Is it time for WWE to give up on Alberto Del Rio's push?


Occasional Pre-Show
After last night's controversial finish to the World Heavyweight title match, it seemed to me that WWE is trying to force the idea that Del Rio is still a big deal.

Last time we saw a finish like that, Cena was on the receiving end of it, and the biggest difference between Cena/Del Rio is definitely the kind of reaction they get from the fans.

Cena always gets a loud reaction, positive and negative.
Del Rio seems to be getting less of a reaction than Ricardo Rodriguez.

At the moment, WWE's biggest successes that appeal to the Spanish audience are still Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara. Del Rio doesn't get anywhere close to the same reaction as they do.

So, the question is: Was Del Rio a failed experiment?

WWE saw in Del Rio the perfect prototype luchador to keep the Spanish demographic tuning in while Rey Mysterio was getting through his struggles. They even see him as Mysterio's replacement, but it seems as if things are definitely not working out as planned.

I'm clueless towards Spanish viewers' reactions to Del Rio, so pardon my lack of research, but it feels as if overall his character has just fallen flat. Every rivalry he's pit into has reasoning that goes no further than "just because", he has yet to find the charisma to match his gimmick (meaning that his promos are too lackluster to fit his character's standards) and his biggest appeal now is just his over the top ring entrance.

Not enough people are paying to see Del Rio lose to warrant the push that he is still receiving. It's a push that Orton deservedly is given on a weekly basis due to the loud reactions he's always able to draw from the fans.

I believe that there will have to be a drastic change in Del Rio's character if WWE still wants him to be the face of the Spanish demographic. Whether it be a face turn, or a change in motivation since the majority is tired of it being destiny, WWE cannot successfully keep Del Rio in the main event picture with the character they have now.

If they choose not to do so, then Del Rio will have to be taken down a peg and be shifted to mid card status. If he doesn't like it, then the Alberto Del Rio experiment will officially be deemed a failure.
Yes and no.

If you really, really want to make a guy succeed, you can. Keep telling people someone's a big deal, and eventually, people will believe it. It's a basic advertising premise. If you keep people surrounded by messages that they want a Snickers, a lot of people will grab a Snickers the next time they get a candy bar. It's a double-edged sword though. If your message isn't resonating with people, that Snickers ad doesn't stay in the background of your brain like it should. It moves to the front, and people say "ANOTHER Snickers ad?!?!?"

Del Rio doesn't have that problem right now, but he could easily trend that way. People just aren't buying into him as he is now. He's a very talented professional wrestler, but he doesn't connect with any demographic group. No spark = no fire. If they're going to run with him as a heel, which still seems the most prudent course of action for the time being, they have to make him a heel. Have him be the TV reason injured wrestlers are put out of action. Have him lay out Someone Big, a la Sheamus/HHH. Give him the whole "unholy terror" treatment, and hope no one notices that's how you're also running Brock.

His Rolls is running out of gas. It's time to refuel the ADR experiment.
I'm probably one of the few that is satisfied with Del Rio. I think ever since becoming more intense he has became more entertaining. Both in ring and on the mic. I feel like there is nothing wrong with Del Rio at this point besides the booking. They need to allow him to cut more promos, attack more wrestlers, whatever they can do to make him relevant. The easy way out which i would do honestly is make him the world champion. And let him have a long title run. People will get sick of it pretty fast because they will say he was forced down their throat and generate heat. Let him keep the title for a long time to where people just want to see him lose it. Let him cut promos how he is the best World Heavyweight champion of all time. That's what i would do with Del Rio. The reason he can never be the next Rey Mysterio is they're two completely different type of wrestlers. Mysterio is the masked good guy, like a hero to the kids. He's marketable and does more highflying moves. Del Rio is the heel. Plain and simple. He's not going to be anything like Mysterio and no one can expect him to be. I do agree something needs to change with Del Rio but i don't think it's his character. And i also don't think it's his blame.
I think the problem with Del Rio is that wwe pushed him to quickly when he started. If had started him off a bit slower it would have allowed him to build so momentum going forward. instead wwe stuck him straight in to a feud with ray mysterio. he then carried on feuding with other top guys in wwe before going on to win the Royla Rumble and the world title. by the time Del Rio was champion it all seemed a little Unrealistic and nobody really bought him as champion in my opinion. Plus the whole destiny thing got boring a long time ago and he really needs some new material.
It all goes back to Mania last year. Edge *needed* to job to ADR to complete his destiny gimmick. It was clear that ADR was being built as a new main eventer and not just a heel of the month.

