania and now he's fighting Sheamus, but is that really HIS fault), but he's still argubly the best Raw has to offer behind Randy. So 5 years and he'll be done.
I really have my doubts that Triple H is retiring by Wrestlemania 27, but then again all can change, expect the unexpected blah blah blah.
But anyway, as CJ The Pirate said, he's in good shape and hasn't shown any sign of slowing down in the ring, he's not at his peak anymore thats for certain, but he's not in the shape of Shawn Michaels or Undertaker.
Yes certainly Triple H has some nagging injuries, but if it was anything severe that would cause him to retire over them, I have my doubts the rumors wouldn't be spreading already.
Sure he doesn't have any good feuds coming his way (I mean, he freakin retained the title at LAST year's Mania and now he's fighting Sheamus, but is that really HIS fault) So 5 years and he'll be done.

Well its pretty much accepted that HHH is the reason for Sheamus somewhat undeserved push, being his workout buddy and all, so yeah the feud is pretty much his fault :rolleyes: but i just wonder if HHH is gonna put over Sheamus at Mania and help build him into a position where he's big enough to take over the main event spot he leaves if he goes at Mania 27.
Theres talk of HHH having one last heel run, so putting over Sheamus at a few ppv's, then turning heel and maybe retiring next WM, he's helped build up Sheamus as a (sort of) replacement.
Ahhh 16mikeytot, I raised my eyebrow to your comment about HHH screwing Shawn. Now, depending upon how the matches are lined up on the card (i.e. HHH's match with Sheamus is 1st) I can see this happening. I always have loved HHH as a heel and believe his run as a face is getting a bit stale and since both DX is pretty much secondary and Randy Orton is obviously a tweener, it only makes sense to have HHH turn on Shawn, thus getting Shawn to "retire" come back and face HHH. But back to the thread topic...

I believe HHH has at least 5-6 good years left before he's done. He can't really afford to leave in 2 years unless WWE makes drastic changes to their roster that will support the loss the size of someone like HHH will cause. Sure he doesn't have any good feuds coming his way (I mean, he freakin retained the title at LAST year's Mania and now he's fighting Sheamus, but is that really HIS fault), but he's still argubly the best Raw has to offer behind Randy. So 5 years and he'll be done.

Who's fault is it that HHH went from a title match at Mania to wrestling Sheamus this year?... that would be HHH. Really it isn't a fault either, HHH is trying to create a superstar in Sheamus and giving him the chance. It is no secret HHH thinks highly off him and this is a good thing. HHH could be doing this for years to come now, building new superstars like he had done with Orton and Batista. Both who have wins over HHH at Wrestlemania.
WWE doesn't need to make drastic changes to the roster, they have plenty of main eventers problem is they have split them up and have two different world titles. Thus meaning feuds are done over and over, and each show look like they are lacking when as a whole they shouldn't be. Its simply a case of calling it a day on the roster split, cut the deadweight but thats a different matter altogether.
well first off let me say i like triple h but i think he is without a doubt the next ric flair he is juss a few titles wins away of beating ric flairs record, and the game is gunna be around for a long time to come cuz he is vince son in law and im sure he will be wrestling at least till mania 30 and after that he will make only ppv apprences
Triple h was a center of attention.A legend no doubt. But he started aging pretty badly since 2007 where he go his knee injury. He might retire soon, same with Undertaker and HBK, I love those guys but I don't see them wrestling for long after WrestleMania 27.
Well if Hunter Hearst Hemsley really love the buisness then he will be there a least 3-5 more years like some people said. But I don't want him to overstay in the WWE like ric flair does still wrestling occasionally. We all know that Hunter loves the buisness so I don't think he will retire until the injuries come more often and they start getting on his nerves.
I think Wrestlemania Triple X will be the end of the road for Triple H. I think he has plenty left in the tank and I think he is finally going to step aside and be like HBK. Help putting over some young talent and occasionally getting a title shot so the champ can look better. Maybe a reign or two, but I don't see many more for Trips.

However when the wrestling career is done for Trips, I see him taking either an on screen GM role or even a role as a heel manager of sorts.
Well, I can see HHH having a few good years in him left, but he now has a family and its still growing. He is not that old but those injuries for someone his age are nagging and worse than ever. I do see him going on a reduced schedule, maybe heading to Smackdown and being a top heel or face over there. It gives him a lighter load and less travel, but I would say he wont retire for another 5 years.
Well when i see Trips i think of the Dirtiest Player in the Game (ala Ric Flair). So until Trips beats Ric's title reigns he won't retire. I probably wouldn't take him that long either, but Trips is a somewhat present day Flair. So i think Trips won't retire until WM 30 maybe later but Wm30 would pretty awesome for trips
Hey guys! Triple H retiring at WM 27 seems highly unlikely in my opinion. The man has comeback from numerous injuries and obstacles in the past and for him to retire anytime soon would seem ludicrous. It's interesting from what some of you have wrote that Triple H may screw HBK at WM 26 during his match with Taker; I too believe it's a possibility this could happen.

It would make sense since HBK cost Triple H match after match, not to mention superkicking him out of the Royal Rumble and costing him the Unified Tag Titles. I feel we may see a HBK Vs Triple H match at WM 27 with Shawn's Career on the line. If anyone could retire HBK, it would certainly have to be Triple H; his good friend.

With that in mind, Triple H has plenty of time prior to his retirement to perform in many more high profile matches in the future.

