I'm Back!

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
To be totally honest, half of you probably don't even remember me (it'd be nice if you did) or even know who I am, but I've had a YEAR long absence, so I'm guessing things have changed around here.

Posting this in TBR is probably a lovely mistake but fuck it. Happy New Year to everyone, I'll be around here a lot more often now!

Oh & what's been happening around here? Someone update me!
'Twas just a nobody account with only ten posts, ExlicitMoxViolence. He "forgot his password."
These do not read like the posts of a man who has "forgot his password":

Hey guys, newbie here! Big fan of the new movement with Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns etc. Loving what's happening with all the guys moving up through the ranks in NxT, feel like the next few years are looking pretty good.

Hey guys, do I REALLY need 50 posts to join WZCW? I've been in so many efeds before that didn't have this rule & I'm not really anything but a hardcore RP'er.
Checked out WZCW trawling through this place one day & signed up, before realising I needed 50 posts.

Is there any way I can just prove that I'm WZCW ready? Or are you gonna make me go through the painstaking process first?

Looks like pretty standard purposeful alt shit TBH.

Just sayin'.

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