In what capacity if any would you want to see WCW at Wrestlemania?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So Wrestlemania is in Atlanta this year and WCW keeps coming up to be some sort of part of the event. Basically what part of WCW would you include? HOF participants, surprise returns and appearances, matches, etc...

Here are a few thoughts of mine, not necessarily stuff I want to see but stuff that could happen:

Goldberg return for a match against someone like Taker, Big Show, Cena, etc...

Hall of Fame have people like Arn, 4 Horsemen, Road Warriors, etc in it.

DDP, Booker T, or others make some sort of appearance.

Steiner Brothers get Hall of Fame nod and return for a match with tag champions...
Two words... WAR GAMES! Imagine that! Have a couple big title matches for your main event, have a money in the bank ladder match, have a Taker match, and have war games! You will actually make up for the lack of "star power" that they seem to be worried about. Those 4 matches right there, along with maybe an IC match and a US Champ match would be more than enough to pack this years WM with a punch... plus you will probably have some WCW vets in the Hall of Fame that year who have already been in the match who can help build hype for it by sharing their experiences.
Two words... WAR GAMES! Imagine that! Have a couple big title matches for your main event, have a money in the bank ladder match, have a Taker match, and have war games! You will actually make up for the lack of "star power" that they seem to be worried about. Those 4 matches right there, along with maybe an IC match and a US Champ match would be more than enough to pack this years WM with a punch... plus you will probably have some WCW vets in the Hall of Fame that year who have already been in the match who can help build hype for it by sharing their experiences.

OOOOH! thats a fantastic idea! I so loved the old Wargames matches back in the late 80s and early 90s. the only downside is the no blood policy that the WWE has now. and think about it, how many Wargames do you remember where someone wasnt bleeding like a stuck pig?

or maybe they can bring back the Shockmaster! :D
God really? I think WWE learned you can't just throw something on a pole, we've seen Miner 49er match in WCW, and we've seen Pepper on a pole match (for you young kids out there that don't remember that Big Boss Man made Al Snow eat his dog and then they put his remains on a pole in a doggy bag- No pun intended) Honestly if WCW was to be involved I would like to see two things prior to wrestlemania and that is WWE Monday Nitro and a two month build of a WCW/WWE Wrestlemania. but here are a few other things I would like to see just for giggles. a WCW battle Royal called by Jim Ross and Tony Schavione. Since Money in the bank is getting its own ppv lately lets do War Games. I also think that an I quit match (which was a staple of Flair/Funk Feud) from the WCW days would be awesome against a Daniel Bryan and another technician. I think I wanna see RKO vs Diamond Cutter, and Sting vs Cena in another epic Icon vs Icon match.
Sting would be the most interesting and i think he could still put on a good match with someone. I don't wanna see anybody go until the haal of fame from wcw when there are other guys from wwe that deserve it more. Unfortunately its not reall a hall of fame so Lex has to go in goldberg probably the steiners are interesting especially scott. Nash you should be in too.
I think a "War Games" match would be sweet! What about a tag team "Scaffold" match! I think Goldberg and/or Sting in a match and/or HOF would be strong! Definitely think it's HOF time for the Freebirds(since they're from Georgia), Jake the Snake (he's from Georgia), Road Warriors, Bruiser Brody, Arn Anderson, Goldberg & Sting should be inducted ASAP!
no blood in war games doesn't necessarily have to kill the idea so long as the match is done right... look at the Nexus attack on Raw, it was as intense as anything we've seen and no one needed a crimson mask. Funny thing is most of the endings to war games didn't even have to do with blood so it can be done w/o it.

A scaffold match would be amazing too, but i think you gotta have tag teams for it to be viable... WWE these days has completely dropped the ball on a tag division, maybe a good scaffold match would be what it takes to bring back the tag division.
Definitely like to see the Hall of Fame be all WCW......a Goldberg final match at mania......maybe a tag team match with a WCW vs WWE i love that War Games idea....and then keep MITB on the card, IC match, takers match and a Unification of World titles......and i think i would be totally pumped for this card.
Basically nothing.

