Is TNA the future of wrestling?

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How can we marry the WWE? Are you stupid? Do you have a disease? WWE is a company not a person you stupidass
If you read oh I forget you can't I said if it was a girl or guy whatever you like! Read next time before writing!
TNA is the future....You cant escape it....You can't handle it....It has old WCW and WWE rejects but they do have talent of their own...They put up a better show than ECW in 1 hour and if they were on at the same day same time i would rather watch tna...
TNA can not beat lasts ECW main Event with The Undertaker and The Big Show.Every match with The Undertaker is Great.
wrestlingtaker said:
TNA can not beat lasts ECW main Event with The Undertaker and The Big Show.Every match with The Undertaker is Great.

What about every other WWECW show? TNA kicks WWECW's ass when it come's to putting on a better show!
They are not better than Ric Flair vs The Big Show. Or the Taker match. Dude just accept that the WWE is better than tna.
Having the undertaker on ECW is a joke. Taker, Flair, Big Show, Test, none of these guys are ECW guys and having them highlight a show that was meant for something else is ridiculous. TNA has the best wrestling and the best new talent(X-Division) in the business. Tna is growing and its not going anywhere, especially since Vince keeps shooting himself in the foot with stupid story lines, Diva searches and skits that take up a hour and a half of a two hour show. At least I know I'll see wrestling when I watch TNA.
The Undertaker in any show isnt ridiculous. You tna marks are just jealous you dont have him.
wrestlingtaker said:
The Undertaker in any show isnt ridiculous. You tna marks are just jealous you dont have him.

Oh were TNA marks. Look at you always defending WWE everywhere! You are a WWE mark! At least we watch the WWE so were not 100% TNA marks were all just saying that you WWE marks should give TNA a fair chance!
So at least I like a company thats not filled with rejects like "tna"
wrestlingtaker said:
You tna marks are just jealous you dont have him.

WE DON'T WANT HIM!!! We already have a 7 foot goof who can't wrestle worth a shit taking up valuble air time and his name is Kevin Nash! He doesn't belong in TNA or on ECW. If Vince wants to hype up SD guys then let him do it on SD. I watch ECW to see Dreamer, Sandman, Tajiri, Justin C, The FBI, Roadkill, etc and I watch TNA when I want to see real wrestling, not a soap opera.
wrestlingtaker said:
So at least I like a company thats not filled with rejects like "tna"

TNA has rejects right! Well I don't remember AJ Styles ever in WWE, what about Sting, Christopher Daniels, Chris Sabin, Samoa Joe, Senshi and alot more!
Well all those wannabes are ******s and the rest are rejects
Tna Is Way Better Then Wwe Ok Do You Got A Problem With That And If You Not Down With That I Got Two Words For You "suck It"
wrestlingtaker said:
Well all those wannabes are ******s and the rest are rejects

It is kind of obvious that this guy is either

a) under 14 years old
b) on drugs
c) a John Cena fan
d) all of the above

I used to watch WWE religiously, but they turned me off badly after this past year. Raw is the same thing week in and week out. They give the title to my all time fave wrestler (Rey Mysterio) and then run him into the ground. Not to mention the fact that he is limited to like, 5 moves every match, and its just like everyone else...same thing over and over and over and over.

I can't say WWE doesn't have talent, they do. They just don't use it. Undertaker was great back in the day, and can still pull a solid match against some of the better guys (his and Angles match from No Way Out and the following Smackdown), but he has NO place in ECW.

I mean, they have guys like Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Sabu, RVD, Angle, Kenny, Michaels, HHH, Cash, so many people who have so much talent....BUT THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO USE IT!!! Its kind of ridiculous.

After seeing Big Show come out and challenge Ric Flair for the ECW championship, I had to turn away from WWE. I just read the results, and if a good match happens, I find it online and watch it. Other than that, I just watch TNA now.

Face it, WWE is catering to the big money making crowd right now. People who want to see stories and hot chicks and muscled up guys doing the same crap every week. It makes money, but it turns away fans of actual wrestling.

Yeah, TNA does have some of the older guys in there, but these guys are still drawing crowds. Look at WWE, they still use Hogan and Flair for gods sake. I could stand TNA more if it wasn't for Nash and Steiner...take them two out, and you got a great roster. Great wrestling, ACTUAL wrestling, and its just great tv.

my .02
mystyk said:
WE DON'T WANT HIM!!! We already have a 7 foot goof who can't wrestle worth a shit taking up valuble air time and his name is Kevin Nash! He doesn't belong in TNA or on ECW. If Vince wants to hype up SD guys then let him do it on SD. I watch ECW to see Dreamer, Sandman, Tajiri, Justin C, The FBI, Roadkill, etc and I watch TNA when I want to see real wrestling, not a soap opera.

