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If The WWE Closed Down Tomorrow...

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The Cerebral Assassin
...Would TNA pick up pretty much all of their talent? I think this would be a big test of whether or not TNA is just "WWE's dumpster". I think it would be very interesting. What talent do you think they would make sure they aquire, what talent do you think would or would not want to go to TNA, and who do you think they would pass on?

I think they would try to get guys like Cena, Edge, and Orton, but do you think they would aquire guys such as HHH, Batista, 'Taker, HBK, etc, ya know, the guys who are old that might just retire instead of going to another company? Could be interesting...
TNA would try to get the older guys, but they'd either be laughed at, or pay the amount needed to sign those guys and end up making huge losses like WCW.

But looking at the current TNA product, they would definately attempt to get those older guys. Anything to help them break into the mainstream.
If WWE closed down then TNA would probably last a little longer especially if they were able to sign some of the big names.... but since they are not as big a name (TNA itself), then I doubt they would last very long without competition. If no other major company were to surface, then within a year or two then TNA would close down too.

That's how I see it happening, feel free to debate.
They would try to get the bigger talent to bring them into the mainstream like WCW did with Hogan, Hall, Nash, and the other former WWE heavyweights, but this would only make them lose money, and eventually they will close up shop.
The wrestling business would end period. TNA has no money to try and pick up some of the major stars the WWE has. Besides that TNA has horrible story lines most of there wrestlers arent really werth watching. As it is proven in there ratings for well over the past year. There ratings are what 1.0 or or less they are rediculous.
Firstly,if the WWE closes down and TNA took the good talent,how is that a "dumpster".A dumpster is when they take the released talent that the WWE let leave,but if they are forced to leave,they aren't a dumpster,more opportunistic.And when life gives you lemons....

Secondly,to address the point of TNA getting them due to not being able to offer the money.Well where will these big earners go.The indys,ha.TNA has more money.And if they won't sign,well TNA can sign the less expensive boys.And if the big boys don't sign up,they'll have to sign on.And they all can't go to the movies so they have to do something.And there is where we have TNA, waiting for the lemons.

Finally,the big channels will want a company to replace the WWE so they sign TNA,who in turn get more money to sign the wrestlers.Simple.
If WWE did close down tomorrow that would make TNA the number 1 wrestling company with ROH being a close 2nd. As for talent I'm sure TNA as well as ROH would love to pick up a lot of the big names to compete against one another.
Wow!This thread didnt mention Lesnar,Santino,Cena,Orton,Y2J ,or the IC title! I gotta .think about this one -ow!
I see a scenario where a terminally ill Vince,cant bare to imagine every future Raw without him but ,with boss Shane dancing to the ring instead ,& accepts a cheque from Dixie.F-Shane,F-H,& F-the fans ,Im outta here!
Besides,whose to say TNA get first pick any more than a previous thread suggested if TNA close,everyone would natch go to WWE,wouldnt they? TNA are, just now, miles behind WWE & just above RoH & NWA,not to mention Indy circuits whose current roster would also make a great Tv show..
Lemme put it this way.Think of the names WWE have released in the last few years,Then tell me why,outta all of them,TNA picked Davari,Youre answer to that says it all..
Well on the crazy off chance that WWE was to close down tommorow TNA would be crazy to not sign Cena or Orton. Cena I could see taking a pay cut if it means to continue wrestling in the main stream so it's not totally out of the question. If WWE were to fold I doubt HHH or HBK would want to go anywhere else, they're probably set.

I would do it so that TNA got Cena and Orton, maybe Edge, along with a few of their mid-carders and Jericho. I cant really see Taker doing too much for a rival company so I'd pay him for a couple of months to lose to Sting. That's pretty much it.
As they have most of the old guys already, they would pick up what WWE has. I don't know about HHH, HBK, or Taker but somebody like JBL or Finlay may work.
I dont think that TNA would become a powerhouse though......They wont have enough money to Sign EVERYONE

im sure all this will do is make every promotion a contender ...

some superstars will go to TNA ...others NWA ....some to ROH....New Japan ....and others...

and maybe someone will pull a Jarrett and start their own Promotion.....Like JBL or someone
Well, if WWE closed down, then TNA has probably been closed for quite some time.