Since then, ADR just hasn't had the extended run of success necessary to get over as a serious, main event heel. ADR needs to make popular babyfaces and credible upper midcarders tap quickly.

A one month build for ADR:
Week one: Hey Sheamus! You stole that match! Watch as I beat Kofi in 3 minutes or less.
Week two: Sheamus, now that I have the rematch I look forward to beating you like I'm going to beat R Truth in 3 minutes or less.
Week three: Sheamus, I am going to prove a *point* by *hurting* Randy Orton and being DQ'd.
Week four: Sheamus, your days are numbered and so I am going jump and hurt *you* just before our match.
PPV: *wins title CLEAN*

Then give ADR a strongly booked 3-6 month run as champion if you really believe he can get over. If it's clearly bombing, flip the title to Orton or back to Sheamus.
I'm probably one of the few that is satisfied with Del Rio. I think ever since becoming more intense he has became more entertaining. Both in ring and on the mic. I feel like there is nothing wrong with Del Rio at this point besides the booking. They need to allow him to cut more promos, attack more wrestlers, whatever they can do to make him relevant. The easy way out which i would do honestly is make him the world champion. And let him have a long title run. People will get sick of it pretty fast because they will say he was forced down their throat and generate heat. Let him keep the title for a long time to where people just want to see him lose it. Let him cut promos how he is the best World Heavyweight champion of all time. That's what i would do with Del Rio. The reason he can never be the next Rey Mysterio is they're two completely different type of wrestlers. Mysterio is the masked good guy, like a hero to the kids. He's marketable and does more highflying moves. Del Rio is the heel. Plain and simple. He's not going to be anything like Mysterio and no one can expect him to be. I do agree something needs to change with Del Rio but i don't think it's his character. And i also don't think it's his blame.

I completely agree. I generally don't watch Smackdown, so I don't see a lot of Del Rio, but last night at Summerslam I LOVED his performance. He was completely different than the douchebag that won the Royal Rumble a few years ago and I like it.
Because Del Rio is huge in Mexico and WWE's market is big there they thought it would be a good idea to sign him. Also seeing he was a mix between Razor Ramom and JBL both of which were good gimmicks they ( wwe) thought it would be and instant hit. However WWE fans don't want to cheer for a Mexican please the fans are little kids with horrible parents.

Del Rio's biggest problem is Linda and Be a Star. Be a star is the Babyface only era. Punk is currently at 275 days as champion that is almost a full year of face champion. Sheamus is at 142 days which is close to 1/2 a year of babyface champion and who will topple the champion? If Super Cena can't and the big show can beat the hell out of two men for 30 mins but a single move end his power then who can beat him? Is there a hell on Smackdown that can handle sheamus? Ziggler is to stupid to cash his MITB briefcase they are doing the same lame Daniel Bryan story with Ziggler and it is stupid. He loses to Jericho for what purpose?

Del Rio came into the WWE at the right time, he has enough heat to get him by but not get him a championship. He doesn't care he will make his money and head back to mexico where he won't lose a step and will likely gain even more fame. Just like La Parka.

WWE is currently under the Be A Star era and we can call it the Bitch Era for WWE. Personally I am done with the WWE...well anything that costs a dime. No more PPV's no more live events. I am sure someone will fill my spot but in time other fans will leave too in search of good stories, and better wrestling.
I'm probably one of the few that is satisfied with Del Rio. I think ever since becoming more intense he has became more entertaining.

Agreed. Okay, so today's wrestling fans don't have the patience to watch two guys methodically work a match? Fine. Del Rio adapted his style to include more definable spot-wrestling, sneak attacks and more blatantly dirty tactics and storylines (I loved that bit in which he hired security guys to beat up Sheamus but first pretended they had come to get Alberto himself).

