Impact Wrestlings Home Grown Stars.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Looking at the Impact wrestling roster these days is pretty incredible. They have a stocked roster full of talent, but what is even more incredible is that many of the guys on the roster have personality and if Impact Wrestling was a bigger federation could be huge stars. I'll list a few.

AJ Styles: AJ is pretty mush the "franchise" of Impact wrestling. He has been there top guy for the better part of the decade and while I was critical of all the "mentors" that he had (Angle, Sting, Christian, Flair) it has cretainly helped his mic skills and made him into a solid all around performer. There are times when he'll cut a promo and I think damn that was good.

Robert Roode: All the vets (Nash, Booker T, Steiner, Sting) who came into Impact raved about this guy. I admit I didn't see it at first. It wasn't until he won the BFG series in 2011 that bought into him. And yes, I was mad that he didn't win BFG 2011, but holy crap did he rebound. His heel personae has been and is one of the best in the business. He doesn't want to crowd to like him. He gives them nothing to like at all.

James Storm: When he was in America's Most Wanted I thought he was the lesser of the two. Sure he coul work as well a Harris, but Harris had the look. However Storm had one thing over Harris-an interesting character. Once AMW folded Storm proved to be the better character. His beer drinking redneck personality is who he truly is.

Samoa Joe: The guy doesn't even need to talk to be over. He is just and ass kicking machine. While it is true that he floundered in TNA due to bad booking; he really made a comeback during this years BRG series. It was the Joe of old. The Joe that was there to just kick ass. I was happy that they decided to put the TV title on him. It means that we'll get lots of awesome matches on Free TV. I really hope they push him with the title so it'll elevate it and make it worth something.

Austin Aries: This guy is awesome. The original idea for BFG 2012 (I believe) was to have Storm vs Roode, but Aries was so over that they had to put the title on him. Now he is back to being a heel where he should be.

Bully Ray: I know he came from ECW and WWE, but his greates character and greatest ring work has happened in TNA. He is another heel character done the right way- there is nothing at all to like about the guy and I honestly think he relishes that. I can see him becoming world Champion soon. I honestly thought he was going to win the BFG series. How good is bully at his job? Well, in his tage match with sting on last Thursdays Impact the crowd was booing him, but by the middle of the match they were cheering him. The guy knows how to work a crowd (even one as jadded as the Impact Zone) working a crowd to that degree is a (IMO) a lost art. So, few are able to do it today.

Daniels and Kazarian: Daniels is so damn good he has completely elevated Kaz into a great all round performer. Daniels personality is rubbing off on Kaz how has always been a great performer and had a great look, but lacked in personality and mic skills. These two har one of the high points of impact. they are comedy heels who are actually funny. I don't want them to lose the titles at BFG because they are just too damn entertaining. I can't see them staying heels much longer cause they are just that dman good. I honestly don't think that the fans will let them.

Magnus: This guy has a great look and will be World Champion some day. The cocky british asshole gimmick is one that always works (think Lord Stven Regal) He just needs that little something to get him to the next level. Perhaps winning next years BFG series or even a hot Valet that he can rob in everyones faces. "Do you see how hot so and so is this is something that none of you will ever touch because you aren't as beautiful as I am. You're out of shape, lazy American swine." Yes, I channeled a bit of Rick Rude there, but I think it would work for him.

So, why has Impact Wrestling been able to cultivate so many quality performers yet WWE hasn't and is there anyone that you guy see as also being on their way up in TNA that I left out.
What stars? lol
AJ Styles is the most overrate wrestler in a long time. He is basically a Kofi Kingston except I think Kofi is much better than him.

James Storm is a lifetime mid-carder at best. He's okay. Be is JBL if he is lucky.

Roode is good but not exactly a franchise guy to build a company around. He is the closest thing to a star and would be a 4th or 5th guy at the top but no number one.

Austin Aries is a good mic-card guy but there is nothing great about him. He is a poor man's CM Punk and even blatantly ripped off Punk with his "shoot promo/ pipe bomb" he tried doing on Jeff Hardy.

Samoa Joe is fat and sloppy. There is nothing intimidating about a guy who doesn't look like he has even attempted to lift a weight in years.

Kaz and Daniels are where they belong as tag team guys. They are okay as a tag team but neither have much more to offer.

