Idea For Booking Brock At WrestleMania XXX


Getting Noticed By Management
We know there is a huge possibility of Punk and Brock battling in a rematch, with Punk going over. We also know that Punk is winning the Rumble and most likely winning the WWE Title at Wrestlemania next year. And we know there are rumors on top of those that Brock might win the WWE Title at some point. This idea is me combining all of those possibilities into one.

Firstly, Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Title at Hell In A Cell in two weeks and Triple H realizes he needs someone else to get the job done against Daniel Bryan since Orton failed and so he puts other challengers in Bryan's way for Survivor Series and TLC, but Bryan still comes out on top as champion. And then as we build towards the Royal Rumble, Triple H says he's finally found the person he thinks would be the perfect choice for being the next WWE Champion and the new face of the company - Brock Lesnar.

Here, some might say, "Shouldn't Triple H still have issues with Brock Lesnar and even Paul Heyman? After all, from what we saw at Night Of Champions, he still had some slight issues with Curtis Axel, so just imagine how he still feels about Lesnar." Well, the rationale is that you are always supposed to put what's "best for business" ahead of everything else, and sometimes that requires putting your ego and personal issues with someone (past or present) aside because it's right for business. Triple H did the same with Randy Orton and Vince himself told Vickie Guerrero (during her evaluation on Raw a few months ago) that despite what Lesnar did to him, he thought, for business reasons, that re-signing Lesnar was a "stroke of genius." So Triple H putting aside his issues with Lesnar and realizing (and knowing from first hand experience) what a beast Brock is and how valuable he would be as the premier superstar of WWE is the perfect move for business in his eyes. He can even bring up Brock's comments back from 2012 when Lesnar first returned and how Brock said the company needed someone like him as the face of it.

Anyway, the result of this is Daniel Bryan/Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble, which results in Lesnar winning the belt. Whether it's clean (probably isn't) or not is irrelevant, what matters is that Punk (who would have began feuding with the HHH regime by this point) wins the Rumble match on the same night, and from there, we start building towards Bryan/HHH as well as Punk/Lesnar for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania (Cena/Undertaker can main event over both matches.) It's a cool thing because Heyman has said on-screen a couple of times that he always wanted to be there when Punk main evented Wrestlemania and won the WWE Championship. The thing is, he WILL be there, but in the opposite corner, and he's gonna blow a gasket and be in so much mental torment when Punk not only defeats Lesnar but wins the belt in the process.
I'd be interested in seeing Bryan vs. Lesnar but, to me, Bryan dropping the title to Lesnar would be as anti-climatic as Punk dropping it to The Rock last year. As with The Rock, the WWE Championship would be placed on a guy who doesn't need it, a guy who only appears once in a blue moon on television, doesn't work house shows and know for an absolute fact will drop the championship at WrestleMania XXX to whomever his opponent is. Also, just like The Rock, WWE will face criticism of using a young star who could help carry the company in the coming decade to put over a part time special attraction who, as I said, not only doesn't need the title but probably doesn't deserve it. Lesnar becoming WWE Champion gives away the ending of his WM match months before the match is even officially announced, just like Cena vs. Rock II.

All the rumors point to Lesnar taking on The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX. I've said this in a few other threads, allegedly, the Punk vs. Lesnar ending for SummerSlam was changed just a few days prior. Allegedly, again, the reason it was changed was because The Undertaker informed WWE officials that he was officially on board for WM XXX. The reason reported for the change all but stated that Lesnar would be Taker's opponent since the reason stated was that WWE didn't want Lesnar to go into WM XXX with a ppv record of 2-3. Whether it actually turns out to be Taker vs. Lesnar is anybody's guess, as there's still a ton of time between now and April.
A triple main-event of Taker/Cena, Lesnar/Punk and Bryan/HHH is very appealing to me. I think the last few Mania's have been underwhelming and those three matches would ensure that is not the case. Moreover, there are still names like Orton and The Rock - even pairing the two.

I've always wondered what would happen if the WWE wanted to give Brock Lesnar a title. He could reject the notion because he has been a champion in a "real" sport or he could love the idea and work every Raw from RR to WM30. Having Lesnar as WWE Champion leading into Mania could spark some interest in different markets.

