Is Vince McMahon Killing the WWE?

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Vincent Kennedy McMahon..

It's no secret, soon enough VKM will step down and hand over the company he built to his daughter Stephanie and Son-in-law Triple H. But the real question is..

"Is Vince's ego purposely destroying when he created?"

..& no I don't mean bringing in a water downed nWo. I mean can his ego be big enough to where he has decided he will try and destroy the very thing he created and no one else.

There has been plently of talk in the backroom's of WWE events of how Vince changes his mind every second, making unpopular decision's and not letting anyone else in on his plans.

There has been buzz around the entire wrestling world about how bluntly the WWE (notably Vince) completely ignores the WWE universe and what they want and who they want to see.

This past year the two biggest things any fan of wrestling wanted to see happened..

Kane winning the World Heavyweight Championship..
Christian winning the World Heavyweight Championship..

It's what the people wanted, but were both completely destroyed and tore apart by Vince McMahon, because it wasn't what he wanted.

Go to any live event anywhere in the country or world..

John Cena boo'ed out of every event..
(But we already know the story behind that)

More Zack Ryder chants then all the other WWE superstars combined in one night..
(But yet the only reason we even get a view of him backstage is because Cena)

We watch the most predictable, worst endings to PPV matches and take it.

When's the last time someone was surprised by a PPV match? Wrestlemania 25? and we all knew Shawn Michaels would lose.

Vince McMahon seems to not want to give the WWE universe what they want anymore. He gives us what he wants. The worst en

I'm no million dollar company owner, but doesn't that seem wrong, doesn't that seem like Vince doesn't care about the product he puts out anymore.

People complain about how the Attitude wasn't as good as people say, but I disagree.

The Attitude era GAVE US FANS what and who we wanted to see.

We wanted Steve Austin, he became a star.
We wanted The Rock, he became a star.

No longer is the WWE like this.

And it makes me think that Vince cares less about his company because he knows in a few years it will no longer be his, and we know the issues between the McMahon family. It could be the reason Shane stepped down.

Now remember this is all just an opinionated post from a old school Wrestling fan, criticism is welcomed and enjoyed.

Is Vince McMahon's ego silently killing the company he created?
Vincent Kennedy McMahon..

It's no secret, soon enough VKM will step down and hand over the company he built to his daughter Stephanie and Son-in-law Triple H. But the real question is..

"Is Vince's ego purposely destroying when he created?"

I'm going to stop you right there. Is the WWE in any kind of financial trouble? No, okay, question answered. He's doing just fine.

..& no I don't mean bringing in a water downed nWo. I mean can his ego be big enough to where he has decided he will try and destroy the very thing he created and no one else.

This sounds like a storyline. In TNA.

There has been plently of talk in the backroom's of WWE events of how Vince changes his mind every second, making unpopular decision's and not letting anyone else in on his plans.

So what, nothing has changed?

There has been buzz around the entire wrestling world about how bluntly the WWE (notably Vince) completely ignores the WWE universe and what they want and who they want to see.

Internet marks =/= WWE Universe.

This past year the two biggest things any fan of wrestling wanted to see happened..

Kane winning the World Heavyweight Championship..
Christian winning the World Heavyweight Championship..

It's what the people wanted, but were both completely destroyed and tore apart by Vince McMahon, because it wasn't what he wanted.

Once again, IWC =/= All wrestling fans. Though I'm willing to bet that an awful lot of old school fans were happy that Kane got the strap, I doubt a fraction of them cared about Christian.

Go to any live event anywhere in the country or world..

John Cena boo'ed out of every event..
(But we already know the story behind that)

Yeah, the smart marks boo louder and longer than the kids (who eat up his merchandise and make him being the number one face the easiest decision to make in the world) cheer. We all know that.

More Zack Ryder chants then all the other WWE superstars combined in one night..
(But yet the only reason we even get a view of him backstage is because Cena)

No. I like Ryder, but this over selling of a jobber nonsense has got to stop. He's not that fucking popular, get over yourselves.

We watch the most predictable, worst endings to PPV matches and take it.

When's the last time someone was surprised by a PPV match? Wrestlemania 25? and we all knew Shawn Michaels would lose.

What? Christian won the WHC a couple months ago, Kane cashed in Mitb last year, Miz likewise. You're even contradicting yourself now.