Magnus is okay. He might do some good things in the future but who knows.

TNA has no stars. All of these TNA homegrown guys have developed into a decent roster but nothing spectacular. I think thats the problem with TNA. Guys get way too many chances. The roster never changes and it gets boring as hell fast. Why does Anderson still have a job? Or the Pope? Both those guys have bombed and are sticking around for some reason. Why did they ever hire Chavo?
I don't like playing the comparison game, so I'll leave WWE out of this conversation.

I really think TNA is establishing their stars because they've been taking their time. They have not attempted to rush anything this past year. In years past, they did... and it failed miserably. This past year however, they've focused on character progression. All those people you named, none of them became stars overnight.

Roode became a star by continuing his title reign each month even if it meant the fans hating a PPV booking by ending a lot of matches in DQs. It worked in the long haul. He tweaked his character each week and now he's a star as a result of a long title run and working on his character each and every week.

Storm has fluctuated throughout the year in popularity, and by the end of the BFG series almost seemed like he didn't quite live up to the star potential he had. But when Roode cracked him with a bottle, screwing him out of it, the rivalry started up again and he's gaining more popularity yet again.

Aries spent most of the year as the X division champ, beating no namers. But he put on incredible matches each and every week and almost guaranteed he'd be stealing the show no matter who they put him up against. Over time, he won everyone over. With his face title run being lackluster, now that he's full blown heel, it's hard to argue that he's all the more entertaining and now his title means more than it has since he originally won it.

Bully transformed over time this past year as well. When he first took on the bully character it sounded cheesy and it was hard not to think, "that's just Buh-Buh Ray Dudley. He's nothing outside of a tag team and just needs to give it up already." But over time, he progressed. He made his character more believable each week.

With Joe, it's just as you said. He's just kicking ass every week. The more he does that, the more over he will get as a major player.

Daniels and Kazarian are also changing each week. They bring in new things to their characters.... Martini's, new ways of being scum bags, new ways of being cowards, still putting on some of the best matches of the night each week.

So in short, it's a progression. They're taking time with things and that's the formula for their success. No lazy booking. No squash matches with jobbers to get someone over as a big threat. Just great story telling in the ring and on the mic.
What stars? lol
AJ Styles is the most overrate wrestler in a long time. He is basically a Kofi Kingston except I think Kofi is much better than him.
Then your views on wrestlers in lousy and shouldn't be taken seriously.
James Storm is a lifetime mid-carder at best. He's okay. Be is JBL if he is lucky.
You mean one of TNA's most loved faces is a midcarder for life? Wow. Your opinion REALLY sucks.

Roode is good but not exactly a franchise guy to build a company around. He is the closest thing to a star and would be a 4th or 5th guy at the top but no number one.
And your definition of #1 is so validated. Why have top notch performers people love when we can have JBL.
Austin Aries is a good mic-card guy but there is nothing great about him. He is a poor man's CM Punk and even blatantly ripped off Punk with his "shoot promo/ pipe bomb" he tried doing on Jeff Hardy.
Must be why the stuff he said was true. :rolleyes:
Samoa Joe is fat and sloppy. There is nothing intimidating about a guy who doesn't look like he has even attempted to lift a weight in years.
Yet he's always over and beating people. Gee.
Kaz and Daniels are where they belong as tag team guys. They are okay as a tag team but neither have much more to offer.
They seem more charismatic than any random pairing WWE has made.
Magnus is okay. He might do some good things in the future but who knows.
Not you.

TNA has no stars. All of these TNA homegrown guys have developed into a decent roster but nothing spectacular. I think thats the problem with TNA. Guys get way too many chances. The roster never changes and it gets boring as hell fast. Why does Anderson still have a job? Or the Pope? Both those guys have bombed and are sticking around for some reason. Why did they ever hire Chavo?
This clearly shows how much of an inept observer you are. Anderson is a 2 time World Champion who always gets the crowd going when he appears and The Pope has been injured and out with other concerns lately so nothing can be done. Chavo seems to be doing pretty good for himself in a new tag team too. But then again, how can you notice when you seem to have a think veil over your head.

James Storm is TNA's most likeable character and a great babyface that easily gets the crowd behind him.

Bobby Roode is a classical heel as opposed to the rage quitters we get to today and a guy who has limitless potential right now.