We wanted it? We got it! You still don't like him? Well, maybe you never will. Personally, I liked watching Del Rio work matches as an old-style villain, mixing scientific wrestling with underhanded deeds. But too many fans found him boring? Okay, they fixed it. Or tried.

Many fans claim to like traditional, old-style wrestling......yet they can't stand Alberto Del Rio. To me, this is a contradiction. When you talk about telling a story by working a wrestling match, I think Del Rio is a master. But fans apparently wanted to see less subtlety and more over-the-top bad guy stuff? Fine, he's now giving it to us.

I think Del Rio is terrific, a refreshing alternative to the high-flying, hit-a-few-spots-and-get-out-of-there modern wrestler. Obviously, I'm in the minority, at least as far as what I read on this forum.

Kepp trying, ADR. Maybe you'll get 'em yet.
I'm probably one of the few that is satisfied with Del Rio. I think ever since becoming more intense he has became more entertaining. Both in ring and on the mic. I feel like there is nothing wrong with Del Rio at this point besides the booking. They need to allow him to cut more promos, attack more wrestlers, whatever they can do to make him relevant. The easy way out which i would do honestly is make him the world champion. And let him have a long title run. People will get sick of it pretty fast because they will say he was forced down their throat and generate heat. Let him keep the title for a long time to where people just want to see him lose it. Let him cut promos how he is the best World Heavyweight champion of all time. That's what i would do with Del Rio. The reason he can never be the next Rey Mysterio is they're two completely different type of wrestlers. Mysterio is the masked good guy, like a hero to the kids. He's marketable and does more highflying moves. Del Rio is the heel. Plain and simple. He's not going to be anything like Mysterio and no one can expect him to be. I do agree something needs to change with Del Rio but i don't think it's his character. And i also don't think it's his blame.

I agree on all points, but as you know, WWE is a very "what have you done for me lately" kind of business. My biggest problem with Del Rio becoming a major champion is that he's just not being booed enough. It's like he's just there because WWE will not let go of hope for that one night where the fans will all just despise him. There's definitely plenty that you can do to generate him more heat, but after facing who? He put Mysterio out of action and the fans simply got over it. Orton won't put him over unless Orton wins out in the end, movie deal or not. Sheamus is way too hot of a World champion for WWE to have him chase for it now. Especially since Sheamus still has work to do on the mic before he can be placed back into the WWE title race (because the WWE title is more story driven than the World title which seems to only be used for developing Superstars into becoming big enough to contend for the WWE title again). It just wouldn't make sense for Sheamus to drop the title unless it was to chase after the WWE title.

The only way I can see the title being dropped is Orton getting the heel turn he desires, but that wouldn't do Del Rio any good. It would bring Sheamus to WWE title contendership if Orton screwed him out of the title. Orton is over enough to be allowed to do that. But if you do that, then who does a World Champion Del Rio face? He'd just become the #3 heel on Smackdown. Jericho is going on hiatus soon. Cena and Punk are busy. Daniel Bryan is still a heel, and will be extremely over with the fans once he makes a face turn - leaving Del Rio incapable of beating him. Ziggler still has a few more character arcs to go through before making a turn, and Sin Cara seems to be on each wrestler's last nerve in WWE. Del Rio would basically have to face Rey Mysterio and Christian a million times, or hope that Kofi Kingston and R-Truth drop the tag titles just so he'll have some faces to go over. I would say Mark Henry or Kane could be contenders, but what could Del Rio possibly do to them to get the crowd to hate him?

Heck, Del Rio will probably be playing second fiddle to Big Show now that (I think) he's out of the WWE title picture. Del Rio will get a rematch on Smackdown due to the events of Summerslam, but he won't win. Big Show will probably get the title shot against Sheamus at the next PPV instead. That, and Ziggler is still a major wild card since he holds the MITB briefcase.

In summary:

Sheamus would have to be screwed, or have the MITB cashed on him to drop the title.

If the MITB is cashed on Sheamus successfully, then that completely writes off Del Rio's chances for at least a few months.