Hypothetically though, if TNA survived for whatever reason, I think they would try to get some guys, but getting everyone doesn't seem possible. They wouldn't have the money to acquire everyone, not to mention that I don't believe all of the guys would even want to go to TNA.
TNA are not in any postion to take in WWE's top tier talent.
People like Edge, Triple H, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels have been WAY to involved with WWE and simply can't goto TNA and start a whole new career.
A few guys like Randy Orton, Shelton Benjamin, Cody Rhoads, maybe even Regal and the other younger and or/less well known talent would be picked up by TNA.
Someone mentioned the fact TNA would be signed by bigger networks, I don't think that would happen, because simply TNA is not the product that WWE is. A lot of their storylines are confusing, and their product is not PG like WWE is, but I suppose the writers of WWE might end up in TNA, so after a while things could change to a more WWE product.
The business of wrestlng would simply die, I agree with what was said before. WWE has been and always will be the flagship wrestling company and it is now the main stream, there is not another company that will ever or can ever been that big.
TNA would try to get people in if WWE closed down. They wouldn't admit it unless WWE was closed down. Undertaker,Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, and John Cena would most likley retire from that point, or ( For Orton and Cena) possibly try to find another Company. I can see guys like Batista, Edge, MVP, Jeff, Great Khali, and the Big show, move to TNA

But we all know that TNA will one day sell to WWE anyways. XD
I think TNA would be smart to try to invest in WWE top talent, I mean they do have some veterans that never crossed paths with current WWE veterans that could create awesome dream matches. Its hard to imagine dream matches like Taker and Sting or HHH and Samoa Joe in a six sided ring, but if TNA marketed it right signing these big stars would be very profitable.
If The WWE Closed Down Tomorrow...

I'd wish that Ted Turner would finance another wrestling promotion with Eric Bischoff on the non-screen management side and Paul Heyman on the creative / talent stuff.
The obvious answer would be TNA is the only promotion left (major)

I think someone would create a new promotion, whether it be a Hogan/Bischoff project, Heyman or even a McMahon creation.

During th time that WWE would be out of business, id imagine at least 60% of the roster would go to TNA (Edge, Hardys, MVP, Kane, Mark Henry etc) and TNA would need to expand to a possible 2 show week, like RAW and SmackDown

But in the end, i think if any company were to shut down first, as much as i like them, it would be TNA
If something drastic happened, like a major lawsuit that forced WWE to close down and prohibited the McMahons and any business partners from establishing a new company...if that were to happen, TNA by default would become the leader in professional wrestling.

TNA doesn't have the money to to try and sign most of the top guys now and it would be stupid to think that they could do so if WWE closed. Just because WWE would shut down doesn't mean that TNA would have more cash on hand to sign guys to contracts. They likely would focus on a few people which would allow them to build their fan base and bring over new fans, as well as focusing on new TV deals.

You are out of your mind to think TNA wouldn't try to get older guys like HHH, HBK, or The Undertaker if they were suddenly available. They might retire, I'm sure HBK and Undertaker would, but for most guys the choice is either TNA which has an established presence and TV deal (even if it doesn't touch WWE) or go nowhere. The ONLY possible competition would be if NWA somehow came into some money or offered ownership and top guys went over there simply because of the NWA name.

Now I think the top 10 guys they would try and go after are the following. Remember, at this point they are building a fan base, taking over WWE's role, and bringing over WWE fans.
- John Cena
- Edge
- Undertaker
- Randy Orton
- Chris Jericho
- Jeff Hardy (he's so over they'd forgive their past with him)
- Christian (yes again)
- CM Punk

I'm on the fence about Punk and could see him drop off the top 10 for someone. Yes I purposely left off JBL and Batista. I think they would maybe try Mysterio to help tap the Latin American markets.

Sure guys like Evan Bourne and Jamie Noble would be great for the X Division, but in this scenario TNA would be looking for the top name talents. If they had some extra money I'm sure they'd look at some X guys. Second tier guys they'd go after if they couldn't get some of those top guys would be MVP, Kennedy, Shelton etc...