AJ Styles is a performer who anyone can like. Whether its because of his ability or such. Anyone can get behind him.

Austin Aries is proof that having swagger and talent can take you anywhere in this business and if people think he's some poor mans CM Punk, well when did he need to break the 4th wall to get the crowd behind him?
What stars? lol
AJ Styles is the most overrate wrestler in a long time. He is basically a Kofi Kingston except I think Kofi is much better than him.

James Storm is a lifetime mid-carder at best. He's okay. Be is JBL if he is lucky.

Roode is good but not exactly a franchise guy to build a company around. He is the closest thing to a star and would be a 4th or 5th guy at the top but no number one.

Austin Aries is a good mic-card guy but there is nothing great about him. He is a poor man's CM Punk and even blatantly ripped off Punk with his "shoot promo/ pipe bomb" he tried doing on Jeff Hardy.

TNA has no stars. All of these TNA homegrown guys have developed into a decent roster but nothing spectacular. I think thats the problem with TNA. Guys get way too many chances. The roster never changes and it gets boring as hell fast. Why does Anderson still have a job? Or the Pope? Both those guys have bombed and are sticking around for some reason. Why did they ever hire Chavo?

I see you're a tna hater and by default you must be a wwe guy. If tna have a decent roster, the wwe roster must be below mediocre. Roster never changes? you cant tell me wwe have a variety of stars now right? if you have nothing intelligent to say about tna then why bother post on this thread in the first place.

Kofi kingston is better than aj in the ring? you got to be kidding me

James storm is life midcarder. What are you basing that on? with your ridiculous bias opinion of tna? last time i check the guy is still over

robert roode is not a franchise guy? but he is a legit, credible maineventer right? who are you to say is a franchise guy when he is still progressing in the company

no im not a tna fanboy. My user name pretty much explains it.
What stars? lol
AJ Styles is the most overrate wrestler in a long time. He is basically a Kofi Kingston except I think Kofi is much better than him.

James Storm is a lifetime mid-carder at best. He's okay. Be is JBL if he is lucky.

Roode is good but not exactly a franchise guy to build a company around. He is the closest thing to a star and would be a 4th or 5th guy at the top but no number one.

Austin Aries is a good mic-card guy but there is nothing great about him. He is a poor man's CM Punk and even blatantly ripped off Punk with his "shoot promo/ pipe bomb" he tried doing on Jeff Hardy.

Samoa Joe is fat and sloppy. There is nothing intimidating about a guy who doesn't look like he has even attempted to lift a weight in years.

Kaz and Daniels are where they belong as tag team guys. They are okay as a tag team but neither have much more to offer.

Magnus is okay. He might do some good things in the future but who knows.

TNA has no stars. All of these TNA homegrown guys have developed into a decent roster but nothing spectacular. I think thats the problem with TNA. Guys get way too many chances. The roster never changes and it gets boring as hell fast. Why does Anderson still have a job? Or the Pope? Both those guys have bombed and are sticking around for some reason. Why did they ever hire Chavo?

Everything you said here was just awful. Most of it was just you stating your opinion and giving nothing to back it up. TNA has an incredible roster. And no, I'm not a biased TNA guy. I watch and enjoy Raw and Smackdown each week. And every WWE PPV. As soon as you said Kofi is better than AJ Styles, that's when I should have stopped reading.
Aw, did I hurt all you TNA Marks feelings? lol. Shut up and quit bitching. Last time I checked message boards are for voicing your opinion. I simply said I don't think TNA's roster is that good. Just because I don't like soggy tit ass Samoa Joe doesn't mean I don't know shit about wrestling. I'm not some WWE supporter either because I think both companies are pretty shitty right now and I would actually prefer Bobby Roode over Sheamus and Del Rio. And Anderson still sucks ass. His stupid ass voice is so annoying along with how he thinks he is Steve Austin.
AJ Styles is the most overrate wrestler in a long time. He is basically a Kofi Kingston except I think Kofi is much better than him.

Uh, dude...Kofi Kingston is more overrated than AJ ever was, and Kofi's more of an AJ wannabe than AJ is "basically a Kofi Kingston". You'd know that if you actually gave TNA a real chance.

I'm not going to bother responding to the rest of your post (about the other members on the TNA roster you trashed), because The Killjoy already said everything else that needed to be said on that.

