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Is the pg era for raw coming to and end?

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Dark Match Winner
Don't know if anyone has caught this yet, but on the info/description for raw tonight, it has it listed as a pg-13 rating. My satellite provider is Dish Network so i don't know what the other cable/satellite providers have it listed as. I have never noticed this before so I went back to check the previous weeks of raw that i had recorded on my dvr, and the last 2 weeks were also listed as pg-13. Not sure if it is just an error on Dish Networks part, or if raw really is rated pg-13 and I just havnt noticed it yet. Anyone elese notice this? And does anyone know if raw is rated pg-13 right now and i just did not notice this, or if it was just an error.

While on this topic, edge was on raw tonight and stated that raw was rated pg but he was rated r and he was gonna put an end to the pg rating. Raw is still in progess, so they havn't done the cutting edge segment yet, but might give me some of the answers of my curiousity. I am probably reading way too much into this and jumping the gun on this but i have never noticed that it said it was rated pg-13 on the description so i was a little curious. Im probably making something out of nothing and if something does come out of this i will find out soon enough. I just didn't see them getting out of the pg era anytime soon and it does not even bother me whether raw has a pg or pg-13 rating.

Any thoughts on this?
lol. Edge actually mentioned that? No its not changing. Its a ploy to make Raw seem more extreme while being kid friendly. Also if you noticed they are talking differently. The same way they used to talk back in 05. Even Cena sounds different. So they are changing something. I'll explain it in full on my Raw review.
First of all, Dish always lists it as PG 13, and second of all, no. McMahon is simply making too much money for him to take a risk. Who knows, maybe he's smart to do this? Look at ECW, gone. WCW, Demolished. TNA, well, I love them, but tonight they kind of admitted defeat by moving back to Thursdays. I just don't see it any time soon :(
The E might be on to something here. I think it would just be fair if Smackdown is kid friendly and Raw for a more mature audience. And everyone will be happy. Im not asking to see half naked women again like in the Attitude era, but Raw needs to have a bit more edge to it. No pun intended.

Interesting how at the end Michael Cole was saying "we have entered the Controversy era" then he said something along the lines of "Orton era"

This cant spell good news for the cookie cutter Cena fans.
It won't be TV 14. I also wondered why couldn't they just make one show TV 14 and the rest PG, but its because of Linda's run. The whole thing has to be PG, not because Vince may want it that way but because it has to. What that does is bring more fans to Cena. So it works both ways. Cena brings revenue, PG brings children.
Vince doesnt have PG in his blood. His blood type is R

It makes sense that he's with this PG crap because of Linda's run, and Cena brings the kids in.

Ive heard that Linda is not doing well in her Senate run, it looks like she might not get it. If this happens, and she's officially out of the race, the E will roll the R carpet just like it did on Raw for Edge.
I think Linda's campains has something to do with WWE turning PG!

I mean think about it her opponent continues to strike her from the attitude era storylines! Turning 14 again as for now could ruin her rep and her position.
OT: Shes annoying us. Why does her run have to affect our entertainment? Plus shes gonna lose. She needs to drop out before the obvious so we can get back the extremeness. What would happen if she wins? They'll never turn TV 14. EVERYONE MUST BOYCOTT HER!
Edge= Just in case Linda loses.

WWE has many tricks up their sleeves, their most notorious being to plan ahead. When Guerrero and Benoit passed on, shoes were filled. When Rock and Austin left, same thing. WWE as a whole is a very brilliant company- Edge will be the figurehead into a reawakened Attitude Era in case Linda loses her bid.

Sounds illogical to some I'm sure, but the reason WWE went PG in the first place was to help Linda sway votes. Who is to say she will win? Enter the "Rated R Superstar".

Not saying that movement will be feuled by one person. Randy Orton has the same thing going for him as a face. He is badass and has a badass attitude. Jericho is still working the "Hypocrite" angle which still favors a late Attitude Era persona like a heel Rock. And what of Hornswoggle? Didn't see him on Smackdown so...looks like WWE is doing a "just in case" with their approach to marketting.
Does anyone know the date when we finally know if Linda won the Senate seat or not?