Vince McMahon seems to not want to give the WWE universe what they want anymore. He gives us what he wants. The worst en

John Cena and Randy Orton, the 2 most over guys on the roster, are the World Champs. You're wrong.

I'm no million dollar company owner, but doesn't that seem wrong, doesn't that seem like Vince doesn't care about the product he puts out anymore.

:lmao::lmao: That explains the obsessive nature he's been displaying right?

People complain about how the Attitude wasn't as good as people say, but I disagree.

No, most will concede that the Attitude Era was better. But it's not as bad as you people pretend it is now.

The Attitude era GAVE US FANS what and who we wanted to see.

We wanted Steve Austin, he became a star.
We wanted The Rock, he became a star.

No longer is the WWE like this.

Randy Orton. Once again, you're wrong.

And it makes me think that Vince cares less about his company because he knows in a few years it will no longer be his, and we know the issues between the McMahon family. It could be the reason Shane stepped down.

Now remember this is all just an opinionated post from a old school Wrestling fan, criticism is welcomed and enjoyed.

Is Vince McMahon's ego silently killing the company he created?

No. This whole thing was just absurd and you should feel bad about posting it. He doesn't always make the best decisions, but his company is going strong and the programming has been exceptionally good under him this year.
They are not in financial trouble, but if you keep up with their quarterly earnings you will see their business is in a downfall. The thing is when you were a billion dollar company it takes a while to fall when you are the only major company on the planet. When WCW fell the wrestling audience had another company to turn to. TNA isn't main stream yet so when fans stop tuning in they just don't watch wrestling.

Stocks, PPV buys, attendance, and ratings are all trending down. I am not saying he is killing his company, but they are not where they should be and it is not getting better.
If wrestling fans always go who they wanted to be champion, there would be nothing worth watching in wrestling. Giving Christian a longer world title run would not influence sales at all. UFC is hurting WWE more than anything these past couple years.

Cena getting boo'd out of every arena? no, he gets boo'd here or there, but people like to boo faces, look at Orton, now that Orton is a huge deal and not an obscure IWC darling, he's receiving boos as a face.

Attitude champions were inevitable, you can't tell me SCSA would of never held a title based purely on "Vince's ego" it was damn near inevitable that him, and the Rock were going to hold World titles at some point.

You seem to confuse what people want, what the internet wants, what you want. Most people off the internet forgot who Zack Ryder was, hell half the people joining the internet bubble known as Ryder can't remember The Edgeheads.

Predictable, is a funny thing, stop trying to predict everything and the product is 20x more entertaining. You're killing wrestling for yourself. I'll let you in a little secret, Wrestling has always been predictable, and it's part of the mainstay. Wrestling is smoke and mirrors, and it's target audience for deception are young kids. The attitude era entertained an older audience, but the illusions were still targetting teenagers, many of which thought that it was real. Watch some Attitude era matches, and tell me you can't tell something like when Undertaker challenges someone to Buried Alive... its a pretty sure bet that UT is losing that match. The more you try and predict the wrestling, the less enjoyable it is. Of course, it's much easier to predict wrestling matches afterwards.

As a side note, the stock's been bouncing around for the last few years, not a downward spiral or anything cataclysmic. 2006.... that was end of the world type numbers.
They are not in financial trouble, but if you keep up with their quarterly earnings you will see their business is in a downfall. The thing is when you were a billion dollar company it takes a while to fall when you are the only major company on the planet. When WCW fell the wrestling audience had another company to turn to. TNA isn't main stream yet so when fans stop tuning in they just don't watch wrestling.

I fucking hate when people say TNA isn't mainstream... It gets over a million viewers every week... that's pretty damn mainstream to me and it's a third of WWE's normal audience. Again, that's pretty mainstream. Those "Did you know" facts on Raw are always utter garbage and if you'd pay attention to ratings, you'd see that WWE and TNA aren't that far apart from each other.

As far as this main topic goes, Nate pretty much covered it. People in the IWC constantly complain about things that aren't relevant and try so much to make it seem like their needs are the majority's needs. Personally, I'm fucking ecstatic that Christian didn't win the title. That guy is fucking boring. The past month of Smackdown has been all Sheamus and Cody Rhodes. What anybody has ever seen in a potential main event Christian is beyond me. The guy's fucking terrible and is showing just why he's been Edge's afterthought for 13 years.

