Is Raw still feeling the loss?

King of Kings HHH

Dark Match Jobber
Is Raw still feeling the loss of the Game? When Mysterio, Kane and Batista were drafted to Raw you knew someone big was going on the move to Smackdown. Why eles would they try offset the loss of a big superstar. When Triple H moved to SD I knew ratings were slowly going to shift to the SD brand. Is Raw going to contuine to feel the loss of the game for awhile? Is raw better with Mysterio, Kane and Batista or were they better off with Hardy and Triple H? Thoughts?
Hahahahahaha. Yeah, because the Game is a huge. The "Game" was a bore. Hardy is no longer exciting. The new Raw with Kane is great. Batista got fresh being back on the Red side. Mysterio with Kane looks to be a huge advancement for him. Punk is becoming over. Jericho is hot. The Michaels Story line is still going strong. And the greatest performer in the WWE is on the brand, Santino. Smackdown is getting bad with the Game burring Edge. With no Edge, Smackdown is a bore. The only exciting this is Taker gets some new opponents to go against. Triple H vs Taker again would be good.
Raw is a million times better now that Triple H is gone. The show was in desperate need of fresher talent battling in the main event spots, as opposed to deadwood like Triple H, who had been on Raw for so long and undeservedly hogged the main event spots, that he was making the show a chore to watch.
Raw is WWE's main show, it always has been and always will be, and it's important to keep it fresh. I, like many, were delighted that Triple H was finally gone from the show. The show seems to have changed massively since he left and it is much more exciting. SmackDown on the other hand is still at best an average show. It is rare that I see a good SmackDown show, and this has been the case with me for the past year or so now.
Triple H moving to SmackDown was the right decision by WWE, and Raw is all the better for it.
Smackdown was the better part of the last few PPV's. They were better in SumerSlam. They were better in One Night Stand. They had a better Bash i thought. I think Smackdown is quietly closing in on RAW
I wasn't aware it was in loss....
I think the standard of the show is more on the way its written and how the stars are used. Triple H just happens to big in some of the better stories but then look at him on Smackdown, that storyline if you can call it that with Khali was pure tripe! Right now both shows are lacking something amazingly intresting story wise but I think Raw has a better edge with the Kane/Rey thing which although disappointing for some is better than nothing else. Smackdown had the undertaker/edge story but thats ended and although it seems they are going down the Taker Vs La Famialia not really that big or intresting... So No I don't think so cause they aren't using Triple H for anything big on Smackdown.
RAW losing Triple H was a giant breath of fresh air. Triple H is a great wrestler but everyone was getting so tired of him being on RAW. RAW has greatly improved not only with storylines but with wrestling since he left for SmackDown. He's not really done anything on SD! since his arrival so there's no real loss for me, it's a gain.
Yeah, time to jump on this thread. I think the only people that are feeling the loss on Raw are blind Triple H marks that think that he is the only reason that people watch the show to begin with. Ratings have gone up since the game is gone, storylines are 100x better with the game out of the way, and it seems more people are trying harder in the ring now that he's gone, because they were afraid to get noticed before.

Raw is so much better now that the game is gone. It opens up so much with him out of the way. The Martial Raw stuff before Adamle was the GM was some of the best TV from the WWE in a long time. You have tons of young talent on Raw, and all of them are getting their chance to shine because the Game isn't hogging up segment after segment of time on TV.

And not to make this a big piss on Triple H fans parade statement, Triple H is much better off now as well. On smackdown, sure he's the dominant force, but the talent isn't there yet to justify him not being on top.Sure, Edge is the first choice of lots of fans, but Edge isn't going to be champion all the time. Edge is going through a character change, and that unstability is not good for a championship at this point. Taker just came back, and Show and Umaga are setting up a program. It logically makes sense for Triple H to be on top of Smackdown on this point. The draft has done wonders for both shows and neither of them are hurtin at all.
Triple H has been playing Invisible Man on SmackDown, and either way, Triple H does not equal ratings. As a wrestler, he's taken a real downward spiral the past two years - I wouldn't pay money to see him wrestle another boring match. Raw's ratings are very up and down, and they were actually at a high point for some time after Hunter got drafted to SmackDown, so I don't think the ratings have much to do about the draft move.
IMO, Raw and Smackdown is better now than it was before. Aside from this weeks Raw the show has been better then before. This weeks Raw was a massacre. Smackdown is bearable now and it is great to not see Triple H the main focus all the time. I do disagree that Hardy is boring and do believe he deserves a Main Event push. If Hardy had stayed on Raw I do believe he would be WHC. I also hope that they start letting Hardy chase a heel Triple H
Yes. I only tune in to RAW now to watch Santino because he's absoluetly hilarious, and to have a peak at the HBK-Jericho feud. It has clearly been the best feud of '08 imo.
Raw is better off without triple h..opening up the main event field to tons of new wrestlers and giving everyone else a shot at the title.. though i have to say i miss jeff hardy on raw but kofi kingston is starting to take the role of jeff for me in that i find kofis matches more fun to watch than some of jeffs.. i think all the new raw story lines are working out with cena-batista hbk-jericho beth/santino-kofi kane-rey kane-batista punk-jbl cryme tyme-priceless and even saying this orton still isnt back and the ratings outside of last week have been increasing.. once orton comes back i can only imagine the ratings continuing to rise as well
Im glad Triple H has buggered off to Smackdown. He was boring, stale and what was it, 5 years of the Game beating same people and always in the title scene?

