Int. Region, Fourth Round, Hell in a Cell: (2) The Rock vs. (3) Andre the Giant

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • The Rock

  • Andre the Giant

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a fourth round match in the International Region. It is a Hell in a Cell match, held at the 02 Arena in London, England. One week has passed since the third round, so some injuries or fatigue may be a factor.


Rules: The ring is surrounded by a cage with space between the ring and the cage. Anything goes and the match is won by pinfall or submission.


#2. The Rock



#3. Andre the Giant

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Not going to lie I'm a bit tossed up on this. On paper you'd say Andre has an advantage, but then you remember Rock has experience being a sick and twisted dude and when weapons get involved it evens it out a bit more. Right now I'm inclined to give it to the Rock in what would be a match where both men feel it, but I think there's room to be swayed.
I really am leaning toward Andre here. I just dont think Rock will be able to take Andre inside the cell. He puts up a great fight filled with some very good comeback moments & classic Rocky facial expressions, but he ultimately he gets chopped down by the giant. I dont see a Rock Bottom or Peoples Elbow keeping Andre down. I am sure he would snap a bit and start breaking stuff, but Andre has enough at one point & just grabs a hold of Rock to put an end to it all.
I really am leaning toward Andre here. I just dont think Rock will be able to take Andre inside the cell. He puts up a great fight filled with some very good comeback moments & classic Rocky facial expressions, but he ultimately he gets chopped down by the giant. I dont see a Rock Bottom or Peoples Elbow keeping Andre down. I am sure he would snap a bit and start breaking stuff, but Andre has enough at one point & just grabs a hold of Rock to put an end to it all.

I think I agree, I don't see how the Rock can use the cell to his advantage like Andre can. Andre can toss Rock from pillar to post across the Cell, and just maim him. I think the Rock puts up a hell of a fight but I don't see how Rock beats Andre here. Maybe there's something I'm not seeing but if there is I'm not seeing it.
It's never nice to be locked inside a Cell with a Giant! But I think The Rock is the man to come out on top. Andre was an almost unstoppable force, and if he got his hands on Rocky then he'd dish out the pain but I think the speed of The Rock will be able to keep out of Andre's clutches, and pick his spots to land his punches. He's beaten guys like Big Show fairly easily in the past too, so Andre's size wouldnt be an issue.

We need to remember that Rocky has been in his fair share of wars himself. Who can remember that I Quit match with Foley at The Royal Rumble.


Yeah, I fon't care who you are...or if you are a Giant...those chair shots will scramble your brain. If Rock can get hold of a weapon of some kind, and lash out with shots like that...Andre is going down.

And here's another brutal one...just for shits and giggles.


Vote Rock...if ya smell what I'm cooking.
It's never nice to be locked inside a Cell with a Giant! But I think The Rock is the man to come out on top. Andre was an almost unstoppable force, and if he got his hands on Rocky then he'd dish out the pain but I think the speed of The Rock will be able to keep out of Andre's clutches, and pick his spots to land his punches. He's beaten guys like Big Show fairly easily in the past too, so Andre's size wouldnt be an issue.

We need to remember that Rocky has been in his fair share of wars himself. Who can remember that I Quit match with Foley at The Royal Rumble.
I hate to tell you this but I can't see Rock even getting handcuffs on Andre. I just don't see it. Yes the Rock was a bad as when Foley was at his mercy. Andre wasn't known for taking punishment, he would dominate this match.And big show is no where near as dominate as Andre was


Yeah, I fon't care who you are...or if you are a Giant...those chair shots will scramble your brain. If Rock can get hold of a weapon of some kind, and lash out with shots like that...Andre is going down.

And here's another brutal one...just for shits and giggles.


Vote Rock...if ya smell what I'm cooking.

The second one Ken Shamrock is daring him to hit him in the head with a chair, that's not going to happen in a match setting. Andre would toss Rock around like a doll.
I like Andre in this match. Like another poster said, The Rock was brutal when he got Foley in handcuffs, but I just don't see him being able to hurt and keep down a prime Andre. The Rock would give a great great effort, but in the end Andre would just be to much for The Rock, and finally wear him down to get the pinfall. Andre to the next round.
I can see the argument for both here, but I'm going to go with The Rock, basically because I believe he's done more to get there. Andre got to the top by looking the way he did. The audience wanted The Rock to fail legitimately for the first year or so of his career, and he had to fight back to win them over with his mic skills. That's an incredibly difficult thing to do, and deserves much kudos.

As for location, Andre is both literally and figuratively huge, but I think The Rock's popularity in Britain is second to none in American wrestling, so he'd have the crowd onside.
"Well The Rock did beat Big Show and Andre can be beat so I'm voting for The Rock." - Jimmy Fallacy (age 11)

Sure Andre did lose and can lose, but it doesn't mean he will lose this match. There are no countouts here. Imagine what Andre would do to The Rock if he hit him with some form of weapon.

Plus The Rock won this thing before and this tournament is becoming dangerously close to being the same few folks make it to the final. We need fresh blood, just like blood that would spill if Andre hits The Rock with a camera.
I think this would be a very fun match, and I'm a huge mark for Andre, but I voted Rocky. I know that Big Show and Andre aren't the same guy, but they are fairly similar and Rock made Show his bitch more often than not, so I have a feeling that this match would play out fairly similar.
I'm going with The Rock for a few reasons. First, as an overall professional wrestler I believe he is better. Better in the ring, better on the mic, and he is one of only a few people who can claim to be a bigger star and draw then Andre was.