And then you complain about Cena winning? Ok, so I take it you're in creative writing now... and since you are, allow me to ask you one thing... where the hell did you learn to book your shows from? You mean to tell me that after nearly two months of R-Truth looking as dominant as can be, you want to see R-Truth win the title? Whatever happened to the baby face comeback? Whatever happened to wanting to see a heel get his well deserved ass beating?
This is, quite simply, ridiculous. WWE is a highly profitable company. Too many fans are hung up on ratings/buy rates. Raw's rating are fine, and Wrestlemania had 1,000,000+ buys.

I might agree that Vince is out of touch with today's fanbase, but to even consider him ruining his own company, the very company that'll ensure his family's future livelihood, on purpose, is D-U-M-B.
You are actually an idiot. Get your head out of the attidude era's ass, seriously.

Of course he isn't destroying his product. Leading off from what Nate said, if Vince wanted to destroy it, he'd bankrupt it.

Now, if you're talking from a creative point of view, I can see where you're coming from. But you're still wrong. Once more, the IWC is a fraction of wrestlings audience, and just because we occasionally make some noise about something doesn't mean we should be listened to. Sorry, but it's the truth. Now, if 20,000 fans walked out of Raw one evening and held a protest about something, I'm damn confident WWE would do soemthing about it, because it affects their money & ticket sales. Does us bitching and whining affect anything? Maybe a few of us stop watching, but seriously? No.

And as far as Christian and Kane's WHC reigns go, they weren't just because fans wanted them as champs. now I'm no WWE insider, but I'd put money on kane's WHC win being down to how long he's been with the company. In my mind, it's the WWE's way of saying 'You've been loyal to us. you've done what we've asked of you, and you're a model employee. You deserve a shot, well done.' Not only that, but he was a viable heel on Smackdown, and he helped turn Edge properly face (after his not so well done face turn at the Royal Rumble). Christians I woulod say is sort of similar, only throw in the factor of Edge's retirement & the sentimental factor, and that Smackdown needed a new heel. You can say what you like about McMahon not liking him, but Christian can play a good heel.

In short, your argument of 'Vince's ego purposely destroying what he created' is about as accurate as me saying God is trying to set Neptune on fire. Lol. you actually make me laugh out loud.
i dont think hes trying to destroy his own creation thats just silly but i do think vince isnt giving most of the internet and older fans what they want cause it makes more sense to carry on catering to a younger audience as hes obviously making more then enough money and it doesnt get all the complaints and trouble that an attitude era brings along with it id like to see a new attitude era as much as everyone else but what vince is doing now just makes more sense
This thread is literally ******ed. This is stupider than the "Zack Ryder = Eddie Guerrero?" and that takes one really obnoxious and ignorant poster to out-do something as abusrd as that.

Vince McMahon built the company. You don't have to agree with the decisions they make when it comes to who wins what, what storylines are produced or who gets a push(Shout out to the Ryder marks!) Because at the end of the day, you know who did agree with the ending to say, Cena and R-Truth? The kids, and that's WWE's main demographic. Parents who brings these kids to see the guy perform.

When are some of you going to learn, that the WWE doesn't give two fucks about anybody who watched the programming during the Attitude Era in the long run anymore! They've expanded on that ten-fold. They trade on the stock market, they have a film company, they have campaigns and promotional events for good causes. They have adjusted their image and programming to suit that, they are a business, and what do a business do? They aim to make a profit.

If you dislike the product - please, shut the fuck up and watch TNA. On TNA you get the opposite of the WWE, hence why TNA has fans also. If not that, watch Ring Of Honor if you want awesome wrestling, watch PWG if you want comedic shit, watch Dragon Gate if you want something international.

But stop moaning about the WWE's product and decisions when you aren't being forced to watch for one, and two you aren't who they're trying to please. Unless you're a fucking six year old kid, your opinion doesn't mean much to the WWE, Vince McMahon or other figures, in the long run.

