If You Could Choose...


City Dweller, Successful Fella
If you could choose the next guy to be either WWE champion or World Heavyweight Champion who would you choose?

Who do you think could be ready for that right now, or who will be there soon.

Some names that come to my mine are John Morrison and Christian but I don't think they will get either belt any time soon.

Well i'd like to see who you guys would like to see get this accomplishment and remember be creative ;)
Honestly for RAW I think The Big Show needs a title run. No, he isn't the most entertaining, but easily believable especially to non die hard fans. He has the size, and his acting needs some work. Show never had his own look, or feel about him though. His look needs some work. A short run wouldn't harm the product. They would have to book him as being unstoppable, and they almost did until Cena came along.
1st of love the sig. i think hardy is a great entertainer. now i think morrison would work as long as he gets a good amount mic time. right now his gimmick isnt very intersting. he's got the talent. and two wins over cm punck makes it realistic. if hardy does leave and with edge out i could morrison getting a real push.

on raw i'd say either mvp or swagger. mvp and swagger r both good in the ring and on the mic. who ever win's their feud( which i hope happens and i hope is really good) should be moved up. if mvp wins he should turn heel. both men could challaenge orton for the number 1 heel spot. raw is very stale. same mainevent's all the time. moving mvp or swagger in the ME would be a big boost for raw.
Big Show!? Truk! Big fucking Show!? Are you seriously serious?

Big show should not even be in the ring at the minute. And believe me that hurts me to say it. I have loved the Big Show from the very first moment that I saw hima sa a child and I think his personality is great. I loved the promo he did with Seth Green on Raw and I can never really take him seriously as a heel anymore because I know he is a great guy. However, did you even watch his match with Bourne on Raw? If not, let me tell you what happened shall I? He nearly fucking ended Evan Bourne's career with two botched moves in a row. That spear especially needs to go, it is so out of place and I seriously think he is going to hurt some one some day.

Anyway, I would choose Swagger. He is quickly becoming my favourite wrestler in the WWE, mainly because he is probably the only wrestler in the WWE. I mark out for Angle, Lesnar and Benoit and it's because these guys knew how to mat wrestle. I love that, it's what the sport is all about. Swagger has got what it takes to be champion right now and I see him becoming a champion in the near future. It may not be a great title but perhaps the US championship is within his reach. I look forward to seeing what he can do.
The miz. He's awesome on the mic. Yes, his in ring skills need to be built a little bit and needs to be built up in general with some nice wins like the one he had on monday night over MVP. But i would mark out so much if he won, i would love it, and since its my choice, these are my reasons.
mvp is my main choice, and not the heel version, maybe the slight mix of the heel and good guy. the respectable version. he wears the gear he does cause he was a banger as youth and he doesnt choose to show his tats, but what does everygangbanger want RESPECT. so he could take that angle and fly with it.
I think swagger need to take the other belt, but not just yet let his character develop a lil more. I dont want to get washed out on him.
lets not forget TNA i think homicide or rude need the title, however the whole company is still new the public so everyone is still new, even joe and styles.
WWE Title...shawn Michaels...but have that later on...so morrison could win the rumble and challenge him at mania...gives us dream match on one last hbk reign

World Title...Jericho...hands down the best enterainer..easily the best and top heel..and i would love to see him and taker at mania for the title....

but also Christan...i mean imagine Edge vs. Christian Wrestlemania.....but i think Edge is out for longer than that.

TNA....AJ Styles....this guy is amazing....i dont watch tna that much but this guy great....him and angle have matches...instead u get mick foley (should stay retired) vs. Kurt Angle...who is great...and after that bet money its sting vs. angle

its not the time for mvp,miz, or swagger let them have some us title reigns
Give the belt to Dibiase junior. Anyone who wants to argue this one let me say I'm mostly on your side on being against the idea, but here's why and how it could work.

1st off don't have him win it like right freaking now. survivor series is far enough away to work out. Have him take it from Orton. Dibiase and to a much larger extent Rhodes look way to weak currently. Ted needs to gain credibility. Have him earn some real tough wins against Cena HHH HBK Big Show whoever. Have him cleanly win some tough bouts and as his credibility grows slowly (over the course of 3 months) build a rift between him and Orton.
Dibiase starts to beat people more convincingly than Orton does. Orton can start getting paranoid that Ted is better than him and eventually Orton starts interfering and oops starts costing Ted matches. Ted eventually catches on that Orton is doing it on purpose and challenges him.
Orton can cheat his way out a couple of times but eventually Dibiase makes it happen.
I look forward to the reactions on this one.
Well if we were going with the current rosters, for the WWE Title, I would pick Carlto, and for the World Title, I would pick John Morrison. If one of these two were to take it, that would make them a Triple Crown winner. Interesting.
Honestly for RAW I think The Big Show needs a title run. No, he isn't the most entertaining, but easily believable especially to non die hard fans. He has the size, and his acting needs some work. Show never had his own look, or feel about him though. His look needs some work. A short run wouldn't harm the product. They would have to book him as being unstoppable, and they almost did until Cena came along.