For your information hes not 7ft tall and Taker CAN wrestle unlike all you TNA marks except xtripleHHHx(Hes Cool) .Everybody wants The Undertaker to be on their roster even "tna",but hes too good for that.
ninahead13 said:
Tna Is Way Better Then Wwe Ok Do You Got A Problem With That And If You Not Down With That I Got Two Words For You "suck It"

dude.............tna sucks
Taker doesn't have half the in ring ability as Styles, Daniels, Joe and the other X-Division guys. Those guys (along with ROH) are some of the most innovative wrestlers anywhere. Taker has had the same gimmick for years and doesn't bring anything new to the table. Thats why his and every other match in WWE is so painfully boring and predictable. I can count on seeing something new everytime out with TNA. I can't say the same thing about anyone in WWE including Taker.
All of The Undertakers matches are freakin Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and his gimmick too although I like the Badass gimmick more.
RVDblazeguy said:
dude.............tna sucks

Finally someone who knows the truth. RVDBLAZEGUY these tna marks are idiots except xTRIPLEHHHx(Hes Cool)
sevastra said:
It is kind of obvious that this guy is either

a) under 14 years old
b) on drugs
c) a John Cena fan
d) all of the above

I used to watch WWE religiously, but they turned me off badly after this past year. Raw is the same thing week in and week out. They give the title to my all time fave wrestler (Rey Mysterio) and then run him into the ground. Not to mention the fact that he is limited to like, 5 moves every match, and its just like everyone else...same thing over and over and over and over.

I can't say WWE doesn't have talent, they do. They just don't use it. Undertaker was great back in the day, and can still pull a solid match against some of the better guys (his and Angles match from No Way Out and the following Smackdown), but he has NO place in ECW.

I mean, they have guys like Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Sabu, RVD, Angle, Kenny, Michaels, HHH, Cash, so many people who have so much talent....BUT THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO USE IT!!! Its kind of ridiculous.

After seeing Big Show come out and challenge Ric Flair for the ECW championship, I had to turn away from WWE. I just read the results, and if a good match happens, I find it online and watch it. Other than that, I just watch TNA now.

Face it, WWE is catering to the big money making crowd right now. People who want to see stories and hot chicks and muscled up guys doing the same crap every week. It makes money, but it turns away fans of actual wrestling.

Yeah, TNA does have some of the older guys in there, but these guys are still drawing crowds. Look at WWE, they still use Hogan and Flair for gods sake. I could stand TNA more if it wasn't for Nash and Steiner...take them two out, and you got a great roster. Great wrestling, ACTUAL wrestling, and its just great tv.

my .02

why does everyone hate nash?
I personally don't hate Nash, I just don't think they should put him in with the X-Division guys. It is funny at times, him and Shelly, but they really shouldn't push him as a contender for the X title.
LMFAO!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA...OMG...This Undertaker mark makes me fuckin He's like saying that a 75 year old has been with man boobs who looks like he's having an orgasm everytime he wants to livin up the crowd. Sure his gimmick was amazing back in the 80's and eary 90's and it was even awesomer lol in the mid 90's but let's face it, he's just there for money and to make Satan McMahon money.

Look, I personally hate WWE and love WCW and TNA(like my name inmplies lol) but I never let my personal feelings get in the way with what i think is right or wrong and well....face it WWE has potential to be good again like they were in the early 90's but c'mon....if there is money to be made Vinny McWomen is gonna put that ahead of everything.

I dont see TNA being the "Big Dawg" anytime soon...or ever(unfortunatly) for that matter but being popular obviously doesnt mean your better...(coughs)

Look dude, I know that you love the undertaker and you have a right to but with all do respect, grow up and stop being a fucking pansy basher. It is pretty much fact that TNA is better at almost everything that WWE but yes WWE is bigger and more popular. WE UNDERSTAND THAT!!!! BUT BY NO MEANS IS IT BETTER!!!!!...........Uh thats my opinion :) hehe
Are you talking bout Taker there cause hes not 75 and he doesnt have man boobs. You tna marks(exceptxTRIPLEHHHx) dont know shit bout talent cause Taker is like The God of wrestling.
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