It isn't that hard to add two and two together. WWE + PG = Kids. Welcome to rational thinking, I hope you enjoy.
If I see another thread like this I swear i'm gunna scream. No, Vince is definitely not killing the WWE. For God's sake, the attitude era is OVER!!!! The wwe is pg, which means the target audience is kids. Who do kids today love? Cena. Am I the biggest Cena Fan in the world? Of course not but at the same time I realize Cena is good for business. And what is all the hype about Zack Ryder all of a sudden? He makes some youtube videos and all of a sudden he's the future of wrestling? Hardly. He's entertaining but there are plenty of other guys deserving of a push to main event status such as Kofi, Ziggler, Barrett and even Swagger. And if wwe pushes Ryder it's only a matter of time before some of you start complaining because wwe isn't "pushing" him right. You wanted Cena to be pushed, now he's boring and he sucks and I see at least 50 threads a day on him. (We get it, you don't like Cena and you think he sucks, get over it.) You wanted Miz to be pushed and he did, now I see threads complaining about him. Ryder gets pushed and before too long it'll be wwe "dropped the ball" on him. Newsflash, just because you think someone should be pushed doesn't mean it's going to happen. I think Kofi should be pushed, I think Evan Bourne should be pushed, and I definitely think Drew Mcintyre should be pushed but does that mean it's going to happen? Of course not and i realize that. My point is this, there is really just no pleasing the IWC because no matter who gets pushed it's never going to be good enough. The IWC is irrelevant, it doesn't matter what we want or who we feel should get pushed. Face it, Ryder may never get pushed and he is definitely NOT the future of wrestling, WWE is pg now, and the attitude era is over. If you think it's so bad just don't watch it, it's that simple.
I fucking hate when people say TNA isn't mainstream... It gets over a million viewers every week... that's pretty damn mainstream to me and it's a third of WWE's normal audience. Again, that's pretty mainstream. Those "Did you know" facts on Raw are always utter garbage and if you'd pay attention to ratings, you'd see that WWE and TNA aren't that far apart from each other.

As far as this main topic goes, Nate pretty much covered it. People in the IWC constantly complain about things that aren't relevant and try so much to make it seem like their needs are the majority's needs. Personally, I'm fucking ecstatic that Christian didn't win the title. That guy is fucking boring. The past month of Smackdown has been all Sheamus and Cody Rhodes. What anybody has ever seen in a potential main event Christian is beyond me. The guy's fucking terrible and is showing just why he's been Edge's afterthought for 13 years.

And then you complain about Cena winning? Ok, so I take it you're in creative writing now... and since you are, allow me to ask you one thing... where the hell did you learn to book your shows from? You mean to tell me that after nearly two months of R-Truth looking as dominant as can be, you want to see R-Truth win the title? Whatever happened to the baby face comeback? Whatever happened to wanting to see a heel get his well deserved ass beating?

Yes Impact gets a similar rating to the lowest of WWE's 3 shows, til this year
meanwhile Raw and Smackdown are steady. Wrestling in general gets low ratings period, it's not as popular anymore, doesn't matter what WWE does or TNA does it's not gonna get huge audiences again anytime soon.

and its taken them 9yrs to increase there buy rates by a few 1000 people. and still have the same maybe 500 people tops every week in the impact zone watching the show for free. and PPV's get a comparitive rating to impact. Yup that's mainstream. TNA is as over as it's gonna get til they get there heads out of there asses and take some tips from VKM.

Now saying that i partially agree with the OP, in that VKM has seemingly given up on trying to please people and is just content with keeping the overall fanbase stagnant and the main reason is he's damned if he does damned if he doesn't. If he does everything "you" want it's too predictable, if he doesn't people bitch and moan that it's not what they wanted to happen. and "we" as IWC are a minute portion of the audience. Just cause someone sais this is what they should do doesn't mean "we" know anything about what it takes or what is feasable or what really happens behind the scenes.

Meanwhile the kids just go to see there stars, buy merchandise and don't complain, like most of us use to do til the end of the attitude era, up until the past year when things have turned up a notch. and why has that happened? because Triple H is in charge backstage as is Stephanie and Vince just has final say as opposed to him having total control.

I can't stand him and think he's full of shit, but Eric Bischoff pretty much summed it up in the interviews that are hosted on this site.

