Is the WWE missing out on UK fans?


Dark Match Winner
Right, after watching Raw for the past few years here in the UK I am a little confused, the PG era has been up and running for a while however at the start of every Monday Night Raw there is ;

"The following programme is a post watershed production, it will contain scenes and storylines not suitable for children, and some of the content may be unnacceptable to other viewers"

Hang on I thought WWE was children friendly?? So why is there this warning when WWE is now directed for children? I think if a parent heard this they would not not allow children to watch this. Thus is this losing viewers in the UK and in-turn mechendise?
WWE is PG in the USA. In the UK, we have different standards for what "PG" means. Therefore, the warning is still displayed at the start of programmes. It IS weird though, as you find that it is mostly kids that watch WWE in the UK anyway.
What I think it means is that when your watching WWE live, none of the usage of weapons such as chairs is edited out like it is when it's on shows such as Bottom Line, so therefore some children might be disturbed by seeing their favourite wrestler get hit with a chair. Also because it's live, it's alot more difficult to bleep out someone swearing (as last night proved), whilst when it's been replayed at a later date, the WWE has had the chance to edit out the swearing if there is any.

You notice though, that WWE DVD's/Blu Ray's are still 15 rated whenever their released in this country. That is mostly due to the dangerous nature of what takes place in the ring. Wrestling's dangerous, so therefore if you give the audience a clear warning, there is no way they could be offended by the action taking place in the ring. The last 18 rated WWE PPV was Breaking Point 2009 because of, I believe the 'I Quit' Match between Orton and Cena. Some of the handcuff stuff with the sticks was a little bit uncomfortable. Sure it's still PG in the states but for some reason here in the UK we seem to get offended by this sort of stuff.
Strange, What Confuses Me Is I Grew Up In The 90's And Wrestling Had Always Been Known To Be For Kids Even In The Attitude Era In The UK, Is That The Same In US Or Was It For Adults And Our Audience Reacted Differently ?

Any Child That Watches Raw Live In The UK Deserves To See Violence If They Stay Up That Late !
I haven't watched RAW from last night, but my husband pointed out how The Rock used the word ass once before 11pm and it was muted out, but after 11pm he continued saying it and it was never muted out. So...WWE is kid friendly up until 11pm?
I haven't watched RAW from last night, but my husband pointed out how The Rock used the word ass once before 11pm and it was muted out, but after 11pm he continued saying it and it was never muted out. So...WWE is kid friendly up until 11pm?

Well it does strike as odd it happen so soon after 11pm, but I think it was simply someone with common sense telling them to stop otherwise most of what Rock said would have been beeped.

However in terms of the UK, its stupid they put it on the live viewing considering the time of the morning it is on but the last thing we need is the Daily Mail attacking WWE for not putting out warnings. Some of things shown on the live broadcast are edited out, so they go against some guidelines somewhere.

Be interesting to see what they do about a 13 year old girl getting a Valentine from an adult midget, something tells me that isn't going to make the cut over here.
The thing is here in the UK, Sky Sports muted out all the Rock's lines, where he said "ass" or "son bitch" now what gets me is that there is a warning before the show yet they still edit live TV :confused: although they did struggle it kinda killed the mark out moment for me.

However I understand that Sky Sports have a duty or care and most people have the ability to record TV programmes but Raw is repeated on a Thursday Night at 9pm so if people don't want to hear the cussing and swearing then they should watch it then!
I think it was ridiculous to bleep out The Rock on Raw, its a post-watershed program so whats the problem?

On the Comedy shows such as Friends, 2 and a Half Men and Scrubs etc the word "ass" is used all the time and is very rarely censored, so why is wrestling any different? Those shows are broadcast much earlier than Raw too.

There is so much bad and adult themed storylines on UK shows right now (such as prostitution, crack addicton and baby-stealing on Eastenders) that are shown at peak times that WWE is one of the least offensive shows out there! Especially since the blood is gone.

Just a big overreaction I think. Who really cares that the Rock said "ass" anyway?!
Any Child That Watches Raw Live In The UK Deserves To See Violence If They Stay Up That Late !
Damn straight, Well I wouldn't say deserves too, but if the parents are letting them stay up that late why wouldn't they let them watch it?

I don't think they would be missing out, in Aus they have the whole, "this show may not be suitable for some audiences" They are just doing it to protect there *beep* I don't think just because they see that warning before raw they're are going to say Whelp time to change the channel. I hear more swearing walking down the road then what I do on raw.
Ok so I'm just watching Smackdown which airs at an earlier time, 10:00pm, than the live Raw here in the UK and it just showed a replay of The Rock's return Monday night and not one "ass" or "damn" was edited out.. now this makes no sense whatsoever, how can a show that is show live at 2:00am have the words edited out, however a show that has been taped 3 days in advance not???

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