That time will be interesting because it will most likely affect the writing.
Well The WWE needs to stop messing with us because if you go to the RAW section on WWE.com and you scroll down and go to the voting they ask what type of stipulation would you like to see in the batista vs cena match at over the limit and they have a first blood match as an option and they know there is no way they would do a first blood match.
I believe the elections are in November.

and I don't think the PG era will end, I just think it will be Edge's new gimmic to try and do controvesial things but he keeps getting censored, making him more of a tweener than full on heel.
First of all, Dish always lists it as PG 13, and second of all, no. McMahon is simply making too much money for him to take a risk. Who knows, maybe he's smart to do this? Look at ECW, gone. WCW, Demolished. TNA, well, I love them, but tonight they kind of admitted defeat by moving back to Thursdays. I just don't see it any time soon :(

Thanks. I have had Dish for at least 4 years now and have recorded raw every week since then and have somehow never noticed the pg-13 rating that is listed. I too do not think we will see the pg era end anytime soon but after what edge was saying towards the beginning of raw, i happened to hit info and saw the pg-13 rating and thought it was interesting because i have never noticed it. Then you had Cole talking about how controversial edge and orton our and how edge may not be suitable for the pg era. (not those exact words but something along those lines with that context) Also I noticed Jericho call Cole a jackass on comentary tonight which is a rarity in todays

I honestly don't mind the pg era. It makes complete since for a business stand point and there really is no need to push the envelope at this point in time. I think the wwe is just trying to swerve some of the audience while still remaining kid friendly and pg. Tonights broadcast felt like that to me (especially with edges character and the last segment with him and orton.) If you notice, even though it is pg, there really is something that appeals to everyone. Cena and Mysterio=kids; while guys like edge, orton, jericho, and even CM Punk appeal to older guys like me and that 18-35 male demographic. So as long as they incorporate stuff like that and some of the stuff they did tonight, I do not mind the pg stuff at all and I will still watch. It makes sense business wise and I don't think we will see pg era end at least for a couple years. But who knows these days, WWE always changes there minds and goes in different directions sometimes. I think they are just toying with some of us.
There is only one this puzzling me about the PG era. And that is the kids. Now what do I mean by that? I grew up watching the attitude era like many of us have. I get how the PG era is good for business and Vince McMahon like many others have come to terms of the "cradle to grave" ethics, but there are always going to be kids around and kids are always going to watch wrestling. So why not just keep it border line or a pg-13 rating where we can have the needs of everyone like in 02-08. It makes no sense for it to be THAT kid friendly when kids have always watched it and never really cared about the promos or the violence.
this thread wasn't well thought out was it? the pg rating isn't so much about the kids as it is about the sponsors. The sponsors WWE is seeking out no longer want to be associated with the attitude era. USA network doesn't want to be associated with it either. remember usa is owned by the same people that own NBC, and big corporate conglomerates really aren't fans of risque programming. that's why they moved it back to pg. learn the business of the business kid
What CoR said is making alot of sense to me especially seeing as it IS VKM. Jericho did say Jackass tonight tho.Business is about to pick up.I don't really care for all the blood and gore ,or HLA, but bring back the language! I like my wrestlers with a little salt on em lol
I really doubt the "PG" era is ever ending, Vince makes too much money to be worried about all the smarks being pissed off about the Attitude era being over, truth is he makes more money now and that's really what it's all about. The only way WWE goes to TV14 is if TNA ever really gives them a run for their money and Vince starts losing profit. I think Vince will always dance around the line of PG and TV14 as much as possible, but I doubt he will ever go back to the old way of doing things. Tonight Edge was just teasing everyone and it kind of worked since we are talking about it right now, but I think Edge was just spewing bullshit.
this thread wasn't well thought out was it? the pg rating isn't so much about the kids as it is about the sponsors. The sponsors WWE is seeking out no longer want to be associated with the attitude era. USA network doesn't want to be associated with it either. remember usa is owned by the same people that own NBC, and big corporate conglomerates really aren't fans of risque programming. that's why they moved it back to pg. learn the business of the business kid