Final wordt (given i'm WWE through and through) while WWE maybe have a much more global fanbase a much wider portfolio as is expanding the company into every other area of entertainment and content acquisition, it's core product (ie sports entertainment) is not anywhere near as entertaining as it has been in the past. But it certainly is not on a death spiral by any means.
I think that technically the WWE is un-killable but he is definately trying whether intentional or not

He could seriously have John Cena retain the damn title till WM Vs. Rock as planned and I bet the ratings will all still be ok

(Ratings are the dumbest shit ever if you read up on how they are determined to put it breifly they have like 1,000 homes in the country that monitor what they watch and then they just take that % multiply it to match the total # of people in the country and then act like thats the real numbers. In reality there could be far less or far more people watching RAW/SD every week than they claim)

I absolutley agree that he is just giving us what HE wants. We the people (Generally speaking) want the likes of Zack Ryder , Wade Barrett , Daniel Bryan , Etc.... not to have Cena & Orton shoved down our throats for the 10th year straight

Oh sure they (The other people) (Very casual fans) like Cena/Orton overuse but they like ANYONE that gets shoved down their throats because they don't think about it much. You could have Khali & Santino in Cena/Ortons spots and I think those fans would still eat it up.......

I mean , if it were up to me right now Zack Ryder would be WWE champion (Or at least US champion)(If Miz can do it then by all means so can Zack Ryder) and Wade Barret would be the WHC. John Cena & Randy Orton would be on a vacation/part time basis like HHH/Taker are and not being shoved down our throats so hard. When Cena/Orton did wrestle they would simply & mostly do non-title things just like Taker mostly does

Ughh..... based on what happened at the PPV last night I just totally say he is totally screwing up at the show itself by doing the most stupid pointless and predictable shit ever.... but I will say again that the WWE is pretty much UN-killable technically cause they make so much off of commercials/Cena T shirts/Toys/Video games that theres no way to stop the WWE but yes the quality of the show has been sucking as of late

I remember a small era of staleness and despair occured in the mid 2000's as well and I was SO HAPPY when Nexus debuted and Miz became world champion but it looks like they have turned around and flushed all that shit back down a fucking toilet so to speak

Yes, completely agree with the OP. Vince is injecting a lethal dose of poison, a cancer if you will into the WWF, I mean WWE. He created it, so he can KILL IT.

Ok, now for the serious part, Vince is a little out of touch, but whatever he does, will please some and anger others. Sure, he's lost viewers going from Attitude to PG but he had to, thats another debate though.

Fact is, Christian lost the title a few days later, everybody cried and whinged and moaned (I cried, whinged and moaned when that average Joe got the title) but are these people still watching the product? 99.5% probably are.
Original poster. I have read your thoughts, given consideration to your ideas in spite of the fact that they are, to say, non-traditional, and I would like to state for the record that this is quite possibly the dumbest single post I have read in my time on these boards. It combines several areas of stupidity; a storyline that would only make sense on a television drama, featuring people who play characters on a television drama, with a claim that you understand the people who play those characters based on what you've seen on television or read on the internet. This is dumber than any pure mark's post, because this was at least written where the author thought he had reached a certain level of understanding.

Everyone who read this post should go get a CAT scan, because you very likely may now have a brain tumor. We are all dumber for having read this.
I fucking hate when people say TNA isn't mainstream... It gets over a million viewers every week..

Ok there are U.S. 311,593,179 and World 6,926,020,313 when it comes to population so TNA gets 1 million viewers. That is 0.003 % of the united states population and miniscule compared to world wide population.

Of that percentage you have what bishoff calls the ten percentors who is the IWC. So the IWC TNA fans are .0003 percent of the population do you really think even TNA cares about that miniscule amount of fans do you think Vince really does they dont cause we arent buying the merch
Jesus Christ, do these reponses the threads get any stupider?
One, the company is publicly traded, so if the gates go down, it really doesn't matter to Vince. The WWE name is still marketable, and brings in money. But then again, a year ago, Brett Favre = money, and we all saw how that turned out.

Vince doesn't have to rely simply on gate anymore, so why would he care if the gates went down. As long as the seats look filled on Raw, he won't care. Once bad gates affect the WWE stock prices, then he'll care.

Cena=boring. Why not give R-Truth a brief run with the title? Let Cena look a little human for once. In the past, they way they book XCena has buried both Big Show and Khali. Let Cena chase the title. Listen, Ray Charles, Hellen Keller and Stevie Wonder can all see the super human booking of Cena is why smart fans have turned on the guy. And imagine the promos R-Truth can give while holding the title.

