Is Bryan Danielson the Most Famous or Anticipated Indy Wrestler EVAH?

Everything ive said is a fact

Nothing you have stated here is a fact.

You have stated that performers like Ric Flair and Misawa are better than Bryan Danielson. That is your opinion; it may be an opinion that is held by a great many others but in the end it is still an OPINION not a fact.

There is no quanitifiable or scientific way to prove who is the greatest wrestler ever.

It is and always will be an opinion driven question
Nothing you have stated here is a fact.

You have stated that performers like Ric Flair and Misawa are better than Bryan Danielson. That is your opinion; it may be an opinion that is held by a great many others but in the end it is still an OPINION not a fact.

There is no quanitifiable or scientific way to prove who is the greatest wrestler ever.

It is and always will be an opinion driven question

No not really LOL. So when you say John Cena is better than Danielson is opinion too huh? LOL. That has nothing to do with opinion, its just clueless.
No not really LOL. So when you say John Cena is better than Danielson is opinion too huh? LOL. That has nothing to do with opinion, its just clueless.

I guarantee that there are plenty of people who think Cena is better than Danielson. Granted, most of them will not have reached their teens yet but that is their opinion.

However, it is not a fact.

To argue that it is brings in a whole other level of inquiry regarding how do you quantify "greatness" in the wrestling world that does not belong in this thread.
I guarantee that there are plenty of people who think Cena is better than Danielson. Granted, most of them will not have reached their teens yet but that is their opinion.

However, it is not a fact.

To argue that it is brings in a whole other level of inquiry regarding how do you quantify "greatness" in the wrestling world that does not belong in this thread.

Not just most of them not have reached their teens, their also never seen Danielson wrestle. And when i say Danielson is a better In-Ring performer, better Storyteller and better technican than Cena its a fact, unless someone proove me wrong.( Which nobody really can, because Danielson is better than him in every aspect ).

Allright, when people say Kobashi is better than Misawa, its fine, or when people saying Danielson is better than Misawa, its okay, now thats a matter of opinion. But when people say Cena is better than per example than Misawa, its has nothing to do with opinion in my eyes..
Damn! You're a woman! Maybe I should take this disussion on a bit of a lighter edge LOL.

Hmmm...I bet you're a hit with the ladies, aren't you? They probably love you for your quick wit, undeniable charm and uncanny ability to fuck up the english language.

I dont know how Bret Hart won that tournament, but i guess most of the guys who voted clearly doesnt have any clue what so ever. Guys who voted Bret Hart as the best Wrestler ever never ever seen one Kobashi or Jushin Liger match. Typical for pathetic little marks.

Oh.... I get it now.... you think you know about wrestling because you've seen some Japanese work. Bret Hart won the tournament because people voted for him. There are many people who believe he is the best ever. I'm terribly sorry that doesn't mesh with your opinion, but it is what it is. Your opinion only counts as much as the next person.

Come with arguments and facts, all you said is totally your opinion there is no 'fact' based on what your saying.
You are insulting us trained professionals with this rhetoric you spew.
When Hart is considered a greater technical Wrestler than Flair by compairing him to Flairs final 15 years in the business thats nonsense.

I know I am but a poor lowly woman, but please just hang with me here for a second. I'm going to attempt to make this very clear and I'm going to even dumb it down a little so there is a chance you will understand. goes:

1. You keep bringing up Ric Flair. Check it out- we have the same opinion on the guy. He's great, but what does he have to do with this thread?

2. Some people think Bret Hart is the best. I'm am not one of those people, alas, they do exist. Get over it.

3. Trained professional, huh? Well, why didn't you just say so? I should just put my apron on and head back to the kitchen. Actually, I don't give a flying fuck if you are a trained professional. In fact, you should be embarrassed to admit that on a public forum after the shit you have posted. Congrats on knowing the proper way to apply a headlock. Now all you have to do is learn the business side of it and you might just have a shot.

This thread is about Bryan Danielson. Here's some FACTS about him: he is a tremendous technician in the ring, has solid psychology, and cuts good promos. That was my point. What the hell is your point?
Not just most of them not have reached their teens, their also never seen Danielson wrestle. And when i say Danielson is a better In-Ring performer, better Storyteller and better technican than Cena its a fact, unless someone proove me wrong.( Which nobody really can, because Danielson is better than him in every aspect ).

Allright, when people say Kobashi is better than Misawa, its fine, or when people saying Danielson is better than Misawa, its okay, now thats a matter of opinion. But when people say Cena is better than per example than Misawa, its has nothing to do with opinion in my eyes..

You need to brush up on your definition on what a 'fact' is and what an 'opinion' is.

To simply state that Danielson is a better in-ring performer than Cena is your opinion, not a fact.

Saying that Cena is a better performer than Misawa may not be a popular stand point but it is still an opinion.

Neither of these opinions can be proven to be fact because, as I mentioned above, there are too many intangibles to take into consideration, not least an individual's preference.
And what you said about Danielson, tremendous technican, good at cutting promos etc....but like the other guy said , this is your opinion, theres no fact. This is all your opinion LOL.

I'm not sure why I'm even wasting my time responding to you. I'm also not sure why you even responded to my post originally. You make absolutely no sense and you have mastered the art of talking in circles. If you agree that Danielson is a tremendous technician, good at cutting promos, etc then why attempt to argue with me? That was my point to begin with.

You have no concept of the difference between fact and opinion. You have continuously argue with me and Barbosa presenting nothing of relevance. You have succeeded only in supporting every statement I have made. So thank you for that. :)

And yes, the ladies love me.

" The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be! "

Thats a sentence of a girl on how sex was with me.

This is completely juvenile. You are beyond pathetic. Consider this the end of our "debate".
And what you said about Danielson, tremendous technican, good at cutting promos etc....but like the other guy said , this is your opinion, theres no fact. This is all your opinion LOL.

I'm not sure why I'm even wasting my time responding to you. I'm also not sure why you even responded to my post originally. You make absolutely no sense and you have mastered the art of talking in circles. If you agree that Danielson is a tremendous technician, good at cutting promos, etc then why attempt to argue with me? That was my point to begin with.

You have no concept of the difference between fact and opinion. You have continuously argue with me and Barbosa presenting nothing of relevance. You have succeeded only in supporting every statement I have made. So thank you for that. :)

And yes, the ladies love me.

" The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be! "

Thats a sentence of a girl on how sex was with me.

This is completely juvenile. You are beyond pathetic. Consider this the end of our "debate".
Wow, I didn't realize how heated the debates in the Indy forums can get. Apparently some people don't know the meaning of "debate" (have a conversation and combat the opposing opinion with intelligent view points, not "THIS IS WHAT IT IS, BECAUSE I SAID IT AND IM RIGHT!!!! WOOT!!!). But I digress.

Back to the point at hand, I think Danielson might have been the most anticipated and is riding a hell of a wave since his debut. The reason I rank him above CM Punk is in the execution. Punk came in with a following, but toiled in the lower mid card in ECW for a bit before elevating on the card. Danielson has come right in, and is mixing it up with upper mid carders and even dabbled with a Main Eventer in his debut on TV.

The only variation on my answer would be if we are considering the original ECW as an indy. If so, no one came in with more momentum and following then Tazz. To have MSG chanting your name without ever being seen on WWE TV says something.

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