is it just me or does tna have a lot commercials?

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Forever Hardcore
i was watching the 2nd half of Impact last night (i was gonna watch the whole show but half my town last power last night around 8 and it didnt come back on till 9:30ish)and it seemed for however long i watched i saw more commercials than anything. I saw the promos for angle/samoa joe and then it cut to a commercial.after that it was the main event and rhino came out and got attacked by styles .rather long commercial break. then 3 more of the competitors came out. Commercial break again. the last 2 come out and like 4 moves happen commercial break.

i m not trying to bitch about tna. i m trying to get into it and away from wwe but how do they expect to get and keep an audience when all they do is cut to commercials? it aint no wonder they dont get higher ratings. It reminded me of when i used to watch mtv. u d get like 2 minutes of a show followed by a 5 minute commercial break. about the time you start to get into it theres a commercial break. so is this a typical Impact? Or just because its the first of the month and they got bills to pay?
I don't know. I really don't watch commercials. I usually have a book next to me that I read during commercials or I'm on my computer. Nonetheless, the length of TNA matches is annoying. The only time you see legit matches that are competitive is on Pay-Per-Views. With each passing week that TNA only has one hour, it hurts them
lol yea i agree TNA'S show sucked last night they showed more commercials then n e thing i was getin pissed off every time u turn around they was takin a commercial or they was showin promos for the up comin PPV they showed that about 10,000 times and mike today talked about the all star match about 10,000 more times i mean how many time can u say it n 1 show dam lol and that eric young dude how dumb is his gimmick?? and kevin nash's? lol and pple talk about WWE has n e body watched TNA lately? all they do it take commercials show the same promo over n over again i think i saw about 10 to 15 mins worth of wrestling the hole show
They have no more commercials than any other show. I've got a few 1 hour shows on dvr and I'll time them over the weekend and get back. But my guess is they will be within 1-3 minutes of commercial time.
i think i saw about 10 to 15 mins worth of wrestling the hole show
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the main event had potential to be a good match but it wasnt. rhino didnt make it into the match then sting ,christian and abyss all started brawling outside of the ring after abyss hit some move on joe and then angle came in and turned on joe.

this was only the 2nd time i ve watched tna on tv and i saw angle turning on samoa joe a mile away. how come everyone bashes wwe for that kind of thing but no one says anything about tna doing it?
Its just you. TNA edits each episode of Impact into 6 segments each of them fitting into standardised programming allocations per segment as classified by the host network, in this case Spike. If you think there are too many commercials, it basically means that TNA is doing its job and keeping you entertained. You are so into the show that time passes by quick and commercials really get you pissed.

However, another thing which could cause this view is that commercials may be set at irregualr intervals. For instance, they may have no commercials for a 10 minute stretch and then have 2 commercial breaks within the next ten minutes. This is the most likely scenario and causes a lot of viewers to get frustrated coz they are happy to get back to the show and all of a sudden are hit with another round of advertisements.
i was watching the 2nd half of Impact last night (i was gonna watch the whole show but half my town last power last night around 8 and it didnt come back on till 9:30ish)and it seemed for however long i watched i saw more commercials than anything. I saw the promos for angle/samoa joe and then it cut to a commercial.after that it was the main event and rhino came out and got attacked by styles .rather long commercial break. then 3 more of the competitors came out. Commercial break again. the last 2 come out and like 4 moves happen commercial break.

i m not trying to bitch about tna. i m trying to get into it and away from wwe but how do they expect to get and keep an audience when all they do is cut to commercials? it aint no wonder they dont get higher ratings. It reminded me of when i used to watch mtv. u d get like 2 minutes of a show followed by a 5 minute commercial break. about the time you start to get into it theres a commercial break. so is this a typical Impact? Or just because its the first of the month and they got bills to pay?

It's kind of typical. The thing about TNA is that it's only one hour long calling for nearly every night to have at least one match where there's a commercial break during it. The matches are great, but they never show enough of them because they're only one hour. Eventually they will be going to two hours though so that's when the shows will be awesome where you can watch matches in their entirety. Also, the pay-per-views are what you want to watch TNA for. If you don't like to order pay-per-views a lot, then WWE is for you because WWE pay-per-views are like watching Barney compared to a TNA pay-per-view. Anyone who's seen a TNA pay-per-view knows what I'm talking about.
i think tna has a lot of commericals cus they need the money there are an uponcoming promotion they need all the money then can get and commercials fuffils that
I am in TV and I repeat:

Its just you. TNA edits each episode of Impact into 6 segments each of them fitting into standardised programming allocations per segment as classified by the host network, in this case Spike. If you think there are too many commercials, it basically means that TNA is doing its job and keeping you entertained. You are so into the show that time passes by quick and commercials really get you pissed.

HOWEVER, another thing which could cause this view is that commercials may be set at irregualr intervals. For instance, they may have no commercials for a 10 minute stretch and then have 2 commercial breaks within the next ten minutes. This is the most likely scenario and causes a lot of viewers to get frustrated coz they are happy to get back to the show and all of a sudden are hit with another round of advertisements.

Its simple.
Yeah I get that feeling too sometimes when I'm watching Impact. I'm not sure if it's necessarily the commercials though. It seems that they really overhype their ppv's. I've noticed this ever since I watched impact when it debuted. Granted their ppv's are quite superior to the majority of WWE ppv's, but nowadays it seems that Impact is mostly promos and ppv plugs. Especially since Russo has taken over, there hasn't really been a great deal of wrestling. I would cut down on the promos and replace them with wrestling, and maybe this feeling will diminish somewhat.
TNA took 7 commercials last night during INPACT 7 of them with a 1 hour show i mean GEEZ how many u take in 1 hour dam lol every time u turn around they was takin 1 this is y i think TNA have srry ass matches cause they start the match and do a min. worth of wrestling then go to commercial come bac and 2 or 3 mins later the match is over then do another commercial its bull crap they really badly need 2 make it a 2 hour show they have to many wrestlers and stuff going on to try n fit it into a 1 hour show
they have commercials becuse spike tv has commercials, i dont know what makes you think that TNA chooses to have commercials in there program, no one does, it is the network, in America it is standard to have a show split in to 6 segments allowing for commercials, this to me is frustrating for a start as i am british and our shows are all cut into 4 segments so its frustrating having 2 more thrown in.
Ad revenue is part of what keeps shows going, so they are a necessary evil. They do take time away from what you like to watch, but they also help it to stay on the air. It's a catch-22, situation. Most of the time, I just hope I don't have to see that goddamn DirectTV commercial with Jessica Simpson's dumb ass doing the pitching. I actually want to dropkick her more than I want to get naked with her. Which for me is amazing.
i dont know what makes you think that TNA chooses to have commercials in there program

I know commercials are a necessary evil for t.v. shows. Otherwise everything would be on pay-per-view. When i started this topic the impact! that i had watched seemed to have excessive commercial breaks and long ones at that.

The last tna show i watched wasn't as bad commercial breakwise so i think it was just because it was the first of the month and bills had to paid somewhere for spiketv/tna.
^I could give a $hit what people THINK I am. I don't see why you're confused, though. I think Jessica Simpson is hot, but she ruins it by talking. This is hardly brain surgery or rocket science.
tna claims they show wrestling, but the truth is all they do is show comercials, have gat interviews with eric young, a samoa joe/ kurt angle promo, or a gay ass pcs thing, you only get 2 matches at tna
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