Hardy I do miss as I was always a fan(even when he was doped up and left for Tna) but from a business standpoint, im glad he elft. He had already battered most of the Raw midcard and keeping him there would have worn out his welcome.

Umaga I feel sorry for, because he will be jobbing on Smackdown for a while. A Taker/Umaga fued would be interesting, but Umaga is a jobber to the stars, sadly. Come to think of it, has he been on SD tv since the draft?

Although im a fan of Kane, he is stuck on Raw. He has never had the chance to be at the top with a "real" championship, so he too is a jobber to the stars. The monster gimmick is old and stale, they should just push him as a top singles guy, without all the scarred past bullshit that we have seen for the past 10 years.

Punk on Raw is a huge deal for me. I was marking out when I first saw him in ROH in 2004 and was glad when he finally got a shot in the WWE. He could be a great champ if the WWE build him properly, which they have done so far putting him against big guys like JBL and Batista. A fued with Y2J would be interesting, but I feel he will end up dropping the belt to Cena or Batista at Survivor Series. A RVD comeback would be an excellent fued to watch, with RVD the loveable pothead and CM Punk the dont do drunks spokesperson.

As for the other draftees, Kofi seems to be settling in well. Rey we have not seen yet, but I think a fued with some of the smaller guys like Punk might be the best bet.

From a storyline perspective, the HBK/Y2J fued is immense. Y2J is basically telling the truth and getting blasted for it(I love it when HBK gets bashed and battered around the ring). I even thought it was great when Y2J hit Rebecca, I even laughed when some woman fan can be heard saying "I hope your proud of yourself" It almost beats the "I hope you choke on your Apple" when Carito turned on Flair and kicked his ass.
I don't think Raw ever felt the loss to begin with. When the draft happened it looked as if SD was the new A show, but now that appears to be completely untrue. To me Raw is by far better off without HHH. Now don't get me wrong. HHH might be the best in the world today. He's an amazing in ring talent that is very entertaining to watch and he more than deserves the WWE title. However, he is the center piece of SD as he should be and he was the center of Raw as well. With him gone there wasn't a clear #1 on Raw and now new guys are getting their chance to be that guy. Punk is getting a push as are other main eventers. The ratings have been going up since his departure as well. While I don't think people started watching simply because he was gone, I do think they went up because of the new talent that filled in the void he left. Overall I don't think Raw was hurt by him leaving so no I don't think they're feeling a loss, because they can't feel something that isn't there.
I don't think Triple H moving to Smackdown is gonna cause a huge dent or chunk from Raw as a show. I mean, i like HHH, but he's not God or anything, he's just switched. Raw received a HUGE advantage from the past draft. If anything Raw has, once again, gained.
Triple H fans will just have to watch him on a different day, but i doubt they're gonna shun Raw because it's Gameless.
This'll give Raw an opportunity to change things up a bit, and it sure as hell has shown. I mean the show's champ goes from HHH to CM Punk, who'da thunk it??
Hopefully this won't mean Smackdown will revolve around HHH now, but this could also be more great opportunities, HHH willing, for some of the fresher faces to be put over, and who better than to get one over the Game for a nice push?? But, like i said, IF HHH's willing (and lookin at his recent Wrestlemania streak, excluding 24, i'd say so).
Taker vs HHH would make for some great matches and feuds, but i'd hate to see yet ANOTHER face vs face, which means this could be a good point to turn HHH back to the Cerebral Assassin, aka a heel.
Time will tell.
RAW isn't feeling the loss. It's feeling the gain. Without Triple H on RAW the younger superstars can finally push themselves without knowing that they won't go over HHH. Plus, Triple H had been on RAW for a long time so now everything seems fresh without him. There's a different feel to RAW, everything just seems exciting. When HHH was on RAW he was always in the main event spot, 3/4s of the time he was chasing the WWE Title. It got stale. Now new people can fued for the title, making the title picture fresh.

On the flipside, Triple H is a great champion. Granted, I was pissed off when he won the title because I thought it was too early for Orton to lose the belt, and I didn't really want HHH as champion again, but I gave it time and I like it now. Obviously, he is a very talented wrestler and all-round he's solid. He needed the change to SD! more for himself, to give himself new people to fued with and just a fresh start.
Thankfully, Raw has gotten SOOOOOOO much better. I personally can't actually sit through a HHH match anymore. If there's one on ppv i tend to fall asleep or phone someone, or read a comic book or something while he's on TV. His promos can be pretty funny, but when it comes to HHH, the matches literally are the same old shit. If it's one on one, i don't pay any attention unless there's a good chance that he'll actaully lose the match. Raw has so many fresh faces, and thank god they put the title on a new superstar, because i think i'd be saying that things hadn't changed at all if Batista/Cena had won the belt.