It's obvious that you're a WWE fanboy, or a TNA hater, or both. If you actually gave TNA/IW a half-way decent chance instead of immediately thinking that "TNA sucks, and always will", you'd see that Impact has actually been very entertaining lately. In fact, I've actually enjoyed Impact more than Raw (or anything else WWE puts on TV) over the past six months or so. That's just one man's opinion, and I understand you're just as entitled to yours as I am to mine. You've gotta stop talking out of your ass, though - because it's obvious you don't actually watch Impact at all. If you did, you'd probably be singing a different tune (if you actually tried to enjoy the show, instead of dumping all over it with no legitimate knowledge of the product, or it's roster).
Roode can do it all. Without a doubt, this guy is a solid main eventer. At first I didn't understand why do people think he's so great, but when he turned heel and won the belt, GOD DAMN... I got it! He is awesome. One of the best heels in the bussiness today.

Storm turned out to be better that everyone thought he was. When he was in Beer Money with Roode people said that Roode is going to be the better of two after they break up the tag team. Now it's hard to tell which one turned out to be better cuz they're just so damn great, but I think that Storm is better. His charecter is more interesting and he can fire up the crowd like it's nobodys bussiness.

Styles is definitely the best of TNA's home grown stars. His in ring work is mindblowing at times. From his time in the X-Division to now, he has provided TNA with memorable moments. He is the dna of TNA not Morgan. But hey that is just a nickname.

I believe that these three are the best of TNA's home grown talent.
I'm glad you mentioned Bully Ray because he's been with the company for 7 straight years. This stat means he's been with TNA longer than WWE or ECW. If you look at bound for glory cards from previous years, tomorrows card features a lot of the same wrestlers, just look at BFG I from 2005, Jeff Hardy, Samoa Joe, Roode, Storm, Daniels, AJ, even Aries if I remember correctly, Aries also won the opening match of BFG II the following year! Years from now its going to be amazing to look back and see all the feuds theyve been in, and all the growth theyve had as performers.
Aw, did I hurt all you TNA Marks feelings? lol. Shut up and quit bitching. Last time I checked message boards are for voicing your opinion. I simply said I don't think TNA's roster is that good. Just because I don't like soggy tit ass Samoa Joe doesn't mean I don't know shit about wrestling. I'm not some WWE supporter either because I think both companies are pretty shitty right now and I would actually prefer Bobby Roode over Sheamus and Del Rio. And Anderson still sucks ass. His stupid ass voice is so annoying along with how he thinks he is Steve Austin.

You're right; this is about voicing your opinion. And yet, you're telling people to 'shut up and quit bitching' when they're voicing their opinions on your statement? Bitch, please.

TNA's current home-grown talent is pretty solid at the moment. You could argue Joe and Aries not being home-grown, as they both made their names in ROH initially. Either way, they're awesome. Aries speaks for himself, and while Joe doesn't have a traditional wrestling physique (yes, he is fat) what he does have is awesome in-ring skills, and is incredibly agile for a big man.

AJ should be a main eventer, but is one of those guys who can do a bit of everything, and can fill a spot when needed and work with anyone (he puts me in mind of Jericho in that regard). If anything, he's TNA's version of HBK; he can have a great match with most people and doesn't need the championship.

Storm and Roode are two guys I never expected to be where they are, but my god do they deserve it for the work they've put in. My one complaint is that Storm should have either got the title at Lockdown, or should have won the BFG series. Not winning at Lockdown killed most of his momentum, but he is without question one of the most popular guys in the company at the moment. Roode has just been on fire since winning the title, and is one of the best heels in wrestling today.

Bully Ray is fucking awesome. Every time I see him I think 'where the hell did this come from?' If there is ever a guy who you'd never expect to be in the world title picture who deserves to have a title shot, it's this man right here.

The thing is, most of these guys have always been there, but they've all been in the midcard/tag division, then built up. AJ was the only guy out of everyone here that was a main eventer prior to 2007/2008, and even then he would drop back down to X-Division and tag team level. Storm and Roode have taken their time purely because they weren't ready. Roode has had a number of singles runs that just haven't gone anywhere, but now, with the circumstances that surrounded his push, was the right time. Storm, in many ways, has been considered the Jannetty by some, and has come out and shown he can be awesome when given a chance. And Joe, for whatever reason, has never been able to hold his place in the main event, and seems to have dropped way down and started building himself up again.