Santino was simply jobber material, but in a small way, there was a connection with the fans based on some of the stuff he did promo wise. Tat is why Santino gets the pop he does today. The same is starting to happen for Ryder right now with his net show. So I don't want to hear that its simply the IWC population (Which by visiting this site, you are somewhat apart of, whereas I visit these sites form amusement, and to see how many marks there out there.

Anyone who says that Orton and Cena are completely over should be banned from ever posting again because they are the walking brain dead. Cena is over with the tween crowd, that's it. As for Orton, yes, orton is over with the crowd better than Cena. However, Orton is limited as far as he speaking skills are concerned, and his monotone delivery bores fans.

Vince needs competition, bottom line. Until someone comes along on Monday Nights, and gives Vince serious competion, the WWE will continue to run on autopilot, which is how I see the company right now. But to all those saying that the company shouldn't give Christian or R-Truth the title. Think of the renewed interest it gave the company when Christian won the belt last month. People actually talked with excitement about the WWE. Ditto the attitude era when Mick Foley won the belt. You need to from time to time, shock the crowd, and give these guys a token title run.

But then again, we are talking about paint by the number WWE, the company that books Raw the same way each and every week (By structure, not matches). And until someone comes along on Monday nights, don't expect it to change.
To preface my opinion on the thread topic, I have to say that I disagree with much of the way WWE has handled itself, its talent, and its storylines in recent years. I understand that WWE is trying to be a mainstream company and rid itself of the negative stigma pro-wrestling has. All the while, they have continuously attempted to distance themselves from the product that put the company on the map. Football leagues, film studios, and non-theme music albums have all been used (with varying degrees of, but not overwhelming, success) to get folks to see WWE as something, anything other than a pro-wrestling company.

However, this does not equate to Vince McMahon wanting to purposely kill what he created decades ago. In fact, one could say that today's WWE is the foundation and springboard platform for the vision that McMahon has always had. Particularly nowadays, Vince McMahon is much more an entertainment promoter than a wrestling promoter, even though he runs the most overall successful wrestling company in the world. Strange huh?

Nevertheless, McMahons goal is not to destroy the WWE before he retires. That would be silly as the programming, and particularly the revenue generated from live events, PPV and merchandise sales, is the catalyst for all the visions McMahon has that are so far only partially fulfilled at best. McMahon wants to make successful movies. He wants to own and operate a legitimate sports team. He wants to produce mainstream music. He wants to be a media mogul, a multimedia dynamo, and the king of a multi-faceted entertainment empire. His successes in "wrestling" has helped, and will continue to help him, reach those goals that have gone mostly unfulfilled.

Whether he is active head of Titan Towers or Trips and Steph are running the show, McMahons long-term goals have not and will not change. Vince is a businessman first and foremost, and there is absolutely no way he's going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs... especially if those eggs can be "cashed in" as the down payment for all the other ventures that McMahon wants to achieve overwhelming success in.
This past year the two biggest things any fan of wrestling wanted to see happened..

Kane winning the World Heavyweight Championship..
Christian winning the World Heavyweight Championship..

My biggest problem with your post is that you seem to take the words "What I want to see" and substitute the words "What everyone wants to see."

Don't presume that everyone wants what you want. You make your points pretty well, but I don't know where you're getting your "facts."

As for Vince McMahon, everything I've read in the past few years suggests he might be in the game too long. Clinically speaking, a man his age shouldn't engage in rage as much as its reported he does. When someone has been doing a job as long as Vince has, he has a tendency to try to change things that don't need changing...... and refusing to listen to calls for needed change because his ego tells him he has his finger on the pulse of the wrestling business and is incapable of making errors in judgment. As in the case of the last President Bush, it was said by former aides that his advisors weren't allowed to tell him anything he didn't want to hear. Great, huh?

But that might be the case with McMahon. I keep thinking back to Vince screaming in Mick Foley's earphones as the guy was trying to do color analysis of live matches, as if doing something like that is going to improve the production. What the hell was he so mad about, anyway?

So yes, I can agree that Vince's time is past and Paul Levesque and Stephanie would be a breath of fresh air in running WWE.