If you are referring to me and this entire thread that i created, the thread was not created to discuss why they are in the pg era and every reason why it makes sesne, or if it would be better to get out of the pg era. The thread was created based on what happened on raw tonight, and the fact that i just happened to notice that on the description for raw, it was listed as pg-13. I had never noticed that before. (appearantly it has always been listed that way on Dish Network which is what i have) I just felt that on Raw tonight, they were teasing people that they were somewhat straying away from the pg rating and pushing the envelope a bit, adding some color to it, turning the volume up just a bit, however you want to put it. It just felt that they were using edge, orton and even jericho to tease that they may slowly be going into a more edgier direction. I was curious to see what other people thought about it tonight. It was not to discuss and debate the pg era and why they are in it, or why or why not they should stick with that direction. There are other threads on here for that.

And for the record, I am a business major in college, marketing to be exact. I was a member of DECA in high school which is a business/marketing club that competes with schools nationwide and i have only studied and been interested in business throughout high school and college. I would like to think that I know a little bit about business. You don't think that I know that sponsors are a big part of the wwe or many businesses in general. Without their support then there is no show or big network to put your show on. Of course it makes sense to please your sponsors and attract valuable sponsors to your company. But again, that was not the point of this thread. I was not stating that they are pg solely to attract the kids and that was not the point of this thread. There are many business reasons as to why they moved to pg and out of the attitude era that I could go on and on about but that is for a different thread.
this thread wasn't well thought out was it? the pg rating isn't so much about the kids as it is about the sponsors. The sponsors WWE is seeking out no longer want to be associated with the attitude era. USA network doesn't want to be associated with it either. remember usa is owned by the same people that own NBC, and big corporate conglomerates really aren't fans of risque programming. that's why they moved it back to pg. learn the business of the business kid

That's exactly what I was going to say. It's not so much about Linda's senate race that wwe is rated pg. It's the sponsors. Those commercials you see run every 10 minutes. That equals one thing and that's money. PG rating is worth more than the pg-13 one so there you have it. Do you remember the commercials we used to get in the attitude era? They were all car repair, local, Stacker2 and slim jim commercials. No fast food, car or anything else that you would see during normal sports or tv shows. So that is the meaning or the PG rating.
PG = More $ and that's a fact. Is it better? not really but it's not that different. That's how it is.

And yeah to stay on topic, it was interesting to hear edge play into the rating a bit. I don't think it'll change anything ratings wise though.
i live in australia and i have foxtel (satilite) and wwe rated .M. here so i dunno how that works if its rated pg in america but over here its not the pg era its the dull M era:shrug:
I would have to say it is due to the Senate run for Linda McMahon. To say sponsors shy away from contoversy is insane. Some of the most popular shows on TV are infinately more edgy than Raw at the moment. Look at anything on MTV. South Park, Family Guy, 24, that new show on FX (about the marshall). All have questionable content. I think the concern is that moving even a little bit away from PG will bring back images of the Attitude Era, which we don't need. There should be a decent middle ground though.
I noticed last night on RAW they took steps in an anti-kayfabe direction. Egde said something about the PG rating and how it was affecting the show and his character. Sheamus said he was finally able to take down the "son-in-law". Morrison said he would be Ted jr.'s Virgil. Any kid watching today wouldn't know who Virgil was. I thought they were trying to stretch in different directions.
I've noticed a few things that point in the direction of WWE moving away from the PG era. For one I've noticed John Cena has been off the show by ten lately and Orton is the one closing it. Logically one would think most of Cena's fans are in bed by ten and the older fans that cheer Orton are still awake when the show closes allowing for more risky things. Also anyone else catch Jericho calling Cole a Jackass? Loved it
No they are not moving away from PG OP. Watch WWE's shareholders conference from last week WWE has made great strides and new business relationships based on being PG.

I will never get a lot of people's obsession with the PG thing.
I'd like to see a Wrestlemania match with Austin vs Cena. Then when Cena wins and the fans are booing Michael Cole can go the "Cena Era has begun". That would destroy the WWE forever.
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