The only time both brands were 'better' was when a big chunk of the roster was either hurt or suspended, because they had to use new guys to fill the gaps. Carlito fueded with HHH (yes it sucked but it was still a huge jump for Carlito who had been doing nothing), Khali became WHC (every wrestling fan outside of India's worst nightmare i know, but it was still something different) and guys like Kane were suddenly getting title shots again. Raw's main event picture has vastly improved without HHH there, on the flipside, Smackdown's mid card picture has improved with guys like Kendrick and Koslov and Shelton and there's actually 2 or 3 tag teams on Smackdown now (shock, horror!)

However, things could very easily go back to sucking on both brands if they don't continue to shake things up every now and then and put someone new in the spotlight. Carltio needs it (but won't get it after running his mouth), Burchill needs it, Cade needs it, and both Kennedy and Umaga need it too because otherwise (even tho the number of Kennedy/Umaga marks continues to grow) if they're not used we'll give up hope on them, stop caring and then it's definitely 'best wishes in all your future endeavours'
Is RAW suffering from the loss of Triple H, The King of Kings? 50/50. I'm too accustomed to Triple H being on RAW than his presence on SmackDown and moreover, Triple H truly belongs on RAW, that's just his home no matter what WWE does or tries to switch in order to adapt SD to HHH.

HHH just seems head and shoulders over the SmackDown brand. It just still seems like he's a guest champion on the show and his attitude makes him appear better than everybody (gotta love it though). Just look at the Championship Scramble match scheduled for Unforgiven. He's facing people below him as well as up-and-comers. It's just hopefully that HHH puts one of them over and drops the title and gives one of these guys a run with it and not duplicate his actions on RAW. But that I know, not even think, won't happen.

The best thing about HHH leaving RAW was for refreshments and for other talent to finally blossom without matters mainly focusing around an HHH/Cena/Orton feud. But RAW misses his presence and aspects of it. There is nothing like RAW action from HHH. Boring? Yeah right! Batista is sort of a bore already after coming over. Cena is Cena. Cryme Time is definitely cool. Kane is in process of transforming. Punk is overhyped, I think he's decent in all aspects. Y2J lost some glow to him but interesting character he is. RAW has improved though I must admit. Things have refreshened and they've delivered some good matches. But in my final opinion, the loss of HHH kinda reduces RAW and if I forgot, the loss of GOOD OLE JR!!!
Just like Jim Ross. Just like Stonecold Steve Austin. The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Micheals. Triple H has been a staple of Monday Night Raw for years.Evolution ran rampant through Raw with The Game at the helm. Calling the shots. He was battering his best friend HBK in Hell in a Cell,Ladder,and Last Man Standing Matches. He went to war with his mentor. The Nature Boy Ric Flair. Raw will always miss a presence like that. But the show feels like a breath of fresh air. Talent like CM Punk,Kofi Kingston,and Santino Marella are getting championship opportunities.Veterans who havent tasted gold in years like Kane,JBL,Jericho and Mysterio await on the horizon. Men we used to dam for lacking "ability" like John Cena and Batista are once again fun and a legend Killer awaits his return. These are high times for Monday Night Raw. The pressence of the Game is missed. But it isn't necessarily having a negative effect on Raw.
RAW has actually in my opinion is feeling the new face now. With HHH the storylines would have nearly all been done, he would be the main person on RAW (Without him you can't even see who is the main person on RAW. Heck even the WHC isnt even in the main feuds). The new faces have brought on possibly a new ERA on RAW. Mainly because there havent been as much new wrestlers as these in RAW for a long time.
RAW has actually in my opinion is feeling the new face now. With HHH the storylines would have nearly all been done, he would be the main person on RAW.

Now he is the main person on Smackdown but at least were getting fresh people involved in the title picture on Smackdown which is refreshing because that wasnt happening on Raw.

(Without him you can't even see who is the main person on RAW. Heck even the WHC isnt even in the main feuds)..

The WHC not being involved in the main feuds is a problem. Even when Triple H was on raw he wasn't always the top guy from June 6,2005 until October 1,2007 it was John Cena. I don't really count Edge's short little 3 week and 3 month reigns because Cena was still involved. Then Raw belonged to Randy Orton from October 7,2007 to April 27,2008. So I fail to see how Triple H owned Raw unless your referring to 2004. Which was 4 years ago and I was under the impression we were referring to recent memory.

The new faces have brought on possibly a new ERA on RAW. Mainly because there havent been as much new wrestlers as these in RAW for a long time..

Which is a good thing and I look forward to many more Raws filled with this new youth.

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