Punk winning the Royal Rumble would also be a good move. He is yet to win this match and it is another milestone that he deserves. Of course, Cena/Taker would close the show but winning the belt of Brock would be great. Triple H/Bryan is a logical pay-off and having Bryan defeat Triple H makes sense. Having HBK as ref would also make sense and get him involved.

People will question why Triple H would work with Brock - well, he is a business man and Brock is what is good for business. Lesnar winning the WWE Title and facing Punk at WM30 appeals to me. As does, Cena/Taker, Triple H/Bryan and potentially Orton/The Rock.
I love the triple main event
Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk for the WWE Title
HHH vs. Daniel Bryan (Grudge Match) if Bryan wins he gets WWE Title shot at Ex. Rules
John Cena vs. The Undertaker (WHC and streak match)

Rest of card should be
Tag Team Turmoil for Tag Champs
Rhodes Brothers, Real Americans, Usos, and Los Matadores
Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. Sheamus and a "face" Wade Barrett
I-C Title Fatal 4-way - Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston
US Title Match Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns
AJ Lee, Trish and Lita vs. Eva Marie and the Bella Twins
Alberto Del Rio vs. Rey Mysterio
The Wyatt Clan vs. Kane, Big Show, and Big E Langston
Brock vs Curtis Axel Would be the best it would elevate curt to superstardom plus they would have a five star match or undertaker
I would hate Lesnar vs Bryan because Bryan is currently being made out to be the underdog but has only lost twice since Summerslam and they were on the last 2 episodes of RAW. Bryan was an undefeated underdog for 2 months which shows me WWE cant do the underdog story well. Your supposed to be beaten in matches not talking segments or post match beat downs. Lesnar is simply too big to lose to Bryan aswell. If Bryan beats Lesnar he needs to retire and hide as this would be like an NFL team losing to a high school football team. Also The Rock held the title where we barely saw it on TV, now we don't have a title, so what we need now is somebody to be on TV regularly showing the title off. I want Cody Rhodes or Roman Reigns to win the rumble and win at Mania.
I dont really have an interest in Lesnar vs Punk taking place at Wrestlemania 30. I think there is more suitable opposition.

Brock vs Rock
Improbable but not impossible. The two biggest draws in the business going head to head. Mainstream appeal. A money match.

Brock vs Taker
Very likely and the route I think WWE will go down. Brock wont defeat the streak but he is a legit threat if given the correct build. They could make this a 'submission match'.

Brock vs Bryan
David vs Goliath is how it will be billed. Would be a very interesting match up. Not sure it would be my first choice but I wouldn't be put off by it if this is the route WWE went down.

Brock vs Ryback
Again, no issue with this. Would be great if Ryback went on another streak and these two monsters came head to head with a heavily involved Paul Heyman.
IF XXX is going to be 'Taker's curtain call, I say:

Cena/Taker - Because you have to have the real illusion that Taker is going to lose, and if he's going to lose, who better than the golden boy?

Brock/Ryback - a previous poster suggested having Ryback go on another streak and run smack into Brock at XXX. I like this. Especially with Heyman.

Punk/Bryan for the gold - if WWE gives Bryan a run between now and XXX, then I think it will be Punk's for the taking from Bryan, as Punk has paid all of his dues and really does deserve the moment. Bryan and Punk will remain in the main event picture, and all will be well.
I've personally been hoping for this since Summerslam, but sadly I don't see it happening even though it would be great to see and would undoubtedly deliver a fantastic match and a fitting ending to the Punk/Heyman feud.

It might happen as a straight up grudge match though if it's true that Punk is gonna be taking more time off soon as WWE want him fully fit for Mania season. Brock could take him out at HIAC and set up their match for Mania.

My guess though is that Brock will be in the Rumble and it will come down to him and Punk, where Punk will eliminate him for the win.

Heyman then says that even though he didn't stop Punk's dream of headlining WrestleMania Brock will overshadow him by ending the Streak, which Punk was unable to do.

WrestleMania = Cena vs Bryan vs Punk and Brock vs Taker.

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