No they would not be looking to sign guys like Funaki, Jesse and Festus, Hornswoggle etc...

And yes I think we all agree that WWE would likely outlast TNA. For the argument here we're assuming that terrible happened and WWE was wiped out with TNA being left intact as is, so please let's leave out the "TNA would fail first" argument here.
It aint gonna happen so its a mute point

But if the gods were angry and WWE did close shop.

How in the heck could TNA pick up all that talent. A) they can't afford it B) ya think people would move over unless they were desperate. TNA wouldn't know what to do with talent

More likely the WWE guys would work together to keep WWE alive or form something of there own.
They`ll try to get the big names and drawers but would probably won`t care less about the mid carders. If this happens (even if I don`t see how in the hell WWE would close down while TNA would survive), I`ll favor new promotion which would include most of the WWE workers.
Oh, they'd get the big names. Anybody in the WWE who likes money would go to TNA. I would if I were in their position.

If the WWE closed their doors tomorrow, there would be a vacuum period. It would be different than WCW closing, because WWE was large enough to consume WCW, and TNA isn't. Many wrestlers would immediately move over, but some would wait. TNA would then surge, being the major show for fans to watch.

Then, TNA would become a corporation, and like all corporations, it will lose its soul. Eventually, it would become what anti-WWE fans hate the most: WWE.

Then another company will rise as an alternative, and the cycle will continue.
This has the potential to be one of the most moot topics that I have ever wasted my time correcting. So let me give it a try and see how much of my time I can waste.

First of all, the opening statement (title included) and the topic conflict greatly. I mean by the sheer logic of the statements that open this argument, you are saying that if the WWE closed and TNA attempted to give wrestlers (who wrestle for a living) jobs, then they would be WWE's dumping ground? By that sheerly flawed belief, then would WWE not be WCW's, The USWA's, the AWA's, Smokey Mountain Wrestling's, and ECW's dumping ground?

Secondly, I would assume that you are hinting that TNA seems to pick up guys who get released from the WWE. Well I don't know about u, but I doubt that they could acquire them while they are still under contract. And are these guys supposed to NOT work anymore because they get released? And with the sheer number of releases that the WWE has ad over the years, TNA has picked up like what, less than a couple dozen at most? In reality, that's only a fraction of the guys who WWE has let go. And by THAT logic, you are also calling WWE a dumping ground as I believe that such men as Mick Foley, Triple H, Farooq, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Edge, The Undertaker, Diesel, Psycho Sid, and and endless host of others were at one time or another released by other companies before being picked up by McMahon and finding success in the WWF/WWE.

So to answer your question, yes, TNA should go all out to sign talent if WWE closed it doors. Because the fact of the matter is this. Sometimes, creative has nothing for some guys or wants to replace a wrestler. And when this wrestler gets released, a booker might see something in this wrestler that the other company might not have seen. or they might have a storyline that they said "you know, if I would have had this guy I could have pulled it off", and decided that now that the guy is free that they are worth signing. Or a guy just may still be able to get cheers and pops from fans and can be used for cheap popularity. I mean with the exceptions of probably Angle, Booker T, and Christian, I don't see TNA breaking the bank to sign a guy who has a mortgage, prolly some kids, a wife, and needs a paycheck. If anything, TNA can usually get these guys for less than what WWE paid for them.

So it's win-win as a guy gets a chance to start over and the old company gets to cut weight. I mean would you piss on McDonald's if the hired a guy who used to work for Burger King? Hell no. Why? Because experience does matter ya know. It matters in real life, and it sure as hell matters in wrestling.
I don't see the WWE ever dieing as long as someone with a passion for the buisiness is always in control of it. If someone who didn't care about it. (like time warner for instance) get ahold of it. Than TNA would die too without the WWE to compete with. MMA would take over. Vince McMahon is pro wrestling and without his company wrestling would die. Just for shits and giggles though I'd guess TNA would try to get any major name that would make a big deal to their company and attract more viewers.
Well what really matters here most is what type of investment could be made into keeping the pro-wrestling business alive after the WWE failed. If TNA managed to sign onto the idea of moving to a better network, or had investors push hard to make them the next WWE – it would survive.
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