My only objection to the original post is the author's contention of what "everyone" wants. You don't really know, and neither do I.
Simple Answer No

More Detail Answer

WWE is a Buisness and the point of a buisness is to turn a profit which is what WWE is doing . Times have changed and WWE Have changed with them , The Customer is not the same as it was in the lates 90s or early 00s.

The money now is either withe the Adults with kids or 60+. So WWE has made there product kid friendly and as long as WWE are makeing a good profit it will stay that way belive me if WWE was in trouble Vince would have no problem going back to TV 14 , Not only that but WWE has share holders and if for any reason they thought WWE was heading for the bin noise would be made

If you like it or not the customer is not always right. Look at that 3 letter company they try to please the customer and people still shit on them

If you listen to IwantWrestling podcast from former writers they all say that VKM is bored, not just by wrestling but he seems like a man who is generally bored. Whereas he had to fight to survive during Monday Night Wars, he has had nothing to do for over a decade now, he purposly allows drama in the locker room and push peoples buttons for his own entertainment.

Wrestling has since 2001 been his own toy, it is a mess, i dont think he is doing it on purpose i think he is just someone who has always had an idea, a battle, whether it be other promotions in the 80's, the steroid scandals, WCW/Bischoff but since 2001 he has had nothing to really fight or nobody to beat or impress.

The product has suffered, the ratings have suffered. Vince needs to fight to be good, but owning the american pro wrestling since WCW and ECW folded has made him meak and bored.
Well, to me, he's killed it, FOR ME

But thats only a bias and opinionated observation. I haven't found WWE interesting in a very long time, and to be honest, I don't think I will again.

Its not Vince's fault, as its not his responisibility to entertain me, solely, but the masses, and I myself just don't like whats been going on in WWE for a while now. Its just repetitive, and boring, and thats no knock to the performers, Im not a 80's/90s elitist, I just can't get into it anymore, and have moved on to different things to do on Monday/Friday nights.

The Ryder thing is obnoxious, but not a deal breaker, NO Eddie Guerreo, no one can be. I don't see the big deal with him, never did, Ryder is kinda, MILDLY funny in his youtube stuff, and watchable in his matches.

I say, Vince will never intentional destroy his creation, just some people don't find it as entertaining as they once did, myself included.
If numbers are any indication - yes he is killing the WWE. PPV buys are down, ratings are the same if not lower, SmackDown's ratings are lower than previous years, they just hit their second lowest PPV buy-rate I believe.

Pushing "young talent" doesn't seem to do squat for them. They gave mini pushes and mega pushes to a number of guys and none of them proved to be worthy for the Main Event except for maybe The Miz. The talent they push doesn't get the audience invested in the product long term, it doesn't work, therefore the youth movement is a fail.

And it's not like wrestling will turn it around for the WWE. The wrestling on the show is decent. Nothing spectacular and some pretty horrible matches. Either way, it's acceptable. Can it be better? Yes. Will it be better? No. WWE's atttitude towards the term wrestling and the sanctity of a WRESTLING match is horrible. They don't like it. When's the last time you saw a TRUE, legendary, classic wrestling match that you'll remember for years and years that didn't involve HBK?

WWE fans and management alike might be happy with what they've got going on. Hey, at least it's not a 1.0 rating, right? Right. But how long until WWE keeps dying more and more each year? It's fine now, but what about long term? Does the WWE promise anything? I think not. The talent is anything but good with a few exceptions. It's not a roster you can count on.

Plus, WWE's idiotic train of thought when it comes to what pro wrestling should be is one of the prime reasons why the company is in distress. Overscripted promos. I understand what the idea is and what it's meant to accomplish, but get a clue - it doesn't work. The promos lack emotion, passion and credibility. There's no WAY I can get emotionally invested in someone who doesn't speak from the heart but is reciting what some dumbass Hollywood writer who doesn't know shit about wrestling WROTE for him.