The reason TNA has seemingly built more stars (or at least, have a bigger list of credible main-eventers) is that if you look at how long each guy has been in the company (with the exception of Aries), they have taken their time building each guy up.

Take guys like Del Rio, who pretty much went straight into main event. There are still question marks there; he feels bland as a main eventer and isn't interesting. And in my opinion, a lot of that is because he hasn't had a proper build-up. There's been no opportunity to see what works with him and what doesn't, and they've just gone with how he is. Now, look at a guy like Ziggler; he's had title matches and technically is a former world champion, but he hasn't been thrown into holding the belt properly yet. He has been built up slowly, and in theory, that should pay off in the long run when he does eventually become the champion.

With TNA, all of the guys mentioned (aside from Aries) have mostly been around for a long, long time, and have done a lot, and have bee built up. And as a result, they're where they are for a reason, and not because TNA needs someone in the main event, as is usually the case with WWE.
Honestly, speaking I rarely watch TNA, I usually only watch one or two matches from a PPV after they get rave reviews online. I've always been a big fan of Samoa Joe though, I know a lot of people say he's fat or whatever but, I've never got how your body shape is a problem if you can work at the level he does, I like seeing guys like Joe and Tensai (in WWE) making a more diverse roster and yet still being very athletic for their size. Anyone who says Joe is out of shape or fat clearly hasn't seen some of his ring work. In the initial list I agreed with almost everything I'm not a fan of the Daniels/Kazarian team and I really wish I liked AJ Styles more, he's done some good matches over the years and I appreciate his work but, I don't really find him interesting, I'm one of the few people who actually enjoys it more when he has a manager because I can't really connect to him, I still like his ring work though. Bully Ray was made in TNA anyone who says he wasn't can just look at statistics, no need to argue there. As for Austin Aries as poor man's CM Punk, I'm sure they'd both tell you that, that is not the case. Aries is similar to Punk some ways, in the same way that a lot of wrestlers are similar but, Aries and Roode are the two guys who I enjoy watching in TNA enough to consistently watch their PPV matches. I'm a WWE type of guy at the end of the day and would leave to see most of these guys mentioned there one day, though that will probably never happen but, in the mean time I'm happy watching the PPVs online and seeing the best matches, in a couple of years if the senile geriatrics that run the place haven't ran it into the ground this current TNA roster will be pretty good to watch regularly. Cut the fat, remove some of these ex-WWE guys and we may have a company at the level of what WCW once was one day.
Looking at the Impact wrestling roster these days is pretty incredible. They have a stocked roster full of talent, but what is even more incredible is that many of the guys on the roster have personality and if Impact Wrestling was a bigger federation could be huge stars. I'll list a few.

AJ Styles: AJ is pretty mush the "franchise" of Impact wrestling. He has been there top guy for the better part of the decade and while I was critical of all the "mentors" that he had (Angle, Sting, Christian, Flair) it has cretainly helped his mic skills and made him into a solid all around performer. There are times when he'll cut a promo and I think damn that was good.

Robert Roode: All the vets (Nash, Booker T, Steiner, Sting) who came into Impact raved about this guy. I admit I didn't see it at first. It wasn't until he won the BFG series in 2011 that bought into him. And yes, I was mad that he didn't win BFG 2011, but holy crap did he rebound. His heel personae has been and is one of the best in the business. He doesn't want to crowd to like him. He gives them nothing to like at all.

James Storm: When he was in America's Most Wanted I thought he was the lesser of the two. Sure he coul work as well a Harris, but Harris had the look. However Storm had one thing over Harris-an interesting character. Once AMW folded Storm proved to be the better character. His beer drinking redneck personality is who he truly is.

Samoa Joe: The guy doesn't even need to talk to be over. He is just and ass kicking machine. While it is true that he floundered in TNA due to bad booking; he really made a comeback during this years BRG series. It was the Joe of old. The Joe that was there to just kick ass. I was happy that they decided to put the TV title on him. It means that we'll get lots of awesome matches on Free TV. I really hope they push him with the title so it'll elevate it and make it worth something.

Austin Aries: This guy is awesome. The original idea for BFG 2012 (I believe) was to have Storm vs Roode, but Aries was so over that they had to put the title on him. Now he is back to being a heel where he should be.

