IMPACT Wrestling LD for 8.19.15 — Galloway/Drake, EC3/Black & More on #TurningPoint

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Live Discussion for August 19th, 2015






Jeff was behind the attacks. The only time anyone accuses someone else of doing something in TNA is because they did it.
Even after the break, we'll still have no idea what the fuck is going on.

I'll just make up my own storyline..
Skirt Tiffany attacked Drew last week. Drew broke her dreams many years ago, causing her to become the hot mess that she is right now. She, along with two other people, live inside a Dollhouse.
LMAO. The Shera Dance is so weirder than I could have ever imagined. Totally worth the wait.
I'm still a little behind. Got a late start.

I dig Gail Kim's new gear and entrance, but the Knockouts still badly need so much more than just her.
For the love of all things good and holy enough with Gail Kim destroying everyone. She's the best Knockout ever. We get it already. You don't have to show us every week.
She and Taryn are the only thing keeping the Knockouts afloat.

Then drop the Knockouts. I'm so beyond sick of Gail Kim being all serious and talking about being a wrestler and then being pushed above everyone else. It's been going on for like eight years now and hasn't changed since.
Oh my god... what the fuck is Eli Drake wearing!? Did he go shopping in Magnus' old Gladiator closet? He looks like a broke-ass He-Man.
Then drop the Knockouts. I'm so beyond sick of Gail Kim being all serious and talking about being a wrestler and then being pushed above everyone else. It's been going on for like eight years now and hasn't changed since.

Then it's on the girls behind her to step the fuck up and prove they can go the way she can.

There's too much eye candy, not enough impact. All pun intended.
Is Eli Drake a master of the Universe?

fuck that
Then it's on the girls behind her to step the fuck up and prove they can go the way she can.

There's too much eye candy, not enough impact. All pun intended.

Or for the company to give someone else a rocket and not have them give Gail her title reign/top of the division push every few months.
This is TNA's standard procedure: have a weapon start a feud, have a regular match to set up the gimmick match, have the weapon that started it come in to turn the tide of the match. It's a good formula, but there are other options out there.
Or for the company to give someone else a rocket and not have them give Gail her title reign/top of the division push every few months.

They've tried it numerous times. Only Taryn has proven to be fruitful. And Love years ago, but she's pregnant, so she's out of the picture for a while now too.

Maybe Madison Rayne, but eh.

IMO they need someone new. Not a monster, but someone similar to the build of Kim who can come in and just rip through the roster, climbing her way to the top they way they had Kong do in her first run, and they way they had Havok do. The problem is Kong and Havok are monsters. They need someone who can work, not just no-sell offense and pull off big power moves.
In terms of mens feuds, I'd love to see a more classic, throw-back feud. Just fists and solid wrestling between two good performers. Something to "bring the house down" based on what happens in the ring. No tables, no chairs, no canes, no crutches, no mics, no weapons. These things are not needed. Not as often as TNA uses them.
They've tried it numerous times. Only Taryn has proven to be fruitful. And Love years ago, but she's pregnant, so she's out of the picture for a while now too.

Maybe Madison Rayne, but eh.

IMO they need someone new. Not a monster, but someone similar to the build of Kim who can come in and just rip through the roster, climbing her way to the top they way they had Kong do in her first run, and they way they had Havok do. The problem is Kong and Havok are monsters. They need someone who can work, not just no-sell offense and pull off big power moves.

The fact that you've been saying that same line for years now (not saying it's wrong) tells you quite a bit about the state of the division.

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