Wrestlers are told how to walk, how to talk, which camera to look at, how to express their emotions. Again, I understand that Vince wants this to be fucking Hollywood in a wrestling ring, but ONCE again it won't work, it hasn't worked, it will never, ever work. Wrestlers are artists in many ways. Musicians if you will. You can tell Jimmi Hendrix to come up with a solo that starts off slow and then gets faster and more rock-like. Jimmi will do it and it's going to be awesome because he used his own creativity, you just gave him pointers. But if you tell Jimmi Hendrix EXACTLY which chords he should play, HOW he should play them, in what order, what's the rhytm of the song, the name, the melody, everything about it - fine, Hendrix will play it, but it won't be a HENDRIX song, it won't have a touch of "Hendrix" in it, it'll have a touch of you in it and you're not Hendrix. Get my point?

At the same time you have WWE writers and management figures complaining that Vince is too picky. They're exhausted, burned out, they're not given any freedom with their creativity, just like the wrestlers, because Vince is throwing their ideas back in their faces, and what do we end up with? Mascots, Hornswoggle, Laptop GM storylines that WWE's stupid creative team can't even finish, boring, basic, plain storylines that never revolve around a conflict that matters and can get people excited.

The company isn't going anywhere. There are no special, memorable moments anymore. No more great matches, no more great storylines. Nothing.

I can go on and on and on and on with the WWE for days, weeks and months. In the end, WWE is doing so many things wrong. Yes, a lot of people watch it, yes, a lot of people like it, but I feel that it's out of habit, not because they're TRULY excited to see where the company will go next, where a certain character would go or how a storyline unfolds.

WWE is circling the drain, slowly but surely, and it's not the wrestlers' fault, it's not the writers' fault, it's McMahon's fault. McMahon lost his touch. He doesn't know what's good or not anymore, he doesn't even know what HE wants 99% of the time. He lost the passion and the will to produce a quality wrestling product, but he won't let go of that Chairman position until the day he kicks the bucket. It's a sad thing to see the WWE turn into ... this.

But what do I know? I'm a TNA mark. We have no say in this, right? Right ...
The WWE is not being killed. Things are in a funk right now but once Vince steps down things will get better.

I agree 100% with the person who posted that Vince is bored. Vince is at his best when facing adversity. When he first started taking over the territories and when WCW took off are two examples. Now he has no competition. With TNA doing the exact same thing that WWE is doing their will be no competition for a long time.

The roster is fine but how they're using them is not. It's extremely hard to get over when you are treated like a King for a month and jobbed out the next six. They have a lot of talent but they are not letting the talent shine.

Once Vince steps away and Triple H and Steph take over things will get better. They will get rid of the 80's mentality that Vince is stuck in.
Yes, I think you're on to something here. I mean ever since Wrestlemania pulled in over a million buys, I've been thinking the exact same thing. Let's break it down, here are just some of the things McMahon has been doing to kill the business he is currently profiting off:

-Bringing The Rock back. I mean seriously McMahon, can you have just a little respect for the viewers?

-Tough Enough. This was obviously an attempt to cripple the WWE.

-Making WWE’s most popular wrestlers champions. This right here is probably the best indicator of Vince’s WWE death wish. I mean, so what if John Cena and Randy Orton draw more fans than any other wrestler? Doesn’t he know that the IWC’s current flavour of the month is Zack Ryder? He has to realise that the IWC is important; just look at the whole Daniel Bryan debacle. How many fans has WWE lost because Bryan isn’t main eventing? God, Vince.

-Making things so predictable. The Rock returning, Christian, Kane, and The Miz as World Champions, Nexus’s run…pfft, saw all that from a mile away.

-You’re stupid.
ok maybe this is a stupid thought on my part and feel more than free to bash and degrade me and bust on me but here is my thought.

Could the whole downtrend be that many in society think that wrestling is stupid? That Wrestling is looked at in a negative light and I am not just talking about the media I am talking every day people.

I know in my area even tho the E is located in CT that the majority of people make fun of people wearing wrestling shirts and especially if they walk around with a fake replica belt on. I have seen people go up to guys wearing wrestling t-shirts and go hey you know its fake right?

The IWC is trying to blame anyone and everyone but what I see more of is that in todays society unlike the 80's and 90's is uncool and consider most "wrestling fans dorks who like in mom's basement and cant get laid" That was actually a comment a guy in Walmart in Danbury made to a 30 something guy wearing a SCSA shirt and his buddy in an Undertaker shirt.

Just something to consider why ratings are down as well as PPV buys then again maybe I am wrong.
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