If Ziggler holds onto the MITB, or fails to cash in, then it would still take an over heel to make Sheamus drop the title.

Basically, pigs would have to fly for Del Rio to hold the title now.


I just feel like way too many wrestlers would have to get injured, or perhaps get a movie deal for Del Rio to hold a major title again. His promo ability is above average, but he's either hit or is very close to hitting the ceiling of how much he can do with it. It doesn't help that Daniel Bryan has surpassed him in promo ability, and marketability when Del Rio was always held in a higher regard than him before he blew up.

So, while I agree with you that one of the only things that can help him to become more hated as a heel would be a lengthy title reign, I just cannot see any way that can happen at this moment in time.

Ha, just had an idea.

If Del Rio can't defeat Sheamus clean, and since Orton hasn't turned heel yet, then it can be Big Show that screws Sheamus out of the title.

The bad news: WWE would probably have zero problem with Ziggler cashing in on Del Rio at the next PPV.
The biggest problem isn't that he's not talented. He even gets decent heat most of the time. Its because the writers/bookers have made hiim IRRELEVANT.

Since his last title run, back in Sept or Oct of a year ago, he has been consistantly playing the role of a face, but as a heel. What I mean by that is, to me, the heel should always be champion. Not always, but it is more compelling to watch a face chase the heel champion, whereas Del Rio has been given match after match after match after match and loses EVERY time. Every single time since October he has had a Title match, he has lost.

As a heel, that DESTROYS your credibility. As a face, you get so close and get screwed, the bad guy cheats, and you don't lose credibility. As a heel, you lose cleanly every time, you look bad. He has no relevance because no one views him as a threat. "Oh its Del Rio vs Punk, punk wins. Del Rio vs Sheamus this week! Not gonna watch cuz sheamus wins. Del Rio vs Cena! Not even gonna go there. Del Rio vs Edge, vs Orton, etc etc etc. EXCEPT for cashing in Money in the Bank he hasn't come out on the victory side but for ONE time, and thats ONLY because WWE was touring Mexico.

If I were the Champion, I'd want to face Del Rio every time, because I wouldn't have to worry about my title changing hands. I'm sure Sheamus LOVES working this program with Del Rio, he knows he's always gonna be champ.

That is why Del Rio "sucks". He is actually a great wrestler, and he can show emotion, and I've liked him being more aggressive, but it ends up with the same result, nothing. Always.
A lot of great points raised in the other responses. I recall there being a lot of enthusiasm for Del Rio from his pre-debut vignettes and from his early matches. His submission victory over Mysterio right out of the gate was brilliant. But as is typical in WWE, they throw all the heat away. When Del Rio won the Rumble, it wasn't a shock. Del Rio was a name people expected might win the Rumble, and at the time I recall people being fine with it. Then Del Rio was feuding with Edge and Christian simultaneously up until Wrestlemania. Losing to Christian in a great Smackdown cage match did little damage and could have been a setup for the future. Then Del Rio lost to Edge, then Christian again. This left Del Rio damaged as a character, but the real damage came from his post Summerslam feud with John Cena, when they played hot potato with the belt. Del Rio came out of that looking like a chump, which is not uncommon and why I hate the Cena character. Basically, in this world of sports entertainment, they forget to treat it somewhat like a sport, and figure since Del Rio has been in the main event before, people will accept him there again without a proper build.
Was Del Rio a failed experiment?

Yes. Del Rio simply just can't get over enough to be a top heel. The one time he gets a big reaction was at the Royal Rumble and it was Ricardo who appeared as a rumble participant (God, was I blown away when the fans at the PPV vastly cheered Ricardo).