Second, if you look at the booking I don't see a way Andre wins. At his best Andre was always the guy who would team with territories top stars to take on whoever the biggest heels were at the time. When he did go against another face it was either a draw or he would occasionally lose. As a heel Andre was great but his biggest one on one matches against big faces like Hogan and Warrior ended up with him on the losing end. I don't see the stipulation favoring either guy.
I think this would be a very fun match, and I'm a huge mark for Andre, but I voted Rocky. I know that Big Show and Andre aren't the same guy, but they are fairly similar and Rock made Show his bitch more often than not, so I have a feeling that this match would play out fairly similar.

The Rock swims in the same gene pool as his father and I'm sure Andre made Rocky Johnson his bitch on numerous occasions. Are you saying Andre and Big Show are more similar than The Rock and his father? Who in Andre's era would you compare to The Rock.
WZ Tournament myth #48: Being funny on the mic gives you superpowers.

Rock was many things, but dominant wasnt really one of them. Andre traveled the countryside destroying all in his path. I fail to see how he would lose here. Sure Rock can hold his own there & is a funny guy, but he will need to do more than that when facing Andre. Rock gets swatted around, stepped on & laughed at by Andre. The man is just too much for Rock.

Being better at promos or merch sales, does not mean you are stronger or less likely to lose. 90% of the arsenal Rock has will be rendered useless here. He could beat on Andre for a few minutes, then Andre gets mad & knocks Rock on his ass in a second. That means Rocky is going to have to work quite hard to chop down this tree & it means Rock runs out of gas, trying to put a few dents in the big man. Now we have an increasingly exhausted Rock vs an angry giant. My money is on the giant.

Andre is tough enough, but locking yourself in a cage with limited places to run? And giving Andre a weapon? All the eyebrows & elbows in Samoa will not save you.
WZ Tournament myth #48: Being funny on the mic gives you superpowers.

Being funny is one of about 100000 things the Rock had going for him. He is one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time and was great at basically everything. One of the best talkers ever, great in the ring, insanely popular, huge draw, great as a face, great as a heel, huge crossover appeal/success, etc. If he doesn't leave in 2003 and stays in the WWE full time for another few years then he may be at the very top of a lot of lists when talking about the best ever. He was/is that good.

Rock was many things, but dominant wasnt really one of them. Andre traveled the countryside destroying all in his path. I fail to see how he would lose here. Sure Rock can hold his own there & is a funny guy, but he will need to do more than that when facing Andre. Rock gets swatted around, stepped on & laughed at by Andre. The man is just too much for Rock.

Being better at promos or merch sales, does not mean you are stronger or less likely to lose. 90% of the arsenal Rock has will be rendered useless here. He could beat on Andre for a few minutes, then Andre gets mad & knocks Rock on his ass in a second. That means Rocky is going to have to work quite hard to chop down this tree & it means Rock runs out of gas, trying to put a few dents in the big man. Now we have an increasingly exhausted Rock vs an angry giant. My money is on the giant.

And now we get to your two paragraphs of mindless, fictional crap. The Rock was not a small man. He was 6'5, 240 and would still have plenty of moves in his arsenal to take down Andre. The Rock has defeated the likes of Big Show, Taker, and Kane with his offense. Obviously none of them are Andre but it shows his offense can keep down big men. Big Show especially is very similar in overall size and while he wasn't the success that Andre was, he is also extremely underrated on this forum. The Rock Bottom, DDT, and People's Elbow are all still in play for the Rock's offense. Not to mention he can use weapons. Rock has beaten the best of the best in his career. He has beaten Austin, Hogan, Taker, Show, Foley, Triple H, Angle, Cena, CM Punk, etc.. When The Rock was at his peak as a face his only losses really came due to heavy interference. Andre is great but he is beatable and the Rock is one of the guys who could and would beat him.

Your notion that Andre was unstoppable and beat everybody is also fictional. Andre was a huge attraction but the key word is "attraction." He didn't stay in any one region long enough to become a top guy. He was most known for traveling territory to territory and either beating up on heels or teaming with the top face of the region to take on a couple heels. He rarely went up against the top faces (which is what the Rock is) and when he did the match either went to a draw or Andre lost. During his WWE created fictional 15 year win streak, he lost multiple times to the likes of Antonio Inoki and El Canek. Both Canek and Inoki are smaller in stature then the Rock is. Even the big name heels in the territory days like Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkel would take Andre to a draw.

The Rock is the exact type of superstar that has beaten and would beat Andre whether you want to use Andre's time as a face or a heel. Now if you actually have an argument of substance and don't just come with mindless babble of "Andre big, Rock not as big, Andre win, Rock get crushed," then feel free to respond. Otherwise please don't bother.
The Rock was 3W 2D 2L at televised encounters with the Big Show and lost against the giant when the rule book was thrown out. If Big Show is being used as Andre Lite here to support Rocky, 3 wins in 7 is really not going to get him past the eighth wonder of the world.

Plus, I don't care how many movie Dwayne has made, give me Fezzik anytime!
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