Bully Ray: I know he came from ECW and WWE, but his greates character and greatest ring work has happened in TNA. He is another heel character done the right way- there is nothing at all to like about the guy and I honestly think he relishes that. I can see him becoming world Champion soon. I honestly thought he was going to win the BFG series. How good is bully at his job? Well, in his tage match with sting on last Thursdays Impact the crowd was booing him, but by the middle of the match they were cheering him. The guy knows how to work a crowd (even one as jadded as the Impact Zone) working a crowd to that degree is a (IMO) a lost art. So, few are able to do it today.

Daniels and Kazarian: Daniels is so damn good he has completely elevated Kaz into a great all round performer. Daniels personality is rubbing off on Kaz how has always been a great performer and had a great look, but lacked in personality and mic skills. These two har one of the high points of impact. they are comedy heels who are actually funny. I don't want them to lose the titles at BFG because they are just too damn entertaining. I can't see them staying heels much longer cause they are just that dman good. I honestly don't think that the fans will let them.

Magnus: This guy has a great look and will be World Champion some day. The cocky british asshole gimmick is one that always works (think Lord Stven Regal) He just needs that little something to get him to the next level. Perhaps winning next years BFG series or even a hot Valet that he can rob in everyones faces. "Do you see how hot so and so is this is something that none of you will ever touch because you aren't as beautiful as I am. You're out of shape, lazy American swine." Yes, I channeled a bit of Rick Rude there, but I think it would work for him.

So, why has Impact Wrestling been able to cultivate so many quality performers yet WWE hasn't and is there anyone that you guy see as also being on their way up in TNA that I left out.

I agree with Storm, Roode, Aries & Bully Ray. Not sold really on the others.

I like AJ Styles, but I just don't see the guy as a star. He's great in the ring, no doubt about that, but I've never been wild about Styles' personality and lack of charisma. He's tried, he's given it his best shot, but Styles is someone that I truly believe doesn't have that It factor. He's someone that can always be counted on for great matches and I see him more as a work horse for TNA rather than someone that's really a top star in terms of possibly carrying the company. He's had several shots and he's not really been able to pull it off.

As for Samoa Joe, I just have to say no all around. For the most part, Samoa Joe has basically been the one dimensional wrecking machine his entire career in TNA. The fact that he's spent the past several years just kind of floating around in mid-card purgatory hasn't helped matters. Like Styles, he's someone that can be counted on to put on good matches, but I don't really see Joe as a star.

Christopher Daniels is someone that's impressed me in terms of actually finally developing some sort of character. He's also pretty good on the mic. It's just too bad they didn't do this with him a long time ago. As he's about 40, Daniels probably won't be rising any higher than he currently is. While it's true that Ray is almost the same age, I just see money in Ray that I don't see with Daniels. Bully Ray has probably been the top heel in TNA for well over a year now and I expect him to be TNA WHC before too long. TNA had to promise him something to get him to sign another contract.

As for Kazarian, I don't see it at all. Minus the long hair now, Kazarian strikes me as somewhere along the lines of TNA's John Morrison. He's athletic, has the whole pretty boy metrosexual thing going on and can also wrestle well. Put him on the mic and the guy chokes 95% of the time.

As for Magnus, he's someone that's got potential but I think we need to see more. I haven't seen enough of out of Magnus to really say that he's a star as far as someone that could really be a top guy. He's got a lot going for him, so we'll just have to see.

All of these guys are stars in the sense that they do have some use. However, as far as stars that have what it takes to be the top guy in TNA, I think only Roode, Storm, Aries & Ray have that.
Ovaltine said:
So, why has Impact Wrestling been able to cultivate so many quality performers yet WWE hasn't and is there anyone that you guy see as also being on their way up in TNA that I left out.

First of all, I agree 100% that TNA has cultivated a terrific roster. I consistently enjoy IMPACT more than any of WWE's weekly shows. To answer your question, I think WWE also has many quality performers, but they're not utilized properly and the storylines often feel forced and uninspired.

But why isn't TNA drawing at the gates? For myself, that's the biggest question. I just heard on Mark Madden's latest CSR report that TNA only drew around 375 fans at a recent house show. That's dismal, and unfortunate. TNA just doesn't have anywhere near the brand recognition that WWE does.