I don't see the point in having a WCW themed Hall of Fame. I'd rather them spread the guys out and in the process, also induct WWE-folk that haven't been placed in there yet.

I also don't see the point in taking a WCW concept and putting it on the WWE's biggest show. No clamoring for changing the Royal Rumble to the World War 3 concept.

At the most I'd like to see one or two WCW guys inducted and that's about it (unless you count guys that were in both WWF/E and WCW, like Savage).
I want to see HOF WCW themed as well but for them to carefully pick the contenders. For example, they would need to make a descision on goldberg. Naturally it will be mostly guys who were in both companies because most guys did fly back and forth between the two. The most important guy to have would be sting, so could they do it without him or would they wait for another year. I believe sting will accept the invitation if it is given to him but how he has been so successful in his career without dodging the top dog is amazing.

I wouldn't mind seeing a WCW themed match but that would depend on how many guys were inducted. I would think that there would be DDP, the steiners, luger, oh and arn anderson is sure fire to get in, you see how tight he is without mcmahon now? plus the fact he deserves it anyway. Perhaps they will induct the four horsemen as a stable? Oh and the NWO has to be inducted, I mean the biggest stable in wrestling history!

Thing is that many of these guys can still go to an alright level like booker T and steiner, good enough to put on a match. The whole WCW at mania rendition could be like hardcore justice for ECW except done right.
The Three Tier Cage

I would love to see them use it. This cage makes the Hell in a cell look like a dog kennel. This would be awesome for WM.
There are a several things I wouldnt mind seeing

- A WCW themed Hall Of Fame

If they want to do one, then this is the year as Wrestlemania is in Atlanta. There are plenty of WCW legends who could be inducted into this, and if it takes place I fully expect to see Goldberg and The Road Warriors going in, as well as Arn Anderson.

- Goldberg wrestling

This is a possiblity, Goldberg has already publicly said he would like to wrestle 1 more time, so his son can see him wrestle live. Wrestlemania in Atlanta is the perfect choice for this, infront of the fans who worshipped him back in his WCW days. The choice of oppnent is quite tough, as they would have to be a big name to justify wrestling Goldberg, but they would need to do the job as I honestly cannot see a man, whos career was based around a huge winning streak, being willing to lose on his one-night-only return...


A man who is unique in the fact that he has NEVER worked for Vince. A true WCW icon, and now free from his TNA contract. If WWE do not put the feelers out and try and entice Sting to appear at WM this year then they are missing a big opportunity

WCW Themed Battle Royal/Tag Team match

If there is space on the card, then I wouldnt mind seeing a battle royal or a tag team match featuring some former WCW wrestlers. It would be nice for the Atlanta fans to see some of their former stars performing live again and would be great for the talent to appear at a Wrestlemania. Guys like Booker T, Scott Steiner, DDP, Kidman etc could be involved somehow?

I do not like the idea of War Games at Wrestlemania, unless it was for the Undisputed Title. I definitely think that WWE should bring this match type back, but I think it should be the main match on a specific PPV, not an extra match at Wrestlemania. The gimmick is big enough to warrant alot of focus on it, and I am not sure it wouldnt be lost in the crowd at a WCW themed PPV.
This really seems more like TNA's thing- WCW is dead. All of the leftover juice from WCW has long been drank, which is why Hulk + Eric can't get the ratings up above a 1.2 by reliving their glory days.

The WWE has moved on. Much of the audience they are targeting today were in diapers when WCW was last an active promotion. There is no nostalgia left; so many nWo and Four Horseman rehashes have seen to that. Professional wrestling hasn't been successful by trying to look back towards its most recent glory days; the WWE needs to (and is trying to) look towards the future.

In short, there's no need for it and it won't increase buyrates at all. It's not even much good for card filler; a lot of the audience would use a WCW segment as a first or second excuse to hit the bathroom, depending on when the Diva's match was scheduled.
If I am going to be completely honest there are only two huge matches that I would really want to see if it were at all possible.