This. A monster unstoppable champ would be much more interesting than Insane, Generic champ. Better face push for the guy that finally ends his reign of terror. People don't actually chant RKO when they should hate him.

Big Show!? Truk! Big fucking Show!? Are you seriously serious?

I think he is.

Big show should not even be in the ring at the minute.

Why not? He can still go, and he's ok on the stick. And he has a good look for a champion.

I loved the promo he did with Seth Green on Raw and I can never really take him seriously as a heel anymore because I know he is a great guy.

Are you serious? You can't take him seriously because you know he's nice in real life? This is wrestling. All of the heels are perfectly nice human beings. Chris Jericho is extremely pleasant. Does that stop you taking him seriously as a heel?

However, did you even watch his match with Bourne on Raw? If not, let me tell you what happened shall I? He nearly fucking ended Evan Bourne's career with two botched moves in a row.

No, Evan Bourne's ridiculous overselling almost ended his career. If he had just taken that spear normally instead of attempting a backflip it would have been fine.

That spear especially needs to go, it is so out of place and I seriously think he is going to hurt some one some day.

No way, that spear looks so CASH.
big show for WHC, like others have said, he can still go, whether or not hes botched moves (everyone has, no one perfect) hes entertaining and could be pushed as unstoppable which is what a champion should be

kane for wwe champion, his 24 hour run was pathetic, kanes been around for so long, just push him back to monster status, have him defeat khali and move on to cm punk for the title, win, then have a returning undertaker challange him but at least let him hold a world title for longer then a day (ecw doesnt count imo)
there are quite a few wrestlers as of late that i have been very impressed with not just by wins but technique, mic skills, and overall getting over with the fans. a few of my picks for future champs and why they would work:

SWAGGER: this kid is amazing, one of the few actual wrestlers WWE has on their roster, he has great mic skills, brash, arrogant, and can back it up - he needs a few high profile wins over some more mid carders and in a few months have him (believably) score a win over HHH or cena

MVP: again great mic skills, another cocky technician, raw is shooting for a PG rating to appeal to younger crowds why not push the "i grew up making bad decisions now i've turned my life around" gimmick...let him feud with swagger

ZIGGLER: he is impressive, has the look of a champ (way more so than his spirit squad days) and has had a very successful push as of late, continue with the cockiness, the underhanded wins, and the opportunistic heel moves...and we could be seeing a slightly different Edge in the future

MORRISON: first of all i would love to see a tough enough contestant actually go somewhere, secondly, he emits charisma very similar to the earlier days of HBK, and jericho, work a bit on the whole palace of wisodm shaman of sexy thing and he could and probably will become huge


KANE: for god sakes the man has been with WWE forever now and had only 1 title reign which lasted 24 hours, kane has the ability if done properly to become that sadistic psycho character and pushed as a monster heel then have the savior (be it Cena, HHH, edge, whoever) come in culminating into a huge feud that sees Kane rightfully hold that belt for a few months at least
Kane needs a long title run. He's always been considered a monster, but if he is such a monster why has he only held the title once for a day? He could decimate the likes of Hardy, Mysterio, Punk, Morrison, Jericho, etc. Kane deserves a long title run.
That spear especially needs to go, it is so out of place and I seriously think he is going to hurt some one some day.
No way, that spear looks so CASH.
Ok so this is the stupidest move in wwe now. He is going to hurt someone or worse he is to big, to tall he may hast the agillity and speed but that doesn't mean anything.

now for the champs.
raw. I will go with even bourne. He cold come out next week and just trash the big show for the spear, they have a match he wins clean. Takes out the legs like rey did they goes for teh world title.

SD. Ok 2 scenarios. jeff stays, hes next in line he beats cm punk for the title and its all cool. He leaves, then i will go with Jericho or christian coming up from ECW. wiht jericho it would work great in time to have a feud with a returning undertaker for the championship.

ECW. well i dont want tommy to lose it for like 6 months atleast. then it needs to morrison or christian. mabye even ourne if vince wont give him the wwe.( thats not a hard question to answer.)

TNA. I want lashley to win it. This could work great he smashes he roster for 6 months as champ( he has the sise and ability to be a quick champ) then jumps ship to UFC and dumps the belt in a trash can.(wcw anyone??) That would realy piss JJ off.

UFC( its a fighting show) so im goin to go with fedor. no I Know hes not in UFC but i think he will be soon. we could have him as champ then have lesnar and lashly smash the rest of the roster then we could have lesnar VS lashley for a shot at fedor.

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