And as for a TNA up-and-comer that you left out? There's just something about that Garrett Bischoff....

Just kidding :)
I think both TNA and WWE's rosters are even when it comes to talent. The reason why WWE's roster seems worse is because TNA's talent is allowed to look good while WWE's is confined in corporate agendas.

When TNA are looking for a wrestler they look for some marketability but mostly skill on the mic and in the ring. If you make the show better - they'll likely push you. Bully made it better - they pushed him. Aries made it better - they pushed him. Roode made it better - they pushed him. You get the picture.

In WWE, however, it's different. The WWE is more aware of what makes money, what draws people in and what keeps them watching. They are VERY good at that, and "that" is cut and dry a business model. Thus when they pick their top and upcoming stars they would often overlook their skills as wrestlers and on the microphone and instead focus on their marketability to their desired demographic, their backstage demeanor and whether they can answer WWE's ridiculiously high standards.

That is also why guys who were very entertaining in TNA end up blowing ass in WWE. No it's not because WWE is "the big leagues" and they just can't do it where it matters. It's because WWE wants different things from their wrestlers. Things they weren't trained to do.

Wrestlers are trained to wrestle and talk. Tell a story in the ring, tell a story on the mic. Few of them are businessmen and even fewer understand how business-smart you have to be in order to even get close to WWE's mentality when it comes to what a good wrestler is.

WWE markets their wrestlers like products in a supermarket. They have a purpose for them, a packaging and endorsement. They don't care about the quality of the product as much as they care about someone buying it. Once it's bought - they've done their job. That's why a lot of them feel hollow and empty. It's like buying a giant bag of chips, opening that baby up and realizing it's half full. Consider Wade Barrett as a perfect example of just that. They hyped him up with promos (advertisements) and even slogans. Just as you would if you were trying to SELL something to a customer. People bought it and that's all there is to it. Meanwhile we're all aware that the hype, the vignettes and the slogans will lead to absolutely nothing. It's not foreshadowing a Barrett title run or a push. They just made sure they sold a Barrett to a bunch of consumers so they keep watching (or eating the chips) until they realize that it's fucking pointless. Which it is.

WWE wrestlers are products, not cast members. Look at John Cena. He's like a damn Coke bottle. His merchandise is constantly getting recolored just as Cola is constantly coming up with new flavors. There's a Christmas edition Cola, a summer edition Fanta just as there is Cancer Awareness Cena and there probably will be a Christmas Edition Cena. Zach Ryder is/was a walking merchandise stand and most of WWE's wrestlers look like real life toy commercials. It all reminds me of that cinematic abortion "Batman and Robin" (nipple suits anyone?) which was made for the purpose of selling more action figures. That's why everything looked so damn flashy and childish. No content, no nothing, just suits.

And as all of this is going on, having a good match and cutting a great promo become less of a priority. Instead you want to LOOK good, you want to behave, you want to please the boss and be extremely careful with what you do in real life as it may affect your career in a negative way. And of course you have to tweet your ass off because ... why not.

TNA is simply aiming at producing better on-air content and believes that quality television would bring in money. Alas, I fear they might be terribly wrong. Either way, if they want quality TV they need quality wrestlers and they allow them to be just that and obviously TNA's attempts at improving their on-air content are working. I'm judging by the general opinion of the IWC these days, not numbers. I have a huge gripe with the Nielsen system and I won't base jack shit on that. But there are few people that can deny that TNA has made some great improvements in the quality department in a very short period of time, including creating new stars while WWE has been trying to do it for years and failed miserably with a couple of exceptions.

WWE on the other hand is looking mainly for revenue, mainstream coverage, cross-promotion and social media presence. They're acting on corporate agendas rather than their fans' cravings. Not saying they ignore you, but you're not their top priority as you are in TNA.

Not saying TNA is all about the fans. They want money too. They cross-promote and sometimes package wrestlers as well But they appear to have a different (and better, for the fan) approach to discovering and developing their talent. It's just that the scales are tilted differently in the WWE and TNA.

Few of today's wrestlers suck completely. It's all about letting them be talented. WWE doesn't want to, it's ridden with hidden agendas and shady crap. TNA on the other hand probably has those too, but not to an extent which affects the performance of its roster.

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