Like what most people have said, he's just a JBL rip-off.
I don't call a "push" losing 3 or more WWE title matches to the same person. That's big deal for you. Clearly they don't have nothing for Sheamus to do so they keep feeding Del Rio to him.
I used to HATE ADR but ever since he came back, the new character is 1000X better to watch. The problem is 1) HHH wants longer title reigns 2)Sheamus is HHH bff so, he's not losing the belt any time soon

Should they stop pushing him no! What they should do is make him more aggressive. He shouldn't feud with Sheamus anymore as Sheamus feud's are like all Cena feuds, rehashes at this point.
del rio is a great heel who is being booked poorly. no way can u keep relavent when u lose EVERY tittle match your in
OMG i hope so ADR is so boring his matches are boring his promos are boring its sad that his personal ring announcer is ten times more entertaining the ADR. I would raw watch Cena over and over and i find him boring as well
Maybe if they start to tweak his gimmick and give him something new and fresh to work with because what we have seen out of him has been pretty much the same. Yeah he has been more aggressive and I like it, he just hasn't done what its take to gotten over, and I think he just needs something different then what he has been using.
Honestly, I don't see what they see in Del Rio. The guy can't talk, his wrestling skills are mediocre. Even his personal ring announcer has more charisma than him. I just don't get why they keep trying to push him.

He's just not top heel material.
Is anybody actually interested in Del Rio? I only watch him to hear how long Ricardo yells his name for. He's been stale for a long time. How many times do we have to watch him lose to Sheamus before creative gets the idea that it just doesn't work?
Like a lot of people have said, Del Rio is not boring. But he looses all the time. How is he a big threat if he can't win a single PPV match, and on top of that, keeps on losing cleanly. Why should I take his aggressive side seriously if he can't still win. He is booked weak. Crowd has no reason to hate him. They know he is going to lose anyway.
Alberto del Rio and Sheamus do great work with each other. Individually I'm flat-out bored with both of them, but in the last few months they've come along way together and have built some excellent chemistry. I absolutely loved their match at SummerSlam, and I would be fine if they carried out the feud until Hell in a Cell for an epic conclusion.

Alberto del Rio is a very solid ring worker. I think he does a decent enough job drawing heat too, so there's no reason WWE should just "give up" on him. When Sheamus and del Rio have finished their feud, and they both move on in different directions I'll chime back in and let you know how I feel. But I'm really hoping that this feud could be what gets me intersted in him again. He was incredibly over and had a TON of momentum after his debut, up through and including the Royal Rumble victory. Edge's unfortunate retirement kind of messed up Del Rio's Smackdown title push, and it was further destroyed when he got his shit rocked in a promo war with CM Punk.

He just needs to energy and good material to work with. I think he's a natural heel and could once again be a great addition to the roster. I realize people are just bored with Sheamus and they dont' like ADR. But a lot of times are pre-conceived notions of characters will ruin what is otherwise a very good story. The two of them have been taring it up on Raw and Smackdown, and putting on good-to-great PPV matches. Give them both a chance...
Give up it.

Alberto Del Rio is boring. He does the same thing each week and its been the same old story with Sheamus during their feud. Nothing interesting has happened since Del Rio came back because he sucks. He was entertaining back at the beginning of 2011 but then he began to suck. The suck has continued to grow and now the suck has taken over his character.

The feud with Sheamus is a perfect example of why this guy sucks. Every week it's about Del Rio vs. Arm. That's it! Nothing but Del Rio going after an arm. Why hasn't he broken the damn thing yet? Is he that terrible? Does he suck that much? I think he does.

It's time to move on and hopefully the WWE will. Give Sheamus anyone other than Del Rio and I'm sure they will not suck as much as he does.
I have a question for you; when the WWE pinches off another shit idea for how to use someone with potential, does it still surprise you?

My point is that it's not Del Rio's fault that he is so damn boring. Nobody knew who he was prior to his debut. So what do the shit heads in the corporate offices decide? They throw him out there as a top heel worthy of world title contender status only because it was magically allowed to happen on tv. The arm breaker looks fucking stupid by the way.

Think about it. Del Rio, if he was allowed, could be a high flying heavyweight. He could be just another name at first that grows on our senses overtime as we become more comfortable with seeing him wrestle, and THEN give us the over the top aristocrat snob gimmick.

WWE creative jumped the mother fucking shark? Get the fuck out of here.
I dont know what it is but he is just missing something.

The guy barely gets a reaction from the crowd. He needs to go back down to the midcard where he belongs.

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