Impact Rating Drops

It's amusing the way TNA proclaimed that the 1.5 rating on January 4th was a huge triumph. Personally, I think they were extremely disappointed, especially after Hogan was heard predicting a rating of 3.0 for that show.

A 1.5 rating stunk, given that the company threw everything they had into the production. They introduced all the "new" talent that night (if you can call Hogan, Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, etc. new talent) and they spent megabucks in promoting the damn show for weeks in advance.

All that for a lousy .3 spike in ratings?

Okay, if this week's 1.2 was an anomaly and they bounce back up next week, I'll eat crow. But, honestly, I believe they spent all this money on talent and production and won't achieve the return on investment they envisioned.

There's a place for TNA but I think it's as a niche alternative to WWE.....which was their stated mission when they started. They said they weren't competing with the larger company; which I thought was wise.

Now, they're ready to compete with Vince?

Good luck, Dixie.....hope you don't have too much of your personal money invested in this.

It's amusing the way TNA proclaimed that the 1.5 rating on January 4th was a huge triumph. Personally, I think they were extremely disappointed, especially after Hogan was heard predicting a rating of 3.0 for that show.

A 1.5 rating stunk, given that the company threw everything they had into the production. They introduced all the "new" talent that night (if you can call Hogan, Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, etc. new talent) and they spent megabucks in promoting the damn show for weeks in advance.

All that for a lousy .3 spike in ratings?
One a night they normally aren't on, going against the biggest wrestling company in America. Hogan said 3.0 because he likes talking a big game. Doesn't mean he believed it and it doesn't mean anyone was let down with 1.5. Get a grip. Pretty please.

As for the dip in ratings, good. The product has stunk lately. Where's the good change?
They shouldn't have fired all of their big guns on January 4th. I believed it then, and believe it now. They should have saved some for each week, give viewers another reason to tune in.

As far as this rating..meh. Ratings can't be looked at on a week-by-week basis, it has to be looked at as trends.
I think they still have some big guns left to fire. Their saving them for March, though, for the next head to head.
Good luck, Dixie.....hope you don't have too much of your personal money invested in this.

It's really Dixie's parents that are financing the company as a toy for her to play with. As long as TNA is making a profit, which they probably are at this point, I don't think they care. It's really only a matter of time at this point though before TNA starts hemorrhaging money, and Panda Energy pulls their funding, giving Dixie a rolled up piece of foil to play with instead.
It's really Dixie's parents that are financing the company as a toy for her to play with. As long as TNA is making a profit, which they probably are at this point, I don't think they care. It's really only a matter of time at this point though before TNA starts hemorrhaging money, and Panda Energy pulls their funding, giving Dixie a rolled up piece of foil to play with instead.

I don't think Panda Energy has ever cared if TNA made money.
I'm sure Bob Carter does now, if Hogan and Flair's contracts are through Panda instead of TNA.
I doubt it. The only reason Panda bought TNA is BECAUSE it lost money. TNA losing money actually saved Panda money. I don't know if it still works that way, but that's the whole reason TNA even exists any more.
I doubt it. The only reason Panda bought TNA is BECAUSE it lost money. TNA losing money actually saved Panda money. I don't know if it still works that way, but that's the whole reason TNA even exists any more.

Maybe it was the reason at the beginning, but eventually all businesses have to start paying their own way. Look at how long Time-Warner allowed WCW to bleed bucks. Eventually, though, they pulled the plug because of continued unprofitability. As I see it, Bischoff's original plan was that WCW sustain heavy initial losses until they bumped off WWE. Then, he hoped for profitability.........but it didn't work.

Earlier in this thread, someone said TNA is probably profitable. Frankly, I don't see how. Their ratings (except for 2 weeks) haven't increased to the extent that they can command higher advertising rates. It wasn't that long ago Samoa Joe was complaining that TNA was so cost-conscious that he was being paid only $700 per match. Since then, their personnel expenses have shot to the moon. If they were having trouble paying Joe more than $700 with TV ratings of 1.1, how are they paying Hulk Hogan with ratings of 1.2? Not to mention guys like Nash and Angle, who aren't doing it for free, either.

Unless their merchandising sales have taken a tremendous jump, I can't even imagine how they can be making money.

People realize that TNA is taking a gamble with this explosion of expansion, but I don't think they have any idea of how big a risk it actually is.

Maybe it was the reason at the beginning, but eventually all businesses have to start paying their own way. Look at how long Time-Warner allowed WCW to bleed bucks. Eventually, though, they pulled the plug because of continued unprofitability.
Actually that isn't anywhere near the truth, but thanks for playing.

WCW was bleeding money, they were raking in the money hand over fist. Time Warner actually siphoned money from WCW to help cover losses in the other areas of its conglomerate. Then, they started posting strict guidelines on what could and could not be said and done, and the WWF was pushing Attitude, leaving WCW a knife in a cannon fight. Then, when WCW turned to be unprofitable again, Jamie Kellner did what many Time Warner, and then AOL/Time Warner executives had wanted to do for years, and that was pull the plug.

Earlier in this thread, someone said TNA is probably profitable. Frankly, I don't see how. Their ratings (except for 2 weeks) haven't increased to the extent that they can command higher advertising rates. It wasn't that long ago Samoa Joe was complaining that TNA was so cost-conscious that he was being paid only $700 per match. Since then, their personnel expenses have shot to the moon. If they were having trouble paying Joe more than $700 with TV ratings of 1.1, how are they paying Hulk Hogan with ratings of 1.2? Not to mention guys like Nash and Angle, who aren't doing it for free, either.
From what I remember, TNA turned a small profit in 2008, and were expected to be profitable in 2009. No idea how it turned out though.
It's amusing the way TNA proclaimed that the 1.5 rating on January 4th was a huge triumph. Personally, I think they were extremely disappointed, especially after Hogan was heard predicting a rating of 3.0 for that show.

A 1.5 rating stunk, given that the company threw everything they had into the production. They introduced all the "new" talent that night (if you can call Hogan, Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, etc. new talent) and they spent megabucks in promoting the damn show for weeks in advance.

All that for a lousy .3 spike in ratings?

Okay, if this week's 1.2 was an anomaly and they bounce back up next week, I'll eat crow. But, honestly, I believe they spent all this money on talent and production and won't achieve the return on investment they envisioned.

There's a place for TNA but I think it's as a niche alternative to WWE.....which was their stated mission when they started. They said they weren't competing with the larger company; which I thought was wise.

Now, they're ready to compete with Vince?

Good luck, Dixie.....hope you don't have too much of your personal money invested in this.


You pretty much summed it up. That was the truth.
oh, and its the week the emphasized in ring work, Samosa Joe's fat ugly face and body, and The Kncokouts.

Looks like you were right fuckin spot on correct with your suggestions KB :lmao:
I've always believed one thing about ratings: they're predicated on the previous week's show, not the current one.

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