Yours truly,
Sincere Voice of Wrestling
well first off let me say i like triple h but i think he is without a doubt the next ric flair he is juss a few titles wins away of beating ric flairs record, and the game is gunna be around for a long time to come cuz he is vince son in law and im sure he will be wrestling at least till mania 30 and after that he will make only ppv apprences

I agree with ya here,
BUT I don't see HHH going more further than WM32 or 33.Eventually he will pass Flair for total title reigns,
BUT with father time & nagging injuries....
ADD in the fact that Shane is no longer with the company,
I could see him taking over more of a leadership role behind the curtain as Vince gets older.
As long as he is able to perform at the level he is used to..He will keep going..
BUT NO ONE can stay at that level forever
Triple H isnt retiring. If you havent been paying attention he has atleast 4 more World titles to get over the next 5 years before he retires.

Triple H will beat Flairs record, it's what he's aiming for and the only reason he has 13 titles.

Triple H will be at WrestleMania 30

It's ridiculous to think he wouldnt and I wont be surprised if it's not HHH beating Flair's reign on the next big Mania, number 30 where he beats Cena & Edge or something in a Triple Threat

Also to say Sheamus will take his spot is just.. no.
Sheamus cant even acquire his own spot and is nowhere near over. There still is a difference between being a legit heel and not being believeable because that push he got was a joke and rushed.

Sheamus has a long way to go and it doesnt matter how much they force him on us because at the end of the day you'll eventually get sick of him if you arent already as he's got HHH behind him so hard. There are better young & new stars like Morrison, Kofi, Miz, MVP, Drew & others who have decent pushes.
I honestly don't see HHH retiring before 50. As crazy as that sounds yes he's injured and battling injuries BUT if he can get some time off, perhaps say an injury ANGLE, or something else he could recharge his battery and be ready to go. HHH, as stated by many others, loves the business. He has a major role in the company coming once he does hang up the laces/boots, but I don't see him retiring until he LITERALLY is carried away from the ring like he was when he tore his quad years ago. I don't see him leaving anytime soon also because as said, if he leaves who's going to take his spot? It would be bad for business for him to leave anytime in the next 3-5 years. A new star doesn't just emerge overnight and HHH's role isn't just a star....his role is MEGA star.

I see HHH over the next couple of years drifting away from the title scene for good and helping develop the next big superstar. Who knows...a reformation of "evolution" might even take place if HHH does in fact complete the heel turn. That way he can potentially take 2-3 maybe even 4 newer up and comers "under his wing" and guide them towards the main event spotlight (similar to the way Randy Orton grew under evolutions wing...although IMO he was destined for superstar status since he entered the business)

HHH moving away from the Main Event spotlight and producing newer talent would allow HHH to not only wrestle less, but also prolong his career and once he finally hangs everything up he'll be sure knowing that there are at least 3-4 new stars that he can rely on to continue on with helping to build the WWE up.

IMO HHH won't retire until he knows the business will be safe and prosper as he and Stephanie take over control of the company. After all, who wants to steer a ship that's sinking faster than the Titanic?
I think if Shawn Michaels loses at Wrestlemania and has to retire then HHH will fight Undertaker at the next Wrestlemania to try beating his streak. But if Shawn Michaels wins then they will have one last dance at the next wrestlemania. Either way though he wont wrestle too much during the year. I also think Undertaker doesnt have too long left in him so he is due for retirement soon and maybe Shawn will win and it will be too much for Taker and he will leave!!! Just my thoughts.
No Triple H won't retire at Mania27, simply because there is big matches for him, and I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to go out on an more rounded number aka 30 more historical reasons.

I wouldn't be surprised if Taker retired and then returns for one final match at that event to be honest with you.
First and foremost, Sheamus CANNOT take Triple H's spot. HHH has been one of the best, most consistent performers in WWF/E since 1997. This guy has put on classic matches with the Rock at Summerslam 98, Cactus Jack at the Royal Rumble 2000, Steve Austin at No Way Out 2001, and many, many more. When was the last time Sheamus put on that kind of match? Never. Sheamus is nowhere near the mic worker HHH is either. Sheamus is boring and says the same thing, week in and week out. A lot of guys seem to say the same thing week in and week out, but none less entertaining than Sheamus. He isn't close to HHH.

But I don't know, maybe 27 could be his last Mania. I mean, I guess it all depends on his health. The guy is 40, going on 41. He's not spring chicken, but he's not old either. He still looks like he is 30 years old in the ring, look at his match with Orton last Monday night. The guy is in great condition (doesn't even look roided up anymore), so unless he is feeling really unhealthy, I don't see a reason he should wrestle for another 4 or 5 years.

I just don't see him aging as badly as Hogan, Austin, or HBK have. He still looks really young, and still moves around well. I just don't see it happening unless he is in some really big-time pain. But if he is in as much pain as some of the articles have said, than yes, I might have to believe next year could be his last Mania. But I won't believe it until I hear it from him.
I expect HHH will more go the route of Taker/HBK and stop working a full schedule but not retire for a few more years at least. So he will be at the big 3 pay per views Mania, Rumble and Probably even Slam but other than that expect him to start taking those "injury" I got beat up so badly time offs
I think that he is bound to retire soon, the WWE is trying to create new superstars. They want their new superstars who are getting pushes, to have the spotlight. I don't think he will retire at Wrestlemania 27, although it could be as early as next year, I still him sticking around, just for a tiny bit more. The mchmahon family is about to retire, and that would leave a open position for authority, which Trips will take after, once they have said goodbye to the company for good. For the most part, he is still in great shape, but if he does get injuried again, that will be the end of the line for him.

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