1) Undertaker vs Sting- this has been a dream match for me since the 90's, the two dark figures of WCW and WWE one on one. Its one of those matches you could almost picture the build up to mania in your head. Undertaker just winning a huge match, getting on one knee to do his taunt but instead of the lights going blue they go black the lights dim back on to see sting, in the rafters pointing at taker with his black bat. Just the thought gives me goosebumps, that is one match that I would have no problem paying to see.

2) Stone Cold vs Goldberg - the battle of the attitude era, who really was the face of wrestling in the 90's, who is the true badass, who really defines attitude? Now ive never been a huge Goldberg fan however this is one match that i would mark out for if i saw. Like it or not Stone Cold and Goldberg were the two biggest names in wrestling throughout the attitude era and to witness that match even in 2011 would give the world watching goosebumps.

3ish) as a third option I wouldnt mind seeing Taker go head to head with Goldberg, I dont think it would provide quite the payoff the other two would, however I think its still a big match that can be interesting. Goldberg could go into the match as the heel (obviously) and cut promos saying he knows a thing or two about streaks and if anybody is going to end takers, itll be him.

Besides those 2 (or 3) matches I would say just give those who deserve it the hall of fame nod and leave wrestlemania alone.
I think that, as well as the fairly obvious WCW themed hall of fame, a 10 man tag match against the Nexus would be the way to go if they wanted them to be used in an in ring capacity.

They could easily get five former WCW guys along the lines of Booker, Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Lex Luger, DDP, Sting, Nash, Hall, X-Pac etc. If they were short on numbers they could use guys like Show, Chavo, William Regal, Jericho, Rey from the current roster who used to work in WCW.

It would probably be a decent match too as most of those guys have been wrestling for TNA recently so there wouldn't be much ring rust and since it is a 10 man tag they wouldn't have to be in the ring for that long at any one time.

For a build up they could do something along the lines of Nexus insulting WCW and these guys coming in to defend the honour of their company. It wouldn't be anything groundbreaking but it would be good enough and it would certainly garner some extra views from old school WCW fans.
ok there have been a few of threads on how WM is not gnna be as big any more with out undertaker and others. But i have not yet seen a thread on how to make an attraction at wrestlemania, i mean they could try matches like MITB, Vince vs Trump, Big show vs sumo wrestler, but the real attraction is undertakers streak! but unfortunately there soon will no be undertaker, and ya blah blah blah.

i want to share an idea with you on how to make this years wrestlemania valuable to watch. since this years going to be at atlanta, and the hall of fame will be on wcw class, why not make wrestlemania STARCADE!!!

it would be perfect, have the stracade look with the ring, ropes, fences, ect. and you could bring back old wcw match types like war games, triple cage, and bring some wcw legends, like booker t, sting, goldberg, nash, scott hall, more.

what do you guys think of bringing starcade back, and also what idea do you have for wrestlemania.
Ok this has to have a WCW themed Hall of Fame they have too. Booker T, The Steiners, Nash and Hall, Sting and Bischoff would be good(that's if they are not signed to TNA), have Savage headline the HOF. Hell I would even throw Goldberg and DDP in there. Then have Goldberg do a squash match, you know 'cause that is what made him famous, and instead of having a god-awful divas match have a battle royal with the new inductees and others from the old days of WCW. It would be awesome.
Unless it's an induction for someone who was with both the WWE and WCW into the Hall of Fame, none.

I think it would be counterproductive booking to use old WCW themes like War Games over traditional WWE concepts that have been in place for a long time just because Wrestlemania is located in Atlanta. As with every year at Wrestlemania, this should be the culmination of feuds. It shouldn't be about introducing stale concepts, or bringing in washed up "stars" from WCW at the expense of the current product, and it's superstars.

Having a WCW themed HOF has what point? They would be far better served to spread out the inductions of former WCW wrestlers rather then water down the class just so it has a "WCW" theme. I can't think of any wrestlers that are needed to be there either. You don't book guys to "return" just because. Remember when TNA did Hardcore Justice? Why would WWE want to make a similar mistake? They wouldn't.

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